After the Fall Ch. 08


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Paula was the first person to speak. "I think it's wonderful. I knew you had something in mind, but I didn't know it would be this big. I just hate to think of people out there not having enough to eat. And the kids! Will the kids be the first ones to come in?"

"Not as a group. They'll come in with their parents. The first group coming in is being chosen based on skills to build more to bring other people in. That will allow us to bring the most people in the soonest."

Seth spoke next. "Now I understand why you and Mariah were wanting to know all that gardening information! I think it's a fine idea. I've done the calculations you've asked for, and I'll be able to recommend a plot size for each family's garden. Is that what you were wanting?"

"It's exactly what we wanted," Michael confirmed. "But we're thinking of having both a communal garden and family plots. One rewards cooperation and the other rewards individual effort. The produce from the communal garden can be apportioned fairly among all the families, and then they can use their own gardens to grow more of what they want or things that they want to sell in town. One of our goals will be for people to produce more than they need so that more will be available to the people still in town."

"What can I do to help?" Marcus asked.

"I was hoping you could help us plan how much food is needed per person relative to crops."

"I already did that for Seth's calculations." Marcus sounded disappointed that his skills weren't needed.

"Actually," Mariah interjected, "There were a couple of things we wanted to ask you about. We were wondering if you might be willing to give some classes on what sorts of local plants are edible. The other thing we considered was cooking demonstrations to show people how to stretch their resources, like using bones or vegetable scraps."

"Ah! I like that idea! But I don't know much about the local plants."

"I can help you with that if you can teach people how the plants can be used."

"Yes! Let's do that!" Marcus' enthusiasm was contagious.

"We could help with construction," Daniel volunteered, apparently including Amy's services in the package deal.

Michael nodded. "The thing is, you and Amy have skills that will be so in demand that I want to be judicious about how we use them. We'll have to figure out a way to balance it so that you're only working on projects where you're really needed. I want to focus on giving people what they need to help themselves, rather than doing everything for them. Even so, I think you and Amy will have as much to work on as you want. I don't want you overworking yourselves, though, or feeling like you have two jobs."

"We'd like to have some projects," Amy assured him.

"Thanks, Amy. You guys are the best. The sunroof you fixed on the old pool building is already going to help. We're going to try some aquatic gardening in the pool."

"Could we grow some watercress there?" Marcus asked. "I'd love to have some to add to garden salads. Or, watercress and strawberry salads. With a lemon-honey vinaigrette."

"Sounds delicious. From what Mariah told me, I think watercress may be one of the main things we'll grow there."

Michael looked down the side of the table where the security team sat. Yvonne's attention was fixed on the images from the camera feeds projected on the wall, but he was sure she was listening to every word. The rest of the team divided their attention between glances at the feeds and the discussion at the table.

"We haven't heard from security. You guys will be impacted the most. What are your thoughts on it?"

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the security part of it," Jack said, "but from a personal standpoint, I'm looking forward to meeting some new people. Especially the pretty, datable ones!"

Jack's comment was met with scattered laughter.

"We know where your priorities are," Daniel teased him.

Jack shrugged. "Hey, I didn't sign up for the priesthood, and I get no love around here." He was looking toward Daniel, but he briefly caught Amy's eye. She looked down quickly as a light flush rose in her cheeks. "Anyway," Jack added hurriedly, "I'm sure you won't mind a few social opportunities, either."

"Whatever we can do to help with your dating life," Michael joked. "That raises a point, though. We'll need to establish some protocols for social contacts. I don't mean the personal details, of course, but access to the compound must remain restricted. Only people who have been pre-cleared to come into our part of the compound will be allowed in. We're going to need to figure out a system for keeping track of any of us who is in the new settlement area, either for work or personal reasons. We might need to establish a regular radio check-in schedule for anyone outside the compound."

"I agree," Ezra said. "We need to make sure it's not a free-for-all. I'd rather not have everyone over there at once unless they're there as a group."

"What about you, Andy?" Michael asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure what to think. It's exciting, but it makes me a little nervous. The compound's been locked down since I was a kid."

