Alec and Jessica


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So much for the guy she left me for, the guy she was crazy in love with. We chatted for a few minutes before we got down to the reason for her visit and as we talked I looked at her closely. She did look good, all the little wrinkles that had appeared as she entered her forties were gone, and her face was smooth as a china doll. Her tits looked bigger and she was showing a lot of them with the deep cleavage her dress exposed. When she sat down and crossed her legs the short skirt rose up so high I could see skin over the tops of her stockings. She was still a good looking piece of ass.

"Why are you here Jess, I'm sure this is not social call?"

"You know why I am here. You turned down my proposal without even looking at it."

"Yes I did." I agreed.


"Because it was the only proposal and you fucked him to make sure it was the only one."

"He told you didn't he?"

"No I figured it out by myself. In fact it made me realize that you must have been doing the same thing to land your accounts before we split."

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember those two big accounts you brought in the two years before our divorce, the ones no one else could land and then you did? The ones that brought you those huge bonuses just before I lost my job. The ones that made you so full of yourself that you lost your respect for me. The ones that made you call me a loser. You fucked someone to get those accounts and god knows how many others to where you are now."

There was silence, we just sat and looked at each other for a long moment and then she smiled and answered,

"Well it's a man's world and a girl's gotta to do what a girl's gotta do to get ahead in it."

Did I ever know this woman? How did I ever love her, did she ever love me? Was she ever faithful?

"Come on Alec," she said, "I really need to bring in this account; I haven't gotten any new ones since this recession began."

As she said that she leaned forward and gave me a look down her generous cleavage, I could even see her nipples. There was no bra and no sag. I had loved and sucked on those tits for 25 years and they never looked as good as they did now but now I knew they were a whore's tits and they didn't tempt me.

"Save the show Jess, I'm not going to fuck you. You will just have to wait until we see the other proposals and take your chances. Now if you will excuse me I have a business to run. Marge will show you the way out."

I thought that that was the end of it until one evening after dinner Maria said to me,

"We have to talk."

"Sure Honey, what's on your mind?"

"Who is Jessica Denton?"

"She is my ex, I told you about her."

"You never told me her last name."

"She took her maiden name after the divorce."

"You never told me about that."

"I didn't know about it myself until a week ago. What's this all about?"

"She came to see me today. "

"She came here? To see you? That bitch, what did she want?"

"She told me that even if you denied it, you still loved her and that she was going to get you back and there was nothing I could do about it."

I was furious.

"I was married to her for 25 years, almost half of my life, and I never knew what she was, but I know now. She is a whore and she whored herself out for business and I never knew about it until recently. Yes, I did love her but that is long gone. When we parted that love was dead and buried. She tried to seduce me when she saw me in the office last week and I turned her down. This is her revenge by trying to split us apart. I swear to you Maria, you are my love and will be until the day I die. I will never see her again."

I never did see her again although it took a long time until she gave up. She never got a nickel's worth of business from my firm.

Jessica's Story

I am a VP at a major New York advertising agency and I am proud of what I have accomplished. It's a tough competitive business and I had a tough time getting to where I am now. I was an English major in college and it was at the end of my third year when I met Alec Cushman, he was gorgeous. A six foot hunk, who was in his first year of graduate school and I saw him as a man who would make his mark on the world and I wanted to be with him when he did it. So I set my sights on him.

I had become sexually active in my last year of high school and I soon found out that I could pretty much get what I wanted out of any guy if I gave him what he wanted. It worked for me all through college with some of the professors when I needed good grades and it worked for me when I wanted to land Alec. He even thought I was a virgin when I fucked him on our third date. But to my surprise, I really did fall in love with him. We married immediately after my graduation and because he already had had a great job offer from a Wall Street bank we were off to the 'Big Apple'.

It didn't take me long to find out that English majors were not in great demand except for maybe teaching school and that I was not willing to do that in some urban jungle. So I tried the ad agencies, applying for a position as a copy writer. After being turned down at my first four interviews I said in exasperation to my interviewer at the fifth one,

"Who do I have to fuck to get a job here?"

He smiled and said, "Me."

I was somewhat taken aback until I realized that life hadn't changed for me, and I replied,

"Where and when."

I got the job and life was good for Alec and me. Like most young newly weds we made love at every opportunity and before I knew it, I was pregnant, with twins. I worked through most of my pregnancy and after I delivered, they let me work from home. What with my computer, fax machine and telephone I was able to deliver whatever they needed and I earned their respect for good work. By the time the kids were two years old we had moved to a home in the suburbs and we had a full time live-in housekeeper/nanny and I was back in the office full time.

