Alien Mine Ch. 09


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We need to respond quickly to any sign of the Om, but I want us to be in the position longer-term to control or at least manage human events. We are not going to intercede unless necessary, but as we move toward our goals, we will want to influence events while remaining unseen if possible.

"What kind of information?" Leslie asked.

"Anything you think is useful. If you need to know how many times the Chinese premiere pees a day, let Kiania know. If Bob cannot pull it from their surveillance equipment, Kiania will send in her new drones she is developing."

"Not that I need that particular information, but how can Bob get to that?" Leslie asked, "those systems are often not connected."

"Bob does not need a connection like we think of it. If it is plugged into a power source, Bob can get to it or extract the passwords if needed."

"We cannot run all this through regular channels, Leslie said, thinking about how to use this kind of information. It would be a blessing and a curse. "It will raise too many questions about where the information is coming from."

"Yes," said Kiania, "we were thinking about an offsite facility, parallel but not feeding information directly to anyone but you. Your job will be to manage the flow, tell your bosses and those in the need to know just enough. Make yourself look good but don't overdo it."

Rhys looked at her and said, "I am thinking relatively long term here; in 5-10 years, I want you running the CIA."

Leslie had been sitting there trying to absorb all the fantastic plans they were discussing. Watching these women and Rhys plan the future of the human race was an incredible experience. It was also hard to equate with what she knew about the women and what she was hearing. Sandy appeared to be Rhys's right-hand girl (jealousy, followed by guilt). Amancia had been a banker, but watching her act so submissively with Rhys, then controlling the weapons during the battle made her question her judgment of them.

Now she was casually talking about organizing a major research center and financing it. And finally, Kiania. She only knew what she had heard from Rhys and Sandy, but a former prostitute from the age of 10 is now helping to crew an alien spaceship, developing new weapons, and has taken over the role of bodyguard and potential assassin? She wanted the top job in the CIA, had all her life, now they were practically guaranteeing it as long as she did not screw it up.

Seeing her quiet, Rhys went on. "There is one final thing I want on your plate as the top priority. As we talked about before, I want you to identify the most likely women who aspire to run for president. Not right now, but in the future."

Leslie just looked at him feeling a range of emotions run through her. This went against everything she thought she stood for. Plotting to put a puppet in the Whitehouse for Rhys to control was beyond anything she had imagined. Yes, he had told her it was his intention already, but now he was asking her to be an active part of it. None of the other women seemed the least bit fazed by the request, even Thea. Leslie just nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

Leslie's inner turmoil was evident to the others. "I don't think she was ready for that," Sandy said wryly."

"No, but it's good to know what her boundaries are. We have the rest of the trip to work on her and some time back at the base. Let's see how it goes."

"You're the boss," Kiania said, but you better fuck her a lot between now and then, or we are going to have to take a different approach."

"I think she will be fine," Amancia said. "She just needs some time with us all. It comes down to trust; Leslie doesn't trust us like that yet."

"I hope so, and I do intend to fuck her a lot. But you girls need to as well. She needs to be 'one of us,' or she is not leaving the base," he reiterated. It was apparent to the others that he didn't like that idea, but he would keep Leslie a prisoner until she was under his control. He had wrestled with the decision, but it was the only way. If word of his plans leaked, the uproar and hostility would make unification much harder and set back his timetable by decades. Those were decades Humanity could not afford to lose.

Leslie was oblivious to the conversation around her, as was Thea. She still couldn't reconcile what she was being asked, no told to do. It was at odds with everything she thought she stood for, everything she had done in service to her country.

"I think that's enough, for now, Sandy said, looking hungrily at Leslie.

"I agree," said Rhys. I think a little celebration is in order. Our first combat in space, I never thought I would be saying that. You were all fantastic how you functioned under pressure; I never meant to expose you to that. Regardless, everyone responded well when we were suddenly in combat, you also, Leslie. I am proud of all of you. Raising his glass, he said, to the most beautiful and deadly women I have ever known. Tomorrow we will explore Miranda, but I think we need a break tonight. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am starving; let's have dinner, and then, well, the celebration."

