Agent in Distress Ch. 10


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"There now--she is---ack" His mouth was hanging open but no more words were coming out. Lana watched fascinated as Henri moved a hand to his throat, as if choking on a piece of bone. The prisoner, she realized. She must have got her powers back. Henri was turning red, and he made a wild gesture to Varga, who was watching with alarm. "Wat--er!" he choked.

"You thirsty?" said Varga, looking at his partner, no doubt thinking it was a strange time to get thirsty.

Henri pointed frantically at the prisoner. "N-not me! Pri-son-er!"

Varga's slowly began to comprehend, and then his movements were quick. He dashed to the pair of water buckets, picking one up. He moved to toss it on the bent-over prisoner, and suddenly his arms wouldn't move, the bucket frozen in mid-air. He looked at the bucket with confusion. There was a grunt of desperation from Henri, and then still clutching his throat, he moved to the prisoner, and roughly jammed the metal finger into her bottom, drawing a grunt from the woman. With his face turning a sickening reddish color, his free hand fumbled with the comm device, finally pressing a button. The prisoner's head shot up suddenly, her voice crying out and her eyes wide in shock. Her body shook slightly as the electricity rippled through her. Henri gasped for air, his throat no longer constricted, and Varga, his hands suddenly free, doused the prisoner and Henri with his bucket of water, leading to a scream from the prisoner, and a shriek and string of curses from Henri.

Lana ignored Henri's angry words, and instead was focused on the prisoner. The girl was shaking and shivering, and Lana thought she could hear the hum of the metallic finger which Henri had inserted in the struggling woman's ass. The prisoner was straining in her bonds, and it wasn't hard to guess where was the source of her obvious debilitating agony.

"Oh, sorry, dear," said Henri suddenly, pressing a button on his comm device. Suddenly the prisoner stopped shaking, and instead hung limply in her bonds, her head dangling low between her outstretched arms as she gasped for breath. Henri moved to caress her back, and the woman jerked as if shocked. "You poor thing," said Henri with mock sympathy. "All that cold water and the electric shocks make you sensitive, don't they? Well don't worry, I'll set the device in your dainty bottom to go off once every 10 seconds. That'll be enough to keep you in line, won't it?" The woman turned her head and glared at him, but he ignored her, typing on his device and stopping when he heard a beep from it. "There we go," said Henri, with an exaggerated button press. The prisoner jerked, her eyes going wide for a second before the humming stopped and she relaxed a bit. Henri counted out loud to 10, and the woman jerked again as the anal plug sent a quick jolt into her. She shot Henri a look of hatred.

"I'll kill you," she said, her voice strained and breathless.

"Perhaps you should have when you had the chance," chuckled Henri. "Because now, we're going to teach you a little humility, and wipe that smug confidence from your pretty face."

Lana looked to the prisoner, and indeed, her look of supreme confidence was wavering. The hum coming from her invaded bottom came again, and the prone girl gasped and stiffened, her expression slowly changing to doubt. Lana shivered, for she knew firsthand how ruthless Henri and Varga could be, and they seemed to have found the weaknesses in this mysterious woman, who was even more powerful than Lana. Somehow that realization made her own captivity seem even more frightening, and Lana suddenly wanted to will the prisoner to fight, to resist, for both their sakes. If this strong, confident telepath couldn't hold up to Henri and Varga, what chance did Lana have? If they realized who she was, they'd do even more terrible things to her.

Lana shuddered as she watched the prisoner jerk and strain again to the electric shock from the anal plug. She wondered how these two men, former students of the Institute, could have such depravity inside them. Henri seemed to read her mind.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, my dear, I know it must be uncomfortable," said the young telepath. He was moving around behind the panting prisoner, and then his hand went between her widespread legs. Lana couldn't see exactly what his hand was doing, but the prisoner gasped, her arousal quickly returning as Henri teased her with his fingers.

"How dare you!" hissed the woman, her breathing growing ragged, clearly not able to resist Henri's skilled fingers. And every time the anal plug zapped her, she jerked, gasping for breath. Lana could see in her eyes the worry, that perhaps the situation was getting away from her.

Henri smiled. "Oh, not so cocky now, are we? I thought you were enjoying this?" The woman only glared at him, and then she gasped as he slipped two fingers inside her. "Now be a good girl and open your mind to us. I want to know why you're so frightened of electricity."

"Go to hell!" gasped the prisoner, biting her lip when the electric shock rippled through her again. The helplessly bound woman seemed to now be tensing up before the 10 second count, as if anticipating the shock, but each one seemed to shake her a little deeper, and erode her confidence. Lana saw her testing her bonds, pulling on the stocks on her wrists, and trying to lift her legs, but she was held fast. Her eyes seemed to be getting a little wider, darting about helplessly, all the while Henri's delving, teasing fingers rekindled and stoked her inner fire.

"Make her cum," said Varga, his voice husky with desire as he stroked his cock, slick with his juices and that of the prisoner. "When she cums, her mind opens up completely."

