Alien Mine Ch. 19


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"I'm not sure what you mean," Goerge replied. "It's going well; your public exposure has gone up tremendously in a short time. Positive ratings are up, and not just in Idaho. You have captured good publicity nationally. Our congressional representatives in DC are very pleased with your increased attention, even in the major news outlets. You know we are sitting on several requests for interviews, appearances on morning news shows, and speaking engagements. We haven't committed to any of them yet; Sandy has wanted us to hold off for another month, giving us more time to get favorable news out. You are scheduled to be in Washington, DC, next week with Sandy to shake hands with as many politicians as possible and meet with the Vice President. You and he have known each other for years."

"I know, but everything is moving so fast. Just a month ago, I was content to be the Governor; now we are talking about a national office, or at least a move into the current administration, possibly even running for Senate. One of the senator's aids called me and outright asked if I was going to run against him in the next election. This seems to have taken off, and I'm not sure who is in control; it's like it has a life of its own. Carson and I were talking about it just before he left again. He's supportive, but his career is also ramping up right now, and he is constantly traveling. If I start campaigning, we will never see each other; and to be honest, I'm not sure exactly what I am campaigning for."

"Anita," George said with a big smile; you know that you have much to give yet, and you can be much more effective in a national office. The rest of the country recognizes what you have done here, and they are impressed enough to consider you favorably in a higher office. Miranda... Sandy have both done a fantastic job in such a short time. I know this is sudden, but with politics, timing is everything, and Sandy thinks your time is now, and I agree with her."

"I don't know, George, it's so sudden...all this publicity, the requests for interviews, all of it."

"I know, but look at your approval ratings Anita. You have something to offer the country; Sandy and Rhys think so, and so do I and everyone on your staff. Hell, everyone in the State. Make the Washington trip, meet everyone and then come back and make a decision."

"Ok, but after Washington, I am going to think about what I want... and what Carson wants. Not what everyone else wants." "And not what Sandy and Rhys want," she said quietly to herself.

"Great," George said. He started to say more, but Anita's phone rang.

"Oh shit, talk about timing," she said to herself, hoping George didn't hear her. "It's Sandy," she said, and George gave her a wink and left the office.

Anita reached for the phone, her heart racing, but she stopped herself from answering. Instead, she walked out of her office. "Cancel all my appointments," she said to her Secretary and George as she hurried out the door. Anita jumped into her car and told the surprised driver to take her home. The car had barely stopped moving when she jumped out and practically ran inside, slamming the door behind her. She paused, leaning back against the door. "I am my own person; I belong to me," she said out loud and began pulling at her clothes. The buttons seemed to defy her fingers, so she ripped at them, jerking her blouse off. The skirt and shoes followed, then the bra she threw across the room, followed by her panties.

Naked, she stood beside the door, unsure of what had just happened. "I want my own clothes," she told herself as she stormed into her bedroom and began going through her closet, throwing out everything Sandy had bought her. Then, finding clothes she had bought herself, she started dressing. Finally dressed, Anita took a deep breath and walked out the door defiantly, into her car, and back to her office. George looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she walked into her Office. "Sandy," he said, Handing her the phone.

"And now it begins again," Anita thought, taking the phone. She felt her body respond to the sound of Sandy's voice as if she was programmed, excitement rising despite her thoughts, the need washing away the defiance and replacing it with something else. Anita didn't know what, but the sudden arousal and the desire to please Sandy swept her doubts away for the moment at least.


"What happened!" Those two words hung over the long table delivered by the Prezident Rossiyskoy Federatsii, his face grim and foreboding. The President of Russia was meeting with military and FSN advisors that same evening. What was happening scared him more than he would admit, and the ramifications of the recent events were setting in. First, the attack on the FSN led effort involving the new drug, and now this. First, someone had deliberately let them see the panther-like drones or robots attacking the laboratory and brutally killing the technicians and guards. Then the attack on the local KGB headquarters targeting specific personnel who were part of the operation, all the way back up the chain to senior KGB officials in Moscow.

