Alice Screws Up

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She didn't listen and it cost her.
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I was watching TV when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and went to the door and looked through the peephole. Fuck! I wondered how in the hell she had managed to find me. I considered just going back to the TV and ignoring the doorbell, but then figured if she had gone to the trouble to find me she wasn't going to go away until she got whatever it was she came for.

I hooked up the safety chair and then opened the door just enough that we could see each other and then said:

"What the fuck do you want?"

"To talk to you."

"Did not the way I left tell you that I had no interest in ever seeing you again let alone talk to you?"

"I have no idea why you left. I came home and you were gone. No note telling me why just all your things were gone."

"You can't be serious. How could you not know why? I know you heard me when I told you what would happen if you went through with what you were going to do."

"May I come in?"

I figured I'd best get it over with and I undid the chain, stepped aside and she came in, sat down on the couch and asked me for a glass of water. As I went to get it my mind went back to the night that started it.


I'd just gotten home from work and I found my wife Alice all dressed up.

"I didn't know we had plans to go out."

"We don't. I have a date tonight."

"A date? with who?"

"You don't know him."


"I guy I work with. He's new in the office and doesn't know too many people yet. He wanted to go to Sylvia's birthday party, but he didn't want to go alone so he asked me to go with him."

"He does know you are married doesn't he?"

"It doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen between us. Besides, I don't want to go to Sylvia's party alone and you won't go with me so I told him I'd go with him."

"And you know why I won't. I can't stand to be around that round-heeled slut. And I don't want you having anything to do with her either."

"Get used to it Sam. She's been my best friend since the first grade and I won't turn my back on her just because you don't like her."

"I don't like her because she has been divorced four times and each time it was because she got caught cheating on her husband. And I don't like going to her parties because of all the drugs she has around."

"So you think that just because she cheated I'm going to cheat too just because I'm around her?"

"Now that you mention it I think it is highly likely. Just look at you now. All dressed up in your 'fuck me' outfit. Little black dress, fuck me heels and getting ready to go out with another man. It is obvious you are dressed for him and I can only think of one reason why you would dress sexy for him."

"That's a rotten thing to say to me."

"No it isn't. What did you wear to the last two parties at Sylvia's? I'll tell you in case you have forgotten. You wore slacks and a blouse to one and jeans and a sweater to the other. There isn't any doubt in my mind as to why you are dressed like you are for this party. Sylvia has finally talked you into trying someone else. I know from snippets of conversation I've overheard that she has been after you to join in her little orgies for years. I guess she has finally gotten what she's been after."

"You're wrong! It isn't like that."

"Easy enough to prove me wrong. Don't go. Stay here with me."

"I can't. Tom is counting on me."

"And he is more important to you than I am? All I can say Alice is that if you go you are kissing your marriage goodbye."

"Don't be ridiculous. This won't hurt us at all. Don't wait up" she said as she headed for the door.

"Goodbye Alice" I said as she walked out the door. I think she heard the finality in the way I said "Goodbye" and she hesitated for a second or two and then she was gone.

Did I overreact? I didn't think so. I was good friends with a lot of the guys in Sylvia's circle and from them I had learned all about what happened at Sylvia's parties. After the people who didn't care to participate had gone they turned into orgies. I leaned that while Alice didn't take part she did stick around and watch. I also heard about Sylvia telling Alice to "Forget about that fuddy duddy you are married to and join in. You know you want to" and that Alice always answered that yes she did want to but wouldn't unless I joined in. My joining in was never going to happen. I'd spent countless hours trying to talk Alice into breaking away from Sylvia and to stop going to her parties, but I could never make it happen because of that BFF relationship.

I spent a good part of the evening wondering what I should do. I was thinking divorce, but I really didn't know that Alice would cheat on me, but could I live with her given her "To hell with you Sam; I'm going" attitude? I'd had seven of what I thought were great years with her. The only bad was her constantly spending time with Sylvia whom I just could not stand. She was trash as far as I was concerned and Alice knew it.