Leslie and Thea watched as the automated kitchen went to work; a small robot set the table while somewhere in the wall, dinner was being prepared. The others were used to it, but Thea and Leslie looked like tourists, staring at everything. Soon they were sitting down to a meal that would not have been out of place in the best of restaurants. Salmon in a cream sauce, fresh asparagus grilled and salted, a salad, and fresh sourdough bread. White wine that tasted more expensive than anything Leslie was used to.

Thea looked at Leslie and winked; she felt a little like Alice in wonderland, but it was terrific; all this new technology. She was anxious to get back to the base; there was so much she wanted to do. Sometimes it seemed her mind would not stop spinning, just thinking about all the applications, how she could use this technology to build really cool weapons.

"Time to eat, Ladies," Rhys said deliberately in a commanding voice, looking directly at Leslie.

Leslie felt a rush of pleasure started eating. Every time Rhys spoke to her like that, practically ordering, her body jumped in delight as a tiny burst of lust shot through her. It was driving her crazy. She tried resisting, but it was impossible; her body refused to listen to her mind. Leslie just wished she was alone with Rhys; her need was driving her crazy.

Thea also felt herself getting aroused. Sex was in the air; all she had to do was look at the other women. Sandy had a predatory look on her face, like a cat about to pounce on a mouse. She had seen that look directed at her, and it had promised and delivered terrific sex.

Halfway through her meal and Leslie was almost past the point of no return. Rhys and Sandy were watching her like a hawk about to eat a juicy mouse. There was a dark, sensual awareness in both their eyes. But it was Rhys's look of sensual decadence that made everything in her body clench. Her skin seemed to sense his presence and scream for his touch, her private parts doing a tango of their own. Why? Why did this man affect her so? Leslie was no virgin, Christ she had even been married, but this was different. She no longer wanted to be vulnerable to another man, ever.

Yet here she was, her body demanding it surrender. Rhys scared her on so many levels. She did feel like the mouse about to get eaten but in a deliciously dirty way. She looked at Sandy, the sensual lust evident in her beautiful face. The hunger in her eyes just made her more desirable. Her own desire flared up at the promise in those eyes. It scared her, knowing she wanted to give in, let events sweep her away to the ecstasy those eyes promised. But Rhys didn't just want her body; he wanted her soul. Yet there she sat, unable to move while the hawks moved in for the kill.

Leslie jumped as Rhys reached out and tugged at a lock of her hair. "You are beautiful," he said with promise in his voice as he leaned over and brushed his lips across her cheek.

Leslie turned to give him access to her hair. He ran his fingers through it, the gentle pulling sensation sending tingles rocketing through her. Get a hold of yourself, Leslie, she said to herself. You will lose everything to him, but God, how she wanted to run her fingers over his stomach, feel his body against hers.

Rhys was like a drug tempting her into addiction. If he hadn't said those things, told her he respected her, she would have had a hope of resisting. The other women were besotted with him, yet he was gentle, demanding but gentle. She couldn't see any cruelty in him, and the women loved him, even Thea, who was new. Not just anyone could engender that kind of loyalty. She turned as she felt someone's fingers softly brushing her other cheek and found herself looking directly into Sandy's eyes. Something stirred in her, and she was sure Sandy could see it. Her lust was overcoming her ability to think.

She felt Rhys take her hand, "Come," he said; it was a command.

Leslie let Rhys pull her to him; there was no thought of resistance, really. It was as if she was a puppet conditioned to like dancing on her strings, and as much as she hated that, it still felt very true. A strangled sound of frustration escaped her lips as the spell took over from thought. It wasn't even that Leslie stopped fighting; it was more like fighting wasn't relevant anymore. That word, the command, made her shiver in delight.

Leslie had never heard a single word sound like that, one word that held so much promise. It dripped raw sexuality. She couldn't understand how one simple word could sound like that, dark desire and temptation mixed into something dangerous and exciting. It flowed over Leslie, like a warm breath on her skin, whispering of want and need, promising heaven with just a touch of her lips.

Leslie was in a fog, her body screaming for relief; her pussy was very wet; she could feel it. Rhys had taken her in his arms, happy, aroused, and needing him desperately. Lifting her head for a kiss, she got one. That wonderful tongue that had done such bad things to her was in her mouth, teasing her tongue. She leaned into Rhys, pressing her breasts hard against her chest, wanting him right now. She didn't even notice the other women until hands started to pull off her clothes; the heat of her arousal was clouding her senses.