No one had been able to explain any of that, no matter how hard they looked, and now this. Dead bodies, destroyed robots of a different kind, a battle in Moscow, and the explosion near the business section last night that had sent the FSN and the military scrambling.

All eyes turned to General Vladik, seated well down from the President on the left-hand side. At least three meters were separating him from the man who ran Russia and who sat on a throne-like chair well away from the others like a Persian king of old. A man comfortable ruling others, who now demanded answers the General did not have.

"The remains are definitely alien, our best scientists assure me. Preliminary investigations suggest an organic/metal combination but nothing we understand. The organic part does contain DNA, indicating alien biology, not from Earth. The metal defies all efforts to determine its composition; we cannot even cut it to take a small sample for analysis. The remains we have examined come from the first incident, the one that took place near the Dobryninskaya station. There are no remains from the second incident, just a large hole in the ground that is still steaming hot. The damage suggests explosions that we recorded, but something else, some other kind of weapon, was used to liquefy the area. Unfortunately, our men have still been unable to get into the site to take samples.

These appear to be two separate events, Prezident Rossiyskoy Federatsii. The first, we believe, involved two beings of unknown origin, which appear to be human in the few videos we have. The robots or alien life forms were attacking them. You have all seen the reports, some of them impossible to believe. The ones being attacked are described as a man and a woman, but we have not been able to identify them, and if even half of what is reported is true, then they cannot have been human. He flashed two pictures up on the screen. These are the best composite images we have been able to obtain. We have pulled all the videos, and this is the best image we have of what the two individuals look like. They appear human, but the descriptions of their actions and the fact that they were able to defeat the mechanical robots rule that out."

The President looked at the images, blurry representations that did not look at all alien. Instead, they seemed remarkably human. The woman slightly resembled one of his current lovers, Yaneta, but that was ridiculous.

The picture switched to an image of the tenth-floor apartment. According to reports, two people jumped through the window, pursued by a mechanical insect of some kind. There was a fight, and the robot was killed; and as you can see, there was severe damage to the room and casualties as well. The weapon being fired was powerful, going through several floors. Then there are apparently accurate reports of the same two people jumping across the road to another building again going through a window on the same floor."

"How is that even possible," asked Pave

"We don't know, it's apparent from the damage they went up to the roof, but then they disappear, no further sign of them," the General concluded.

"The other aliens had two forms; this one here (again, a fuzzy out-of-focus picture) resembles a common insect, a roach; but even with the best image enhancement, it is difficult to make out many details. This is the other type of machine we have found," a man dressed in civilian clothes said, replacing the image with an even more alien-looking one.

There were sudden exclamations from those who had not yet seen the images; this was indeed an alien and fearsome-looking creature. The general thought it looked like a cross between an insect, a spider, and bits of strange sea creatures thrown in, perhaps an octopus. Though the image was again not very clear, the formidable-looking blades on the front legs and the weapon barrel were clear enough. It had a hulking menace, and there was no doubt it was designed to kill. Humans recognized a predator, even one so alien.

"Note the strange legs," the general continued, "this one was reported to be able to jump approximately thirty meters and moved very rapidly, faster than any human. Both types were armed with a projectile weapon, and the front legs have these strange-looking cutting weapons. We have recovered some of these, but the engineers have no idea how they function." General Vladik glanced at the President as he said this, who only frowned in a way that foretold trouble.

"What about the second attack?" Prezident Rossiyskoy Federatsii said sharply; we have thousands of casualties, part of our business center destroyed, not to mention a massive hole in the ground.

"We know even less about the second battle west of the city," the General said. "As you can see, this part of the city was completely destroyed, the ground melted, and I doubt we will be able to determine what was there. It was fortunate most of this was a park, but it was located over old underground bunkers built for the defense of Moscow in 1941. It has been unused for several decades, the entrances sealed off and buried under the park. We speculate that the aliens with the machines were attacked there, but we don't know by what or whom. We believe that part of the battle was fought in the air based on the damage and the heat signatures, plus the explosions that damaged and even destroyed some buildings. We are still examining the radar and other sensor data, but none of our aircraft reported seeing anything. However, we did get this picture," he added. "As you can see, these appear to be armored men leaving the area, but then they disappeared, and we have not been able to track any of them."