Alec was the Asst VP for Corporate Loans when I got passed over for the Assistant Account Manager's job in my section. I was pissed. I stormed into my boss's office and demanded to know why I was nor promoted. He gave the usual bullshit about how I would probably get pregnant again, miss time at work, wouldn't be able to supervise people from home, yada yada yada. I figured it was time to bring out the big guns.

"Sam," I said as I unbuttoned my blouse, "there will be no more pregnancies, I had my tubes tied, and these are yours to play with if you promise that I get the next assistant account manger opening."

Well, of course, playing with my tits wasn't enough for him, or even for me for that matter. So I ended up fucking him for three months until I got my promotion. Not that it affected my love life with Alec; it was just as good, if not better than it was before.

I was working hard and my efforts began to pay off and by the time the twins were eightI got my next promotion, to account manager. Naturally, I had to fuck the CEO to get it. My pay kept increasing as new accounts were brought in and I was making over 100K per year. Alec meanwhile was rising in the corporate structure and growing in the waist line. The early 2000's was a time of consolidation in the banking industry and Alec was becoming concerned about the viability of the bank that he worked for and whether it could survive the looming crisis he saw coming. It made him distracted and more concerned about his livelihood than about sex with me.

He was also balding. Some times when I looked at him I wondered what had happened to that 'gorgeous hunk' I married. And some times, when I looked in my mirror, I saw a woman who was beginning to show her age. When the twins left for collage I really began to feel old and when Alec ballooned to 230 pounds it wasn't even comfortable having him make love to me. It used to be that when he neglected me for even a few days I was all over him demanding that he do his duty to his horny wife. I was not above waking him out of a sound sleep by sucking on his cock. It had gotten to the point where he began to resist even my most insistent demands. He just wasn't that interested in making love to me.

It was about a then when Josh joined my account team. He was thirty and reminded me so much of what Alec had looked like when we married. When he first came on to me I just brushed him off, I didn't want to mix work and play. But he was persistent and, I don't know how, he got me to agree to meet him for dinner one night when Alec was out of town. He took me to the Rainbow Room, probably one of the most romantic restaurants in Manhattan and one of the most expensive. Between the ambience, the view of the city and the wine, I succumbed to his advances as we danced to the slow music that is the staple there. When he kissed me, we were still on the dance floor and I kissed him back and when his leg went between my thighs, I actually humped him.

In the taxi, as he was taking me home, we were necking like a pair of high school teenagers. My skirt was up around my waist and I was sitting on his one hand with his finger in my pussy. The other hand was emptying my bra and pulling my tit to his mouth. I was totally out of control, I hadn't had a man desire me like this in years

"Josh, I don't......"

His lips on mine closed off my objection and when his tongue passed my lips whatever I was going to say was forgotten. I was lost in a world of passion that I had only dimly remembered. His fingers played on my body like I was a keyboard and the music that came out of me, were my moans and cries of pleasure. His lips were on my neck and shoulders as he slid my dress down to meet my skirt I never knew how he removed my bra and panties. We had just recently moved into our new condo and when we pulled up in front of the building I had to get dressed before I could get out of the cab. The driver was leering when we got out and the door man was grinning. When we walked through the door of my apartment and I said,

"I want you inside of me Josh. I want you to fuck me. Don't tease me, do it now."

The dress was off in a flash and I was naked, my underwear must have still have been in the cab. He lifted me in his arms and my nylon clad legs wrapped around his waist. He settled me onto his cock and he fucked me up against the foyer wall. I came with an ear splitting scream that must have awakened the neighbors in the apartments all around us.

Previously, I had been unfaithful to Alec only when I had to be, only to advance my career. I never felt any guilt about it. After all, I had been doing it all of my adult life to get what I wanted, but this was different. This was sex with a man who could do nothing for me materially, who came on to me not because I offered myself, but because he desired me.

He spent the night with me, in my marital bed, in my new two million dollar condo. When we got up in the morning, after another go around, I was in love again and it wasn't with Alec. Josh was fifteen years younger than I was, and he made me feel just as young as he was. I felt alive, beautiful and desirable and I wanted him for my very own.

It was shortly afterwards that the axe fell on Alec and he lost his job. He was in his own private hell and I was floating in my paradise. I had just landed a huge account that others in the agency had given up on. My bonus was bigger than Alec's salary had been. Of course I had fucked the CFO to get the contract and cuckolded my husband and my lover as well. But what the hell, this was only business. Alec sank deeper and deeper into his depression and I was floating on air as I enjoyed my lover three or four times a week. Shortly after the New Year I used my feminine wiles to land another contract that had been previously unattainable and I was the fair-haired girl at the agency. I was making almost half a million a year while my husband was moping around the apartment. I had the world by the balls!

