Admission of Guilt


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"Better," Kaylee smiled.

"That?" Adonis thought as he watched Grant open the car door for an unattractive, bone-thin red head. "That's what's got him all twisted up?"

By the time Kaylee and Grant entered the clubhouse, Adonis had a better grip on himself.

"This?" he asked Grant as Grant proudly introduced the two of them. "This is the girl that gave you a black eye, put you in the hospital for all them months?"

"Grant!" Kaylee gasped. "You had to go to the hospital?"

"Honest program," Grant reminded Adonis as the two men laughed out loud.

"No, no, sweetie pie, Grant just whined and felt sorry for himself that a little girl beat him up," Adonis laughed and hugged the bone thin girl. "It is so great to meet you. Grant never shuts up about you."

"Good to meet you too," Kaylee said. "He's always talking about you."

"He ever talks about me?" Terri said in as nasty a tone as she could muster.

The two women regarded each other for a long moment. Kaylee wasn't sure what history Grant and this miserable looking woman had, but knew that it was still fresh, still raw in this woman's eyes.

"No, I don't believe he's ever talked about the attractive women that goes to his meetings," Kaylee said. "I guess he doesn't want me to get jealous or worried. He ever talks about me?"

"um, yeah, yeah," Terri said, all of the wind taken out of her sails.

"Honey, you're a genius," Grant whispered as Terri waddled away.

"And you're going to tell me what that was all about,"Kaylee hissed back.

"We used to date, but I broke it off when she started getting too serious; I was in love with this red head, you know?" Grant shrugged.

"Do you owe her an amends?" Kaylee asked, still not one hundred percent mollified.

"No, I was honest with her right from the start, didn't use her or hurt her in any way," Grant said.

Kaylee sat and listened as Adonis spoke for nearly forty-five minutes about his experience. She used the handkerchief that Grant handed her; Adonis himself teared up as he spoke of killing his girlfriend, of sobering up, of returning home to Alexandria and starting his life all over again.

"And then God puts Grant in my life," Adonis smiled. "And I'm all like, 'Oh, come on God! Ain't I suffered enough?'"

Kaylee playfully nudged Grant as several people in the room burst into laughter. The love the sensor had for his sponsee was well-known.

The dance was well underway; the DJ's equipment blasting the mix of old tunes and newer tunes at an unbearable volume. Grant couldn't dance which was perfect; Kaylee couldn't dance either.

"God, you two are so white," Leroy teased as Kaylee tugged Grant over to the soda machine.

"Ten, nine, eight..." everyone counted down, then burst into cheers and wished one another a happy new year.

"Let's go home," Kaylee whispered, then yawned to demonstrate that she was indeed ready to go home.


Again, Kaylee lay awake, trying to work up the courage to go down the hall to his bedroom. When he'd invited her to be with him this New Year's Eve, she'd intended on making love with him.

At the dance, the DJ had put on Heart's 'Crazy On You,' and Kaylee had frozen in place. Thankfully, she was in the restroom at the time and was able to put her hands over her ears, to muffle it slightly. The volume was so loud, though, she could still hear the music.

Afterward, she found Grant and Adonis and a few other men chatting and laughing. The warmth, the genuine happiness in Grant's face when he turned and saw her approaching melted away her fear, her shakiness.

But now, now she was again gripped by fear. Finally, sleep overtook her.

Grant lay awake, hoping that she would come to him, but would not go to her, would not force himself on her again. The kiss they'd shared at midnight was far too precious to chance losing.

Maybe not this New Year, but there would be other new years.

Chapter 14

"You know, I realized something last night," Grant said as he put the omelet on the table in front of her. "I realized I like bringing in the New Year with you."

"I liked it too," she said and dug into the cheese and vegetable omelet.

"And I realized I want to do that every year," he want on and put the small plate of toast in front of her.

"Oh yeah?" she asked and reached for a piece of toast.

Something clattered to the table and she looked at the ring as it spun around for a minute.

At first her mind couldn't comprehend; why would there be a diamond ring on her piece of toast? Diamond rings didn't normally come on pieces of toast. Butter. Butter and jelly, or butter and jam, that's what came on toast.

"I mean, I suppose I could ask you out every New Year's Eve, drive all the way to Baylor Lake, year after year, but I have to go through Baylor lake to get to the clubhouse anyway, so that' not all that big a deal," Grant was rambling now.

