Affairs to Remember Pt. 04


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"किशोर भाई तो पहली किसम के मर्दो में हैं," she explained. "इसलिए अच्छा न दिखने पर भी बहुत सी सुंदर युवतियों को अपने बच्चे की मां बना चुका हैं।" "Clearly, Kishore bhai belongs to the first category. That's why, despite not being the best-looking, he can seduce young and beautiful women and even impregnate them with his seed."

"क्या? प्रेगनेंट?" I muttered. "What pregnant?"

"सही वक्त आने पर बताति हूं।" She smiled. "I will tell you at the right time."

"संजय शायद थोड़ा दूसरे और तीसरे टाइप का मर्द हैं। मतलब अभी तो वो मर्द बना हैं और उसे खुद को ठीक से नहीं पता के वो असली मर्द हैं या नहीं। ऐसे मर्द मौका मिलने पर भी थोड़ा संकोच करते हैं और तुम देखोगे वो खुद के सुख से ज्यादा तुम्हारी सुख पर ध्यान देगा। इसलिए तुम्हें चाट कर खुशी देने के लिए बहुत इच्छुक रहेगा," she continued. "Sanjay may be from the 2nd or 3rd category. He is just transforming from a boy to a man, and he is not sure about his own bearings yet. Such men hesitate even after getting an opportunity. You will notice he would focus more on your needs than his own. That's why he would be happy to lick you and find his own happiness in that."

"तो संजय को लगता हैं कि किशोर भाई मुझ पर चढ़ेंगे?" I breathlessly asked. "So Sanjay believes that Kishore bhai would mount me?"

"हाँ, वह यही सोचता हैं," she replied with a mischievous smile. "Yes, that's what he thinks."

"संजय किशोर भाई को एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के रूप में देखता हैं जो अनुभवी और आत्मविश्वासी हैं, एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जो जानता हैं कि वह क्या चाहता हैं और उसे हासिल करता हैं। वह किशोर भाई को पॉवर और डोमिनेन्स के प्रतीक के रूप में देखता हैं। संजय उसे तुम्हें यौन सुख देने का और अपने प्यार को दिखाने का जरीया समझता हैं। वह मानता हैं कि किशोर भाई तुम्हारी ओर निश्चित रूप से आकर्षित होंगे और तुम पर चढ़ने में संकोच नहीं करेंगे।" "Sanjay sees Kishore bhai as someone who is experienced and confident, someone who knows what he wants and goes after it. He sees Kishore bhai as a symbol of power and dominance. Sanjay sees it as a way for you to experience sexual pleasure and for him to express his love for you. And Sanjay believes that Kishore bhai will definitely get attracted to you and won't hesitate to mount you."

It was the most chaste Hindi I had rarely heard outside of the classroom. It took a little while for me to understand, but I got the gist of it.

"तुम्हारी हिंदी तो बहुत अच्छी हैं?" I said. "Your Hindi is very good."

"मेरी जान हिंदी क्या मेरी तो बायोलॉजी और कैमिस्ट्री भी बहुत अच्छी हैं," she giggled. "My love--even my biology and chemistry are pretty strong."

I smiled.

"मैं कह रही थी," she said. "उसे क्या चाली के हर एक मर्द को भी यही लगता होगा." "I was saying. Every man in the chawl believes that."

"तुम इतनी ख़ूबसूरत हो और वो एक नंबर का चमड़ी इंसान हैं। मतलब वो तुम पर चढ़ने की कोशिश करेगा ये तो हर कोई जानता हैं। और संजय को इतना यकीन भी होगा कि तुम अगर सती सावित्री भी होती तो आज नहीं तो कल तुम उसके बच्चे की माँ जरूर बनोगी," she elaborated. "You are so beautiful, and he is a well-known womanizer. It's apparent that he would try to mount you. It should be clear to Sanjay that even if you were a woman of high morals, he would definitely pursue you and at some point father a child with you.

She was so certain that it seemed like a forgone conclusion, even in her mind.

"तो मेरी राय कोई महत्त्व नहीं रखती?" I playfully asked. "So my opinion doesn't matter?"

