Agents of Pleasure Ch. 20

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Paige's libido makes a statement, "No Limits!"
6.1k words

Part 20 of the 38 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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Everyone mentioned in this chapter is at least eighteen years old.

By the time Paige left Chad's house that night it was 11:30. This was one of those nights when she wished she could sleep over with him because of how tired she was. "Four more days," the redhead thought, "four more days and this won't be an issue." Almost home she passed by Marie's house and was surprised to see the living room light on through the drapes that weren't entirely drawn. "Look at that," she said out loud, "Maybe Marie would like to hear what Chad and I did tonight?"

Deciding that a five minute stop wouldn't be too much, Paige pulled to the curb. Stepping onto the front stoop, she was about to knock when a movement between the drapes to her left distracted her. As she peered into Marie's living room, Paige clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle a surprised, "Oh my God!" Marie and Kayla were sitting on the sofa locked together in a searing embrace! Kayla was naked from the waist up, and she had her hand under Marie's top visibly groping her friend's left breast. They were kissing frantically as if an explosion had occurred. Paige watched them (still keeping her hand over her mouth,) transfixed by the heat they were generating, "God, look at them! Wow!"

The kissing stopped for just a moment so Kayla could almost literally rip Marie's shirt off, and then it furiously resumed! Without missing a beat, Marie swung her leg over her black babysitter and straddled her thighs. They kissed for perhaps fifteen more seconds before Kayla broke it and lowered her mouth to begin sucking Marie's left tit! The brunette's head rolled back in an open-mouthed ecstasy; her right hand slipped around Kayla's head and pulled it hard against her boob.

All of a sudden...a service vehicle drove by with its flashing yellow lights briefly illuminating the small porch where Paige was standing. It startled her enough to make her think, "Oh my God, someone might see me peeping!" She scurried back to her car and sat behind the wheel for a moment breathing heavily. "I can't wait to hear Marie explain THIS one!" That thought made her giggle!

Tuesday was closing day for the Steadmans and Charlie Green. Paige spent twenty minutes cleaning the conference room and making sure that was ready. Then she listened to her voice mails; the first three messages were from prospective clients looking for an agent. The fourth was from Ms. Icky-Pick, "Hello Paige? This Eve Prater calling; Larry and I have been talking and we'd like to try again. Please call me back at your earliest convenience. Thank you!"

Paige didn't exactly feel like calling her back, but decided that acting professionally was better than acting emotionally. Eve picked it up on the second ring, "Hello?"

"Hi Eve, it's Paige Turner returning your call. How are you?"

"Oh Paige, thanks for calling back so quickly! Before we discuss our next move, I just want to apologize for my attitude last time. I was under a lot of stress, but that's no excuse for being rude. I hope we can move past that and try again...Can we?"

The agent was slightly taken aback; an apology wasn't what she expected at all! Paige took a deep breath and said, "Oh, of course! We'll work hard to find what you want. I still have the notes from the last time. Are there any changes in your search parameters?"

"Thanks for that, Paige; and no...there are no changes. In fact, the last house we looked at... can we look at it again? Larry liked it a lot!"

"Sure, the only thing is, that house has an offer on it. Would you like to wait and see what happens, or search for another property?"

"Let's wait, as I said, Larry liked it. Will you call me when the offer is processed?"

"I will, but it might be next week before I know; I'm getting married on Friday!"

"Oh my goodness, congratulations! But next week? Won't you be gone on your honeymoon?"

"Um, honeymoon! It's a long story; can I call you on Monday?"

"Yes, that to you soon!"

As she entered the call on her calendar, Paige thought, "Wow, surprises come in all shapes and sizes!" That thought flashed her back to the night before, and she picked up her phone to call Marie!

"Hello, Luv! How was your weekend?"

"My weekend was busy, but last night was amazing!"

"How so? Did you win The Lottery, or did you and Chad stay up all night?"

"Are you alone?"

"I'm in the break room, but no one can hear me."

"Oh my God, Marie, we decided to explore my backdoor!"

There was a long pause, "Wow! Seriously? How was it?"

"Awesome! So very intense!"

"I can't wait to hear about it," Marie enthused, "but I can't right now; how about lunch tomorrow?"

"Okay, but before we hang up, tell me how YOUR last night went! Did YOU stay up all night?"

There was an even longer pause, "Uh, what exactly do you mean?"

"Did you have sex last night?"

