Agent in Distress Ch. 10


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"Meegus," said the man, gruffly. His eyes were roving over the naked curves of the strung-up prisoner.

Henri patted him on the back. "Ah, Meegus, good. Would you do us a favor, and wake up the prisoner? Just . . . slap her on the face or something until she wakes up." The guard didn't answer, but his cruel grin said he welcomed the task. Lana watched as the man turned and walked up to the hanging prisoner, and promptly slapped her hard across the face. The woman stirred slightly but didn't wake, so the man slapped her hard again, this time against her breasts, then another one across her face. The prisoner groaned softly but her eyes remained closed. Lana made a muffled sound of protest on the woman's behalf, but of course she was ignored. The guard wound up with his right hand again, and then just stood there, his arm shaking slightly. The prisoner's eyes were open now. She had a piercing set of lovely green eyes, which instead of fear as might be expected of a female chained and naked, were flashing anger, focused on the man standing in front of her.

The woman looked past the guard and directly at Lana suddenly, and she felt transfixed, as if caught in the gaze of a predator. She blushed suddenly at the strange feeling of warmth that emanated from her belly. She'd never been attracted to a woman before, so the feeling was unfamiliar and a bit jarring, and she quickly suppressed it. Thankfully, the woman's intense gaze was quickly diverted toward the immediate threat, the guard who'd struck her.

Lana watched with fascination as the guard continued to stand in place, shaking slightly as the now-awakened prisoner stared at him. He started to make strange, low noises, as if he were being slowly strangled, but his arm continued to be frozen in place, ready to strike the prisoner. The guard's body began to shake more violently, and then the prisoner looked to the right. Lana followed her eyes, and saw a bored guard standing there suddenly draw his sword. The prisoner's head snapped to another guard to her left, and he too drew his sword and started advancing toward the cluster of people around the prisoner. Then Lana saw Henri move behind the prisoner, to pick up the wooden bucket. The two sword-wielding guards were raising their swords, and Varga appeared to be the target. Suddenly there was a splash of water as Henri doused the prisoner with his bucket. Lana saw her beautiful green eyes go wide with shock as she was inundated with freezing cold water, some of which splashed the guard and even Lana's bare legs, making her shiver. The two sword-wielding guards stopped suddenly, swords in the air, confused looks on their faces. The guard who'd slapped the prisoner went to his knees, suddenly, turning enough that Lana could see his face. She gasped, for his face was pale and he looked terrified, and he was coughing and sputtering, sucking in precious air to his starving lungs. Lana looked at the prisoner, and was surprised to see the girl shivering and shaking slightly, her eyes looking dazed. Powerful as she was, the water seemed to incapacitate her.

Henri was moving around in front of the girl, gesturing for the two guards to return to their posts. Then he shoved the kneeling guard aside, ignoring the stricken man as he fell to the ground in a heap, clutching his chest and throat, gasping for air. "Oh, don't worry about him, he'll be alright," said Henri to the crowd. "Unlike some of the guards she attacked yesterday, without even touching them." The audience gasped, and Lana's eyes widened. Was she a telepath of some sort? She had seemed to control the two swordsmen mentally, and she had definitely frozen the third guard's arm, just like Lana had done. But she'd also somehow choked him, or hurt him somehow, without touching him, and that was beyond Lana's telepathic skill set. Then again, different telepaths developed different skills, and hadn't she learned to heal Warrick's heart with her mind? Perhaps this woman had learned to do the same thing in reverse? It went against the teachings of the Institute to use one's skill to inflict pain, but this woman was clearly not a graduate.

"Dangerous though she is," continued Henri, "a nice bucket of near freezing well water turns her nice and pliable, isn't that right, sweetheart?" Henri moved to the spread-eagled prisoner and reached up to touch her cheek. "Your guards figured that out by pure chance, didn't they?" Lana saw a mix of anger and perhaps a trace of respect in the woman's eyes. Varga was moving to come close to the prisoner as well, standing to her left, opposite Henri. "You can't use your powers now, can you, girl?" said Varga, reaching up his hand to caress her sides. Both men were now touching the prisoner, and the woman twitched slightly in response. Henri turned to the audience. "You see, doused with ice-cold water, she's lost her abilities, temporarily, and she's quite docile. They'll return in half an hour, sometimes sooner, a fact we learned the hard way." Varga's hand then moved to the woman's bare breast, cupping and squeezing her, while Henri dropped his hand to her waist.