"तुम्हारी ही तो राय महत्त्व रखती हैं," she retorted as she homed in on my nipple and rubbed them with her fingers and tried to grab them with her index finger and thumb. "तूम्ही तो दो गी उसे चढ़ने और तूम्ही उसके बच्चे को नौ महीने अपने कोक में पालोगी।" "It's your opinion that matters the most. After all, he would mount you, and you would let his seed grow in your womb for 9 months, right?"

I nervously smiled. She was now toying with me, delicately kissing my lip and offering her tongue for me to suck on.

"एक बार वो चढ़ गया तो तुम्हें सिर्फ जन्नत ही मेहसूस होगा," she said. "बस उसके बाद फिर तुम्ह उसे मना नहीं कर सको गी।" "Once you mount you, then you will only experience heaven. After that, you won't be able to resist him."

"तुम्हें पूरा यकीन हैं?" I whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. "Are you convinced of it?"

She looked into my eyes, her gaze filled with a raw intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "हाँ," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "मुझे पूरा यकीन हैं।" "Yes. I am fully convinced."

"ये तो शायद तुम्हारी सास भी जानती होगी। तभी तो वो प्राइवेसी के लिए नया दरवाजा बैठा रहे हैं। इससे तो दोनों घरों में आना जाना बहुत आसान हो जाएगा।" "I am sure even your mother-in-law is convinced of that. No wonder she is fitting that iron door to enclose the patio between both of your flats so that you folks can easily enter each other's homes."

It was rather strange that she even knew that my mother-in-law would approve of this affair. Clearly, there was some discussion about her marriage with Sanjay, and perhaps things didn't move forward. I had seen good chemistry between Mamta and Sanjay and often wondered why he hadn't married her. She was a couple of years older than him, but that didn't seem excessive in my mind. Maybe Sanjay's mother had been pressuring him to marry someone from their community or a Maharashtrian. Mamta's age might have been a factor causing hesitation in their relationship, as families tend to prioritize finding younger partners for their sons. Although Mamta and Sanjay had great chemistry, societal expectations and family pressures could have played a role in their relationship not progressing.

"और तुम्हें लगता हैं संजय भी यही चाहता हैं?" I asked, pulling away. "And you think Sanjay too desires this?"

"अरे तुम्हें बताया ना संजय दूसरे और तीसरी किसम के मर्दों में से लगता हैं तो वो सूंघने और चाटनेसे भी बहुत संतुष्ट हो जाते हैं। और देख ये सब बातें कोई नहीं करता बस समझ नी होती हैं," she said. "Sanjay belongs to the 2nd or 3rd category of men who are eager to please their women by licking them. And listen, no one talks about such things. It's just to be understood."

Both Mamta and Sanjay's mother were quite sure, but it only deepened my quandary. As I reflected on the circumstances that led to my relationship with Sanjay, I couldn't help but wonder if there were deeper forces at play. Was it fate's plan for me to become entangled in this affair, to become the daughter-in-law of that household, or was it simply my physical beauty that bewitched him? Maybe it was a combination of both, intertwined with my upbringing and the mysterious genetic traits of my Brahmin heritage. While the whole situation seemed almost choreographed, it unfolded naturally, with no active effort on my part. What troubled me the most, however, was the ease with which Kishore bhai seduced me. It was as if he had a hypnotic power over me, and the realization made me question the true nature of our connection. Despite the certainty that this affair would continue for a considerable period, I still had not fully comprehended the extent of Sanjay's involvement and the peculiar role he played in our illicit union.

"Hmm..." I quipped. "मुझे समझ तो आ रहा हैं पर ये सब साधारण चीजें तो नहीं। तो थोड़ा अजीब और डर भी लग रहा हैं।" "I get it, but these are not ordinary things. It feels odd, and I am afraid."

"किस बात का डर?" She asked, caressing my taut belly, which was already showing the benefits of my yoga practice that I had started earlier that summer. "What are you afraid of?"

"यहीं के लोग क्या सोचेंगे. और संजय और मेरे रिश्ते का क्या होगा?" I exhaled. "What would people think? And how would this affect my relationship with Sanjay?"

She looked at me with understanding eyes, her fingers continuing to glide gently over my taut belly. She replied softly, her voice filled with reassurance. "जब तक तूम खुद से प्यार करना और खुद को स्वीकार करना नहीं सीख लेती, तब तक इससे क्या फर्क पड़ता हैं कि दूसरे क्या सोचते हैं?" "Until you learn to love and accept yourself, how does it matter what others think?"

