Alaska Adventure Pt. 03


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Rodger's eyes flashed but for only a moment with hope, before they started to flair with anger, which quickly faded as well. "

I don't want to hurt you about it. However, I am concerned whether or not you are receiving child support that is due you? I know that you sure need it right now."

Amanda fidgeted for a short moment, trying to find the words to answer his question.

"I think I know who the father is Roj, but I don't want to force him to pay me child support. I think I..." she wanted to say, hurt him enough already. But she didn't as that would tell Rodger that the father was him. She believed it with all her heart, as Rodger was the only blond-haired blue-eyed man, she had had sex with ever. Her daughter Regena had very blond hair and blue eyes, just like Jesse, Lori and Rodger.

If she went after him for child support, it would be like rubbing salt into an open wound. It may even push Rodger over the edge. Which she never wanted to do.

"Have you done any DNA testing of the men?"

"You know you would have to take a test too, what if it is yours Roj?"

Rodger took a deep cleansing breath trying to clear his thoughts. He shuddered out some incoherent noises, but nothing that made sense, before he managed an unfelt chuckle. "We both know that I couldn't possibly be."

"Yea, you could Roj, do you want to find out for certain?"

At first,Rodger wanted to baulk or slap her. But then after a moment or three, he smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes and nodded his head. "Why not?"

Amanda watched all the emotions build and then leave her ex-husband's eyes. But when he said 'yes,' she wanted to jump for joy. She held up a finger and then turned to grab her purse out of her car. She pulled out a box. "I have a DNA test kit here. Just fill out the form and follow the instructions. They need a cheek swab. Send it off and as soon as I get the results, I will inform you.

He took the kit but before she could get in and drive off, he placed his hand around her neck and grazed her cheek with the palm of his hand.

She firmly leaned into his hand with her head, trying to capture the feel of him for a moment longer. But he turned her and then brought his lips to hers.

He crushed his mouth against hers with a kind passion that he had missed for far longer than the time they had been apart.

Amanda, hadn't been kissed like this since she was a newlywed. Reaching up to encircle her hands around his neck and hold him to her just as he was holding her to him.

Amanda felt his tongue enter her mouth, and without even the slightest resistance, she let him explore anything he wanted. She knew she was putty in his hands right then, vulnerable and helpless, completely unable to resist him. Right then, if he had asked, she would have dropped to her knees and let him fuck her doggystyle in the gravel parking lot.

She was just about to make the offer when he spoke. "If you follow me home, I am going to fuck you. If you don't, I will never try again."

Amanda swallowed and spoke, "Drive slowly, I don't know where you live."

"What about Regina?"

"She is fine. I told them I may be late."

Rodger let her go and started to walk to his pickup truck.

Amanda thought only for a quick moment rather to get in or not. She slung her purse over her shoulder and ran after Rodger. When she caught him, she grabbed his shoulder and slung him around. "I can't wait till we get to your place. I need you now!"

Amanda ran around the pickup and got in. then immediately slid over the bench seat to set right next to Rodger as he slid in behind the wheel. She grabbed his neck and turned his head so she could claim his mouth.

That wasn't enough though. She got ahold of his shirt and pulled hard, ripping the buttons off of it. She heard more than felt the flying buttons striking the front window glass as she continued to disrobe him right in the cramped pickup.

Rodger believed he was just as wanting as she was. He reached up to take the straps of her dress down off her shoulders, but her large breasts were making it difficult.

A moment of frustration, turned into shredded bits of material. No one would ever know which ones where dress and which were a sports bra. As several pieces of the dress still hung over her. But then, Rodger reached between her legs and ripped her red silk panties off her.

Amanda sat next to Rodger, vertically and nude. Red marks had wrecked her body from the forceful disrobing she had endured, but she would never file a complaint, or even raise her voice in protest.

Rodger slid over as close to the passenger seat as he could get. He then forcefully picked up Amanda, twisted her and plopped her on his lap facing her towards the windshield with her breasts blatantly displayed for anyone walking by to see.

He put his hand under Amanda's ass and directed his cock upward towards her cunt.

The second she felt his cock at her very wet and willing pussy, she let herself fall down on him, impaling herself with all nine inches of his beautiful manhood.