Henri continued, "In the last two days, we've discovered this powerful, but lovely assassin is also . . . a little wanton slut." Henri's fingers moved to the woman's crotch. He turned his body so the audience could see him softly fingering the prisoner's tight, hairless pussy, tracing the outer lips of her womanhood gently with his fingertips. Varga moved around behind her and brought both his hands to her breasts, squeezing and teasing her firm mounds and softly flicking her nipples. The woman glared at him, but Lana thought she could see a subtle change in the prisoner's demeanor. "Do you like this, little slut?" said Henri, his fingers continuing their teasing explorations.

"I do," said the prisoner suddenly, smiling sweetly at Henri. "Perhaps I will enjoy myself for a while before I kill you." Hearing the woman's voice for the first time was a revelation for Lana. She spoke with a strange lilt, a tone that seemed to vibrate inside her, like listening to pleasant acoustical music.

"Oh, I know you do," said Henri, his fingers changing subtly to gently tease the prisoner's clit within its delicate folds. The woman made a soft hiss, like a sucking in of her breath, but otherwise showed no expression. "You are so sure of yourself that even naked and in chains, you don't fear us, isn't that right?"

The woman smiled, her beautiful face not quite able to appear evil, but it was a close thing. "What is there to fear?" she said. "I am enjoying your feeble attempts to intimidate me." Meanwhile Varga was rather vigorously mauling the prisoner's breasts, in contrast to Henri's gentler, more skillful touches, and the woman sucked in a sharp breath as his thick fingers pinched her now thickening pink nipples. She turned to address Varga behind her. "You on the other hand, I will drain your life like a bird drains the sweet nectar from a flower." Varga stopped suddenly, looking uncertain, until a glare from Henri made him resume his crude manipulations of the woman's pert breasts and swelling nipples. At the same time, Henri suddenly delved two fingers into the woman's tight, moistening crevice, and her gaze shot back to Henri.

"I've got your attention, haven't I?" said Henri softly, his fingers slowly pushing deep until his knuckles prevented him going any deeper, then slowly withdrawing. His thumb moved to gently and skillfully massage her clit, while his fingers continued their slow pistoning motion. The girl jerked suddenly in her bindings, an unbidden movement that started in her hips, and seemed to surprise even her. "It's hard to resist, isn't it?" said Henri, his voice a caress. Suddenly he entangled his hand in the prisoner's auburn silky hair, and pressed his lips to hers, engaging her in a kiss, while his fingers continued their deep explorations. The prisoner made a soft noise in her throat, fighting against the kiss for a moment before to Lana's surprise, she seemed to respond, returning the kiss. It went on for some time before Henri retreated, or tried to. He jerked suddenly, not able to pull away, and then his head snapped back and he was free. He reached up to his bloody lip, and Lana saw the prisoner smiling, blood on her lip. She must have bitten him, for Henri cursed, his hand moving to his mouth.

"Too rough for you, little man?" said the prisoner with a wicked grin. Henri glared at her.

"You want to play it rough? Alright, that's how we'll play it. Varga, douse her again, just to be sure." The prisoner's smile disappeared, replaced by anger, and then shock when her back was hit with another bucket of icy water. Lana jerked as the spray hit her bare thighs, and she glared at Varga as well. What she would do when she got her powers back! She noticed that the prisoner seemed dazed again by the cold water. Lana thought it strange that the cold would seemingly incapacitate the woman, but everything about the mystery prisoner seemed a little strange.