"That's understandable. My goal is to keep everything at the compound as normal as possible and to isolate the changes to the new area we're setting up. Of course, as a member of the security team, you may have fairly frequent interaction with people from Ashland, especially in the beginning, while we get our new team members in place."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm not nervous in a bad way. It's more like not knowing what to expect."

Nate blew out his breath in a huff. "Not knowing what to expect is exactly what bothers me about it. I'm skeptical by nature, I guess, but I don't see why people in town need us to fix their problem. If they care about it, why don't they do it themselves?"

"Fair point. The way I see it, Hawley's gang is the biggest obstacle to people doing it for themselves. The way I see it, the rest of the town is feeding and supplying Hawley and his crew. They take what they want. There's not much incentive to do more when someone's just going to come along and wreck it or take it from you."

Mariah added, "Remember, too, that people are living hand-to-mouth. They don't have anything left over to invest. That goes for time, energy, or supplies. If it takes everything you've got to get by, it's pretty hard to do extra. When you don't even know if something's going to pay off, it's risky to invest limited resources in it."

Michael nodded. "It's taking me time to wrap my mind around the calculations people are making out there. It's a different world than what we're used to, and what makes sense in here, doesn't necessarily make sense out there.

"Besides taking things outright, Hawley's group is draining the town of tokens and things they could sell to couriers. They're selling people a drug called blaze. Blaze is a version of the kind of drugs that were commonly known as 'bath salts.' I don't know what they're using to make it, but we know the effects are similar to methamphetamines. I strongly suspect that drug habits are contributing greatly to the theft of crops and valuables. I think that's how most of the stuff that goes missing gets into Hawley's hands.

"Blaze isn't a problem we can take on right now, but we can allow people to isolate themselves from gangs and from people with drug habits they can't kick. If we can give people a safe area where they have a chance to start investing their time and energy, I think that's what they'll do. In time, the people we bring into the new area will be able to show through their own success that there is hope and that there is something to strive for. As they expand the new area, more people can become part of that success story. When that happens, maybe people will be in a position to start taking their town back. That's the opportunity I'm hoping we can provide."

Nate looked genuinely touched. "You've got a good heart, Michael. All I ask is that we keep the security of the compound the number one priority."

"Absolutely. And if you ever feel like it's not being treated as the top priority, I'd like you to let me know."

Nate nodded. "I will."

"How about you, Yvonne?"

Yvonne was sitting beside Ezra. Before responding, she nudged him and muttered, "Got this?"

"Got it," Ezra answered. He shifted his full attention to the wall of video feed images.

That settled, Yvonne answered Michael. "I think it's a good thing. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm cautious. I've wished we had more outside contact for a long time, and now I'm hoping it doesn't become a case of 'be careful what you wish for.' I think it'll turn out fine, though. We just have to be careful, and I think a lot of care should be taken deciding who gets invited to come work or have a home in the new area."

"Absolutely. Everyone who comes into the new area is going to be approved by Mariah or someone Mariah trusts who knows that person. Now that Sarah's here, she can weigh in, too. We'll also make it clear to people that if they cause trouble, they'll have to leave. I'm not going to tolerate trouble-making right outside the wall of the compound."

"Sounds good to me." Yvonne nudged Ezra as she resumed her focus on the wall of projections from the video feeds.

"Ezra? I'd like to get your take on this."

Ezra paused for a moment before he answered. "I see it primarily from the security perspective. That means I see the potential for problems. But the reason I see it that way is so I can identify the risks and take care of them before they become problems. What Yvonne mentioned about deciding who gets access to the settlement area was one of my biggest concerns. The even bigger concern I have is about getting our team augmented so that we have the resources to increase security around the compound and to police the settlement. If we can get that set up to my satisfaction, I think everything else is manageable."

"From a personal perspective, I hadn't missed the outside contact, but maybe I didn't know what I was missing. I'm happy that Sarah and Mariah have joined us," he added gruffly.

Sarah looked down at her hands. It was obvious to everyone who Ezra was especially happy to have in the compound.