"Or you could just ask me to marry you?" Kaylee asked as she looked at the two-carat diamond ring.

"Wow, hey now! That's a great idea!" Grant said and put his own omelet on the table.

"Grant Edward Johnson," Kaylee said. "This better not be a joke."

"Baby, It's not a joke," Grant said and took her narrow face into his hands. "I'm not all that good with words, but I want you to know how much I love you, how much you mean to me, how I want to look at your face at my table every morning, every night."

"And you're not good with words?" Kaylee asked, holding onto his large hands. "That sounded pretty good to me."

"And?" Grant asked.

"And that sounds pretty good to me, to see your face at the kitchen table every morning and every night," Kaylee said and started crying.


"No, no, she was a complete angel," Tommy smiled as Kaylee and Grant came to pick up Joelee.

"He was born to be a Granddad," Cathy laughed. "I swear, I had to tell them both to keep it down, running around the house screaming like a couple of chickens with their heads cut off!"

"And who flooded the bathroom with a bubble bath?" Tommy teased back.


"But you said you'd sit next to me next time," Brandon pouted.

"I meant next Christmas," Joelee explained.

"Christmas?" Brandon exclaimed. "I can't wait that long!"

"Looks like you're going to have to," Margaret laughed.

"Grandma," Joelee whispered loudly. "I don't think I like cabbage."

"Then don't eat it," Margaret shrugged.

"What!" Grant and Brandon exclaimed. "When we were kids it was 'well you're going to sit there until it gets eaten, or Jesus Christ comes back, whichever comes first!'"

"Oh shush, I don't remember any of that," Margaret laughed.

To Joelee, she whispered loudly, "Don't listen to them, they're making that up."

"What?" Grant laughed. "Mom, we are not and you know it!"

Jesse fumed; that little brat was not Grant's kid; he was not a Grandpa. And that rock the skinny little cunt Kaylee was waggling must have cost Grant a pretty penny.

And his stupid, drunken wife was falling for it all; that was no surprise, though. Her alcohol-ravaged brain was very easily duped.

He remembered Monique; he'd managed to convince Margaret that Monique was a niece of his, staying the night. Margaret passed out at the dinner table and he fucked the bimbo right there, on their bed, while Margaret slept it off at the table.

Then there was Nancy. Margaret fell for it, hook, line and sinker, that the girl was a maid that they were trying out. Jesse had tried her out in the shower while Margaret slept off nearly an entire fifth of gin just fifteen feet away.

Margaret looked up and smiled; she knew it was tearing Jesse apart; being a Grandpa meant that he way getting old and the last thing his ego would allow was for him to get old.


Father Gregory warmly greeted Kaylee; he remembered her from the four years she'd been a student at St. Thomas Aquinas. Grant, he vaguely remembered. With great joy, he agreed to celebrate their wedding.

"Congratulations," Terri said half-heartedly.

Craig had called her, letting her know that he and his new wife were taking Macy to Oklahoma.

"Hey, Terri," he said after Terri finished screaming and crying. "I didn't even have to tell you, but I thought I'd be nice and let you know."

Adonis shed tears of joy when Grant asked him to be the best man.

"God, if I knew you were a big sissy, I'd have asked someone else!" Grant teased him.

Shannon cried happily when Kaylee asked her to be the maid of honor. Kaylee would have asked Sandra but the moment she sold the sandwich shop, her health had taken a violent turn for the worse and she was confined to her bed.

Tommy was sober as he walked his daughter down the aisle. He and Grant shook hands firmly. Kaylee smiled at the tears her father was trying to hold back.

Margaret sat and dabbed tears of joy; her boy was getting married. And she was six weeks sober. She did feel kind of funny going to the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in DeGarde; she was the oldest person there; the majority of the people were college students.

"But I'm also the happiest person here," she laughed. "I'm a Grandma! And let me tell you, that Joelee is not going to have a drunk Grandma!"

Jesse sat next to his wife, feeling every inch of sixty-four years of age. Behind Grant's back, he'd gotten a saliva swab from Joelee and sent it off to be analyzed. She was his granddaughter. Of course the fact that she was absolutely beautiful, absolutely adorable did soften the blow somewhat.

He looked at the bride. The fact that Kaylee looked an awful lot like Joelee wasn't wasted on him.

"When do they kiss?" Joelee, doing duty as the ring-bearer loudly asked Father Gregory.

The congregation tittered loudly.

"When I tell them to," he answered her. "And not a moment sooner."