The constant manipulation of her emotions and sexuality by Rhys and Sandy had left Leslie defenseless. Then Rhys simply laid her back on the bed when she was naked, not even bothering to remove her heels. He quickly took off his clothes and joined her on the bed.

There was no need for foreplay, and honestly, Rhys wasn't in the mood for it. He had been looking forward to this for a couple of days. Taking her hands in one of his, he pulled them over her head.

"Tie her," he said to Amancia.

Leslie moaned as her hands were quickly tied to the headboard, a ring placed there for just this reason. Leslie couldn't wait anymore; she was eager now, squirming as her center heated, even more, her body responding to Rhys. "Oh, God, Rhys. Hurry," she moaned eagerly, spreading her thighs wide. Leslie moved her pelvis up and down, seeking him. "Please, Rhys," she said almost out of her mind with need, "please fuck me, I am on fire!" Rhys brought his cock up pussy and slowly pushed himself inside of her. Just a little at first, enjoying the feeling of being inside her.

Sandy leaned over and whispered in his ear. "This is so hot watching you fuck her. Give it to her hard, make her scream for it." It was hot watching this, knowing Rhys would be giving Leslie more Bob and that soon she would have a mature symbiont.

Rhys slowly entered Leslie, taking his time to enjoy sheathing his cock in her. Leslie screamed as Rhys hit her cervix, bruising it and his balls resting against her bottom. Her sudden scream only excited him more, and he pushed ruthlessly with his cock and his mind.

Seeing Rhys with Leslie was exciting; her pussy was dripping, but Sandy had her own agenda that drove her excitement, making Leslie one of them. As Rhys entered her body, Sandy joined Rhys in her mind. She didn't hesitate this time, she was Rhys' deputy, and it was her job to assist Rhys. Sandy had a different approach than Rhys, not as strong but subtler, able to influence rather than control. It was frustrating that she wasn't stronger, she wanted Leslie submissive and obedient, but this would have to do for now. "Fuck her hard," Rhys, she said while she pushed emotions at Leslie. Love, trust, pleasure, combined with Rhys's more direct approach. It was so hot, she thought as she stroked her own clit with her fingers.

Taking her hands away from her soaking middle, she reached for Leslie's nipples, gently at first, then harder, eliciting a moan. Sandy's own arousal was suddenly rising out of control, and a wave of glorious lust was threatening to overwhelm her. Something was pushing her; that voice in her head wanted something. "You should have her, have her do whatever you want. You are just as strong. Why should you be second." Where did that come from?, Sandy wondered, surprised. For a moment, she couldn't seem to focus; the lust palpable in the air, the scent of Leslie's excitement, the other girls as well. It was too much, too tempting. Something dark inside of her wanted more.

Her fingers had been teasing, but now they were cruel, twisting and pulling on Leslie's nipples. Sandy could feel the pain in Leslie's mind, but she changed part of it to pleasure, but not all. Something inside of her wanted Leslie to feel the pain, and it was exciting. Her fingers squeezed even tighter now, enjoying making Leslie moan and squirm as thoughts of a submissive Leslie played through Sandy's mind. What she could have her do!. God, so hot and sticky. Images rolled through her mind, and the nipples on her own breasts grew so tight, and her clit was on fire. She wanted this!

Leslie's body was quivering as desire threatened to overwhelm her. She shouted her lover's name, the heat driving her to say things, beg for things. Harder, deeper, she pleaded, her lips quivering as the heat built and built. Rhys' thick cock split her folds as he drove it deeper, and Leslies' hips rose up to meet him. The world shrank down; the only things that mattered were the cock deep inside her and the hands on her breasts.

Rhys had one hand buried in Leslie's hair, the other supporting himself as he fucked in and out of her. Waves of heat rushed over Leslie, and she couldn't have stopped even if she wanted to. Distantly she heard herself calling Rhys' name, begging him to keep going.

Someone whispered in her ear, "tell him to fuck you like a whore" the voice purred, full of promise.

She did; it became a chant, and lust and pleasure shot through her brain. She said it again and again, reaching for that burst of ecstasy. Leslie spread her legs even farther, her knees pulled up high as she met each thrust, her arms straining against the bonds that tied them to the bed.