Except for Mr. Calloway, the lodge owner, no one could match Rodger's length. And she missed it pushing up against her cervix. She moaned in pleasurable bliss, as she took Rodger as deep as she could in the very cramped pick-up truck.

Rodger reached around and put his hands over her nipples, feeling her breasts up as she bounced up and down on him. He could see a few men that had stopped loading their boat in the trailer in favor of watching the Rodger and Amanda sex show.

Rodger really didn't care whether or not they watched. Just as long as they didn't touch.

After over a year of no sex, Rodger couldn't wait. His cock blasted copious amounts of semen into her womb. The head of his cock was pressed right against the opening of her cervix, spewing rope after rope of very fertile seed into her very fertile womb.

Both Amanda and Rodger convulsed in pleasurable spasms as they both rode through their clima, Amanda calling out Rodger's name as she came, while Rodger just missing her so he called out in anguish.

After their bodies began to move at their commands again, Rodger pulled Amanda off his lap and sat her beside him, next to the passenger door.

After a long time catching her breath, Amanda spoke. "That is a start. If you want, I can still follow you home and you can reclaim me some more." She said breathing heavily.

"Do you need your car tonight or tomorrow morning?"

"No... I am off work for three days. Don't have to get back until... Tuesday." She answered breathlessly.

Rodger waisted no time and started the pickup truck. He pulled out of the gravel lot and gunned it, spraying gravel at the men who stood there watching the show.


"Ask yourself if you would be happier with or without this person in your life, and act accordingly." DG Hear!

It had been just over a week since the dinner. After Amanda had gotten off work, she picked up Regina and went home. She could see the large gray and black pickup truck that she knew belonged to her ex-husband. Her breath caught in her throat as she gasped, and she watched her husband using a level and some sort of wrench to level her trailer.

She had forgotten how much she loved to watch him work. He had a nice body, tall blond and handsome for sure.

After she watched him level her trailer, he picked up his tools.

He was walking his tools to his pickup truck when he noticed Amanda setting in her car with the engine running.

He tried not to show any emotions as he put the tools back in the toolbox, then relocked it.

Knowing Regina was asleep in her car seat, Amanda got out of the car and walked to her ex. "Thank you." was all she managed to get out through all her emotions.

"Yea, I don't like sleeping with my bed unleveled. It looks a lot better now as well." He spoke.

"Much." she answered but just continued to look up at her ex.

Rodger was awestruck with her beautiful hazel eyes and her lips he had loved to kiss, but mostly her smile, he had missed that the most.

They say that time heals all wounds. Right about then, Rodger wasn't thinking about the trip to Alaska. He was wanting to take Amanda into the trailer and fuck her before Regina woke up.

"What do I owe you?" she asked.

He flinched at the question, yet only for a short moment before he answered. "$200.00, or."

Amanda's eyes rounded, because she didn't have that sort of money. "Or?" Thinking that he may want a piece of ass for doing it.

Rodger took a deep cleansing breath before he was able to say, "have dinner with me tonight."

Amanda wanted to jump into his arms right then and tell him 'Yes, yes a thousand times yes.' but she couldn't. She had just gotten off work and was too tired to jump, also she really wanted to trade his bill for her services again.

"I have Regina and can't afford a sitter."

"Bring her with." Rodger said with a flat no-nonsense voice.

"Ok," she whispered out. "Just let me get showered and changed."

"UH!" Rodger grunted "You can't use the shower right now..." he hesitated. "I sort of broke one of your pipes under the trailer while I was leveling it."

Amanda thought 'Oh shit. I can't go out like this.'

"I will be back tomorrow to fix it." He said, hoping she wasn't pissed, then he continued, "tell you what. Grab what you want to ware and you can shower at my place before we go out."

Amanda only took a moment to think about it. "Give me just a moment." She quickly turned and started to go into the house. In her excitement, she had almost forgot Regina. But she knew she would be alright for a quick trip to get her things from her mobile home.

Rodger watched her run into her trailer. He turned back to the car where in the backseat he found the baby in her car seat.

