Agnes Lets Go


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A bottle aloe stood near his chair. Had he planned this? She wondered. He pulled her down until she was bent over his lap, her ass high. A burp of lotion spilled into his hand, and he rubbed the wounded spot. The lotion smelled like lavender and soothed.

He didn't stop there. He rubbed the lotion over both cheeks and into the crevice between those mounds. Then his fingers probed a little deeper. She spread her legs, just a bit. He grabbed her pussy, shifting his fingers over her shaved area. It felt even better than the vibrating razor.

"I don't believe you about the cash," he said. He raised his hand over his head and brought it down suddenly on her backside. The slap resounded against the buildings opposite. Agnes tightened her buttocks, anticipating another blow. He waited until she relaxed, then hit her again. Then again.

It stung and her backside tingled. But so did her insides. The more he struck her, the more excited she became. She felt wet between her legs and could tell he was getting aroused as well. He hit her until her ass was glowing red and sensitive to touch. Then he forced her to stand up. He pushed her face first to the balcony railing. She grasped the railing for fear that he might want to push her off. Instead, she heard him unzip and push himself into her. The lotion made entry easy, so she arched her back. He felt huge, seeking to enter her. She tried to make it easy for him, and he found his way inside her. She moaned and relaxed. He was in her, doing her, fucking her from behind.

He pulled out and looked for a way into her ass. She forced herself to relax to make it easy for him. She was slick, which helped, but he was fully engorged. She helped by pushing her ass onto his prick, letting it go deeper and deeper. She didn't realize she was moaning so loudly until his hoarse whisper told her to be quiet.

She felt him quiver and prepare to come. It was alright. She had already come twice in his embrace. She could probably come at least twice more if he stayed inside her long enough. He jerked upwards, pushing even more deeply inside her, and she felt his dick spasm repeatedly. Jism slid out of her. She slowed her breathing.

He was done with her. He pulled up his trousers and zipped shut without a word. He left her on the balcony and returned to the apartment. Agnes stayed outside, her body still trembling from their encounter. Suddenly the balcony was flooded with light. The bastard had turned on the lights.

Agnes's first reaction was to crouch and hide. But she had nothing to hide anymore. She stood against the railing, her hands gripping it. She felt like a figurehead on a sailing ship, her small but proud breasts pointing the way to new adventures.

Then he turned off the lights on the balcony. Agnes started to laugh. She laughed until she was sure Bradley was asleep, then went to shower and slipped into their bedroom.

The next morning, apartment was still hot. Agnes awoke with Bradley's hand on her hip again, but he had no morning wood. She eased out of bed, and hurried into the bathroom again. She wanted another shower, to touch up her shaved parts, and apply aloe and some talcum powder. Her mood had improved considerably when she exited the bathroom. She draped a towel around herself and hummed a song by Beyoncé.

Bradley perched on their bed, waiting for her. His legs were crossed at the knee. He had made the bed. On it, he had placed a sun dress for her and a pair of granny panties. The sun dress she liked. It was sea foam green, sleeveless, tight around the middle, but flaring beyond her hips. It cut rather low, and in the past, Bradley had been adamant that she not wear it. For one thing, it revealed whatever bra she wore.

"Good choice," she said. "This should be fun."

"You don't need a brassiere." Bradley grunted and went to take his shower.

Agnes slipped on the sun dress. She even wore the embarrassingly large pair of panties. She figured she could easily change into something sexier at Anton's cabin, provided Bradley didn't mind.

The trouble was, Bradley did mind. "No, you don't need to be flaunting your body. Nobody wants to be gawking at a string bean." He brought a pair of swimming shorts himself.

"I'll tell Ada not to bring her bikini," she said.

"Don't embarrass yourself," he said. "Ada will be wearing whatever she wants, and she'll capture all the attention. Don't you think?"