Then came that fateful reunion weekend. It was fun seeing our old friends and when we got to reminiscing and telling stories of our adventurous youth I told of Alec's humiliating experience on the theater marquee. I could never understand his embarrassment on that night or of why it still bothered him, so I told the story any way. I didn't care if I embarrassed him or not. Not only had my love for him been replaced but I had lost respect for him. In my eyes he had become a broken unattractive man. When I said,

"He was......then." I meant that he was nothing now, and he caught it.

He looked at me but I looked away. I didn't want a confrontation there; it would have to wait until we got back to New York. It didn't take that long, it happened as soon as we got back to the room. He asked me what I meant when I said 'then' and my frustrations with him came out. When he asked me who I was fucking, it all boiled over and I ended up telling him I was going to divorce him. I didn't want it to end this way but he walked out on me, not even returning to New York with me. When I got back his things were gone from the apartment and I didn't even know where he was living.

Until finally my attorney found him. I never met with Alec until the final hearing and I never expected the ensuing results. My lawyer did not prepare me for what happened. Alec was broke, whatever money he had was invested in some two bit trucking company and I was going to have to pay him alimony. Not only that, but he was entitled to half the net worth of my condo and the furnishings!

How could that be possible!

It was all mine!

I was the one making the big bucks!

I had to buy him out?

What kind of world is this?

That bastard, he had the nerve to tell me that I was the one that wanted the divorce and I had to pay to play.

It got even worse when Alec came to pick out the furniture that he wanted. Whatever love I had was gone and I really couldn't stand the sight of him; he looked like a working class slob. Josh had moved in with me by then and, I guess, it must have been a man thing because he couldn't keep his hands off me the whole time we were discussing what Alec wanted. It made me feel good showing him that I had a new young lover and how much he desired me. When Alec was leaving and Josh thanked him for neglecting me, Alec exploded and hit Josh. In the resulting battle several pieces of furniture got broken, Josh was hardly marked but Alec was bleeding all over the place. I got a black eye trying to separate them and ended up screaming at Alec that I never wanted to see him again.

I settled down to an incredible sex life with Josh and the adulation of everyone at the agency, that is, until the bite of the recession took hold. I couldn't land anymore new accounts no matter how much I flaunted myself, so no more big bonuses. I finally had to sell the condo and take a loss. Then stupidly, Josh changed his home address with the HR department and I got called on the carpet for cohabitating with a subordinate. Given the choice of me resigning or him leaving, he had to go. He went to a competing agency and to rub in, moved out on me to live with a bimbo he had been screwing while he was living with me.

I was now past fifty and it was beginning to show so I had to make an investment in my future if I was going to get business the way I always did. I got a boob job and a face lift and I guess it worked. I finally negotiated a contract with this trucking company that had gone public a short time ago. They had a new VP of sales, a young guy almost half my age that I convinced to accept my bid without competing ones. I thought I had it sewed up until he came back to me with his boss's refusal. Can you imagine how surprised I was to hear that Alec was his boss? I had never even bothered to know the name of the firm that Alec had invested in. I wasn't going to give up on this contract without a fight.

So I went to beard the lion in his den. I went without an appointment to see Alec. I didn't want to give him the chance to refuse to see me. When I walked into his office he rose to greet me and I got the surprise of my life. I would not have recognized him anywhere else. He was in his shirt sleeves, his shaved head glistening above a taut body and trim waist. He was not the Alec who had let himself go and who I had turned my back on. I complimented him on his good looks and we chatted a bit until he asked about Josh. I told him that Josh and I had split and I thought I saw a sad smile on his face. Then we got down to business and I found out why he would not OK the contract.

He wanted competing bids but what was now more important he figured out why mine was the only one. He also figured out that I must have been fucking anyone I had to, to get ahead throughout my career. All through our marriage I was able to use sex with Alec to get what I wanted from him. I figured if I could get him into bed not only could I get the contract but maybe marry him again. After all, he must be a multimillionaire by now. I tried it again by flashing my tits at him but this time he turned me down flat and practically threw me out. I was desperate and went home angry.

I tried to get to him through his wife and get her angry enough that she would split with him. Maybe then he would be susceptible to my charms. It didn't work. I never got to see him again; I couldn't even get an another appointment with his VP for Sales.

So it's no Alec and no Josh and it's back to work. There must be someone out there who would like to give their business to a good looking dolly who will fuck to get what she wants.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A wall-to-wall cliche. Next?

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitover 1 year ago


Quite a few of these abrupt endings DO make sense, once you think about it! This one, not so much!

Sorry, but IMHO this story DOES need finishing!


usaretusaretover 1 year ago

Dull story. Old hat.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 2 years ago

I like this story but I wonder what happened to their kids? Did they graduate college and just never talk to their parents again? Certainly they would have been a connection where Alec and Jessica would know something about each other. They would have seen each other at the kids events like graduation

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

No substance in the story…just meandering!

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