Then Henri gestured to the guards, the ones who'd previously raised their swords under the control of the prisoner. "Let's lock her into a more supplicating position, shall we?" Lana watched in fascination as the two guards moved to the prisoner, who was still dripping wet and shivering. They took a wooden pole that was placed off to the side, and placed it in two cutouts of the posts to right and left of the prisoner, such that the pole ran in front of her belly, just touching her. Then they reached up to undo the rope that held the prisoner's wrist stocks over her head. One of them then went to a wheel attached to a winch, and began turning it. The winch began retracting the rope that held the prisoner's wrist stocks. Within seconds, the rope tightened up, and began to pull the girl's wrists out front away from her body. Realizing what was happening, the prisoner, dazed by the freezing water, started resisting, pulling with her wrists. The guard continued turning the winch, and the prisoner, despite her struggles, found her upper torso pulled forward, bent at the waist by the wooden pole. Lana blushed, imagining the poor woman's shame as she was stretched forward helplessly by the power of the winch, until she was completely bent at the waist, her arms straight out ahead and her face and damp hair pointed toward the wooden floor of the platform. The guard tied off the winch, and then moved to the post at the side of the prisoner. He turned a winch located there, and his partner did the same on the other side of the prisoner. The stocks holding her ankles were pulled in opposite directions, spreading her legs wide, despite her struggles evidenced by her taut thigh muscles and straining abdomen. The two guards retreated to their original positions.

"Thank you gentlemen," said Henri, moving around to stand next to the prisoner to pat her on the ass. He turned to the audience. "As you can see, my distinguished guests. The prisoner is now in a much more respectful posture." He kneeled down next to the prisoner's head, and she turned to glare at him, her green eyes looking ready to burn holes in his flesh. Henri reached up to cup and fondle her dangling breasts. He looked up at Varga, and Lana saw the larger man move around behind the prisoner. "Are you ready to receive your gift?" Henri continued, clearly enjoying himself. "My friend Varga is quite well endowed, you will find." Then there was a rustling sound, and Lana and several of the slave girls gasped as they saw Varga undoing his trousers and pulling out an already semi-erect cock. It was indeed impressive, and Lana's eyes widened at the sight, and she felt a twinge of heat between her thighs. She hadn't seen many male organs before, but this one had to be on the large side, such that she wondered if it would even fit in her own . . . quickly Lana shook her head, pushing all such thoughts from her mind. She was thinking like a pleasure slave, and it had to stop!

The prisoner looked behind herself to see Varga holding his manhood, and then she turned to Henri.

"I'll take you, not that idiot back there," she said, her tone commanding.

"You'll take whoever we decide to give you," corrected Henri, jovially. Suddenly the prisoner started, her eyes going wide as Varga began stroking the bulbous head of his thick organ along the already moist outer lips of her womanhood. Henri smiled. "You like that, I see."

The prisoner sort of shrugged, as much as was possible in her awkward bent-over position. "He's not as gifted as the men I'm used to, but I suppose I can't be too picky."

Lana wondered if she was showing bluster, for she'd seen the woman's own opening, and it seemed no larger than her own. How could she be used to men even larger than Varga? She marveled at the woman's calm. She was about to be taken against her will, and she acted as if this were all her idea! Was it all an act? Act or not, Lana could see that the prisoner was aroused, for as Henri continued to play with her dangling breasts, her nipples appeared to be stiff and sensitive, from the way she would react when Henri pinched them. Behind the woman, Varga continued to play with her pussy, which was exposed by her widespread legs and bent over posture. With one hand on his now stiff and still growing cock, he pushed his head up and down the woman's slit, sometimes running the considerable length of his cock under her, rubbing its length on her wet crevice, while his free hand squeezed her perfect peach-shaped ass.

"Get on with it!" hissed the prisoner suddenly, her hips now moving in tune with Varga's teasing cock. "Put that thing inside me, let's see what you're made of!" Lana gaped at her commanding tone, completely out of character from a bound, naked prisoner.

"Yes, stick it in her!" piped a female voice to her left. Lana looked to see one of the kneeling slave girls suddenly looking frightened, realizing she'd spoken without thinking, but the men only chuckled, and the slave girl appeared relieved. Lana noted that all the kneeling girls seemed slightly agitated, their faces flushed and the bodies moving slightly as if they were fidgeting. She herself felt overheated, her face felt warm and the juncture between her thighs felt warm and slightly uncomfortable. Lana cursed herself for finding arousal at the sick machinations of her hated former classmates, and willed her body to be inert.