Agnes busied herself with preparing some sandwiches, cutting vegetables, loading treats into a cooler. She considered concealing her most revealing bikini but she knew Bradley would not be amused. She didn't want to spend the day fighting with him.

They picked up Ada, who was wearing shorts, a bikini top, and a transparent coverall. Agnes sat in the back seat, while Ada sat in the front seat, distracting Bradley. She was ecstatic that Anton had invited her. She didn't mention Agnes's yellowing bruise beneath her sunglasses.

They didn't anticipate that it would take three hours traveling back roads to get to the lake. Agnes expected a rustic place with access to a lake, probably grass beach. Instead, Anton's place was three stories tall, made of stone and timber beams. The pier led to a boat house which held ski boats and skis, and ski-dos. Instead of grass, there was actual sand, in shades of blond and white leading to a lapping lake surrounded by fir trees. Inside the cabin, the place looked to be staged for Architectural Digest. Most impressively, Agnes saw a clean, raised swimming pool with one side made of transparent, powerful glass. She saw that many guests were swimming in the pool, and they all looked as though they could be subjects for painters. Bradley noticed them immediately.

On the lake, motor boats purred as they splashed past the pier. The motors' insistent growl seemed to pull the men to the lake, anxious to test their ability behind the wheel. On a small stage to the side of cabin, a jazz/rock band was setting up and tuning up.

Anton met them graciously at the door. He shook Bradley's hand, saying "I'm so glad you came." He pulled Ada to himself, and stroked her back as he gave her a full body hug. Then it was Agnes's turn. She stepped up, her body quivering with anticipation. Bradley, though, interceded, and pulled her back a bit. Anton lifted his eyebrow. Agnes shrugged her shoulders just a bit.

"Let's go swimming!" Ada called, and began to pull Agnes to the pool. Bradley let her leave.

"I didn't bring a suit," she explained as she sat on the edge of the pool.

"Too bad! Ada shed her coverup, slipped out of her short shorts. Her hour-glass figure was amply and almost completely displayed. She wore a tiny bikini top that barely contained her swaying breasts and a thong bottom that didn't contain her bottom at all. She noticed the attention she was getting, even from the men who had been watching the motors roar on the lake. "You should try this, Agnes! Look! I'm more interesting than the ski boats. Whoo-hoo!" She jumped into the pool. The transparent side of the pool magnified her figure, and made her look even more nude than she really was.

Agnes splashed her feet in the pool. It felt deliciously cool. Already, some of the guests' horse-playing in the pool had caused tall, waterfall-sized deluges to douse her, making her sea foam summer dress nearly transparent and making it cling to her lean body. The water felt cooling, refreshing, and inviting. Bradley hurried up to the seated Agnes, and touched her ass with his foot. "No way you're getting in that pool."

The afternoon passed quickly, with abundant food and drink. Although everyone had brought food, Anton also provided catered food. From the side of the cabin, the band played songs from each of the past six decades, and people danced until their feet were sore.

Bradley sat outside in an Adirondack chair, smoking a cigar, nursing a bourbon. He caught the attention of Agnes and Ada, and motioned for them to join him. Ada was not embarrassed to be so unclothed in her tiny thong bikini. In fact, she seemed to be teasing Bradley by bending over and wringing the moisture from her hair. He watched her sumptuous ass, even as he was talking.

"I think we better be heading back. It's a three hours trip."

"Anton invited me to stay overnight," Ada said. "I think I will. You don't mind, do you?"

Bradley frowned, but shook his head. He turned to Agnes. "Well, we better go."

"The party's not over."

"I have to study tomorrow. I can't be exhausted from a late night at a lame party."

Ada took Agnes's waist. "Let Agnes stay with me. We deserve some excitement after the dull semester. Who knows when we'll see each other again."

Bradley scowled at them both, and shook his cigar at Agnes. "You don't even have a swim suit."

Agnes said, "I'd rather stay with Ada. I don't want to leave her alone."