He walked to the door and opened it. He then looked down to see the beautiful little Regina for the first time. She was sleeping soundly in the seat as Rodger looked on in wonder and Joy. He then started to unbuckle her from her seat and pull her out. He brought her to him and said. "My god, you look exactly like your big sister did at your age."

After Amanda grabbed her favorite dress and pumps, she quickly grabbed some stockings and clean underwear.

She was in an even bigger hurry to get back to Rodger then. The second she stepped out the door, she saw her husband holding her newest daughter in his large strong hands. Her heart melted with love, which was the exact moment that she realized that she had to get him back, no matter what it took.

She saw the look he had on his face, so full of love and compassion. She felt tears drip from her eyes and knew then that she was happy for the first time in recent history.

It took her a while before she pulled herself back together enough to walk back to Rodger and say, "She needs to be in her car seat to come with us."

"Yea, I know that." he breathed out. Then he very carefully, tucked her under one of his arms and began to fondle with the car seat, unhooking it.

Amanda didn't want to take her daughter from him as she saw such love in him as he held her. So, instead she said. "I'll get the car seat for her." Believing that Rodger wanted to use his pickup truck instead of her car for their date.


It didn't take all that long for them to be in the pickup truck and heading back to Rodger's house.

Once there, Rodger unhooked the car seat. He used it to carry the sleeping Regina into his house.

Amanda tried not to show any emotions as she prepared for her shower in her ex-husbands home.

He showed her to the master bathroom with some simi clean dry towels.

She thanked him and began to undress as he left the bathroom.

Rodger went back to Regina and began to whisper to her, telling her kind things about her mother, things that he had forgotten over the time he spent back from Alaska.

But then, his attention began to refocus on the naked woman that was just a few feet away in his shower. He stood up with Regina in his arms and softly walked to the bathroom door that wasn't shut completely.

Feeling a little pervy, he pushed the door open just a bit, so he could see her silhouette through the opaque glass.

She was humming to herself, as she bathed and moved about the shower. He watched her wash her hair and then, he could tell she was washing her body. What broke the trance was the coughing and wiggling of the infant that was in his arms, as she wanted his attention for herself.

Rodger, broke away from watching his wife. He sat in the only chair that was in the room and began to talk to Amanda's daughter, softly entertaining her.

Amanda came out of the shower and dried herself off with the somewhat dry and clean towel. She got dressed in her clean clothes and walked out of the bathroom. One look at Rodger, and her heart again melted again.

Rodger was holding her up in a standing position on his lap telling her that "You're a strong little girl, aren't you?" before he noticed her standing at the door, he said something that never occurred to Amanda before that very moment.

"And you look just like your big sister. It is uncanny how much you look like Lorie did at your age."

Amanda tried but failed to hold back her emotions, as she watched her husband bond with her daughter. How she wished he was there for her birth and all the time between then and now.

Rodger felt eyes on him and looked up to see Amanda standing in front of the bathroom door. She was wearing a beautiful dress that he had never seen on her before. He didn't know how long she had been watching him interact with her little girl.

"She's a good happy baby, Amanda."

"Yes, I know, she loves to smile all the time. but..." she paused. "...I never noted the similarities between her and Lori until you just pointed it out to her."

"She has the same cheek bones and eyes; she also has her ears." Rodger replied.

"I can see that now." Amanda smiled.

"Anyway, are you ready?"

She answered him with another smile. Then she walked towards the door.

Rodger got up and carefully put Regina back into her car seat. With barely a fuss he picked her up and took her to his pickup truck.

"Anything special you wish to eat today?" he asked politely.

"No," she said, reminiscing how nice it was to be this close to her husband again.

Regina was in the back seat so Amanda decided to press her luck. She unbuckled her belt and slid over to the center of the bench seat. She latched the center belt around her and leaned on Rodger's arm for the first time since the flight back to New Orleans.

Amanda was happily surprised that Rodger didn't push her away as she leaned on him reminiscing how great it was to touch her husband again.

Soon enough, they were at a very nice Cajun family restaurant. They all got out and Rodger unhooked the car seat to carry Regina in the restaurant.

They were shown to a very nice table and ordered a white wine for Amanda, and Rodger ordered a beer on tap.

