Against the Odds Ch. 04


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These days Troy was being called to admin meetings because he was an ideas person. On this occasion he was in a lounge chair seated opposite Ellis and Molly on the leather sofa. Molly was in a pin-stripe trouser suit so had no problem with the slope of the seat but Ellis did, dressed in a short green leather skirt which she kept tugging down. Eventually every time she tugged at it she noticed Troy's eyes were on her hands. She felt in a playful mood so decided to play.

As the meeting droned on she parted her knees gradually Troy's eyes were now up her skirt – probably with an uninterrupted view of her orange thong. Before too long she felt slightly uncomfortable in her bra until realizing her breasts had swelled a little because she was aroused. Yes, she looked down and had no problem seeing her nipples – not embarrassingly pointy, but she could see them. Eventually Molly called for a coffee break and said it was Troy's turn to place the order. As he went out to brief one of the receptionists Molly said, "What's wrong with Troy – he started off as normal but now he's loosing his train of thought and even stuttering?"

"I have no idea," Ellis said, clamping her knees together. "Perhaps he had a late night."

The meeting resumed with Troy back to normal. "The coffee has fixed the problem," Molly whispered to Ellis, winking. Ellis now found she was the right size for her bra.

The meeting finished with a great finale. There was a squeeze on accommodation with another lawyer being hired because of business growth driven by more of Ellis' relatives switching to Jefferson at Law including Philip and Richard.

"Put your two lawyers dealing with property law and their support staff up with me," Troy suggested. "You two are making a mistake of squeezing space on this floor in an attempt to keep everything compact and orderly but that is faulty administration. Either expand upwards, shift some people out to a new location, relocate everyone or expand vertically – any of those are options, but this relentless squeeze to keep everyone on this floor except me must stop. Oh – another option is to cut back on clients."

"He's right," Molly sighed.

"Yes, we're converting from a family law firm into a corporate embryo without realizing it or more likely choosing to ignore it. Do it Molly and thank you for your insight Troy. By the way I suggest you butter up your banker Troy. I'm thinking of offering you a partnership. We'll talk about it in a few days. You'll catch a fly leaving your mouth open like that Molly – do you want to buy in as well?"

"No, you know we are saving to buy a bigger ranch, It's just that this came as a bit of a surprise – I thought you had gone off the idea."

"Never – it was just gestating. Every day Troy sounds more like a partner, don't you sweetie."

"If you say so boss. I'm overwhelmed."

"I bet nothing like I felt when I saw you going for Ape Man in that shaft."

Troy frowned and said, "Make a business decision without undue emotion boss."

That was a valid point, undeniably. Molly raised her eyebrows at Ellis and they exchanged wee smiles.

They left the office in a file, Molly leading. Ellis who wanted to see someone followed Troy and without thinking – as unlikely as that seemed – lightly ran a hand down the side of his butt thinking, nice butt and then drawing her hand away as if she'd been burnt. Whatever are you doing girl, she fumed. She was relieved that Troy had the grace to pretend nothing had happened.

Throughout the day Ellis felt edgy and knew what it was – a three-letter word ending in 'x' she kidded herself, attempting to confuse the situation. Damn, she needed a bigger bra. She yearned for a solution but didn't expect to loom so quickly. That afternoon she and Molly were going through the professional file looking for training opportunities.

"Oh look," Molly said. "A two-day seminar on 'Trends in Small City Property Investment & Management' at Fort Duncan. Should we send Troy – it would indicate to him he's valued?"

"Yes, do that but clear it with him first."

They worked through file and then Molly brought up the question of the squeeze on vehicle parking.

"Buy the building next to us and have the two basements connected."

"But that building is twice the size of ours."

"Molly, since when has size been a disadvantage?"

After the giggling stopped Molly asked did Ellis mean as a property investment.

"Yes, I already hold a forty percent interest through my power of attorney. Have one of your commercial real estate buddies open negotiations or you initiate talks."

"Me? But I..."

"Take Troy with you and tell him to really earn his keep."

Fifteen minutes later they were done. As Molly lugged out the files and her notepad and had just managed to open the door Ellis called out, not looking up, "If Troy is going to that seminar book me in as well; I may learn something."

