After the Reunion Ch. 08


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" 'Here's what you're gonna do, girls,' he told us, 'you're gonna fly to Sacramento next weekend and we're gonna take you to this club where you're gonna show off your bodies for our friends,' then he looked at Addie and told her, 'and be my cum-slut for the rest of the weekend, not just a quickie like today.' "

Adriana interrupted her, "I told him I couldn't because next weekend is my daughter's birthday." She went on in a kind of squeaky voice, "Then I realized I kind of told him I would, just not next weekend."

Tanya took over again, "He said the next weekend after that would work... and we sort of said okay."

Tanner and I both looked at our girls in disbelief. I think they had just said they'd meet these guys again... on their turf... and strip in a strip club for them?

"And you agreed to this?" Tanner asked his wife in disbelief.

I was thinking, what the hell!

She nodded and I looked at my wife. She nodded as well and then said, "Jonah is kind of, umm, forceful... and has that self-confidence that's so sexy. Hard to explain, but he has this... 'power' around him," she said.

"Do we get any say in this?" Tanner asked Tanya.

"I guess you can say no," she said, then looked back at Addie, "but I think we really want to do it."

I had no idea what to say. Tanner and I had just endured four and a half hours of torture, then another two hours of listening to the most unbelievable story ever and they wanted to go with these guys for a whole weekend? What the hell would be next, a week? Longer? And stripping? Shit!

We were just coming up on Winnemucca. I had to stop, think about something else for a while; try that slot where I'd won all the money on the way down. I thought about then, how long ago that had seemed, even this damned morning!

Neither Addie nor Tanya would go in. They sat in the car while Tanner and I gambled. I lost forty bucks in that slot before I had it out of my system and went to find Tanner. He was at a craps table with a stack of chips in front of him. We'd been there an hour and were ready to go. Tanner cashed in his chips, a few dollars ahead. I think our women were a little pissed with us, but dammit, a strip club!

I drove out of Winnemucca and asked Addie if she'd call my parents and ask if the kids could stay another night since we'd be home so late. She did, explaining that we'd run into some problems on the way home. She said we'd be over first thing in the morning to pick them up.

Then the conversation died for a few miles. Obviously, Addie and Tanya had finished their stories. Then we heard from the back seat, Addie's voice, "Okay... you sure you want to know." Addie's head popped to the back seat and mine to the mirror wondering what the hell?

Tanner was back there grinning, showing us his phone, "Got all of it. Addie's whole story."

"You ass," Adriana said, "that wasn't meant to be recorded."

"He seems to have a history of that. Remember the recording he made in college, after the strip poker game?" Tanya asked.

"The one of Jeremy and that sexy MILF?" Adriana asked. She turned to Tanner, "You still have that CD?"

"I do, yes, and the other one, too," Tanner answered.

Both Tanya's and Addie's heads snapped to attention at that, "What... other one?" Tanya asked.

His face turned a bit whitish. It looked like he'd maybe accidentally revealed something he hadn't wanted to. "Never mind, it's not important," he said.

"Yeah, it is, what the hell 'other' recording do you have?" Adriana asked him.

He stuttered a bit, apparently working up some courage, "Umm, it's one of you and me that night."

Addie's face was turning red like she does when she's fuming, "Us? Doing what, exactly?"

"... Maybe of you and me fucking that night after everyone left."

"Maybe? Maybe that's what it is? You're not sure? You ass! You recorded us without me even knowing about it?" Then she turned her wrath on Tanya, "Did you know that?"

"No, this is the first I heard anything about it, don't be mad at me."

"Sorry," then she turned back to the asshole, "and how often do you watch this recording?"

"Mmm, maybe right before the reunion. I hoped you might be there."

"You ass!" Adriana told him. Then she added, "I want a copy. My husband might want to see it."

Everyone looked at me, "Uhh, yeah, I think I kind of would."

Tanner said, "Well, actually, it's on my laptop in the back."

"Guess we know what we'll be doing when we get back to the house," Tanya said. It sounded like she might not divorce him over this, after all.

The freeway veered East and our highway continued North. This is the section of the road through the Nevada desert where we parked in the middle of the road on the way down because we could see twenty miles or so in both directions and there is hardly anyone ever coming, either direction. It must be the most boring section of road in the history of roads. I couldn't even imagine the poor guys who had to build it.

We traveled up the road in silence. It looked a lot like the passengers in the car were sleeping or at least trying to sleep when my wife proclaimed, "I'm pregnant."

I guess it would be an understatement to say that that got the attention of everyone in the Jeep. Tanya got all excited, "Wow, wow, wow, you want this baby, right?"

We both assured her that we did.

"Wow, I'm excited! So tell us the details, when is it due? When did you find out? You going to find out if it's a boy or girl?" She kept asking excited questions, I don't even remember most of them.

Addie tried to answer, "We found out for sure last Monday and we haven't been to a doctor yet, so don't know for sure when it'll be due, but we're kind of thinking probably around the first week of next March. And no, we don't like to know ahead of time. We didn't with either of the other kids and no reason to this time, either. The surprise is too much fun."

