Alais's Settlement


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Eventually, the door to the bedchamber was flung open and a slightly inebriated Cynric marched in. He shut the door on the jeering men behind him and approached the bed slowly.

"So, how fares my lady wife?" He asked sarcastically, staring lasciviously at her slim, pale curves, bound and exposed upon the bed. Alais simply glared at him. Cynric moved about the room and extinguished most of the candles before stripping down to his shirt and braies. He got onto the bed and closed the hangings about them before crawling up along Alais's body. He lay beside her and turned her face towards his own. "Listen to me. You are mine now. I have married you in the eyes of the church and the law and by the morrow you will have been consummated. Nobody is going to race to your rescue, they're all warring amongst themselves. You need to accept these facts, Alais. You need to accept me. If I have to beat and starve you into it, believe me I will but it does not have to be this way. Do you understand?"

Alais nodded but made no other move. She was so tired and hungry and had been scared for so long that the edge of her fear had been eroded and softened. She was a long way past the point of caring what happened to her.

"Then would you afford your new husband the great boon, of a kiss?" Cynric asked. He did not move to kiss her, he very deliberately waited for her to move towards him. After a few moments of deliberation, Alais leaned forward against her bonds and kissed him gently upon the lips. Cynric turned towards her and pulled her closer, gently moulding his mouth to hers until he persuaded her lips to part for him. The kiss became hungrier as Cynric took command of it, probing and tasting her mouth with restrained forcefulness. After a little reluctance, Alais's tongue moved against his own and she explored her first lovers kiss.

Cynric reluctantly pulled away and looked down between them at the bulge forming in his braies. He had not experienced anything as sweet and intoxicating as that kiss in a very long time and he felt like an over-eager young whelp again as he exited the bed and closed the hangings upon Alais, concealing her completely. Cynric left the room and she heard him bounce down the stairs exuberantly.

Within a short while, the door opened once more and she heard the bustle of many people as they entered and left. By the time Cynric joined her on the bed again, she was wild with curiosity. He unbound her wrists and rubbed feeling back into them, then drew her from the bed and into the room. A cheerful fire burned in the grate and a tray of food was keeping warm on the hearth. A jug of wine sat upon a table with a beaker beside it and a bath full of hot water had been brought up along with towels and shaving equipment.

"You see what your kiss has earned you Alais?" Cynric gestured for her to sit at the table, placed the tray before her and poured her some wine. Alais was more than a little uncomfortable with sitting there naked but could nothing for her to wear. Cynric then also stripped naked and she could see his flaccid and hairy manhood swinging between his legs as he moved. He was the first naked adult male she had ever seen. Cynric turned the bathtub so it faced her and then got into it and started scrubbing the battlegrime from his body. "We must become accustomed to each other Alais. My body will become as familiar to you as your own. Now I know you have years of Catholic teachings hammered into your skull but there is no shame in nudity, nor is there shame in enjoying the carnal act. I want no reticence or guilt from you. You are properly married and you will do your duty by me in more than a perfunctory manner." Cynric grabbed the razor and shaved his face.

Alais remained quiet, at a total loss as to what she could say. She turned her attention back to the food and ate ravenously. She also drank quite a bit of the wine, mustering her courage for what was inevitably to follow. Cynric bade her come and scrub his back and Alais complied, approaching him warily and then flushing at his proximity as she washed him. Once he was done, he stood and had her hand him a towel, his penis was growing again and Alais was transfixed by it. Cynric then invited her to use the water and Alais climbed in, enjoying the warmth. Cynric helped her to wash and then wrapped her in a towel, taking the opportunity to embrace her.

"Lie down for me Alais." He murmured, indicating that she should lie upon the floor. She obeyed, slightly bemused. Was he going to copulate with her here? Cynric pushed her legs open and knelt between them, admiring the neat folds of her sex and their thatch of flame coloured hair. She watched with apprehension as he pressed his fingers against her, stroking over her sex and probing slightly within it. His touch was light and he moved up to a little nub of flesh about where her urine came from. It hardened slightly and caused strange sensations to move through her as he touched it. Fluid started to seep from her body and at first Alais was embarrassed, until she saw how enraptured Cynric was. When she was slippery and swollen down there, he pressed a finger into her and felt about.

