Alien Mine Ch. 21


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Rhys looked at her coldly with a frown. "What you want doesn't matter, does it?"

"No, Sir, I guess it doesn't," Sandy said, looking away, aware of just how much the relationship had changed. Rhys's interest in her was now dark and carnal; he didn't ask; he just took what he considered his.

Rhys nodded in satisfaction; Sandy would learn. He knew she found it demeaning to be used as a whore, but that was what she had been; his mistake was letting her forget it.

Carson and Anira would stay married; it was necessary for her public persona. He would understand the changes to his wife and be ok with them. Rhys still felt a little guilty and was doing his best for them, but Sandy was more ruthless; she would probably have just gotten rid of him as they did the President. But Rhys didn't solicit her advice anymore. Instead, he gave her instructions that she technically didn't have to carry out as they weren't commands. But Sandy knew each one was a test; would she obey the intent, or would she try and maneuver things to her benefit. Sometimes she pushed it just to see what happened. Those times were followed by harsh punishments, and Rhys would use her hair to riffle through her mind making the changes he wanted. She knew he was changing her, but that's the thing about conditioning. She knew it was happening, but that didn't change the results. "Docile" was a word that kept repeating itself in her mind, Docile and obedient. She hated it, but that didn't matter either. One thing was for sure though, if Rhys didn't let her cum soon, she would explode. Last night she had begged him, called him master, but she was left so needy it was almost impossible to sleep.

Anita was another matter; they shared Rhys and now shared emotional bonds that were growing more intense. Sandy guessed it was because Rhys had started using her hair on Anita and herself simultaneously. Anita was deferring to her judgment again, asking permission and acting more like the Anita she had been trying to create. Still, there was one glaring difference, this Anita was utterly loyal to Rhys. With Sandy, Anita was like an expensive sports car Rhys had bought; he let Sandy drive it around sometimes but didn't really trust her with the keys. However, after punishing her last night, she had been given the keys for a little while as he sat in the passenger seat monitoring, which was why Anita's bottom was so sore this morning.


Three weeks later, the change to Anita's world was complete. Today she would be sworn in as the new Vice President of the United States or Veep. Carson was by her side, and she was flanked by friends and other dignitaries. Sandy was also there just behind her in case there was something she needed. Rhys was her pillar to lean on, but Sandy would be there for her every day, helping her make decisions, guiding her, and commanding her. She had needed both of them over the past three weeks to help her with the numerous changes in that time; her body was so much stronger, but it was her mind that had changed the most.

The symbiont/human integration had taken only a few weeks rather than the usual months, and her mind was so much quicker now. There was an incredible amount of information now only a thought away, and complete bio's on everyone around her kept popping up in front of her eyes as she looked at each person. Holding back a smile, Anita looked at one middle-aged man and wondered why he would put those pictures anywhere online. Seriously, your sending dick pictures to some poor woman she laughed t herself. He probably thought they were secure behind multiple firewalls, but not from her. She would remember them for future use; they would make good blackmail material. Even her hearing was a problem because now it was so much better; she heard every whisper, side conversation, and a few snide comments she also filed away for later use.

Anita was still learning to use her unique abilities, but she was much more confident now. The best surprise, though, had been tac-grid and its ability to instantly communicate with the others. Especially Mika and Nelya. Just thinking about them brought a smile to her face. She had spent three days in Moscow with them and Sandy. Rhys had come just for a day to make the changes to their emotional bonds, binding the three of them together and then to Sandy. It wasn't an interlace like the Binarys', but they would always sense each other's emotions, and Sandy controlled all three of them.

Anita wasn't sure what Rhys had done, but the other women's emotions were always in the back of her mind, and they constantly talked to each other and Sandy. Anita understood her place in the hierarchy; she answered to Sandy, who didn't hesitate to give commands, but she belonged to Rhys. He had trained her and marked her body; a dragon adorned the right side of her thigh and hip, and the flames extending down her abdomen still burned with an intimate heat. Nanobytes circled her neck but were hidden under a "choker" she always wore.