"Uh, yes."

"How was it?"

Paige heard Marie giggle, "Pretty good if you must know!"

"Will I get the details at lunch tomorrow?"

"Sure, food court?"

"Yep, see you at noon!"

The Hannigan agent spent the next ninety minutes researching the listings for the new clients, and a lot of that time expanding the search for the Praters (just in case the offer she told Eve about was accepted.) It was now 12:30 and the closings were beginning at 3:00; so instead of picking up lunch, she decided to go home for an hour and hang with the family.

Entering the kitchen she was surprised and pleased to see Ted Brecher sitting at the table with her mother. They were just as surprised to see her!

"Hello, you two! Am I interrupting?"

"Not at all," replied Trudy, "but this is a bit different for you; are you home to stay?"

"Nope," said Paige, "I have a very busy afternoon starting at 2:30...and take-out didn't sound very good. How are you, Ted?"

"I'm great; and we just had a great lunch too! Your mother made us chicken salad sandwiches and soup."

"That sounds yummy!" and Paige said to her mother, "Is there any left for me?"

"Just enough, I think...and there are croissants in there too."

Paige looked at Ted and winked, "Croissants? Wow, you guys are eating like kings!"

"No doubt about that! I better tell the team to slow down a little so we can have a few more lunches here."

"Speaking of that, how IS the work going?"

"We're ahead of schedule; things are going well. At this rate, we'll be finished in two more weeks."

"That's great news! Okay, I'll get some of that chicken salad and be out of your way in a minute."

Ted said, "Oh you don't have to rush, I have to get back to work myself."

He got up and went out the back door; Paige opened the fridge to make her sandwich. "Such a nice guy," she said to her mother, "Is your date still on for Sunday?"

"Oh yes, when you walked in he was talking about a movie after dinner."

"Cool! And was there any other interesting conversation besides that?"

Her mother smiled, "No, we're just talking about our lives and families and such. It's a getting-to-know us kind of thing."

"I think he likes you!"

"Of course he does! Who doesn't?"

"No, seriously Mom, Chad says it took him a while to get over things; but it looks to me like he's snapped out of it just fine."

"He said as much," Trudy reflected, "If you remember, it took me a while also."

"Yes, life's a bitch, but clouds have silver linings! Are the kids around?"

"The little ones are coloring in the living room, I dropped Olivia and Sophie off at Bernadette's house for the day."

Paige took her plate and went in search of Jimmy and Jamie; she even rook a page from Jamie's coloring book and sat down to color with them for a while. Jimmy was chattering away about school starting next week (as if he even knew what PreK-4 was all about. All Jamie could say was, "Can I have a cookie?"

When she walked back into the office at 2:15, Virginia and Jack Steadman were sitting there waiting for her. "Wow, you guys are here early!"

"Yes," said Jack, "We went out to lunch and did a little shopping. Rather than going home for thirty minutes, we just came on over."

"Great, well let's go into the conference room; it's all set up, maybe the notary will come early also... we'll see. Can I get you some coffee or water?"

The Steadmans chatted for a while about where they came from, how they met, and how they got to Rochester. Paige told them her situation without going into too much detail; she was anticipating that they would bring up the swinger thing and she wasn't wrong.

"So Paige," Ginny began, "How did you and your friend Marie meet?"

The redhead looked at her, "You haven't met Marie, did Sara tell you about her?"

Ginny smiled, "Of course! In our little circle of friends there aren't many secrets. But outside of the group, we are completely discreet! Sara did say that you and Marie are invited to one of our get-togethers. Do you think that will happen sometime?"

"I think it might, but at the moment there's too much going on. I'm getting married Friday, my fiance Chad Ferris will be moving into my house, school is starting...there's a long list!"

"Yes," Jack added, "and I hear your Chad's company Maxpro is doing the remodel of Jason and Sara's little compound!"

"He is, and you're meeting him on Thursday, right?"

"That's right."

"Exactly, we'll revisit the invitation when things settle down."

Just as Ginny was saying, "Things certainly are very busy, but it IS a fun thought..." Paige's favorite notary Josie Morales walked into the conference room. Everything turned completely business like, and Josie got things started in a hurry. They wrapped it all up in just under forty minutes.

Paige walked Jack and Ginny to the door. "I can't wait to see what you and Chad are going to come up with on your new place? I will get to see the finished product, won't I?"