"I knew you were still virgin but these things must be confirmed." He said, withdrawing the offending digit and licking it clean of her juice. He spread her legs wider and reached between his own, stroking his engorged manhood as though it were a small animal. Then, without warning, Cynric reached for the soap and razor and started shearing away Alais's pubic hair. She stared up at him, shocked and confused.

"It's just a personal preference. In time you will learn to shave yourself thus for me."

He worked silently and with great care but at the same time, his fingers would deliberately glide over the sensitive parts of her sex and extract muted sighs from Alais as she fought to remain still. She was highly embarrassed at such a close inspection of her womanhood, the whole ritual seemed bizarre. Cynric watched, amused, as she battled with her gradually mounting arousal.

"Be still Alais. You must indeed bleed a little this night but I fully intend for it to be from other means." He said, enjoying the fear that clouded the surprise and pleasure that had been painting her expressions.

He spoke softly all the while and told her the anatomical names of her private parts, something her bashful father and the elderly priest had omitted to explain. Alais had a little knowledge of how intercourse was performed, although she was never sure when people were jesting with her. Her ladies had hinted at these things and their salacious gossip had filled in other gaps. Since her father had died, they had been even more forthcoming on the inner machinations of marriage, as it was assumed that King Henry would want her safely wedded. It was unusual for a girl of her years to be both unwed and unbetrothed. Alais had more than a suspicion that her father had simply refused to admit her growing maturity, wrongly assuming that there was time enough for these things.

When the last wisp of hair had been removed from her sex, Cynric laid down his razor and Alais breathed a deep sigh of relief. He lifted her in his arms as though she weighed naught and placed her upon the bed once more.

"There, now we are both cleansed and civilized. I wanted your wedding night to be thus, I make no promises for the future however." He fetched the wine and held it to her lips, encouraging her to drink. "Don't worry so. I've no wish to take you while you're in your cups but a little wine will help to minimise your discomfort. It is always thus, the first time."

Cynric returned the beaker to the table and then moved to his pile of clothes and searched within them. He returned with a gold circlet, finely worked to look like a plaited rope. He twisted it open and then placed it about her neck.

"My wedding gift to you, though you need no adornments." He said, with a flourish. Alais looked from the circlet about her neck to the emerald set ring he had removed from one of his little fingers and given to her as they said their vows. She really was married and he really was going to impregnate her. Then, to her surprise, Cynric took her wrists and bound them once more to the headboard. She stared up at him, wide eyed and confused. He wrapped her long red tresses around his fist and pulled her head back sharply. Cynric then leaned down and spoke low into her ear, his swollen, pulsing penis resting against her skin.

"You will learn to trust me Alais. You will learn to trust me with your life, your love and your lands. I may be ambitious and determined but I'm not a witless ogre. If I had wanted to rape you and plant a bastard in your womb, I would have done so and I would have enjoyed your defilement immensely. You are my wife, so much more than a passing amusement. I need you and I so will not damage you... beyond repair. Now relax my love, all that is to transpire this night will be pleasurable to you and afterwards, you will thank me for it. If I hurt you and there is no pleasure, you may call me 'Cynric' and I will stop. At all other times now and for the future, you will address me as 'Lord.' It is fitting for your youth and my new station." She felt him smile triumphantly against her cheek.

He kissed his way along her jaw, over her throat and down to her breasts. He looked up at her again, his tanned face and dark curls hovering threateningly over her quivering, white fleshed orbs with their delicate, rose petal nipples.

"Women know so little of their own bodies. You have seen women suckling babes?" Alais nodded. "Well to suckle a babe is painful so to mitigate that pain, there is a great capacity for pleasure." He kissed and suckled her breasts, gentle at first and then more passionately. Alais heard a strained moan leave her throat as her back arched slightly with the intensity of the sensations he was inflicting upon her. She had never imagined such sweet waves of arousal could ripple through her, gently, like a warm summer breeze upon water. She felt more fluid leak from her sex and knew it now to be evidence of her pleasure. Cynric rolled a nipple between his teeth, biting down on it. His name flew to her lips but she exhaled with a soft cry and left it unuttered as a strong pulse answered in her loins.