She raised her hand and began the oath of office while part of her mind wondered if this would be the last time this ceremony took place. Rhys had explained that she would eventually be president over all of north and south America, Australia, New Zealand, and England. Together with the Nelya and Mika, they would organize the Earth into one entity to fight the Om.

Repeat after me, the Chief Justice of the United States said solemnly.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Anita hoped God would forgive her because she didn't mean a word of it; her allegiance was to Rhys. While repeating the words out loud, she made her own vows. I solemnly swear to defend the Earth against the Om and to Obey Rhys, SO HELP ME, GOD.


"The weapons are ready, Rhys," Thea said. The orbital patterns are holding steady, and the stealth systems are working perfectly. The orbital mechanics are a little tricky; we can't maintain velocities and current vectors for more than a few days though. The Delta V will be incredible once you give the command. They will light up the sky at these speeds, even in the daytime.

"That should be plenty," Rhys said, "I have talked to Carl, and he will quietly convene a meeting in the situation room. Anita has briefed the President, but other than that, no one else knows."

"I am monitoring him closely," Leslie interjected; The President can't fart without me knowing it. I even have cameras where I can see if he writes anything down, and of course, his computer is closely monitored and any conversations he has."

"I hope I didn't make a mistake trusting him," Rhys said thoughtfully, "one wrong word, and this will not work."

"Anita thinks we can trust him, and I do as well," Sandy added, her voice calm but subdued. It had been six weeks, and she still didn't know where she stood. Rhys had not given her back control of the other girls, and she was no longer his 'Two'. Her hubris had caused her to lose her coveted status and she was strongly regretting trying to overthrow Rhys' power. Sandy was equal with the others now, and while it might have been awkward in different settings, there was no cattiness between them. They had all been supportive and loving, even Hua. However, Hua had warning words for her. When they had first returned to the Base, the two bodies had stood in front of her, looking more and more alike and very deadly. "You are a danger to the One, to us all," Hua said firmly, two sets of eyes staring into hers." I am only bound to the One, and I give my allegiance and love to Rhys; I have accepted him as my master. It would be best if you did the same. I love you, Sandy, but I will kill you if you make another attempt to undermine or replace the One." The warning was delivered matter of factly, then each of Hua's bodies kissed Sandy passionately and said, "I love you."

Sandy could sense the emotions from Hua; she knew the binary did love her, but Sandy also recognized the truth when Hua said she would kill her. It was another sign of how far she had fallen, and she was still coming to grips with how much she had thrown away. Rhys usually didn't punish her in front of the others, but the punishments continued. Some were warranted, she supposed; others were at Rhys' whim, usually to put stripes on her bottom that the others would see. Amancia thought they looked sexy, and Leslie was a little jealous. Sandy submitted unwillingly, but Rhys was rapidly changing her. She had not realized how much until one afternoon, she brought the hated whip Thea had designed without being asked, knelt, and offered it to him. Then turned and lifted her bottom, waiting submissively for the pain to begin. She hated it and screamed as Rhys coldly and without remorse thrashed her buttocks, thighs, or sometimes her breasts. Each strike was designed to wound her flesh and her pride.

Hua was often there, and sometimes Rhys handed the lash to her. Hua would hurt her even worse; a woman always knew where the most sensitive parts were. Afterward though, she always felt peace, as if the pain washed away her rebellion. The worst part was how Rhys used her hair against her, just as Sandy had done with Anita. Sandy screamed at herself for each submission, each time she 'complied' with Rhys' suggestions. She recognized her programming was increasingly changing her, forcing behavior and personality changes. The collar that encased her neck, restricting her movements, was a constant reminder of her changed status, and tears of frustration often came to her, but there was nothing she could do.

"Ok," Rhys said, looking at the others; then we strike in two days. Nelya has Russia on continuous alert now because of China, but I don't want Mika to put her forces on alert until right before the strike. All the fighters must be airborne, and everyone else will be in the shuttle. Sandy, make sure Mika and Nelya know what to do."

