Alice's Ears

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Alice collapses in the halls and wakes up a changed woman.
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Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/11/2021
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Alice stumbled slightly, and leaned up against a locker as an ocular migraine flashed inside her skull.

"C'mon..." she whimpered, tapping her temple with the heel of her hand "not now, Not today."

She was no stranger to pulling all nighters. Maybe sleepless nights had finally caught up with her, Maybe it was all the caffeine. No matter the reason Alice was fading fast, and if she wanted to make it to her history final in one piece she would have to hurry before the ground fell from below her feet.

Footsteps all around, voices blended into one, she was so close to getting to her seat and taking a quick nap.

"Alice!" someone cheerfully called from behind her in a barely recognizable voice "Are you ready for the test?"

Alice turned to the voice "Emma?" she asked as the blurred figure came into view "Yeah... yeah I think I am."

"Oh! Woah..." the figure said poking Alice's cheek "You don't look so good".

Alice went to lean back against the lockers but missed with her elbow and slipped, though she was quickly caught and righted by the cheerful student.

"I'm fine, Emma... great... good" Alice said as she recovered and stood up straight although still visibly wobbly "Good enough"

"You look like you are going to faint, are you sure you are okay? I got something out of the vending machine if you need a quick dose of sugar" offered Emma.

"I think I'll be okay, thanks though... could you walk with me to class?" Alice said, steeling herself for the short thirty second walk to the test room "Just in case..."

"Course" Emma said with a smile, turning Alice around and taking a hold of her arm.

They walked together and were almost there, the door was in view. If Alice could just sit down at the desk she knew she would be fine.

"Huh" said Alice, perplexed "I feel like I am... floating..."

The last thing she heard before he skull cracked against the tiled floor was her best friend screaming her name as the dead weight of Alice's body slipped through Emma's arms.

Lights, blue masks, hurried speech speckled with perplexed questions. A dream that lasted minutes, days, hours, seconds? Unimaginable pain, ripping, tearing, blinding. Screams, crying, raised voices and hushed whispers. A blend of terror and confusion topped with fog that left Alice unsure of reality. Just what had happened.

With a guttural yell that resembled a roar Alice awoke, straining at the thick straps that ran across her body. Her eyes were wide, gown soaked in sweat, every hair on her body raised, every sense heightened as if she was in a fight for her life.

"Alice! Wait! Calm Down!"

Soft hands grazed her face and hair, familiarity easing her tension until only confusion was left replacing animalistic reaction, and unthinking terror.

"It's just me, Emma" the voice said "Just turn you head to me, you're okay, you're okay"

Alice's muscles unwound as she stopped straining against the straps and turned her head to look into her friends big hazel eyes that were tearing up and fear stricken.

"Please, please, just go back to sleep" Emma said with an odd intonation as if talking to someone who wouldn't respond or couldn't hear. Her voiced cracked, showing signs of sobs held back.

"Em?" Alice said through parched lips, thousands of unconscious questions lined up "What's going on? Why are you crying? Wher-"

"Oh my god! It's you! I mean you're awake!" Emma squealed, both joyful and surprised "Holy fuck you, are, awake!" as she jumped a hip onto the bed and leaned in to hug her confined friend.

Alice groaned, her sore muscles whimpering at the weight of her friend "Ouch... I hurt all over" her surroundings where slowly materialized in her consciousness, condensing into understanding "I am in the hospital aren't I?"

Emma gently pulled away, brushing some loose strands of hair from Alice's face, nodding as she stared into her eyes, briefly showing confusion before putting on a fake smile "I think we should get a doctor in here, they didn't know if, uh... when you were going to come to"

"Ms. Areli" The doctor addressed Alice while half-heartedly looking at some data on a clipboard "It's good to see you awake, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, sore..." said Alice before pausing "but at the same time I have this odd feeling, I can't quite describe it"

"Could you try?" asked the doctor "Honestly we are having a hard time figuring out what exactly happened to you, any insight into what you are feeling could help"

Alice did her best to come up with an explanation "I feel hot...?"

"Hot" the doctor said as he glanced up from the clipboard and pointed to the diagnostic machine that was attached to Alice by wires "Like a fever? Your temperature is normal, is there anything else?"

Alice wracked her brain as she tried to pinpoint just what she was feeling "Maybe not hot but..." but her desire to continue the thought faded, replaced by embarrassment.

"Hm?" the doctor prompted.

"I feel... aroused" Alice said quietly unable to meet the doctors eye.

"I am sorry Ms. Areli, I didn't quite catch that."

Alice blushed deeply "I feel Aroused" this time more forcefully.

"Ah, sexually I assume" he said as he wrote a quick note on his clipboard "is that unusual? Are you not usually a libidinous person?"