Molly left the office looking as if she'd just been given a gold watch. At last the boss had decided to become a woman instead of a work-focused office quasi-virgin.

* * *

Up on the next floor Troy was seeking self-enlightenment on one of the mysteries of life – sex accessible women. To his knowledge no mother tutored in the subject, nor did educationists or all the heaps of other know-alls in society attempting to impart their knowledge – fee-free. Obviously a guy was expected to find out by trial and error and that was pretty tough on guys who where shy although he excluded himself from that inhibition.

He knew his powerful and sex-looking motor-cycle could draw more potential fucks around it than he could handle. He'd now learned that having a fairly high profile, good job and smooth looking SUV prompted some babes to stand up and push their hips forward, hoping to catch his eye. Then some babes were unfathomable.

Take two – Ellis and Fleur; both were in the running for the most unpredictable babes he'd ever met. Here was Ellis, giving him a cold look whenever he was thinking sex and looking at her. He'd reasonably expect her to reward him with a night of full-on sex after he'd engineered her rescue and swatted the brute threatening that rescue, but no – she'd delivered him to her over-sexed buddy Sophie. Then this morning he knew she was playing him as if trying to hook a fish. Her legs opened up – deliberately, there was no question – until her thong came into view. Orange, for heaven's sake and he half-expected her to pull it aside to allow her pinkie to wink at him. As for feeling her hand skim down his butt as they emerged from her office he wasn't even going to think about that; she must have been momentarily out of her mind.

Fleur had him completely flummoxed. At first she presented as a near virgin and then nothing short of a tramp – randomly fucking on dance floors for goodness sake or so she claimed. But emerging through the confusion she cast he realized she was more vamp than tramp and had a sophistication in sexuality he'd never encountered before. She outclassed him in that and physically had made him feel like a pimply-face snap-ejaculation student. He'd slunk to work that morning thinking she's greet him with a curled lip but instead she stood beside him, squeezed his arm and patted his hand saying, "I like you being near me – you have a sense of style and solidarity I rarely find in a man; you represent the category of man than girls marry."

Clearly it had been a compliment – of sorts. Whether it fitted his ego Ellis wasn't quite sure but when he re-appeared from the meeting her eyes lit up making him realize she really did enjoy his company. Well, it wasn't necessary to rationalize why except he was appalled to think she might regard him as a father figure. If she was lonely – in her social life being hailed as a resplendent butterfly – then the sooner they shifted upstairs and piled in people the better it would be for her.

He walked upstairs and watched the project manager scowl as he approached. She'd be thinking here comes more whip-cracking and/or complaints. It was a major renovation with considerable steelwork going in as he'd wanted walls out because he favored open-plan layout in administration, principally because everyone knew what was going on.

Hazel (oh dear, had mom been pissed when picking names?) greeted him warmly which made him suspicious – had there been a construction fuck-up?

"I'm bored – this project is going like clockwork. If this is only a courtesy call and you have no demands or complaints, would you like a wee play?"

Few times in his life had Troy being asked so directly; women seemed to falter at the last moment as if it wasn't in their nature to be blunt. It did seem that the modern business woman was becoming more direct so perhaps asking for it was the direction of yet another trend.

"Um," Troy said.

"Oh darling," how intelligent of you, Hazel teased, pushing back on to him. The office was really a telephone booth so she could make calls despite the noise around her. "The guys are working two partitions beyond us and I've just returned from an inspection. We should be vigilant though – that's my security monitor for the stairs and elevator so no-one can come up behind us without my noticing. Do you like smallish breasts – unbutton me and decide."

"Later," Troy said, sitting on the floor under her and Hazel pulled up her skirt in anticipation. Troy rather liked licking pussy when the woman was standing because he caught all the dripping; the position made it easy to rim the butt but he didn't insert a finger unless he really knew the woman – or received a request. He'd scarcely started when she was banging back at him in frenzy and came like a tidal wave.

"Gawd, how did you do that?" she marveled, pushing a hand towel down to him. "Oh what a beautiful lady," cooed Troy as he fluttered a finger around her butt hole and received another smaller drenching.

"Oh Gawd," she gasped.

Troy was deliriously happy, being with a woman who thought he was sexually magnificent. He thought his smile would probably stay with him all day.