One might ask why, if I knew so much as I did about the goings on at Sylvia's, I didn't just confront Alice? The answer to that was simple, at least to me. I HAD to know if Alice would cheat on me. If she was of a mind to cheat and I confronted her about Sylvia's parties and her stated desire to join in would she just pull back from Sylvia's parties and do it somewhere else? At a different time and place? I might never know if she did it some other time and place, but if she did do it at Sylvia's there were people I knew who would tell me. I still hadn't made up my mind on what I was going to do when I went to bed.

The ringing of the bedside phone woke me up and as I sat up I saw the time on the alarm clock and I wondered who would be calling me at one in the morning.


"Hello asshole. Did I wake you up?"

"What do you want Sylvia?"

"Just calling to let you know your wife has finally found herself a real man."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Just what I said. Alice has found herself a real man. A man who can give her what she really needs. Here; just listen" and I heard the sounds of people fucking. And then I heard:

"Oh God yes; fuck me, please fuck me."

The voice was the voice of my wife. I hung up the phone. Thirty seconds later it rang again and I knew who it would be so I picked up the handset and dropped it on the floor.

One of the good thing about living in an apartment is that you don't accumulate a lot of stuff because you have no place to put it. I had all that I wanted packed and out in the truck in just over an hour. I was in a motel by three and at the bank when the doors opened at nine. I cleaned out all the accounts and then drove over to my job, told Jake I was quitting without notice and why. He said he understood, cut me my final check, helped me load my tools, told me I could give him as a reference and wished me well.

My phone had been ringing since seven and all the calls were from Alice. I finally turned it off and made a mental note to get a new number. Then I changed my mind. I didn't know if Alice could get the new number out of our cell phone provider or not. I decided to pitch the phone in the trash can and buy a TracFone at Walmart. I didn't need to do anything with credit cards since Alice and I didn't have any joint cards. She had two in her name and I had three in mine.

By ten I was on the road to a destination I hadn't yet decided on. All I knew was that it had to be miles and miles away from Alice.

I finally landed up in Castle Rock, Colorado. I found a job in my field and settled in to start my new life.

If there was a divorce Alice would have to go for it. If went for it she would know where I was. After a year she could use abandonment as a reason. The only drawback to that is that I wouldn't ever know, but then it really didn't matter because I had no plans on ever getting married again.

The next two years went by and life was good. I had dated some and had a friend with benefits and now this.


"I know you heard me when I told you what would happen if you went on that date. You ignored me, left on that date and I did what I said I was going to do. How did you find me?"

"A very expensive private detective."

"Why did you bother?"

"You are my husband. The wither thou goest thing and that kind of stuff."

"How did you come up with the money to pay a very expensive private detective on a secretary's wages?"

"I sold the house."

"What house?"

"The one I was awarded in the suit."

I started to ask what suit and what house, but caught myself. It just didn't matter.

"Well you wasted your money and the time it took you to get here because we are done. You did just what I knew you were going to do when you walked out on me to go to that party and don't bother wasting your time trying to tell me nothing happened. You cunt of a best friend called me at one in the morning and then held the phone to where I could listen to what was going on. Your "Oh God yes; fuck me, please fuck me" came through loud and clear and said it all."

"She did that? I guess I should have fucked her up more than I did."

"You fucked her up? Your Best Friend Forever and you fucked her up?"

"I guess I need to tell you what happened since you weren't there to see or hear about it. I DID NOT go to that party to get screwed. It was the farthest thing from my mind. I guess maybe I did over dress for the party, but Sylvia asked me to. For some reason she didn't like Todd, or so she said, but she couldn't tell him not to come to the party because it was an open invitation to everyone in the office. She asked me to dress sexy and let him think he was going to get lucky. I like dressing up and so I did.

"Todd did take one look at me and think he was going to hit the jackpot that night. He stuck to me like he was glued to me; almost like he was afraid that if he wasn't near someone else might get me. It was a fun party and even though Todd hovered by I guess the other guys thought I looked hot that night and I did dance with several guys.