"Oh! Yes!" cried out the prisoner, suddenly, her mouth falling open as Varga slowly plunged his cock into her tight furnace. "Not bad at all!" added the woman, as Varga impaled her to the hilt with his manhood. As the large man began slowly driving himself into the prisoner, the woman moaned, pushing her hips back to get the most of him. "Yes, do it!" she shouted encouragement. Lana looked about the audience and saw looks of confusion that matched her own. Clearly the audience did not expect such a reaction from a captured prisoner being defiled in public. In a short while, Varga's movements became faster and more aggressive, and Henri continued to tease the prisoner's breasts from his kneeling position. Lana looked at Henri, and she frowned. Outwardly he was smiling, as if he was casually doodling with the woman's breasts, but she noted beads of sweat on his brow, and she realized he was heavily concentrating, not paying attention to what his hand was doing. She looked over to Varga, and realized the same - his body was ravaging the prisoner, but his mind seemed to be elsewhere, focused intensely on something. Suddenly her eyes widened - they were using telepathy, projecting perhaps?

Varga seemed to be reaching a climax, pounding himself hard against the prisoner's toned ass, which for her part was slamming back at him as she herself seemed to be well on her way to orgasm. Lana watched breathlessly as both prisoner and Varga reached a thundering climax, Varga grunting and the prisoner crying out with pleasure. Henri was no longer even touching her breasts, for he seemed in a trance, his mind focused on something. Finally, as Lana watched him warily, he smiled, his face relaxing and his attention returning to the present. Henri stood, patting the panting woman on her bare back as she gasped for breath, her orgasm winding down. Henri turned to the crowd, his satisfaction obvious.

"You see, folks, the assassin loves to be used by strong men, she is truly a wonton slut. But what she may not realize is that when she becomes highly aroused, her mind begins to slowly open up to us, like a budding flower. Her mind, normally impregnable to a . . . modest telepath like myself, becomes an open book when she is in the throes of passion. The last few minutes were certainly educational, thank you, my dear," he added, patting the prisoner on the head.

As he'd been speaking, the woman's eyes had narrowed, and it occurred to Lana that perhaps the prisoner didn't realize this vulnerability, or didn't believe it. Lana knew it first hand, for Warrick had shown her how his intimate touches had greatly impeded her telepathic ability. This woman must have been the same, if Henri was to be believed. Then it dawned on her. The prisoner, a telepath herself, didn't seem to know Henri and Varga were telepaths. She probably thought she was the only one, and had nothing to fear.

Henri turned to the woman. "You are fearless, and a powerful warrior no doubt. However, we were able to learn something that does frighten you," said Henri. "What do you think about that?" Then he went silent, and Lana watched with trepidation as the woman looked from one man to the other.

"You two are telepaths? Your minds are so weak I didn't even notice. You fools couldn't break into the mind of a rodent," she spat with disdain. "Tell me, what am I afraid of?" she added, dismissively.

Henri paused for effect. "Water, as we know already. But more than that, electricity. You're terrified of it. But you know it's not a danger on this planet," said Henri, smiling at the prisoner's look of surprise and shock.

Then he moved around beside her to pat the prisoner on the ass. "It's true, these people have no understanding of electricity." He turned to the audience. "Electricity? Anyone know what that is?" He got blank stares in return and he chuckled, turning back to the prisoner. "But you're in luck, my dear," he said, his voice tinged with a sickening sweetness. "Varga and I come from another place. A place that does know electricity. And we brought some toys with us. I have just the thing for you, that should make you a bit more malleable."

The prisoner's eyes widened, her expressions of anger and supreme confidence now replaced by an unfamiliar emotion. Concern. Henri smiled as he walked to the table and opened a black case. He made a show of rummaging around before selecting something and returning to stand in front of the prisoner. He held it up to show her. It was about the length and girth of Lana's middle finger, and it was made of a shiny metal that could only have come from modern manufacturing. In Henri's other hand was a small device, like a comm device from home. The prisoner was watching Henri carefully as he moved the shiny finger against her bare breast. He then pressed a button on the display of his comm device, and there was a sharp snap, and the prisoner jumped visibly, her voice registering the painful shock.

Henri had also jumped, and he laughed. "Oww, stupid me, I shocked myself! Let's put this somewhere safe so I don't hurt anyone. Well, except you, my dear," he added with a chuckle. He turned to his partner. "Varga, fetch some of the Dragon's Flower, I'll use that to lube this up a little." Varga went to the cabinet and returned with a small vial similar to Lana's. He opened the top, and Henri used his finger to take a little and smear it all over the metal finger.