Bradley stood up, puffing on his cigar aggressively. Agnes's eyes grew wide with trepidation.

"We're leaving."

Agnes turned on her heel. She strode purposefully to the large pool and looked at Bradley over her shoulder. She grabbed the hem of her sun dress, and pulled it over her head. Her slim naked back, her long arms over her blond head, her large panties, were fully on view for Bradley, and he sputtered, unable to speak. Then she pulled her granny panties down and stepped out of them. She wondered if he could still see the wound where he had touched her with his cigar yesterday. She turned around so that it was clear that she had joined the other guests who were already completely naked and frolicking together in the pool. There were about half a dozen women and a few men more than that, displayed like they were in a snow globe. Agnes dove into the pool. She swam near the transparent glass, knowing that it would help magnify her narrow body for anyone who cared to see her. Her lankiness might work in her favor.

Bradley threw his cigar away and left, taking the sea foam sun dress with him. Ada found a towel for Agnes, but she didn't want to use it yet. In fact, even when she emerged from the pool, water cascading over her body, she refused the towel. She wanted to be viewed, to be appraised, hopefully to be appreciated. She had gained some confidence since Anton had convinced her to model. She didn't even need the copper-colored pills that gave her mind a fizz.

She saw Anton studying her for an hour, although a nude Grace was seated in his lap. Eventually, Grace kissed him, and told him she was leaving. Even as other guests started to leave, he kept close to Agnes. Ada kept close as well, so they were a kind of team.

"Well, look at you both. Welcome to the party!"

"After all, it's National Nude Day, isn't it?" Ada reminded him.

"Why sure it is. There are rooms for both of you at the top of the stairs. Turn left and choose any of them. There are locks on the doors, but no extra clothes. I've got another idea for the morning, though."

Agnes thanked Anton with a lengthy, full body hug. She grinned as she felt his dick responding to her, but Bradley had taught her that men will salute any naked woman. Yet, she had never felt more alluring. The guests had certainly noticed her. She had three men who asked for her phone number, and two other that followed her to her room before she closed the door in their faces.

Rather than take separate rooms, she and Ada slept in the same room, sharing a queen sized bed. Ada showered and wore a towel on her head. She found one of Anton's shirt and draped it over her shoulders. She crawled into bed, under the covers with Agnes. When they turned off the lights, Agnes felt Ada's hand on her hip, caressing her. Agnes turned onto her back, wondering if Ada would continue.

She did. Ada shyly kissed her belly, her abdomen. But she didn't stop there. Agnes was grateful she had shaved when Ada's tongue dove between her legs. After a few minutes, Agnes twisted until she could reach Ada's sex, too. They lapped each other until they were both heaving, panting, and exhausted.

Then, different from Bradley's lovemaking, Ada took the time to kiss her on the lips and snuggle.

The sun didn't wake the women. They slept until almost noon. They came downstairs. Ada wore Anton's shirt, Agnes wore a bath towel around her waist. Her smallish breasts were exposed and attracted Anton's immediate attention.

Anton's staff took orders for the brunch. Ada had a ham and cheese omelet, and Agnes had a warm crepe with berries, whipped cream, and chocolate. The coffee finished off their meal.

"I suppose I can go home in a towel, what do you think?" Agnes said.

"I've got a better idea, if you'll permit me."

Anton led them both to his sunlit studio. He positioned them so the light fell most favorably on them both. He stripped the towel from Agnes. She blushed, although she didn't know why. Anton took his shirt from Ada. "Your tits are beautiful," he told her, "but your areolae are huge. Quit letting your boyfriends suck on them." Now Ada blushed.

He turned to Agnes. "Your tits are small, but your nipples are just right. Perhaps you'll let a boyfriend latch onto them for a while."

She giggled, but was pleased. "But how am I to get home?"

"I'll drive you both home, unless you want to stay here." He had pulled out paints while he talked. "I thought I'd give you a paint job you could wear in town."