"No!" hissed the prisoner, "I'll decide when I cum, not you fools." But her voice lacked the conviction from before, and Lana could see that the poor woman's arousal was growing beyond her control. She was no longer a willing participant in her own defilement. Now she was moving her hips a bit frantically, trying to escape Henri's fingers. Varga knelt down next to her, reaching up to squeeze and pull on her dangling breasts, smiling as she moaned in response.

"You're much too sensual to resist us," said Henri. "Just give in to the pleasure and enjoy it like you did before."

"No!" gasped the prisoner, shuddering as the plug shocked her yet again. She seemed to have trouble controlling her breathing, which was now coming in short gasps, punctuated by sharp intakes of air when the buzzer went off.

Suddenly the magistrate's hand appeared on Lana's thigh, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You too must learn to give in to the pleasure, my dear. Spread your legs, your posture is getting sloppy." Lana quickly widened her legs and straightened her back, not wanting to draw any attention to herself by displeasing the magistrate. "Good," he whispered in her ear. "Are you enjoying the show?"

Lana shook her head, without thinking. Her answer unfortunately was what the magistrate had expected, and he gently slid his hand up her inner thigh to touch her intimately. Lana gasped, getting up on her heels as she tried to escape his touch.

"Oh dear," said the magistrate with a chuckle. "You are soaking wet, little slave. Has all this been too much for you to handle?"

"P-please, don't!" whispered Lana, squirming as his finger traced a wet, sticky circle about her opening.

"You are so wet down there I can barely tell what I'm touching," said the magistrate with amusement. "I'm terribly sorry for neglecting you. We must see to your needs as soon as possible."

"No, no!" whispered Lana, trembling with need, but terribly fearful of whatever he might do to 'see to her needs'."

Their attention was brought back to the prisoner by Henri. "Let's see if you can resist this," he said to the prisoner, suddenly pulling out his own stiff member from his pants. Lana gasped, watching as without a pause, he pushed himself into the woman's quivering folders, which accepted him eagerly with a wet and humiliating sound. The prisoner arched her back, crying out with pleasure before she started shaking her head, seemingly trying not to give in to what Lana knew must have been deliciously seductive sensations. "Cum for me, little slut," said Henri, working himself deeply into the warm, slick confines of his prisoner. Lana's own insides clenched, and she prayed the magistrate couldn't feel her response. Then his fingers stroked up and down her wet folds and she moaned, biting her lip to stifle the sound. The last thing Lana wanted was to draw attention to herself, and lose the safety of anonymity.

Perhaps the magistrate thought the same, for he leaned in close and whispered, "You must be silent, my dear, it would be rude to disturb the Masters work." Yet despite his words, he continued to stroke and explore her aching flesh, making Lana whimper through her tightly closed lips as she tried to keep silent. As Henri worked his victim in front of her, and the magistrate worked Lana mercilessly, she quickly gave up trying to fight the overwhelming pleasure and instead try to will herself to cum, to give herself some measure of relief. Soft sounds escaped from her throat as she squirmed, leaning toward the magistrate as if to encourage him to touch her more deeply. Yet somehow she could get no closer to cumming, and she whined in helpless frustration.

The magistrate whispered in her ear. "The salve makes your orgasm elusive, my dear. But I love the little noises you are making, and I applaud your efforts; you're turning into such a good little slut." Lana gasped in horror at his words, and she suddenly felt a burning humiliation. She'd debased herself for nothing, he had no intention of letting her cum! Then the magistrate removed his fingers, the intense pleasure of his touch replaced by an aching sense of need and loss. Lana felt a gushing sense of disappointment, which she tried unsuccessfully to suppress. She did not want to give in to her base needs, or all would be lost! But he made it so difficult . . .

Henri meanwhile was eager to make his subject reach a climax, working her deeply and from different angles, even using a hand to tease her clit while he stroked himself in and out. The prisoner was getting more agitated. "No!" she choked, wiggling her hips in a futile attempt to escape Henri's plunging cock and teasing fingers. She was straining against the wooden bar that kept her hips in place, and pulling uselessly on the stocks that held her wrists out straight. Her breathing was getting out of her control, sharp and ragged gasps of air punctuated by her moans of pleasure. Lana decided she must have been strong, for she herself would have likely cum long before. Yet even the prisoner seemed about to succumb.

"Cum!" commanded Henri, ramming her hard and mercilessly, while Varga pulled and pinched her sensitive nipples.

"No, I will not!" moaned the prisoner, but it was clear even to her that she would soon fail. The woman fought, straining and biting her lip, but the sensations were too good, Lana realized, knowingly. Henri continued calmly plundering the woman, who became increasingly frantic, no longer able to control her moans, her face red with unbidden desire and a loss of control. Suddenly Henri grunted, pumping hard as he came inside the prisoner, who came herself, crying out, her back arching as Henri pumped his seed into her shuddering body. Lana doubted he could control his own telepathy at that moment, but she saw Varga concentrating heavily while the other two completed their powerful climaxes. Finally after a long pause, Henri pulled out, tucking his cock inside his pants and moving around the prisoner while he patted her affectionately on the ass.

"What did you see?" he asked of Varga, who was standing himself and smiling.