"Open your legs for me, little Duchess." He murmured and she did so, almost in a trance. Her head was flung back and her eyes closed. She felt a pressure between her thighs and looked up, suddenly afraid. To her surprise, Cynric had moved down her body and his face was nestled between her legs. She almost asked him what he thought he was doing but checked the impulse. "This is why I prefer you shaven." He explained. "You will soon understand why, calm yourself girl."

Alais watched, incredulous, as his tongue snaked out from between his lips and licked along the outside of her sex. He licked and kissed his way around her sexlips and then worked inwards, tasting her leaked fluid and sending tremors ricocheting through her body. He flickered his tongue over her clitoris and then sucked it, drawing it into his mouth. Alais was lost. She moaned and writhed, so much so that he grabbed her hips and held her in place as he worked. His movements became more earnest, kissing, sucking and licking her inside out. Occasionally, he even pressed his teeth to her clitoris and growled with satisfaction as her hips bucked and shuddered. Alais could feel pressure mounting within her and started to panic, feeling that she might become overwhelmed and have to beg him to stop. Sensing a change in her, Cynric gripped her buttocks and lifted her up to his face, lashing his tongue over her furiously and sucking on her clit as though he wanted to pull it away from her and eat it. Then he pressed down with his whole face, rubbing his teeth against her clitoris and growling into her soaking flesh.

Alais arched up with a yell and her legs wrapped around his head instinctively as her loins liquefied with white heat and wave after wave of nirvana rocked her slim body. She bucked and writhed, voiding more warm juice onto his face and it was some long moments before she was capable of thought. He lowered her bottom back onto the bed and stared at her hungrily as she regained her breath. He leaned forward over her and kissed her once more, forcing Alais to taste her arousal on his lips.

"I suppose you have lain with many women." She ventured, wondering how many casual liaisons a man of his years would have tallied.

"I had a mistress for a number of years. She was lovely and bore me a son before she died of a winter fever. He is training in warfare with a friend of mine, a handsome lad of twelve. If I can persuade King Henry to save himself a battle and accept that I am here to stay, my son will join me." Cynric fetched the wine and shared a beaker with Alais.

Old and experienced as he was, Cynric was enraptured. Her flame red curls fanned across the bed, darkened with sweat near her scalp. Her swollen nipples, lips and sex burned bright against her alabaster complexion and there was a rose coloured flush across her cheeks and throat. Alais gazed up at him in exhausted wonder and her dark green eyes flashed with a new knowledge and maturity. She was stunning and she was his possession as the gold at her throat reminded him, as in turn it would remind her every day. He reached down and stroked himself absently, his cock was so hard that it pained him.

He moved forwards and straddled her chest, bringing his penis up to her lips. "Now you may thank me." He said. Alais opened her mouth uncertainly and Cynric cautioned her to cover her teeth with her lips. He pressed into that warm, wet mouth and sighed with pleasure. She learned swiftly, sucked him well and he sawed his organ in and out of her, being careful not to become too aroused. After a time, Cynric gripped the headboard and pressed Alais's head back against it, trapping her there. He forced as much of his member as she could take without choking, in and out of her, ensuring that she breathed between strokes. There was time enough to teach her how to swallow his entire length and hold her breath for longer than a drowning witch. When he had had enough, he abruptly withdrew.

He slid down her body and pressed his fingers against the apex of her thighs, feeling for the wetness there. He unbound her wrists once more and drew her to him, spreading her legs wide beneath him and pressing his straining penis against her slippery core. Her arms wound about him and Cynric leaned down to claim a deep kiss as he pressed himself into her, feeling her shudder and gasp as he took her maidenhead, the warm rush of blood against his cock and then finally, the end of her channel as his balls fell softly against her. Cynric paused as he felt her contract around him, then thrust slowly, almost pulling out before pressing in again. He angled his thrusts downwards, rubbing against her clitoris and hopefully pressing against the sweet spot up inside her. Alais gazed up at him, overwhelmed but moving with him, her pleasure mounting again as her wetness and heat increased.

"So this is the act of love Alais, how do you like it?" He asked.

"It is not as bad as I had imagined." She replied flippantly. Cynric got into his rhythm and began to take her more forcefully, pushing her legs further apart and making her more flustered.