"तुम किसी स्वर्ग की अप्सरा से कम नहीं," she continued. "कोई साधारण व्यक्ति तुम्हें पूरी तरह से यौन सुख नहीं दे सकता। आज नहीं तो कल तुम्हें किशोर भाई जैसे किसी मर्द से चढवाना ही पड़ेगा। फिर देरी क्यो?" "You are no less than a maiden from heaven. No ordinary man can fully satisfy you sexually. Today or tomorrow, you will resort to someone like Kishore Bhai--only a man like him can do true justice to your beauty. Why wait then?"

I listened to her intently; the words rolling off her tongue like poetry. There was no doubt what she spoke of deeply resonated with me. It was as if she had a deep, unexplained bond with me and read my deepest thoughts that perhaps even I was afraid of admitting. Warmth of her body and her hand on my belly was comforting and slowly nudged me to accept my fate, even if it meant living an unconventional life. She compared me to a celestial nymph, just the way Kishore bhai did, emphasizing that no ordinary person could fulfill my desires completely. It was a reminder that I deserved a lot, and perhaps I was only meant for taking and giving carnal pleasures, not settling for anything less than what I truly desired.

"और लोगो का क्या? लोग तो वही सोचेंगे जो तुम सोच रही हो। किशोर भाई जैसा मर्द तुम्हारे जैसा खूबसूरत लड़की को हात से जाने नहीं देगा। तुम्हारे जो भी बच्चे होंगे वो किशोर भाई के हैं ऐसा लोग सोचेंगे। और जो तुम्हारे चेहरे पर संतुष्टि होगी वो उसकी वजह से हैं ऐसा उन्हें लगेगा," she said. "People would think exactly what you are thinking. A man like Kishore bhai wouldn't let a beauty like you escape his clutches. They will think that all your children are his, and even the very smile and satisfaction on your face are due to him."

She paused, letting me contemplate. Society had a way of creating narratives and assumptions based on appearances. The mere idea of being associated with someone like Kishore bhai, a man known for his charm and charisma, brought both excitement and apprehension to my mind. I wondered how I could navigate this complex lifestyle, knowing that my desires are unconventional and hard for society to understand.

As Mamta attentively listened to my thoughts and shared her own insights, I experienced a sense of relief. It was refreshing to have someone to confide in who understood the intricacies of my emotions. Together, we delved into discussions that challenged societal norms and explored the depths of our desires, unafraid of judgment.

"इस चाली में वो और भी औरतों पे चढ़ चुका हैं और शायद कहियोको मा भी बनाया हैं, तो उसके बारे में चिंता करने की ज़रूरत नहीं। बस थोड़ा सतर्क होना होगा और कुछ नहीं," she added. "He has mounted and impregnated a few women from this chawl. You don't need to worry about it, but yes, continue to be alert."

"और संजय का क्या?" I asked. "What about Sanjay?"

Mamta pushed her hand inside my skirt, and I stopped her, but she didn't wait and pushed her hand inside and traced the narrow slit. I shuddered as her fingers contacted my delicate lips. She too was delirious as she whispered into my ear, "मयूरी तुम्हारी; तुम तो एकदम कुँवारी लगती हो।" "Mayuri, you seem like a complete virgin."

I blushed at Mamta's words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. Her touch sent a wave of desire through my body, but I tried to focus on the question I had asked. "पर संजय का क्या?" I repeated, my voice trembling slightly. "But what about Sanjay?"

Mamta's fingers continued to explore my intimate area, causing me to gasp and lose my train of thought for a moment. She whispered in my ear, her voice filled with a hint of mischief, "संजय? ओह, उसे भी अपने अनुभवों का उचित हिस्सा मिला हैं, मेरी जान।" "Sanjay? Oh, he's had his fair share of experiences too, my dear."

She sensuously traced my pussy lips with her delicate fingers and asked, "तो तुम सच में कुँवारी हो?" "Oh god, you indeed are a virgin!"

I blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement at Mamta's words. Her touch was electrifying, and I couldn't help but squirm under her skilled hands. "हाँ," I breathed out, my voice barely above a whisper. "Yes," I admitted, feeling a surge of anticipation and vulnerability.