Alice became a touch defensive at the doctors casual attitude and held a frustrated tone on her tongue as she said "No! I mean... even if I was, I just woke up in a hospital and I am tied to a bed, it's not the sexiest situation"

"Well you never know these days, people get turned on by just about anything" the doctor said causing Alice to look down "But I will note that it significant, not quite sure how it will help us though"

The doctor asked a few more questions but didn't get much out of her. After deeming her well enough he unstrapped her from the bed, and explaining that she had been seizing quite severely. She had even outpaced the antiepilectics, and was restrained to keep her from harm. He told Alice they would monitor her for the night and would be discharged in the morning. After he had left a nurse entered with dinner, surprisingly the worst part about the food was that it was boring. Alice then turned on the TV and watched a show that she swore she had never even heard of before and sank into shallow sleep pitted with covertly sexual dreams.

Alice woke to a pointed pain, like someone had scooped out her eyes and replaced them with tacks. Relief came quick as it only took a few blinks for the pain to ease to a buzzing dryness. She was incredibly thirsty, like all the water had been drained out of her. Alice hopped out of bed to fill her cup from the on suite sink. She filled it twice and drained it in seconds, gasping for air and wiping her lips with the back of her hand. It was at that moment that she caught her own reflection in the mirror. Alice examined herself with a confused expression. She was no dog before but her mousy looks weren't the type to turn heads on a regular basis. As she examined herself she noted subtle differences. Her skin was unblemished and almost glowing, her lips seemed fuller than before, eyes bigger and lashes longer. It wasn't as though she didn't recognize herself, but that the reflection looked perfect, almost photoshopped. The subtle changes, an improvement one could say, were alarming. One obviously stood out. Her eyes were a different colour, a bright brownish orange that stood out like cosplay contacts. Alice leaned forward and spread her eyelids with her fingers searching for something to indicate that she was either dreaming or being pranked. With nothing to tell her what was going on she sighed and stepped back from the mirror. In a calm state of shock and fog, she noted that she still felt incredibly... hot.

"Ms. Areli" the doctor said from behind Alice, startling her and eliciting a yelp as she spun to face him "Just letting you know that my shift is over. It's good to see you up but I won't be around when you are discharged, though I must say you are looking... better"

The doctor looked Alice up and down, undressing her in his mind as she squirmed slightly under his piercing gaze.

"I... um... thank you?" Alice said awkwardly as the doctor stepped closer "I am actually kind of freaking out, I think my body is changing. Look at my eyes" she said leaning forward and pulling open her eyelids so the doctor could see clearly.

The doctor reached forward and lifted Alice's chin with his hand. He moved almost too close for comfort and stared into her eyes "Mmmm, a beautiful colour don't you think Ms. Areli" moving his thumb gingerly across Alice's lips and inching his face even closer to hers.

Alice blushed, her whole body heating up, an uncontrollable lust like she had never felt before rolled in like a summer wind. She unconsciously moved closer to the doctor, pressing her body against his, brushing their lips together.

The doctor smirked and floated a hand down to rest on her waist, pulling her against him "I'm not usually one to go after eighteen year olds, but there is just something about you" he craned his head to the side and began to pepper her neck with kisses while nibbling on her ear. Alice gasped and pushed herself harder against him, mewling softly as his lips danced over her neck. She could feel something growing harder, pressing into her stomach as she wrapped her arms around the doctor. The doctor groaned lewdly and slipped a hand under her hospital gown and into her panties, softly groping at her tight hindquarters.

"Mmmm" he moaned, grinding his groin into her and growling "It's like I can't control myself around you"

Alice was in a similar state, she had never once been this promiscuous, but her body was on autopilot and it knew what it wanted. She moved her lips to the doctors and began to lightly kiss him, closing her eyes as he hooked a hand under her knee and lifted it to his hip. He pushed her against the wall and passionately kissed her. At this point Alice had soaked through her panties and was burning with desperate need. She was wantonly rubbing herself against the doctor's sizable bulge and moaning into his mouth.

The doctor broke the kiss "You ready?" he asked moving his hand from her ass to his fly. She nodded her consent. Once he was unzipped he began to kiss her again. Alice in her desperate state quickly moved her hands to his crotch and dug through the fabric for his girthy cock, eventually pulling it free. And there she was soaked to the knees with a strangers cock in her hands. Something in the back of her mind noted the unusual circumstances but every other part of her was aching to be filled.

And then like a cock blocking god, deus ex machina called her name from behind the door "Alice!" Emma said in a sing song voice "Just coming to drop off a change of clothes for when you are released tomorrow, make sure you are decent"

The doctor let out startled sigh and quickly disengaged from Alice's body, stuffing his cock back into his pants and zipping up. He strode purposefully to the door without even saying a word to Alice and could be heard muttering confusions to himself. Alice was left panting slightly, thoroughly perplexed by the situation but still aching with need.

The doctor opened the door to a surprised Emma "Oh! Hi Doc, how's she doing?" she asked only to have her question ignored with a quick acknowledging "Ms. Quartz" from the doctor as he pushed past her and walked down the hall without another word. Emma looked confused for a second but shrugged off the odd behavior and stepped inside to greet her friend.