Tanya was bouncing up and down. She started counting backward nine months from the first week of March and she realized, "That means it would have been... the... first... week... of... June." Obviously, the significance of that date wasn't lost on her. She went on, "I guess then the daddy could be... my husband?"

Adriana answered her, "That would definitely have been the weekend... but Matt and I made love before the reunion, too. So we don't know."

"Are you going to have a paternity test?" Tanya asked.

"No. It's not going to matter to us. It will be our baby no matter what," Addie explained.

"But... it might matter to me and Tanner if he's the dad."

I chimed in, "Hopefully, we'll know when it's born. If it turns out that way, you can be its godparents and favorite aunt and uncle. We'll just have to wait and see."

I was glad Addie said it. I know it's been on both our minds how to break the news.

Tanya asked, "Sex? Is it safe? With a guy like Jonah?"

Addie answered, "In my first two pregnancies when we talked to our doctor, he said it was perfectly safe. I've done research on the web, too, and everything says it's safe... the only thing it does, to me, especially early, is that it makes me horny and I'm a lot more sensitive down there. They say that's because of the extra blood flow... and my hormones. But I'm going to talk to the doctor about it again, too. We have an appointment already set up for Wednesday.

"So that... your pregnancy, and what Jonah did to you..." Tanya started.

"Yeah, it made it even more intense." She laughed, "And that's why I knew I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant."

"I thought you were just on the pill," Tanya said.

It was after ten when we got home that night. We'd all had chances to nap on the way. What a day it had been! After we carried everything in the house and sat down in the living room to relax, Tanner reminded us, "I think there's a video on my computer someone said they wanted to watch."

Yeah! I'd forgotten about it. That video of Adriana and Tanner the night of the famous strip-poker game. I helped Tanner hook his computer up to our TV, an eighty-inch, curved 4K hanging on the wall that makes you feel like you're inside the picture. Somehow they'd perfected 3D so that virtually everything now is shot in it and it doesn't take the special glasses to watch like the older 3D's did. It cost a fortune but was worth it. Of course, this video would be too old to be in 3D but it'd still show pretty damn good on that big TV.

Tanner turned the computer on and found the two videos; he looked around the room, "Both?" he asked. We all nodded, so he scrolled to the one titled, 'SP Video 1' and clicked the little pointer on 'play'.

There was a woman on the floor; hands, and knees; she looked to be a little older than Adriana and Tanya but was still pretty damn good-looking. Nice body, too. A young guy behind her, he didn't look like much more than a kid. He was fucking her and they both looked like they were enjoying it. The audio was pretty damn good, too. The camera zoomed in her face. Damn, it was hot. She was beautiful and the way her face was scrunched up you could tell how much she was enjoying it. "I think she said her name was Amber," Tanya said, "and that's Jeremy fucking her."

Then the scene moved around, still on them, but showing glimpses of others in the room as well. There was a brief shot of my naked wife. She looked like a kid. I glanced over at her and she must have read my mind. "I was twenty," she whispered.

Then she got up and came over to sit down on my lap. My arm instinctively went around her, under her dress and squeezed that same nipple.

Then it was back on the couple on the floor. You could hear her moaning, then telling the kid to pull her pigtails. He did and she started yelling at him, "Harder." Tanner was shooting this. It looked like he was having a hard time deciding if he wanted her face or the cock sliding in and out of her. I haven't watched many pornos, but this one was HOT! Our four-channel stereo system was filling the room with the moans from both lovers and the woman almost begging, "Harder, Jeremy, harder." Every time his cock plunged into her, he was jerking her head back. It didn't look playful either, you could see his muscles straining and the expression on her face holding her neck stiff so he didn't break it.

I rolled Addie's nipple between my thumb and finger a little harder and mauled her boob. Her hand had drifted down to my cock, gradually rubbing it through my shorts. Shit, this video was turning me on!

Tanner was a little sloppy with his camera work, occasionally getting more accidental short shots of the group watching. Another guy was holding onto Tanya, pulling at her nipple. Addie was alone because her boyfriend was taking the video but one hand was between her legs rubbing her hairy pussy. Those shots were just instantaneous as Tanner was moving the camera around. Mostly it was just on the couple fucking with occasional bare legs in the background.

Then the woman started to come and Tanner zoomed in on her face, I guess as much as you could 'zoom' with a cell phone in those days. Technology has come so unbelievably far since then.

You could tell that it was a pretty damn violent orgasm she was having. She was wailing and crying, and we heard the guy's groans increase in volume like he was coming as well. The camera shifted briefly to where they were joined together; his hands were digging into her hips pulling her back and his body was convulsing with short, fast, violent looking pushes into her. After a moment of what had looked like pure ecstasy, the two of them collapsed flat on the floor, the guy on top of the woman and the video stopped.

I was breathing hard, one hand gripping Addie's hip and the other mauling her breast. Her hand was tight around my cock and T&T were in somewhat the same position. When I could speak again, I asked Addie, "You've seen that before?"

"Yeah, Tanner and I used to watch it sometimes before we went to bed. Made our fucking pretty violent."