Mamta's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as she leaned in closer, her lips hovering just inches from mine. "अच्छा," she purred, her voice dripping with desire. "फिर किशोर भाई से ही पहले चुदवाना। तुम्हने सोचा भी नहीं होगा उतनी खुशी तुम्हें देगा।" "Great! Then give your virginity to only Kishore bhai. You can't even imagine how much pleasure you will receive."

My heart raced as I realized that she was asking me to cuckold Sanjay with Kishore bhai. I was consumed with lust filled thoughts and her sensuous touch that was titillating me as no one else had done until then. The touch of her finger on my pussy and the pressure of her middle finger against my anus sent waves of pleasure coursing through me. In that moment, I knew I was about to experience a level of ecstasy I had never known before.

"हे भगवान, तुम तो पीछे से भी कुंवारी हो," she whispered, probing my back hole. "Even your back hole is unused."

My breath hitched as Mamta's words sent a surge of excitement through me. The intensity of her touch only intensified the sensations, causing my body to tremble with desire. I surrendered myself completely to her, allowing her to guide me on our unique journey. The way she explored every inch of my body, paying equal attention to my most intimate areas, ignited a fire within me that burned with a raw, primal passion. I felt myself unraveling and losing control in the most exquisite way conceivable.

Her finger was rough, but I liked it and soaked in those feelings and said, "क्या किशोर भाई ने भी ये भाप लिया होगा?" "Do you think Kishore bhai would have read it?"

As I uttered those words in a hushed whisper, a mischievous smile danced upon her lips. She paused for a moment, her finger still teasingly grazing my skin, before responding with a sultry tone, "कया पता। तुम्हें देख कर तो मुझे सच में लगा के तुम कुंवारी हो। लेकिन फिर किशोर भाई के साथ तुम्हारी रोमांस देखा तो लगा के शायद काफी अनुभव होगा तुम्हें।" "Who knows? Upon meeting you, I felt you were a virgin, but when I saw your romance with Kishore bhai, I thought you were quite experienced."

I couldn't help but wonder what she meant by "romance" with Kishore bhai. Memories flooded my mind--images of stolen glances and secret rendezvouses. Had I been too obvious in my affections? Was my innocence merely an illusion? Would others have seen what she saw, I wondered?

She then pulled away her hands and said, "मेरी उंगलियों से बेहतर हैं कि तुम किशोर भाई के लंड से अपनी ओपनिंग कराओ।" "It's better that Kishore bhai opens this account."

"और अपनी गांड को साफ रखो, शायद वो पहले इसी छेद में डाले। तुम्हारी गांड एकदम रसभरी हैं; किशोर भाई को ऐसी गांड बहुत पसंद हैं।" "And keep your back hole clean. Perhaps Kishore bhai would take your anal virginity first. You have a perfect and shapely butt. He is very fond of such butts."

It came to an abrupt halt, and I felt a bit let down, but Mamta spotted someone entering the terrace, as she remained quite alert, even though I was completely absorbed in those pleasurable sensations. And then, without warning, I felt a soft nose up my crack. Before I could scream, Mamta covered my mouth and hushed me to keep it quiet, but the soft sensation up my crack freaked me out until I realized it was Rocco. Rocco was one of the neighbor's dogs on Sanjay's floor. Rocco's owners had brought him up for his usual bio break, and he was playfully exploring my behind. Relieved, I let out a nervous chuckle as Mamta removed her hand from my mouth and let her other hand go as well, due to which the skirt dropped on him. Rocco was trapped inside, and I tried to shoo him away, but he started sniffing my wet pants and didn't let go until Mamta pulled him back with his collar. We burst into laughter, relieved that it wasn't anything more sinister, and Rocco wagged his tail, delighted with the reaction he had caused.

Rocco continued to persist until Mamta called for her owners and made them lead him away. I had met him a few times and was familiar with him, so I wasn't scared of him, but his actions definitely caused sexual energy to surge in my veins, but now my thoughts were a little different from when I was with Mamta. Now, I couldn't help but wonder if Rocco's innocent playfulness had a deeper meaning. Was he trying to communicate something to me, or was it just my imagination getting carried away? Did he see me just the way Kishore bhai saw me? A bitch in heat and perpetually willing to mate and even procreate? Fortunately, I understood this dynamic rather well, as I had seen something happen in my family in my ancestral home, but that is a story better told at a later time.