"Just as the party was breaking up I started feeling dizzy and light headed. Sylvia told me she thought I'd had too much to drink that night and she had me lie down in one of her spare bedrooms. I don't know how or when it started, but I slowly became aware that I was being made love to. I thought I was home in bed with you until I heard someone say "Hurry it up will you? I'm next." I looked around and saw Sylvia on the bed next to me being screwed by Todd and sucking Ben Grady's cock. I saw several other guys standing around naked one of them apparently the guy was supposed to be next.

"You know me Sam. You know how I get when we make love and start to have orgasms. I lose it; I become a fuck machine. I don't know how many did me before I passed out because all of the orgasms drained me. I woke up the next morning next to Bob Flanigan. He was leaning on an elbow looking at me. I saw the look on his face and asked:


"Just never thought you would cheat on Sam. Glad that you did though. Hope to see more of you" and he reached to finger my pussy and I slapped his hand away, dressed and then drove to the hospital. I told them that I thought I had been given a date rape drug and had been raped. They did the testing and found traces of Rohypnol and Ecstacy in my blood and then they called the cops. While waiting for the police I tried calling you but got no answer. I found out why I couldn't reach you when I got home and found you gone.

"When the police talked to me I told them what I knew and what little I remembered. The first one they talked to was Flanigan and he told them he had no idea I was drugged and he thought nothing of taking me because that is what always happened at Sylvia's parties and I knew it and had even stood around and watched. He said he figured that I had finally decided to give it a try. He gave them the names of all the men he knew of who had done me that night.

"The police thought that Todd had to be part of what happened to me that night and when they leaned on him he rolled over and told them it was all Sylvia's doing. She just knew that I really wanted to join in so she decided to give me a push. She figured that once the drug wore off I'd still be into it and I'd love it and want to do it again. She was right about that. I did love it, but where she fucked up was she didn't pay any attention to the fact that I'd told her over and over again that I would not join in without you. You had to be on board with it or I wouldn't do it.

"Once I was done with the hospital and the police a policeman drove me home and I found out why I never got an answer when I tried calling you. I broke down and cried for two days and then I got an attorney and sued everyone who had been at that party and who had done me. Most of the suits were thrown out because they all said the same thing Flanigan had said, but the suits against Sylvia and Todd were valid because the two of them had conspired against me.

"I won my suits but Sylvia had nothing but her house so I was asked if I would settle for it. She still owed thirty thousand on it, but with what I got from Todd I was able to pay it off and then I sold it. Once I had the money from the sale of the house I hired the private detective and here I am."

"And you wasted your money on the PI and the time it took you to get here for what?"

"To get us back together. I love you and belong with you."

"You would have been smarted to have spent your money on an attorney to get you a divorce. You could have used abandonment as grounds."

"I don't want a divorce Sam."

"What you want or don't want doesn't matter to me anymore Alice."

"I didn't do it willingly Sam. I was drugged."

"But you did willingly walk out the door even though I told you if you walked out that door you were kissing your marriage goodbye. Well you ignored what I said and walked out that door. Again, the way I left should have told you that you would be wasting your time and money to get here."

"I have to be here if I'm going to put us back together."

"You aren't paying any more attention to what I'm saying now that you did on the evening you walked out on me. Pay attention Alice; I don't want you! You can't put us back together because I do not, emphasis on the do not, want to get back together with a woman who could do what you did."

"Damn it Sam! Can't you understand that I did not do it of my free will? I was drugged and raped!"

"You are the one not understanding things Alice. It isn't what happened at Sylvia's although I did expect it to happen and I warned you it was likely to happen. It is what you did before you walked out the door to go to Sylvia's. It was the total disrespect for me you showed before leaving for your date. Your "Don't be ridiculous Sam; this won't hurt us at all" as you walked out that door to go on a date with another man killed any "Us" that could have been. Now please leave. I need to get ready for dinner."

"I'm hungry. I'll eat with you and we can talk. I'm going to convince you that you are wrong when you say we can't put things back together."