The General sat silently as others raised questions or shouted opinions. He saw Pavel look at him and nod. The drug and the people who had attacked the drug laboratories had to be connected to at least one of the groups. According to the reports, the man who shot the Colonel was human. General Vladik quit listening to the discussion, instead thinking about what this meant. Most of the others did not know about the attacks on the drug development centers, or at least not the part about the advanced weapons and drones. Two groups of aliens on earth, and one of them resembles humans? That did not seem likely, but if they were human, who were they? The Colonel had described the man as 'western', which ruled out the Chinese. Something clicked in his brain, and he remembered a report from agents in Israel, something about an attack on a hotel and how the Mossad had hushed it up. That needed looking into, but how could the Israelis have developed this technology without anyone finding out?


"It is not over; if there is one infestation, there will be more," Nelya said, lying next to a naked Amancia in her father's bed. The only item belonging to Dmitri that Nelya had kept in the room was the bed, the bed her Father and Yaneta had slept in. It was a calculated insult to Yaneta; everything else had been thrown away, especially those items Yaneta had bought. The room had been made into something more modern, reflecting Nelya's personality. Billowy curtains and soft-colored furniture gave the room a lighter feel, a welcome change from the dark and overly masculine look it had before.

Nalya was resting her head on her arm, looking down into Amancia's eyes, her other hand softly caressing her breasts. "Russia is a large country; much of the north and east were poorly populated. Surely the Om have similar underground facilities elsewhere, especially near the border of China. We must seek them out and destroy them also."

"Yes, Rhys agrees, but the political situation is difficult, and our casualties were substantial. We thought we had more time, but the Om are moving faster than we realized; something has changed, but we don't know what. Formerly they were cautious about exposing themselves, but the attacks are becoming blatant, bold even as if there is no need for the Om to conceal themselves any longer," Amancia said.

We must be especially vigilant then," Nelya replied thoughtfully; the Om could strike back here or somewhere else, most likely in the east near China. What can we do to prepare Russia before it is too late?"

Rhys and Sandy have a plan," Amancia said, enjoying the feel of Nelya's hands on her body. "We need you in control, but the political situation is not ideal. They are concerned that your President may seek accommodation with the Om in exchange for their technology, and we can't allow that, so we may be forced to take action."

Nelya nodded absently as her fingers smoothed back some stray hairs from Amancia's face. Lying next to her was comfortable; it was something she had missed, and for a moment, there was a flare of anger that she was here instead of with Rhys, but she quickly put it away. Rhys needed her here, so here she would be.

Amancia looked up at Nelya, observing the small changes in her face as the flurry of emotions brushed against her mind like wisps of a scented breeze. Her own empathic abilities were minor compared to Rhys and Sandy, but she could still sense the emotions; all of them could. The interlace with her other half, Leslie, was still in place but sighing they dissolved it letting the interlaced patterns, allowing them to disperse and separating them into two distinct personalities. Amancia felt a brief sadness wash over her at the loss of unity, knowing Leslie felt the same. More and more, they longed to be one, but Rhys insisted they become separate whenever possible. It was better that they were individuals tonight since Leslie was with Yaneta and would be reminding her of her place in the hierarchy. Amancia smiled at the thought; it was not so long ago Leslie had been in the same position. However, tonight Leslie needed to play the dominant, and she was better able to play that role without Amancia's more submissive influence. Leslie would be strong and dominating, even harsh with Yaneta, but Amancia knew her true passions and desires. Despite all her protestations to the others, Leslie was happiest being dominated by Rhys and Sandy, preferably with a cane and a leash involved. In that, she was not much different from herself.

"Is it just you, or is it both of you?" Nelya asked, letting her fingers dance lightly over Amancia's exposed nipples and the prominent rings.