They did it doggy; that allowed her to keep an eye on the monitor by holding her head in that direction, while Troy stared ahead down to where any of the workmen could appear. She liked that as well, wondering if she'd have the strength to walk. She was so brilliant at ego stroking – a natural thought Troy.

After pulling off the condom Troy asked, "Where do I put this?"

"Give it to me, I'm talking it home as a trophy," she giggled, putting it into an envelope to toss in the bin. Troy thought that sounded so cute he suggested they go again but she bailed out. "Honestly, my legs are gone on me."

"I'll zip up and hop down and fetch you a sugared coffee and a sugar bun from our staff room," Troy said gallantly. As he did that for the grateful Hazel he thought everyone should always be rewarded for great effort; Hazel had been brilliant in restoring his confidence.

Troy returned with the refreshments including a coffee for him and remained chatting unaware of the real estate sales maximum: 'You have to be talking to people to make something happen'.

Troy: Where do you do when this contract if finished?

Hazel: I don't know. Perhaps I should go and find a husband – my last divorced me so he could spend all his time fishing. New contracts are pretty tight at the moment. Perhaps I might have to go back into design.

Troy: What, in design?

Hazel: I hope not, my masters is in civil engineering structures.

Troy: What, you are a qualified construction engineer?

Hazel: Yes, registered and currently certificated in several disciplines.

Troy: When you are coming out of this contract we should talk. My department needs a design engineer to work in design aspects and to conduct and manage inspections.

Hazel: You are kidding.

Troy: No, but the possibility of an appointment would come with no strings attached: I have my own agenda.

Hazel: Understood lovely boy; I look forward to being presented with an offer. This is so fantastically opportune for me; you won't regret placing your confidence in me.

A couple of weeks later Paul Denzel walked into the foyer of Jefferson at Law in police uniform.

"Mr Gardiner please."

The two receptionists looked shaken but called Troy to reception. He arrived and to the dismay of the receptionists held out his wrists and invited, "Arrest me officer."

Paul laughed and said, "Buddy, I'm being presented with me medal on Friday at a special parade for quite a few of us performing exemplary duty. Seating is at a premium so I have only one spare ticket for you – sorry. But afterwards at 4:30 Duane and his moneyed parents are putting on a cook-out for me at his parent's home and I would be honored if you and your partner would attend as my guests."

"Sure thing buddy. Mind the sergeant pinning on the medal doesn't stick it through your inflated chest."

"The Lieutenant-Government will be making the awards – it's a full dress parade," Paul said somewhat stiffly and Troy hastily patted him on the back and said, "It's what you deserve buddy, it's what you deserve." Paul left a very happy man.

Ellis looked critically at the fingernails of her left hand and blew on them. "A cook-out – you're asking me out on a date?"

"You heard; it you don't want to go stuff it. Sorry I asked," Troy said, barging towards the door shoulders hunch. Anyone about to enter was a potential hospital injury victim.

"I haven't declined - yet," he heard as he was about to crash through the door so skidded to a halt.


"I wouldn't care to go over-dressed or under-dressed. Are you able to investigate and advise?"

Troy was still whipped up so said, "Fuck what the others are wearing – wear a cross-over tied bright red dress, your hair piled up and looking dangerous."

"Troy, is that you? I can't believe I'm hearing this from you. It's almost avant gard although a little out of date perhaps."

"Paul saved me from being pumped full of lead. You of anyone should know what that means to me."

"Oh God, Troy – I'm sorry. How could I be so base? I'm mortified by my flippancy. Of course I'll go with you; what shade of red would you prefer?"

Troy and Ellis were late arriving. A steel beam being delivered to their work site had slipped from its sling from the crane and tumbled on to the street – demolishing three vehicles and scouring into the pavement but fortunately no-one was hurt. Three irritate vehicle owners looking for someone's scalp had honed in on Ellis who called Troy to defend her. Fortunately for Troy the belligerent damaged vehicle owners were all women.

The Lieutenant-Governor had just finished his impromptu speech when into the courtyard arm-in-arm walked Troy and Ellis. Everyone else was togged up in western gear but Ellis was in her new red gown – just a fold of material, really – with two matching died ostrich feathers in a head band and Troy was in his freshly laundered white suit presented quite a picture.