"I agree that adding to our security team can't wait. I'm planning a trip to The Center at the end of the week with the hope of hiring some people. Fortunately, they've trained so many people now that there are always people looking for a post. I'd like you to come with me, Ezra, to make the selections."

Ezra nodded. "Of course."

"Where will the people you're hiring going to live?" Paula asked.

"For now, I think we can set up empty rooms in the basement. We've got a whole bunch of bedroom-sized rooms with nothing in them, and bathrooms right down the hall. I'll have to talk to some of the other Elites and find out who's hoarding furniture. I'm sure one or more of them has the contents of multiple furniture warehouses squirreled away somewhere. I'll need to work with you on the supplies, Paula. Marcus, I'll need to work with you on the food provisions. Be thinking about whether you're going to need more help in the kitchen, too."

"Ultimately, I'd like to build a barracks in the new area for the new team members. I'd like for them to integrate with the community as much as possible, and it would be nice to have them right there on the spot. I haven't had a chance to talk to Ezra about this, so it may change, but I'm envisioning that the people regularly assigned to the settlement will be new team members, with oversight from Ezra and assistance from our current team until things are up and running smoothly."

"You can't just keep calling it "the new area" forever," Paula objected. "It needs a name."

"Okay. What do you guys suggest?"

There was silence around the table.

"We could just call it 'The Annex' until we think of something better," Andy suggested.

"'The Annex' it is. Any other thoughts on our new project?"

When nobody said anything, Michael concluded. "In that case, I'll let you guys get back to your day. Please let me or Mariah know if you have any questions that come up afterward. We'll meet again about this periodically. I'm going to leave a notepad here on the conference table for anyone who wants to suggest something to cover at the next meeting. If something comes to mind, jot it down so it doesn't get forgotten. I'll look over whatever's on the notepad before the next meeting to make sure I'm prepared to talk about it."

With the meeting over, people straggled out gradually, pausing to talk in excited tones as they left. Michael invited Ezra up to his wing for a private meeting about the upcoming trip to The Center. He also planned to apologize for not letting Ezra know about the project until he heard about it in the meeting yesterday with the rest of the security team.

"Coming?" Michael asked when Mariah didn't follow.

"Sarah and I have some things to go over."

"Okay. See you later, then."

Mariah beckoned Sarah as she headed for the door. Henry noticed Mariah was leaving and hurried over to join her.

"We have things to go over?" Sarah echoed Mariah's explanation to Michael once they were out of earshot.

"Don't play coy with me. Where do you want to go to talk about this 'stuff' you have to tell me?"

"Ezra's going upstairs with Michael, so let's just go back to his quarters."

Despite having been excited to share her news with Mariah earlier, Sarah was feeling suddenly shy. Without realizing it, her pace had slowed to a crawl.

"We don't have to talk about it if you've changed your mind, you know," Mariah said.

"I want to tell you. I just feel kind of silly."

"Then come on, let's get it over with!" Mariah grabbed Sarah's hand and tugged her down the hall.

"All right, all right! You don't have to be so pushy."

"I'm not pushing, but if pulling doesn't work, I may try pushing."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "You know that's not funny, right?"

"It sounded funnier in my head."

"That's probably because the inside of your head is a very funny place."

"Hey!" Mariah protested as they reached the door. "Now who's not funny?"

"Still you!"

Henry followed them through the door and began diligently giving Ezra's quarters the once-over. Sarah curled up in an easy chair and Mariah plopped down caddy-corner from her on the couch.

"So?" Mariah asked expectantly.

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. I've made it seem like a bigger deal than it is."

"More disappointed than if you talk yourself out of telling me about this itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy, insignificant, nothing-to-see-here, totally inconsequential bit of information you're avoiding telling me?"

"He kissed me. It was an accident, though."

Mariah grinned. "No big deal, huh? Tell me, how did he manage to 'accidentally' kiss you?"

Sarah shot her a reproachful look. "After dinner, I was putting some more of my things away in the drawers he's letting me use. He wasn't back to his quarters when I started, and I didn't hear him come in. He was standing in the doorway to the bedroom, and I had my back to him putting things in the dresser drawer. When he said something, it scared me so bad I screamed.