After they ordered, the conversation begin to flourish. Suddenly it was like they were husband and wife again. They talked about Regina, Lorie and Jesse. They talked about Rodger's work and Amanda shared how she was a waitress making her own money now.

With relative ease, Rodger rebutted her saying "I thought you would be trying your newest occupation?"

Amanda didn't take time to become offended as she told him what had happened when she had tried it.

Rodger laughed about it, she scoffed for only a moment, then followed Rodger's laughter.

They made there way through the main course as Regina gagged and gooed. Rodger picked her up and gave the waitress a bottle to be heated. Then Amanda took her to the rest room and changed her diaper while the bottle was being heated.

Rodger fed her for the first time. It was at that moment that he knew that he had been miserable without Amanda in his life. He would have to forgive her, but he had already taken long steps to do just that. Yet he knew that she had to forgive him too, as he couldn't protect her.

Amanda purposely left her clothes in Rodger's bathroom. This way she would have an excuse to come back home with him to pick them and her car up.

The three of them walked into Rodger's home and Rodger put Regina in a bed of her own, placing several pregnancy pillows around her so she couldn't possibly roll off.

Rodger then waited on the sofa for his ex-wife to come out of the bathroom. He talked her into sleeping in Rodger's trailer that night, it was preferable as he had broken a drain pipe and they essentially had no water until Rodger had time to fix it.

Rodger didn't expect to see what Amanda was wearing when she came out of the bathroom. 'Nothing but pink panties and a smile.'

Rodger expected Amanda to come to him and set next to him on the sofa, but she sat in the chair instead.

She looked at him with more intensity than she had ever known. "Rodger..." she said and swallowed. "I have never stopped loving you Raj. But I certainly understand why you stopped loving me."

Rodger furrowed his brow in wonder. 'Why would she think this?'

"After the first time you paid me to have sex with you, I had never felt more wanted or sexy in my life. It was a monkey that I just couldn't shake. Sort of like a drug addict, I suspect."

Rodger was torn. Half of him wanted to know where this was going, and the other half wanted to just take her to bed and fuck her. After they were done, they could decide if they wanted more or not. Simple, Rodger thought. But he kept listening.

"The first day, after you left with Brandon to hunt for moose, I walked down stairs to start a conversation..." she took a breath. "I was going to ask about the legalized prostitution, from there I wanted to see if they wanted to buy a piece of ass off me."

Rodger never knew this, and he really didn't know if he wanted to, either. He did note that Amanda's eyes had turned very red, and she was struggling to continue.

"I knew I was going to cheat on you that day, though I didn't expect to be blackmailed into it. So..." she paused again. "If your feeling guilty about anything, please don't. I had fully expected to cheat on you that trip."

Rodger sat thinking, 'I never known that she had intended to become a slut, like she did'. It very much confused him.

"Why?" he asked, exasperated.

"Like I said Roj, after I sold you a fuck, I wanted to do it again. It became an obsession. I couldn't stop myself." Her tears started again, but she persisted through her sobs.

"I loved you so much, but I wanted so badly to fuck anyone who wanted me, and to this day, I have no idea why I did it, beyond what I had just shared with you."

Rodger picked up a Kleenex box and brought it to her, offering her one he had pulled out then setting the box beside her. He then sat back in his chair.

After blowing her nose and drying her eyes, she continued. "I know I did a lot of things I shouldn't have ever done Roj. Cheating at all should have been the first. But I hurt you terribly. Something a person in love should have never done. I was acting so selfish, that when I came home, I had intended to continue. Well, that was until you served me with the divorce petition. God did that wake me up."

"I tried to fight the divorce, I had gotten a lawyer and was told that in Louisiana, you can't contest a divorce. You can contest the terms but not the divorce itself. He told me that nighty days after I was served, I would no longer be married to you. And there was NOTHING I could do to stop it."

Tears dripped from her eyes. "I asked about contesting the terms, but he said, 'NO judge would fight with me seeing how generous you had been with the house, savings and all.'"

I was afraid I would never see you again. That was my biggest fear. I wanted to tell you how they had threatened to leave you out with the bears, or over night to freeze." She sighed. "But that isn't the whole truth. It was just some of my rationalization." She shook her head.