"For sure," said Jack with a wink, "we host 'get-togethers' ourselves! We'll put you on the guest list!"

The redhead laughed, "Good real estate agents are in high demand!" The Steadmans laughed and left.

Paige went to her desk and checked her voice mail, then rejoined Josie in the conference room. "I hope your next closer is on time, Paige. I have two more closings after this over at Century 21."

"Charlie Green is Mr. Punctual as far as I know. He'll prove me right or wrong in a few minutes." No sooner did she say that than Charlie walked in the front door five minutes early! "There he is now!"

"Thank God," said Josie, "I haven't even had time to go to the bathroom today!"

Charlie saw them through the glass door of the room and came in; he cocked his head sort of puzzled at their posture, "Hello Ladies! Am I late?"

Paige giggled at the way he said it, "Not at all but sit your ass down and we'll get started! This is Josie Morales, Charlie...she's handling the closing."

Josie was staring at Paige for her choice of words with a client, but she gathered herself quickly and off they went. This one went even faster than the first, and thirty minutes later Josie was stuffing the papers into her brief case and saying her goodbyes!

Charlie leaned back in his chair and said, "What did you say her name was? Josie the Tornado?"

Paige laughed, "She was pressed for time; ever had one of those days?"

"Not lately, but hey...I'm flexible. Maybe I'll take some of your coffee now."

The agent got them each a cup and placed the cream and sugar on the table between them. "So... what time are you meeting my Chad tomorrow?"

Charlie dumped a packet of sugar into his coffee and said, "9:30...he called me today. I'm meeting him and one of his estimators at the house. Which reminds me, do you have the keys?"

She swiveled her chair around and picked the keys off a hook on the wall behind her. "That's cool, did he tell you the estimator's name?"

"Tom Brecher."

Paige smiled at the coincidence, "Oh yes, Tom...I love him! He's involved in my remodel as well!"

He took a sip of coffee, "I don't even know where you live, it might be fun to see your house when the work is over."

"We could do that, but you know why Chad is meeting you tomorrow, right? He normally would send Tom all by himself."

Charlie grinned at her, "I think I understand the situation pretty well. He's not bringing a gun to this meeting, is he?"

Paige thought that was hilarious! "If we were going to kill all the people we've slept with, the police might think there was a maniac loose in the town!"

"Ha! They would huh?" He looked at her mischievously, "In that scenario, I wonder what the cops would think about me?"

"I guess that would depend on how many M.I.L.F.'s you've slept with since you arrived in Rochester!"

"As a general rule, I stay away from other men's women. On top pf that, ever since I was in middle school I've drawn the ire of quite a few guys who were...shall I say, sub-human?"

"You were picked on in school, yes?"

"Let's just say I developed a lot of strategies for avoiding confrontation." When this made Paige laugh, Charlie continued, "But that's not to say I haven't slept with a M.I.L.F. Your question included the caveat 'Since I got to Rochester.'" He leaned forward, "The last mother I slept with before you was my high school calculus teacher!"

The redhead shivered and sipped her coffee, "That sounds like fun! Would I like to hear that story sometime?"

"It's pretty involved, but do you want the long or short version?"

"How about you give me the short version now and the long one some other time?"

"Cool! The short version is that the math club was meeting after school one day, and the teacher saw me and a girl sneaking up onto the stage in the auditorium. The girl had heard about my anatomical gifts and wanted to suck me off! The teacher watched it from behind a curtain and got interested herself. You can guess where it went from there!"

Paige shivered again, "Yeah, I think I do want to hear this story someday, it definitely sounds hot!"

Charlie grinned, "If you think that's hot, you'll REALLY enjoy the story of my threesome with her and another teacher!"

The redhead stared at him and took another draw of coffee, "You're leading quite the life, Charlie Green!"

He shrugged, "That's true, I guess. How's YOUR life going, Paige Turner?"

She giggled, "Point taken. So, I should get back to work now."

"Do you have to?"

The redhead grinned, "What? Do you want to sneak up onto the stage with me?"

"Very sexy thought, right? No, I have a better idea if you want to hear it?"

This time an erotic shudder coursed through Paige's whole body; there was no way Charlie could have missed seeing it. And there was no point trying to hide it either, "Sure, what is it?"

"Maybe you'd like to come over to my house and hang out for a while?" When she just looked at him he added, "If you have time."