Tanner grunted to get our attention, climbing out from under his wife to walk over to his computer. "There's one more video here that nobody else has ever seen." He admitted, "I've always been kind of afraid to tell anyone that I had done it."

He looked around at the rest of us, looking my wife in the eyes for just a moment before his finger clicked the little 'play' button again.

There was my twenty-year-old, stark-naked wife lying on her side, hand on her hip in a 'come-hither' type of pose. I guess that Tanner must have put his phone on a stand or something pointing to the bed. He walked in the scene and turned around for just a second so the camera would get a shot of that big cock pointing straight out.

I tried to remember just what she'd looked like when we first met. It would have been only a few years after this. God, she was beautiful. How the hell had she ever picked an ordinary guy like me? Especially over the hunk that was her boyfriend, then.

He went straight between her legs, pushing her onto her back and pushing her legs up over his shoulders, burying his mouth in her pussy. Her mouth gaped open with some gurgling noises, her head rolled back and her hands started clawing at the bed. The two of them went on like that for a minute or two, Adriana pushing her hips up off the mattress into Tanner's face.

My horny-meter had gone from a hundred to two-hundred in about the first ten seconds.

Tanner's cock was bobbing up and down and Adriana's bare boobs were flopping back and forth with her body wracking like it was.

He looked up at her, the camera didn't catch the expression on his face as it was a little behind them, "Say when," he told her.

He went back to devouring her pussy, her screaming, "Now, Now."

He looked up again, "I said 'when', not now. Say when."

His face had barely settled back between her legs when she yelled, "Okay. When, when, when!"

Addie was rubbing me hard by then and I'd moved my hand to between her legs with a couple fingers inside her wet pussy. For a very brief moment, I wondered how much of that wet was still Jonah's cum. I'd come that morning inside Tanya, then later on our way home or I would have undoubtedly come right then watching Tanner eating out my twenty-year-old Adriana's pussy.

He pulled his face away from her pussy and moved up her body, letting her guide his cock between her pussy lips. Once in position, he pushed and slid inside her. I saw and heard a very distinct, "Ahhh," as it was slipping into her. Then he started fucking her, in and out, long, fast strokes, her legs wrapping around him and pulling him in with every stroke.

I guess by today's standards with Jonah, this was pretty tame. But it was hotter than hell to me, watching my wife being fucked in a porn video, filling up our eighty-inch TV.

It made me wonder briefly, would Jonah make a porn video with her?

Too damn bad that Tanner hadn't videoed the whole strip poker game. I wished we had that night in their hotel room.

They fucked like that for several minutes, Addie wrapping her arms around him and pulling his body tight to her boobs, then he'd push himself back up so he could slam into her harder. Then he pulled his cock out of her and rolled her over on her stomach. She looked back at him and lifted her butt up off the mattress onto her knees so he could plunge himself back into her.

As I watched my twenty-year-old Adriana being fucked like that, my mind went back to when we met and dated when I was sure she was pristine and pure. Being told about her and Tanner before is one thing. Seeing it on the big-screen TV, entirely another.

As I was watching my wife being fucked, she had unzipped my shorts and was getting on her knees in front of me. It was about the time that the twenty-year-old Adriana started screaming with her orgasm that the thirty-two-year-old Adriana wrapped her lips around my cock and began sucking. Those lips had been wrapped around a massive black cock a few hours earlier and that thought, along with watching that video had hyper-sensitized my cock so that about the first time it went down into her throat and her lips were up against my balls, I started shooting cum into her. I lost all my sense of reason and grabbed at her hair to pull her face tighter to me while I shot rope after rope of cum down her throat.

When it was over, I relaxed and released her. She rocked back, trying to catch her breath. I had wanted to come inside her pussy that night, but I sure as hell wasn't going to complain about the blow-job I'd just received. I had no idea what T&T were doing. I lost track of that and even the video, which by then was over.

The only thing I could think to say was, "I want that video."

T&T knew where the guest bedroom was. I wanted to sleep with my wife for the first time in what had seemed like forever. Problem was that was all we did, sleep. After those videos, we were both exhausted.

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MarsascMarsascover 2 years ago

Your stories are hard to read. That a man would cuck himself taunting his wife to have sex with total strangers or long ago lovers is painful but fascinating at the same time. I could not do that with my soulmate it would be to painful to risk losing her to someone who excited her more. Maybe to a friend with benefits who knew I would look after her safety.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
Pure Porn

I certain I wouldn't have goaded my wife into going off with two strange guys, but the whole weekend was hot. I could picture the whole thing as if it was a movie. Robertl did a great job relating the sex scenes and the torture the two husband experienced. All of you up tight assholes need to go read something else. This is very provacative.


mustelamustelaover 4 years ago
From a French Reader

All OK with NVDiceGuy and 26thNC

tralan69ertralan69erover 4 years ago

Why do the haters of this story line keep coming back, only to write more childish chatter

If you don't like this type of story don't read it.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
No issues

This is just a never ending story about a whore and the cuck who enables.her.

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