Emma was greeted to the sight of a disheveled Alice with cheeks burning red.

"Oh no..." Emma said "You don't look so good... again..." as she walked over to the still bewildered Alice and maneuvered her back to the bed and sat her down on the edge. Emma took the back of her hand and pressed it to Alice's forehead "Oh wow, you are burning up, I am going to go and get a nurse."

Emma turned to leave but Alice caught her hand "No, I am fine. I promise. Just a little hot."

"Hmmm" Emma hummed, turning back to her friend and leaning over to examine her "If you say so."

"Yeah, I am fine. Swear" Alice said her thoughts still swimming in the lust of her encounter with the Doc. Emma looked puzzled and leaned even closer to Alice "Woah..." she said under her breath as she moved a hand up as if to cup Alice's cheek but stopped just a hair shy "Is it weird if I say I never noticed your eyes were this pretty?"

Alice unconsciously tilted her head hand nuzzled her cheek into her friends hand. Emma gently stroked her soft skin with her thumb as she bit her lip and moved her face even closer to Alice's. Emma became focused on Alice's lips, inching forward to a soft kiss. Alice closed her eyes and tilted her chin up for Emma. And then suddenly Emma gasped and jumped back. Alice opened her eyes to see a shocked expression on her friends face, red with embarrassment.

"I, um, sorry" Emma stammered "I actually have to go, just came to drop you some clothes" as she dug through her bag and set a pile next to Alice.

Emma awkwardly went in for a goodbye hug but faltered and ended up just patting her friend on the head while saying goodbye then darted out the door.

It took a few minutes for Alice to recover, she still felt a desperate need but couldn't figure out a reason for the events that had just passed. She spun her legs up onto her bed and found a comfortable position on her back. As she stared up at the ceiling, body buzzing, she couldn't help but vocalize her confusion.

"What the fuck is going on..." she said before falling into a light sleep.

Alice was discharged mid-morning the next day and took a series of buses from the city center to the suburbs. She climbed a steep set of steps to her parents' house, empty for the time being. It was their twenty fifth anniversary and they were two weeks into a three month trip around Europe. They had never been the type to helicopter around their kid and Alice was used to being left on her own but it would have been nice to have someone dote over her after a hospital stay. She didn't do much that day other than catching up on some missed schoolwork and watching TV, but before she knew it the sun had sunk below the horizon and her eyes were getting heavy. Alice walked to her room and changed into some soft pajamas. After her nighttime routine she flopped into bed and mulled over the strange events of the past few days before falling asleep.

Alice woke on the floor beside her bed soaked in sweat. She groaned loudly as she moved, her muscles sore from another fit of whatever was wracking her that the doctors couldn't explain. Alice pushed herself up from the floor and stumbled a few times while trying to walk. She didn't feel dizzy per se, it was more of a feeling of imbalance. She peeled her wet pajamas off and tossed them into a laundry basket. She shivered as her sweat soaked skin met the air, goosebumps pricked and pulled at her. Alice walked naked to the bathroom, set on taking a quick shower to rinse off the sweat before going back to bed. The cool wind gently stimulated her nipples and clit as she walked. Moving a hand down to her slit she felt to her surprise that she was nearly dripping with arousal.

'This couldn't just be from the air could it?' she thought to herself unable to explain her sudden spike in libido and nearly constant arousal she had felt since waking up in the hospital. Maybe it was a stroke, she knew that brain damage could cause permanent personality changes. Though plausible the thought freaked her out. She arrived at the bathroom and flicked on a light before moving to stand in front of the mirror. What she saw utterly astounded her. Among many, many, small subtle changes there was something that nearly made her scream. Sitting atop her head were a large set of cat ears. They matched the colour of her eyes and were twitching in the direction of any creak or tap of the house settling. Alice could do nothing but stare in complete shock. So many things ran through her head; that she was dreaming, hallucinating, maybe even high on something from the hospital. Each idea was shot down by the grating clarity that was reality. She reached up with one hand and gently tapped one of the ears with a finger. The ear responded both by flattening itself against her head and also sending an impulse of electrical energy into her brain that told her yes, that ear was definitely hers. She couldn't stop staring, transfixed she moved a little closer to the mirror to get a better view. As she did this a feeling of total exhaustion hit her like a tsunami. In a delirious state she stumbled back but somehow remained upright. Still unable to break the stare at her reflection she lifted her arms up and struck a stereotypical cat pose, hands curled into fists to look like paws.

"Mew" she meowed to her reflection before everything went black and she fell to the floor.

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EdwardmtEdwardmtover 2 years ago

Will be interesting to see the direction this takes. Good start on setting up what could be a neat story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very strange but also very intriguing. Impressive for a first story and looking forward to what happens next.


toy4LadyandDon2toy4LadyandDon2over 2 years ago

looking forwards to a part 2

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