Her words hadn't even faded before the front door opened and an extremely good looking blond walked in calling out "I'm home babe; what's for dinner." Then she saw Alice and asked:

"Who is this?"

"This is Alice. You've heard me speak of her a time or two. Alice this Beverly."

Beverly surprised Alice when she walked over to her, bent down, gave her a hug and said "Thank you for sending Sam to me" and then she turned to me and asked what was for dinner.

"I thought we would go out. I made reservations at Angelo's."

"I'll go change. Nice meeting you Alice. Maybe we can get together sometime and compare notes" and then she headed for the bedroom.

"You need to be leaving now Alice. I have to change for dinner."

"Does she know you are still married?"

"She does."

"You need to let her know I'm going to fight for you Sam."

"Get real Alice. For you to fight for me you would need to spend time with me and that just isn't going to happen. Get a divorce and find yourself another man. And when you do find him don't pull the shit on him that you pulled on me."

There were tears sliding down her cheeks when she said "Damn it Sam! Why can't you understand that I did not cheat on you? I was drugged!"

"So fucking what? You had to be there in order to be drugged and that is the point! I told you not to go! I told you when you opened the door to leave that if you left you were kissing your marriage goodbye. You ignored me! You left! Marriage over! Simple as that. Now please leave. I have a dinner date to get ready for."

"I'm not going to divorce you Sam and you need to let your girlfriend know that. She is never going to be able to marry you."

"She can't marry me. She's already married and in the same boat I'm in. Her husband won't give her a divorce and she won't waste the money trying to get one."

"I'll go, but I'm not going far. I can't get you back long distance so I'm moving here. I'm going to get you back."

"No you aren't Alice. I've already said this several times and you need to get it through your head that I mean it! I do not want you. Now go!"

She was crying, but she left.

Bev came into the room and she looked radiant.

"Why aren't you ready? Decide not to go?"

"No; just took longer to get rid of her that I thought."

"She gone for good?"

"Should be. I let her know in no uncertain terms that I wanted nothing to do with her."

"That's good because I do not intend to let you get away from me."

I smiled at that and said "Give me ten and I'll be ready to go."

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Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright6 days ago

This is stupid, he says after 2 years he dated a little but had a friends with benefits thing. But when Alice gets there and they act madly in love with each other. I don't even know why these writers think it's cool for the guy just to run and leave and go no contact, it's weak. Like their to scared to deal with their wife's.

26thNC26thNC8 days ago

Another very good JPB story. If she hadn’t gone out with Tony, she couldn’t have been raped. He warned her, but LWs never listen.

desecrationdesecration8 days ago

So many people who should have been aborted are still walking among us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I loved it, MC stayed on theme, and did not get distracted.

It was not the great gang-bang sex that she loved, which happened to have started out as rape, that was the problem.

It is a tragedy that her life was so affected by how selfishly her friends played with her with drugs and sex at the party, but she made the steps away from her husband to the party initially herself, having been warned that taking a date to the party was the end of her marriage.

I am glad some justice was accomplished in regards to her rape.

The loss of her marriage is not on that incident, it is on her actually ATTENDING the party at all, and as someone else's date.

Those are two separate issues, and the author had our MC stay on theme.

There remain serious problems for our slut to overcome for a reconciliation.

The real marital question now is, can wifey figure out the real problem that our hero has tried to explain, and then can she comprehend it and convince hubby that she won't make THAT kind of mistake again?

Oh, and, by the way, she is on record as actually wanting group sex for quite a while, and is now on record as really enjoying it.

Does she REALLY want to get back with hubby now, while he is still against group sex, and now she KNOWS that she really likes it?

Lastly, will she actually be able to get hubby to talk with her seriously, attend therapy with her, get through things with her, whatever ...

... when he plainly does not want to do so, and also has female back-up?