"Naked?!" Ada exclaimed.

"Sure, but you won't look naked. I promise. I'll give you a business suit, Ada. Dark colors, a vest, a maroon tie, pin stripes. How does that sound?" Ada chuckled, looking at herself in the mirror as Anton lightly sketched her proposed costume.

"What about me?" Agnes said.

"You don't need much at all. I could tuck your blond hair under a baseball cap, paint on some men's shorts and sandals, and you'd pass."


"Oh, come on, Agnes. You've got the figure for it. I mean, you've got the look of a boy, no offense. Come on."

Slowly, Agnes was talked into the paint job. Anton didn't even paint a shirt on her. Instead, where she had the beginnings of curves, he lightened the area, so the shadows disappeared. He added some dirt to her face, and scrapes to her elbows and dirt to her side. She looked like a kid who had spent the morning playing in the hot sun.

Ada's job took longer, but the results were amazing. Anton slathered the paint onto her, finding her breasts especially hard to cover completely and naturally. She felt surprisingly comfortable although she was nude.

"This is so different! When I was wearing my thong, I wanted men to notice me. In this paint, I don't want them to notice me too much. Just let me pass right on by." Ada swiveled side to side looking at herself in the mirror.

They drove back to the university, where an impromptu Nude Day celebration was being held. Ada and Agnes joined the bicyclists and jugglers who were entertaining the crowds. Anton stripped naked once he was in the crowd. Grace appeared from somewhere, wearing only dangling beads from a hoop around her neck. The sky was threatening rain and the day was intensely humid.

"Your ass looks scrumptious," Agnes told Grace.

"I know," she said, strutting next to Anton.

Agnes didn't look too hard at the other people, afraid to recognize anyone she might later be afraid to look into the eye. When people greeted her, and congratulated her, she smiled, nodded, but did not remove her sun glasses. It was some kind of protection.

She did not expect to see Bradley at the rally. He was fully dressed, of course. His only nod to nudity was to wear cargo shorts. He walked boldly up to Agnes. "I like what you've done with your hair," he said with a half grin.

"See," Agnes said, "I don't need those breast enhancements."

"Not if you're content to look like a young boy," he laughed. Ada walked up to him, and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. Her paint-slathered breasts left dark spots on his sky blue shirt, but he didn't seem to mind. He pulled her in again for a longer hug.

"You're wearing too many clothes, Bradley," Ada said. "Time to enjoy the sunshine, big guy."

Agnes watched him. She knew he wouldn't relent. The stick was too far up his ass. Then the sky broke open. Wind gushed through the crowd, freeing balloons and hats and papers. Rain doused the people. It had an unfortunate effect on the many paint jobs in the crowd. Most of it was washed away, leaving the human easels washed clean of their imaginary clothing. Agnes kept her ball cap and her glasses, but otherwise was stripped naked, her shaved lithe body dripping with rain. Ada looked like she had just stepped from her bath, her red hair the only covering she could muster.

When Bradley saw Ada and Agnes together, he wiggled out of his cargo pants and whipped off his shirt. He still had a good body, especially for a law student.

"Come on, big guy, drop those shorts," Ada urged.

"What's in it for me?" he asked, a salacious grin on his face.

"Maybe I'll pin a medal to your chest," she said, then leaned in to whisper, "or I might just suck your cock."

The undershorts dropped immediately. Agnes laughed. Ada said, "I hope you don't mind, dearie."

"No," Agnes said, "saves me the bother." She put her arms around Anton on one side and Grace on the other. They marched down the street together. Grace's beads clacked with each step they took.

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lazy_readerlazy_readeralmost 3 years ago

Agnes really needs to ditch this controlling, abusive jerk.

It's good to see she is getting more comfortable with her body. I hope you are planning to continue Agnes's journey. If not, I'll consider this a quick sketch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The guy is a creep and a jerk

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