"All of a sudden, he was right behind me, asking if I was okay. I turned around, and he was closer than I thought. It startled me and I kind of squeaked. I guess he thought I was freaking out, because next thing I knew, he had his hands on my shoulder and he was telling me everything was okay. He was still so close, when I looked up at him... well, all of a sudden he was leaning down to kiss me. I thought he was going to kiss me, anyway, but then he stopped and said he'd like to kiss me. I don't remember if I said something or maybe just nodded, but next thing I knew hewas kissing me."

Mariah was smiling so broadly that her cheeks were starting to ache. "That's so sweet. I knew he was a sweetheart!"

"It was a really nice kiss."

Mariah raised her eyebrows. "I'm going to guess that 'really nice' is about as accurate as 'accidental.'"

Sarah laughed uncomfortably. "Okay, maybe better than just really nice."

"Like maybe a whole lot better than just 'really nice?'"

"Yeah, a whole lot better. I was flustered for the rest of the evening."


"What do you mean, 'and?' That's all there is."

Mariah kept looking at Sarah expectantly.

"And I did end up telling him I would feel safe with him sleeping in the bed. But that, ALL that happened!"

"You mean that's all that happened last night," Mariah countered.

Sarah gave her a sharp glance. "Why do I feel like you already know?"

"Humor me and tell me anyway."

"He kissed me again this morning before we went down to breakfast."

"I don't need to ask if you enjoyed it. The look on your face says it all!"

Sarah flushed. "It was wonderful."

"I'm happy for you. He's a good man."

"Thanks. Yeah, he is."

"So what do you and Ezra have planned for the day?"

"Nothing that I know of. He's got to work."

"I don't know what Michael's got going on today. I have to tackle him about going into town, but maybe after that, we could start planning what our next steps are on the project."

"Michael doesn't want you going into town?"

"That's putting it mildly. The very idea of me leaving the compound gives him fits."

"Well, you did get kidnapped once already."

Mariah glared. "Whose side are you on? Anyway, I was almostkidnapped."

"I think it counts as kidnapped. They had you and were getting away with you until Ezra and the others stopped them."

"Does Michael have you on his payroll? Sheesh! Anyway, going into town is necessary. How else are we going to let them know about the project and how else are we going to get people to work on it?"

"I'm on your side! I just want you to be safe. But you're right. Going into town has to happen."

"Yep. Wish me luck. I'm off to beard the lion in his den." Mariah paused at the door so that Henry could say goodbye to Sarah.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "He's notthat bad. Good luck, though!"

"Thanks. Once I get that done, I'll come find you."

She and Henry took the stairs. By the time she reached the top, he was already standing outside the door to Michael's wing, tail wagging. As soon as she opened the door, he ran in and made a beeline for the kitchenette. Michael and Ezra were at the table, still talking about the upcoming trip to The Center. Mariah gave them a wave and a smile as she passed.

"Hey, babe?" Michael called before she got far. "Could you join us? There's something we want to talk to you about."

"Sure." She took a seat and waited.

"We've been talking about how we're going to select new people for the security team. We need competent people, but we need to avoid bringing anyone in who's likely to report everything back to Quinlan. I also have a concern about the general culture adopted by people at The Center. We think you could help us screen people."

"How am I going to do that if I'm not even supposed to speak unless spoken to?"

"Ezra, since this was your idea, I'm going to let you explain it."

Ezra snorted. "Throwing me under the bus, huh?"

"Pretty much."

Ezra shook his head and turned to Mariah. "I'll admit Michael has a reason to avoid the blame for this idea. If you decide to go through with it, it's going to be embarrassing and it will demand a lot of you. Michael told me he's already explained to you about the "girls" at The Center. Since you're going to go through that, I figure you must be pretty confident in your acting skills. From what I saw of your dumb-girl act with Carruthers, I'm pretty confident in them, too."

"This must be bad if you're buttering me up like that."