"Oh my God – Princess Grace and Steven Seagal," shrieked the Lieutenant-Governor's wife who was addicted to romance novels and film re-runs and, of course, was already drunk or drugged. The crowed seemed to know she was on something but got the picture. Paul pulled his wife Julie to his side and Duane and Kathie joined them. "Come and meet our distinguished guests buddy. Everyone, this is the civilian who showed courage under fire in the restaurant, Troy Gardiner, and the wealthiest woman in our community, Miss Ellis Jefferson. Boy, have anyone of you ever seen a couple made for each other."

"Oh God," Ellis whispered to Troy as the TV camera lights switched back on. I should have worn panties – all the women watching with this strong illumination will be looking for panty line."

Troy found the Lieutenant-Governor interesting because he owned seven motor-bikes, none of them Harleys and found his wife a lush. Ellis decided the Lieutenant-Governor a bore and his wife a lush but her find of the evening was Daisy – er, Megan – who revealed she was doing a distant university three-year degree on the internet on restaurant management and marketing and would complete it before the end of the year.

Three hours later after everyone had gone Duane said to Troy – "That big fellow was after you Troy, he never looked at me but the security camera gave the impression he was looking at both of us."

"Come on girls," Ellis said jumping up, "I'll help you clear away."

"Duane has talked to me often about this," Paul said, as the three of them watched the swaying asses of the women as they walked away.

"The truth?" Troy asked, anticipating Ellis had hurried the two other women away for that reason.

"I'd like that," said Duane.

"And me," Paul said.

"Off the record?"

"Guaranteed," they said in unison.

So while the women cleared away the men drank beer and Troy told them the whole story.

"Jesus," said Duane.

"Ditto," said Paul.

The women appeared with another round of coffee and the two police officers jumped to their feet and embraced Ellis. She glanced at Troy and knew what this was about.

"You're one hell of a lady," Paul said, and still she didn't buckle.

"With courage like that you should be in the police force," said Duane and at that Ellis burst into the tears. The other two women held her and cried with her not knowing why they were crying but apparently they were content as if it was the right thing to do.

"I'm pleased as fuck Troy you're not heading a crime ring," said Paul.

"Amen," said Duane. "Another beer guys?"

As Troy drove Ellis home she said she thought if she took the two wives away Troy would feel he had permission to tell the story.

"Yes, it was a magnificent gesture; after all both risks their lives for me."

"On the other hand it was a pointless gesture if they are bound to tell no-one," she said. "Except."

"Except what?"

"That you three guys are now truly bonded. I like seeing that in men – women find it so easy. But isn't Duane mad at your, putting him at such grave risk?"

"No, he's always intended going for his gun as soon as the shotgun began to lift; now he knows I was the target so reasons he could have fired into Bute at will and without risk; he told me he rather liked the first option – his first real test to see just how good he was."

"Oh you men, you're nothing but boys," Ellis snapped. "Couldn't you see both wives are pregnant?"

"Pregnant, how did you figure that out?"


At the front door Troy kissed Ellis goodnight. She kept on kissing him so he placed a hand on her breast, and it was allowed to rest. When they broke for air she asked, "Are you coming in?"

"No, Molly advised me you are booked in to the seminar with me so I think I would prefer to start at the beginning and see how we go."

"I'll look forward to that. Good night. Oh, just one more kiss please. By the way, I want you to ride in at the ceremony as the gunslinger."

"I thought as much. Good night ma'am."

* * *

Mitch's wife Gabriel met Troy at the door and reached up and pulled him down and kissed him. "Ah the hero."

"Without Mitch we wouldn't have made it."

"Oh hello Bashful. You're the type who would have gone through hell and high water to get your lady and to place into coffins those who wronged her."

"Do you read romantic novels?"

"Yes, and Westerns. What of it?"

"Nothing really, Gabriel. Where's the boy?"

"Out there attempting to bring in a nag for you, only it's so stubborn it won't come alone. It tried to tell him but you know how men are."


"They won't listen. It will be lunch time before he gotten that mare down here."

"Mare? I'm not riding a mare – too small."

"Listen buster, this is a ranch – the real horses are for ranch-hands not weekend cowboys like you."