"How bad did you imagine it could be I wonder?" Cynric gave a few more thrusts and then withdrew. He grabbed Alais around the waist and flipped her over, pulling her up onto her hands and knees. He then entered her from behind and began pounding her into her body with speed and force. He twisted his fist in her hair and pulled her head back and when she looked upon him, he was menacing and feral. "This is how animals rut with each other Alais, because it goes in deeper." He skewered her on a particularly savage thrust and ignored her when she cried out. Cynric lifted her by the hair and tipped them back until she was sat upon his spread thighs, he bucked up into her as gravity forced her down on his cock until it hurt her and set a savage pace. He kept her head tipped back, her body tightly arched and sank his teeth into her neck as he fucked her. His free hand snaked around to her clitoris as she moaned his name, hoping for respite.

"I have been very good to you tonight Alais. I could have had you like this from the start, held you down, ripped into your body without warning and savoured every last one of your tears. No pleasurable touches, no preparation. In the eyes of your church, you are my possession and to treat you thus is not even a sin." His fingers moved faster over the slippery bead of flesh and he pinched it for good measure. Alais moaned again and he threw her forwards, onto all fours once more. He kicked her legs apart with his knees and slammed into her as hard and as fast as his powerfully built physique would allow him, holding her in place by her hair.

"Stop! Cynric please stop! You said that you would not hurt me and I have let you do as you will... please!" Alais looked around at Cynric but there was not a trace of mercy in his expression.

"You will fear me Alais and you will be obedient to me at all times or I will hurt you... very much... there are many, many ways in which I can do this. You will respect me and you will never betray me or I will be forced to reprimand you and believe me, it will not be swift or pleasant." He pressed her clitoris again with his other hand and rubbed and pinched it rapidly until Alais screamed and bucked back against him, her whole body shuddering as another orgasm ripped through her, much more forcefully than the first. He continued to fuck her, paying her climax no heed and seeking his own. Within a few more moments he was there and he grabbed her hips and yanked them back as he arrowed his seed into her, grinding himself into her and pressing his weight onto her back. Alais's knees gave way and she collapsed under him, sobbing quietly through shock and fear.

"Did I not say there would be pleasure? Tell me little wife, which 'petit mort' was the strongest for you, the first or the last? There is no true pleasure without pain, as my battered member will attest to." Cynric lifted himself from her back and turned her over. He straddled her chest once more and pressed his deflating member to her lips. "Clean it for me." He commanded. She did so, grimacing at the warm, viscous texture of their mingled effluvia, edged with the metallic taste of her own blood.

Cynric fetched the bedclothes from the floor and drew her into his arms, kissing her forehead and becoming tender once more.

"There, you have survived your first night of marriage. I will ask no more of you until the morrow. You did well, better than I expected." Cynric squeezed her once more and then turned away to sleep with his back to her. Alais lay quietly and tried to ignore the soreness webbing her body and pulsing between her slick thighs. Cynric's seed oozed from her like pus from a wound and she wondered if it would make her pregnant.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Waaauw...SIMPLY WAUWWWW.. I can't even describe how intense and hot that was. O.o

normiquenormiqueover 14 years ago

Great story! Well written.

TanukiTanukiover 15 years ago
Nicely done

It's very well written and atmospheric - I felt a little like she wasn't as conflicted as I'd imagine, her kingdom just having been wiped out. And he seemed to vary between sensitive and a monster, which i found a bit confusing. It's not enough chemistry for a romance novel relationship, but I'm interested to see where it goes. And I agree on the 'pus' metaphor - eww! Well done overall. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Wonderful writing

I liked this first chapter, but I'm afraid that I won't like the ones to follow as this chapter contained just the first taste of BDSM and it's going to get more extreme in later chapters. However, your writing is impeccable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Pus from a wound? Now, that's just gross. You had me til then.

bad_girl69bad_girl69almost 16 years ago

Yes in a way, i am having hard to believe its really belongs under the category of BDSM, but thats really besides the point.. :)

You did a very good job at writing this, and i really do hope you can write more chapters. I do hope you will write the next chapter very soon... I really want to know what will happen next with our newlyweds.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Excellent - please tell me there is more

Excellent writing - please be a fast writer. I am hoping for more of the same

Invisible2uInvisible2ualmost 16 years ago
This Doesn't Belong Here!!

...This belongs in a printed book! This was simply amazing! I can't use near enough exclamation marks I tell you!!!! You should be a published author if you aren't already. This was simply brilliant and I hope that there is much more to come!

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