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Lol at the morons who think she wasn't raped. Regardless MC has full right to leave her. She left to go to the party with another man. Despite his protestations and the risks. Now change things around, where she went alone to a work party where she thought she woukd be safe, no swinging kink fetish, and husband was just being a jackass, not wanting to accompany her, and then it is a different story. But even then, he can seek to leave the marriage or get a divorce, albeit in thr matter case being a colossal jerk. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

4 Stars as he told her what would happen . GW . I hope she enjoys her new life and yes she was raped she should have stayed home .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

First, she wasn’t raped. If she had been thrown into a van, tied up, then carried into the orgy kicking and screaming, that would be rape. That’s not what happened. She put on a slut dress, and went to a slut event. She was then treated like a slut. What a surprise! If she went to the police, they would just say she voluntarily took the drugs to enhance her slut experience. A defense attorney who graduated bottom of his class would laugh at a prosecutor trying to prove anything happened without her knowledge and enthusiastic consent!


Second, in any jurisdiction that still cares about adultery, attendance at an orgy is sufficient evidence. No need for anything else.


Third, in all the jurisdictions that don’t care about adultery, and are supposed to split everything 50/50 regardless, he can just divorce for irreconcilable differences. He believes that a wife should honor, respect, and obey her husband. She believes that husbands should rank below girlfriends in her personal hierarchy.


Personally, I think the MC should’ve followed her to the orgy, then burnt down the house after blocking the exits. Orgy participants are the kind of people who make enemies. Lots of suspects for the police to investigate!



AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well, it is simple, if she didn't go, so would not have been drugged and raped. He gave her fair warning not to go, but she didn't listen. I agree with some of the comments below , he should have divorced her and if he was worried that she may find him , used the POA with his lawyer. 4 stars for a good story, but would have been five if he divorced her.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

@ the longish anonymus comment a week prior to mine.

The mistake the MC made is pretty simple. He married a woman with a friend like this. Those two had been friends since childhood, and since it is obligatory that you take your sweet time to learn to know a potential spouse BEFORE tying the knot, he would have known about this friend, and she is a huge red flag.

Another unbelievable aspect of this story if the female MC. She is inclined to take part in the orgies and just doesn't do it because hubby won't participate. As the storie goes she attends those events alone and stays there for the duration of the orgy part and does do for years WITHOUT giving in to the temptation? In case you believe in the slightest chance that a woman exists with that combination of character traits, I would like to talk to you about that brigde I have for sale.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Amazing how stupid the cheating skank slut was. Women want to cry victim when they put themselves in this kind of position and then swear it wasn't their fault. Loved his,"fuck you and fuck off bitch" response. Good man with character and balls. Hope the STD's get Alice sooner instead of later. Clearly she is nothing but a selfish whore.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

MC: [The answer to that was simple, at least to me. I HAD to know if Alice would cheat on me...]

===> Creative and entertaining story, but the aforementioned logic is specious and flawed. It is why they are called interventions. He knew what could happen and let her keep getting tempted like a moth to a flame. Dumb. He obviously knows nothing of how to do a cost-benefit analysis. While not always successful, interventions can work. Lay out all your cards. Don't spare the horses. Do this before her "date" night with the predator. If she picks her "BFF" over you or refuses to listen or compromise or get counseling, then you tried and you can look back with zero regret. But instead if you let it play out as some sophomoric "test", then you reap what you sow, and lose all agency.

Not quibbling with how he reacted THAT night. Criticizing his foreknowledge and lack of confrontation and letting it play out to see if she would cheat. Ironically, she did not. She was drugged and raped, and though not able to prove the perpetrator(s) of a crime in criminal court, she won in civil court. Anyone who thinks what happened to her at the party is cheating, is an utter moron or an incel.

That being said, I totally get him deciding thr marriage is over. If by that time it has built up to an obsession with his wife, and he is too chickensh$t to confront her vigorously BEFORE things hit the fan, then with her attitude that night, her disrespect, her delusions about no consequences snd the fact she left for the party, I can get why he wanted out of the marriage.

Now why he didn't arrange for a divorce seems utterly brainless. He can see a lawyer. Give POA and leave the state. He may have to come back once or twice but they had no kids and sounds like not much property if he is able to just run away.