During the first part of this conversation, Paige's hormones had been ratcheting up. All of a sudden they started surging toward out of control! The thought of his huge dick in her pussy was hard to deal with, but her rational mind was at least searching for a reasonable response. "But it's Tuesday...tonight is Allie's night, isn't it?"

Charlie Green reached across the table and touched her hand, "Babe...this is Allie's idea!"


On the way to his house, Paige called Chad. "Hi Babe, I have you on speaker, Sylvie is sitting here with me."

They exchanged greetings and Paige got right to it, "Chad, you remember I told you about Allie Pruitt and Charlie Green? They just invited me over to his house. I thought I should tell you I'm on my way!"

"Lucky you! Can I get the details later?"

"Of course, but you might want to ask Charlie a few questions when you see him tomorrow."

"That's right! Wow...that should be fun!"

Sylvie interrupted, "Hey! I wouldn't mind hearing those details myself!"

Paige laughed at an absurd thought she was having, "What's so funny, Babe?"

The redhead said, "I was thinking I should get a journal and write down the details of these encounters for coffee table reading!"

Thirty minutes later they were walking through Charlie's front door. Allie was sitting in the corner of the couch watching TV, but the moment she saw them she hit the pause button. "Hi Paige!"

The redhead waved and said, "I really can't believe this!"

Charlie chuckled, "Allie thinks you're irresistible, Paige, I agree!"

Allie got up from the sofa, "I told him not to pressure you, Paige," Allie said, "he has this way about him!"

"No, there was no pressure." The redhead looked at Charlie and smiled, "I guess I'm just a maniac!"

They all laughed and Charlie said, "I prefer to say that our bodies have very demanding libidos!"

Paige giggled some more and looked at Allie, and the blonde said, "He means we're horny as FUCK!" And they all laughed again!

Glancing at her watch, the "horny-as-fuck" redhead said, "This will sound stupid, but I do need to be home by 6:00. Uh, can we get started?"

Charlie looked at Allie and shook his head, "The firecracker has been lit!"

"I've been 'lit' since you left for the closing, and SO hoping she would come!" She stepped over to Paige and pulled her close. "Between us talking and Charlie telling me what you're like, I've been wanting to play with you for a while!"

Paige replied, "Charlie said this was your idea!"

"Yeah!" Allie closed the distance and their lips touched. "Apparently you liked my idea!"

The shorter redhead leaned up into Allie and they kissed more passionately. Paige had her arms around her new lover and in no real time their mouths opened and their tongues slithered together. "You're so fucking hot!" whispered Paige, "I'm glad you want to try an 'older' woman!" Allie didn't answer, she just went back to kissing.

Charlie let them go at it for a moment, but he did step into their space and put one hand on each of their backs. "You two look fucking amazing! How could I be so lucky?"

Paige broke the kiss, pulled at Charlie's neck, and let him have a turn. It was debatable who was the better kisser, but after about a minute Allie pushed in and they began a three-way kiss that absolutely made Paige lose her mind! Charlie's hand slid down her back and started feeling up her ass, so Paige did the same thing to Allie. The kiss was just too delicious to stop and they stood there feeling each other up for at least five minutes before they felt the need to breathe!

When it finally ended, the redhead said to Allie, "Oh my God...I've never had a kiss like THAT before! Do you think his dick is hard?"

Allie cracked up, "I'd put money on it! Let's go to the bedroom!" She took Paige by the hand and led her down the hall with Charlie trailing. The room had been prepped a little with two scented candles burning, and Paige noticed some lube and toys on the nightstand. But what really caught her attention was the strap-on dildo on the other nightstand!

She giggled and pointed it out to Allie, "That would be something new! Does that get a lot of use around here?"

"Sometimes it does," Allie replied, "especially when Charlie's not around!"

The redhead looked at Charlie, "Do all the girls have keys?"

"Sure," he said, "although coming over unannounced is not allowed."

"I think I told you," Allie added, "Joy and I both live with our parents; sometimes when the mood strikes, we might come over here for the afternoon."

"I see, so that's not sitting there for me."

Allie grinned, "I believe in being fully prepared, don't I, Charlie?"

"You're one of THE most prepared women in town, Al...but...we only have about an hour left, and our new friend here hasn't even had her first orgasm yet!"

"Oh, how rude of us," Allie teased, "Where are our manners? Let's get her clothes off Charles, I feel the need to taste her pussy! From what you've told me, she's pretty orgasmic!"