"Good girl, so obedient."

Hearing Rhys growl and those words sent her over the top. Leslie was swept away as if by a cyclone, a veritable tempest that seemed to go on and on. She was ecstatic to be carried away, and which in the end left her utterly breathless and drained of strength.

Sandy trailed kisses across her stomach and breasts as Leslie came down from her climax. Rhys pulled her head up, his lips eagerly searching for hers. The kiss was hard and desperate, tongues entwining, but it didn't last long, As Rhys began thrusting into her again.

"See what a good girl gets, Sandy's said, her lips just brushing her ear. She heard other words being spoken, but her needs were rising again; her skin was alive where Rhys was touching her, and her pussy was on fire. Desire, hot and wet, took over her senses as she repeated breathlessly everything Sandy told her to say, and each time she was rewarded.

Rhys kept a firm grip on her while he fucked her. Leslie came again, but Rhys did not slow down. He could feel Sandys's influence on Leslie's mind stronger now than before, and together they ruthlessly manipulated Leslie's emotions.

Rhys leaned down and began kissing Leslie's neck, running his tongue across her shoulder, down to her breasts, then back up to a passionate kiss. Leslie had cum twice, but Rhys was not letting her relax. He kept up his pace, thrusting hard into her over and over as Leslie continued to repeat words given her by Sandy,

"Obedient sluts get rewarded," Rhys said, pushing her further, "are you my obedient slut?"

"Yes," screamed Leslie, "Your obedient slut, fuck your obedient slut" she chanted over and over as she soared to the clouds for the third time.

Leslie was only vaguely aware of what she was saying. Lust had taken her body and her mind. This beautiful man had taken over her life, and no matter how she tried to fight it, she was helpless in his hands. She tried to put her arms around him to pull his body closer, but they were tied, and a bolt of lust even stronger shot through as her. It was like her fantasies coming to life. "Oh, Oh, Oh, yes more," she chanted as the cock kept going in and out of her.

Rhys couldn't wait, and he joined her in orgasm, filling her full to overflowing with cum. He felt the energy surge and felt the other girls in his mind as they orgasmed, the energy seeming to bounce back and forth between them. There had been another one, fainter, either Thea or Leslie, he guessed. Rhys could feel Sandy soothing Leslies mind, helping her accept the things that happened to her. They made a good pair despite Bob's worries and concerns.

Sandy's own orgasm had been surprisingly intense, and as she floated down, the voice in her head seemed to go away. It no longer bothered her, she didn't actually remember what it had been saying, and it just seemed part of her now.

Leslie would have fallen asleep if Rhys had let her, but he had no intention of wasting this opportunity. Besides, the energy surge had been strong, and he felt revived. As he pulled out of Leslie cum ran down her legs.

Thea's eyes were wide with excitement, and leaning down, she licked the cum off Leslie's thighs. "Good girl," Rhys said as she eagerly licked and swallowed.

Leslie squirmed as first Thea, then Amancia's long tongue began lapping at her pussy. It felt so good, but it was a woman, and it should not excite her like this. I am not into girls, she told herself even as her thighs parted to let that tongue part her lips and reach deeper inside her. "I only like men," she said out loud even as her body experienced another rush of pleasure.

"Not for long," laughed Kiania as she leaned down and kissed Leslie's lips gently, her tongue brushing lightly, seeking entrance. I am not into other women, Leslie told herself even as she opened her mouth and welcomed the invading tongue with hers.

Then hands turned her over and then onto her knees. Her hands were pulled up behind her and tied, but Leslie didn't struggle. Then the wonderful cock was back thrusting slowly into her, too slowly. She mewled with frustration and arched her back, trying to get more into her. "Good girl," she heard as Rhys thrust into her all at once. No need to be gentle; she was wet with his juices and hers.

By the time Rhys came, the second time, Leslie was almost comatose. This time there were vague foreign thoughts in her head. Rhys', but others the girls seemed to climax as well with her, inside her head. The feeling was beautiful, loved, so loved, like nothing before. Despite the strange energy, Leslie couldn't stay awake; sleep was taking her. She felt lips on hers, kissing her, telling her she was a good girl.