"You're going to love this," he said, grinning as he looked down at the panting prisoner, hanging limp in her bonds. "Just like I said, when she cums, she leaves her mind wide open. I could tell she was trying to close her mind this time, now that she knows we're telepaths, but the shock treatment seems to scramble her powers for a short time, so I could get in easily."

"And . . . what did you see?" asked Henri, half facing the audience as if he were a showman.

"When she's turned on, she slowly loses her powers. She's waiting for us to let her rest, let her arousal dissipate, so she can use her powers to escape," said Varga. "And she thinks she can't escape as long as that thing is buzzing her ass."

"I'll kill you!" hissed the prisoner at Varga. Yet her expression did not match her words. Lana could see fear in the woman's eyes. She'd underestimated Henri and Varga, and they'd found a great vulnerability hidden in her mind.

"Yes, I see, I can read her too . . ." said Henri, concentrating and reading her still open mind. "She fears if she's kept in an overheated state too long, it could take days to recover any of her powers, even longer. That means," continued Henri, pausing and facing the audience. "If we keep her in a constant state of need, she'll be powerless to escape, and we can train her like any other pleasure slave."

"You bastards!" gasped the prisoner, struggling meakly in her bonds, clearly exhausted. Lana saw Henri holding up a gag he pulled from his pocket.

" I think we've had enough of your disrespectful tone, my dear," he added, moving to the prisoner.

"No, don't you dare-mmmph!" the prisoner struggled helplessly as Henri gagged her, cutting off her words. He stepped back, smiling down at the frantically thrashing prisoner. Lana gasped, for the gag was actually a large ring, that held her mouth open. After a moment she realized the purpose, for with that ring in her mouth, she'd be unable to close her jaws, should a man decide to use that orifice for his own pleasure. The ring was just the right size for a well-endowed cock to fit. Lana shuddered at the cruelty of such a thing.

Henri spoke to Varga, his voice loud so everyone could hear. "Leave the plug in her ass overnight, and give her one for her pussy as well, just a vibe, not an electric one. And make sure it's set low enough she can't cum. Then tell the guards to visit her and keep her company whenever their shifts allow. Make sure they understand they can cum, but she can't. They can use her mouth, but if they want to fuck her, make sure they put the vibe back in afterwards. Set it up, and we'll see how amenable she is after a night of our hospitality." Then he gestured at the guards, and Lana watched, feeling lightheaded, as the guards took away the prisoner, who was now struggling and mewling into her gag, fear in her eyes. It was a far different sight than the confident, cocky woman they'd brought in an hour before.

When the prisoner was out of sight, Henri turned to the audience, then looked down at the kneeling slave girls. Lana kept her eyes down as his gaze moved up the line. "Did you see that, girls? That prisoner thought she was too strong for us. She was wrong. None of you stand a chance, we will break you each in turn, and mold you into the best pleasure slaves you can be. When you feel the urge to rebel, think of this prisoner. If we can break her in an hour, what do you think we'll do to you?"

Lana was trembling, terrified that Henri or Varga would suddenly recognize her, and focus their cruel imaginations on her. When Henri asked the kneeling slaves for their agreement, she eagerly nodded her head. And she silently begged Warrick to get better and come rescue her. The slave camp was too much, too cruel and too depraved for her to handle. She needed to escape, or she feared her will might crumble when their attentions finally turned to her.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

My favorite chapter so far. You have a wonderfully depraved mind!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great stuff

You say you are a fellow Charles Petersunn fan, but no spankings? Wouldn’t that be the ideal way to induct a new pleasure slave? Leaves no marks but can be effective.

AlyndraAlyndraabout 6 years ago
Great work

I just found this story 2 days ago and quickly finished reading it. Great story! I really love it. Can't wait to see the next chapter coming out.

You've maintained a good balance of how Lana kept her resistance. I think the slave training camp got to be one of the high points of the story. It provides the best setting for you to create the biggest mental struggle of the protagonist. And definitely this should be the place that truly shifts her mindset irrecoverably. I truly hope that you would spend a long span of time of the story at this place. Please don't rush this part. Stay here as long as you can.

I'm new to this site and haven't found a feature to subscribe new post from a story series or authors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

As a fellow writer, I think your process is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes you have to pull away from your work, often when you don't even want to. From a reader's standpoint, I know the frustration of eagerly awaiting another chapter, but I think seeing it from the writer's perspective makes me more patient, perhaps. I look forward to reading more of your story, any of your stories for that matter; I think they're fantastic. And I know that pressure does not assist in cranking them out, so I'll just say this is a great story, and you're a great writer. I hope you continue enjoying writing these stories as much as I enjoy reading them.

TanukiTanukiabout 6 years agoAuthor
From the author

I can’t speak for other writers, but if I have an idea, I need to write it, before it fades away. And when I get mentally stuck on a story or get writers block, it helps to work on another very different work, or to simply write an easier scene. As for why I don’t finish a story before posting, I view Lit as a community that helps me write, it is not a bookstore that I provide a finished product. The comments and feedback from readers helps me not only write a story, but they make my stories better. I even have long discussions with a few readers, one of whom has become a friend and my editor. As for why it takes so long, I’m not a professional, I have another much less fun job that leaves me little time to write.

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