"Then hurry up," she ordered.

"God help the man that marries you," he said and continued with the ceremony.


She was nervous. The night she'd dreamed of for years was finally here.

Her husband entered the bedroom and she smiled; he was nervous too.

"Oh, my God, Baby, you are so beautiful," Grant said.

Kaylee wore a white baby doll nightie., her long red hair worn loosely.

He slipped out of his silk robe and her eyes looked at the two ugly scars in his chest. He slipped out of his silk boxers and her eyes widened in fear; it was large and angry looking. She remembered how much it had hurt her.

His kisses still took her breath away and his sighs and exclamations as he undressed her did ease her worries and fears somewhat.

But every time he put his cock to the entrance to her pussy, she clamped down.

"I'm sorry," she burst into sobs. "I'm so sorry."

"Shh, shh," he soothed and lay down. "It's not your fault, it's mine."

He pulled her on top of him and held her tightly. He kissed her face; her eyes, nerd nose, her cheeks, her lips. His hands lovingly rubbed her back, her arms, her flat chest, and her sensitive nipples.

She gasped aloud. His cock was halfway inside of her. It did not hurt, it felt wonderful.

He laughed out loud when she grunted and drove the last three inches into herself. She screamed out loud as an orgasm rippled through her, violently shaking as it kept rippling and pulsing and rippling and pulsing.

"Oh God," she cried out. "Oh God! It just keeps, oh!"


KayAnn Mary Johnson was born exactly nine months after their marriage. Grant and Kaylee liked to joke that Kaylee got pregnant when Father Gregory said 'You may kiss the bride.'

Joelee loves being a big sister to KayAnn but hopes that the new baby that is growing in Mommy's tummy will be a boy this time.

Jesse could not adapt to having a sober wife and divorced Margaret just before she celebrated six months of sobriety.

He married Alana, his latest personal assistant. Their marriage lasted four months, then she left him for a pizza delivery boy. Her parting gift to Jesse, besides Herpes Simplex II was to empty his bank accounts. Pride kept him from calling the police, filing charges against her.

Margaret enjoys being a Grandma, a sober Grandma. As she tells Joelee, "Y'all are my whole world."

Brandon, seeing his girlfriend for what she was, broke it off with her. He is currently dating Elise Simone and they are talking about marriage.

Parker Johnson is a chip off the old block. His wife is a large breasted zombie and his personal assistant is very well endowed and very accessible.

Terri attempted to commit suicide, but only succeeded in giving herself a serious headache from the combination of sleeping pills and booze.

"Maybe God wants you to be here," Rosemary kindly suggested. "Now, since you're stuck here, why don't we start on them steps? I mean, as long as you're here, might as well be happy, right?"

Terri will not admit it, but she is grateful that Rosemary has designated herself to be Terri's sponsor.

Adonis continues to be Grant's sponsor. He briefly thought about dating, about marriage, but, even though in his head he knows that God forgives him for killing Ethel, he cannot forgive himself. That doesn't stop Shannon from trying, though.

Tommy and Cathy won a cruise to the Bahamas. On the cruise, Tommy discovered he was married to a beautiful, sensual, and loving woman.

Sandra died from cancer two weeks after Kaylee's marriage.

The New owners of the sandwich shop went bankrupt less then three months after buying the shop. They cut quality in order to maximize profits, but only succeeded in cutting customers.

Shelley has visited Kaylee a few times, behind his boyfriend's back. Also behind his boyfriend's back, he is thinking of moving to Alexandria. His boyfriend will not be making the move with him.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wow. I have to agree with JLRemora, Blueberrymaiden, and Paul in Oklahoma (especially his last comment of four years ago). Incredible story! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

chasbo38chasbo386 months ago

Sorry but I gave up half way through. None of the characters were likeable. Most were folks you would never want to have into your life.

WisquejacWisquejac8 months ago

I liked but I have doubts. Forgiving rape? Donโ€™t know about that. Anyway good story thanks..

shopratshopratabout 1 year ago

Great job. The <<<< and >>>> helped quite a bit. But even without that your stories are good enough that I don't mind at all going back and re-reading a page or two here and there to completely get what's happening.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

I do not get it. The simple joy after a rough start in life is the foundation of all good (feeling) stories. I read comments on this category and wonder what these members are thinking when they read the romance tag. Finally, your ability to build a story and characters is way up there on this site. Thanks for sharing...

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