Still was entertaining. Felt bad for both MC and his wife. She got caught up on something and hubby's inaction let it get to a point where thr predators could rape her. She should.not have been watching the after party orgies. Rhat only builds up the excitement in the mind. Her wanting to join in but only with hubby also participating, who is totally against swinging. That already puts the marriage at risk. Counseling, anyone?

His specious and flawed reasoning meant he let things play out and let the trainwreck happen. He assumed it would be cheating but in fact it was rape. Again I get the abandonment or desire to divorce (though not why he refuses to file for divorce) after the events of that final night. But his actions and thoughts leading up to it with all the intel he had, were either cowardly or stupid or both.

But he wouldn't be the first LW spouse to take that approach, as it makes for dramatic tension on thr plot. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Don't understand why He didn't file for divorce or at least a separation.

arnowolarnowol4 months ago

5*****! He did everything right, she is stupid!

LechemanLecheman5 months ago

Sounds like the marriage was already tired as, regardless of her still being there, a husband learning his wife was drugged and raped would have responded more compassionately.

Divorce would have still been on the table but humanely.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What happened to her was monstrous, and unforgivable. There was no justice, then men who raped her got away with it. No one deserves something like that.

But the moment she came downstairs in a sexy dress telling him she was going on a date the marriage was over. He wasn't being 'controlling', he had to watch his wife dressed as sexy as possible for another man go out the door to be with that man. 5 stars

nixroxnixrox6 months ago

1 star - how many times are you supposed to repeat the same things, before you just give up and have this mentally handicapped person committed to a local loony bin?

Awful character development in this story.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower6 months ago

;-) Another good one! Thanks for another fun read!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Petty and childish. I guess the correct term would be controlling. His lack of trust in her was the real problem, and the claim that I told you not to, so what happened is your fault, and so I have no sympathy. Is really no different than telling your daughter after she's been raped that you told her you didn't like her boyfriend, she shouldn't have gone to the club or walk home alone etc..

That she dismissed his concerns out of hand seems terrible, but it's written from his perspective and so we have no idea how long and carefully she thought about it. As she knew her own mind, and was well aware that she wouldn't cheat, you can easily see why she'd come to the decision that she made. From her perspective everything was cheating free and he was just being a controlling arsehole.

That his fear became true and she was raped doesn't make him right, it just makes him a childish arsehole.

And the tropey I've moved on and look at how happy I am and how sad you are, at the end... Shakes head.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

If there is a moral to this story, it would be: You don't just marry the person, but his or her judgement as well. The marriage is only as good as the trust you have in their judgement because you marry another to : 1. Have their/your 'back' without reservation, and 2. to witness that in a largely impersonal, uncaring universe, you COUNTED to someone. The wife here exploded both reasons. Therefore, marriage OVER. My wife and I have lived by these dictums for almost 40 years and still look to them despite disagreements and issue. Love has to be conditioned by respect, AND the ability to remind one's spouse of this fact.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

In other words, it was the cavalier manner in which she dismissed his concerns. That what he feared happened only reified his fears and marital trust was gone. The point was a bit over the top but the story line depended on it. The puzzle was that he left without at least confronting the problem and that she continued to refuse to come to terms with his obviously willful exit. That he found another woman and moved on so easily tells you that marriage was already in trouble well before the precipitating event.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

She was the one that put herself in 'a place of danger'. She got burnt and its not her fault. Hummmm. Sounds like my ex-wife. When I verballed her about it she divorced me for unreasonable behaviour and I could not bat back. She then stalled the diverse when the decree nisi was issues and when I got fed up and pushed her solicitors, I found out she was shacked with another person. Courts and solicitors are a waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

women think they can do whatever they want! fucking idiots. maybe this one will finally get it, most don't.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Most of us wish we were in Biblical times and we could substitute Ruttweiler for Lott's wife. He would be appreciated more if we could turn ir it to salt.

rbloch66rbloch669 months ago

She didn’t realize that the disrespect is worse than the cheating. Good on him for sticking to his guns.

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