Mamta headed back speedily and, giggling with excitement and hugging me, breathlessly whispered, "तुम तो रोक्को के भी नजरों से नहीं बची!" "You couldn't even escape Rocco's eyes!"

"छी ममता कुछ भी," I reprimanded her. "Chee... Mamta that's disgusting."

"अरे पागल। ये इस चाली का वर्ल्ड फेमस कुत्ता हैं," she added excitedly. "You idiot, Rocco is the world-famous dog of this chawl!"

I chuckled hearing it, but she continued, "तुझे पता हैं रोक्को की उमर क्या हैं? कुछ नौ साल का होगा अभी। याने कुछ पचपन साल की उमर होती अगर वो इंसान होता। मगर आज भी चढ़ जाता हैं तो ऐसा सुख देता हैं के तुम किशोर भाई को भी भूल जोगी।" "Do you know how old Rocco is? He is perhaps 9 years old, which is equal to that of a 55-year-old man. But even today, he mounts and could give you such pleasure that you would even forget Kishore bhai."

I covered my mouth, feigning ignorance.

"और हीरो के नखरे तो देखो?" she continued. "मुझ पर आसानी से नहीं चढ़ता पर ललिता या मेरी दीदी पर तुरंत चढ़ जाता हैं।" "And you won't believe how choosy he is. Won't mount me, but quickly mount Lalita and my eldest sister."

"क्या अनाप शनाप बक रही हो," I frowned. "What nonsense?"

"सच कह रही हूं।" "I am only speaking the truth."

"कुछ भी? कुत्तों से कोई चढ़ावाता हैं क्या?" "What nonsense? Does anyone even get mounted by a dog?"

"अरे कुत्ते ही तो चढ़ते हैं? उन्हें सिर्फ एक गर्म, नरम, मखमली, चूत की ज़रूरत होती हैं। बाकी वो सब कुछ ही कर लेते हैं।" "Only dogs mount. All they need is a warm, soft, velvety pussy. The rest they take care of."

I burst out laughing, unable to contain myself. "तुम भी ना, कैसी कैसी बातें करते हो," I said, shaking my head. "You are incorrigible. What rubbish you talk."

"पर सच है," she insisted, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It's true, though."

"ललिता और मैं ने उसे कई बार मौका दिया वो हमेशा ललिता पर ही चढ़ता हैं।" "Lalita and I have given him a choice several times, but he always chooses Lalita."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her story.

"सच मैं रोक्को?" I asked, leaning in closer. "Really? Rocco?"

"आधे टाइम तो वो दूसरे के घर में ही रहता हैं तो कभी कभी हम लोग रात में अपने घर सुला लेते हैं और फिर थोड़ा रोमांस करते हैं उसके साथ।" "Half the time he stays at someone else's house, so sometimes we invite him to our home at night and then have a little fun with him."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter again, amazed by her vivid imagination.

"वाह, मुझे विश्वास नहीं हो रहा हैं कि तुम दोनों सच में एसी शैतानी भी कर सकते हो," I chuckled, still finding it hard to take her story seriously. "लेकिन अगर कोई तुम्हे देखले तो? यह रिस्की लगता है।" "Wow! I can't believe that you both can actually do such mischief. But it can be quite risky."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "उसी में तो मजा हैं। इसके अलावा, हम हमेशा रोक्को को हमारे घर तभी बुलाते हैं जब घर पर कोई न हो।" "That's the fun! Besides, we always call Rocky to our house only when no one is home."

I couldn't help but admire her audacity and sense of adventure, even if it was all just a playful charade.

"कहानी अच्छी बनाती हो," I smiled. "You make good stories."

"पागल कहानी नहीं। सच कहा रही हूं," she said emphatically. "It's true, you idiot."

She looked at me in disbelief and, in a determined tone, asked, "ठीक हैं आज रात तुम्हें बता ही देते हैं एक पचपन वर्ष के नर पर तुम्हारा क्या असर होता हैं।" "Ok. Tonight let us prove it to you what effect you have on a 55-year-old man."