"Just me; Leslie is with Yaneta. She makes a better dom than me; it's easier for her if we are separated."

"But I thought you had to be linked to command her?"

"We do, but I don't think commands will be necessary tonight. Leslie is always aroused after combat, and she is very aroused tonight. Also, Yaneta knows it's in her interest to do her best to please Leslie. Otherwise, we will link, and it will be much harder on her. Besides, she wears a clit ring that Leslie will use if Yaneta needs a further reminder of who is in charge."

"I still hate her, I would kill her if Rhys would let me, but I know he needs her."

"Yes, I know it's hard for you, especially after what they did to you. We wonder if it will ever go away."

Nelya held her breath for a moment, ashamed but unable to say anything.

"Yes, we know what happened, that it still affects you. The desire for pain and pleasure is ingrained in you despite the symbiont or perhaps because of it. You were forced into it while the symbiont was forming, and it has not gone away. I know Rhys has talked to you about it, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. I have my own desires that others would frown on, but not any of us, and I fulfill them whenever I get the chance. No one judges me; they all enjoy it, she added with a smile. "You are not submissive like me or even Leslie, but the craving and thirst for the two sensations together, pain and lust, are part of you," Amancia said kindly.

"I know, but it bothers me; I feel ashamed that I can't overcome it; I want to be normal, I guess, but that part of my life won't leave me... I hurt myself; I have to when I am alone," Nelya said sadly. Nelya relaxed a little, but it wasn't something she liked to think about, but if there was anyone she could talk to, it was Amancia. Nelya sighed and brushed the hair back behind Amancia's ears, then used her fingers to trace the contours of Amancia's face. She ran a finger across the cheekbones and traced each nostril gently before brushing her fingers across the soft and pouty lips. She leaned over and kissed her cheek, then the lips. Amancia was beautiful, well all the girls were, but something about Aamancia attracted her. She was so calm and sweet but a ferocious fighter when needed. Nelya suspected Amancia would prefer just to be at Rhys's side or perhaps kneeling at his feet. Her longing for Rhys suddenly hit her, and she wanted to feel his arms around her, to make love to her.

"Yes, I miss him too," Amancia said, leaning up to kiss Nelya gently. Amancia sensed Nelya's arousal and pressed herself up against her. "Please use me," she said in a heated voice, knowing it would further excite Nelya.

Nelya caught her breath as Amancia's body was displayed so seductively. The offer was clear, and Amancia was a submissive. Nelya loved looking at Amancia's nipple rings; her breasts were large and perfect, and the gold rings against her chocolate skin looked exquisite and very sexy. It was no wonder that Rhys had wanted them pierced. She let her fingers drift over Amancia's stomach to her sex. It was so wet. God, it turned her on. She brought her fingers back to the nipple rings so prominently displayed. "I don't know why but they look good on you," she said.

Amancia was quiet for a minute. "I know you didn't want them, but you looked good in yours, too," she said quietly; "I hope you don't mind me saying that."

"Really," she asked, "I never thought about it one way or another; it was just something else they did to hurt me."

"You did; the rings directed attention to your breasts; perhaps you should ask Rhys for a clit ring; having something dangle down there draws the eye. However, that is just me and my submissive side. I like my rings. Rhys put them there, and he likes them, and I love it when he plays with them."

"Ha, I bet you do," said Nelya, "considering where they are."

"Well, that has something to do with it, I am sure, but I can see it when he looks at me. Then when he reaches out and runs his hands over them, it's very possessive; that's the best part."

"Let me tell you something," Nelya said softly. "Once, when Yaneta was torturing me, she would split those drugs up into doses, give me a little, then whip me, rape me, something, make me beg for more but not until I came, but you know all that. Soon, I could come no matter what was happening to me; the worse it was, the easier it was to climax. How fucked up is that? So anyway, one time when they were playing with me, I was about halfway into the dose, and Yaneta and Nakita were there, making me do stuff for the next little hit.