Rhys was in what they called the Command Center in the Drans base, but he wanted to be alone, which was difficult. Generally, there was always someone with him, but now he needed to think through what he had planned. Rhys took the shaft up to the surface, to the original small ranch house they had used when they first arrived and then walked out into the rocks and cactus. He was gambling that Thea and Hua could build something the Om didn't expect and couldn't defend against. It was a roll of the dice, but it wasn't the last roll. If this didn't work, they would have to go in and dig the Om out of their nests one by one. He shuddered to think of the casualties that would ensue. Fighting the Om in their bases was something to be avoided.

Rhys climbed up to the top of the mountain behind the house. It was not high as mountains go; it was approximately 2500 meters in altitude. However, the terrain was rough and dry, and everything in west Texas had thorns, even some of the lizards. What he had planned was a risk, but now was the time to strike before the Om became even stronger. Furthermore, as Patton, one of his favorite Generals said, "The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!" Rhys stood at the top of the mountain, looking around. Here in West Texas, you could see forever; there were no tall trees, only shrubs, mesquite trees with long thorns, rocks, and cattle. It was a barren and rugged land, but he had grown to love it. It was indeed time to put away his fears; in two days, they would strike the Om.


Anita was early, the first one in the 'Situation Room. She wore a midnight blue dress that hung to her knees, with a Miarnada emblem on her left breast. A choker adorned her neck, and she wore bracelets that matched the dress and hid the impact-resistant body sheath underneath. Short kitten heels complimented the look, giving her just a little added height. Anita was followed in by Leslie and Amancia, wearing pants suits to also hide the light body armor underneath. Even the slightly bulky clothes couldn't hide their beauty, and Anita knew they would receive appraising looks from the men who would soon be sitting at the table.

The binary entered together as always, as now they were her official secret service agents. Their eyes scanned the room like twin lasers, taking in everything as they took control of all the electronics and computers. Anita always thought it strange how the two bodies walked as if one, heads turning and the smile the same on both faces. They were careful not to do that when others were around, but now it was just them and Anita. A kiss for luck, both bodies said in unison, and they walked over and kissed her passionately. It was something they did all the time, but they were always careful that no one else was around. Anita enjoyed the intimacy, especially with Amancia, with whom she now had much in common. The three of them reluctantly broke the kiss and embrace to take their places for the drama about to begin.

Leslie went to one side of the room, Amancia to the other. The Binary could cover the entire area and were more heavily armed than they appeared. Anita was also armed with a monoblade and a pistol concealed at her waist. In addition, her choker, bracelets, and rings were all weapons if needed. She was probably the first Vice president to come to meetings armed and with two dogs. Most people had gotten used to the quirky VP that insisted on taking her dogs wherever she went. Rhys was confident that none of those attending had been infected or replaced by the Om, but the Binary was his insurance.

Anita was glad for their presence, and the Binary added to her confidence, and she could also sense the emotions of Nelya and Mika. They were always there in the back of each other's minds, a comforting presence that Anita still found strange but wondrous. She didn't understand precisely what Rhys had done; something about bonding them together, but they constantly shared emotions. Mika was warm and comforting, her outer emotions hiding a hidden strength and ambition. She had a wicked sense of humor and made Anita laugh when they were together. Nelya's feelings were colder, determined, and ruthless but kind where Anita and Mika were concerned. Anita knew she had suffered much, and Sandy said it only made her that much stronger. Overlaying the three of them was Sandy, ever-present, and it was she they all answered to. They were all lovers as Rhys wanted, it drew them even closer, and they were together whenever possible, which wasn't often enough for Anita. There was something about the bonds that made the four of them being together special. Inadvertently Anita reached out to Mika and Nelya, who sensed her worries. WE will be great Nelya told her with conviction, and it helped soothe Anita's mind and let her focus on what was to come.

Anita took her seat and squirmed in her chair, trying to get comfortable; her new body required adjustments, even for simple things. Her muscles were getting stronger as they slowly converted to biopolymer, and her bones changed into a type of Drans metal. The changes required many other adjustments, from something as simple as not crushing the other person's fingers when she shook hands or shattering the coffee cup one of the staff placed in front of her. "But the changes wrought by the symbiont on the human body were not just strength and force but also intellect. Sandy explained that they are such dangerous fighters because of their significantly increased intelligence and efficient application. "We think better, faster, and harder under pressure, and our tac-grid gives us advantages no one else has."

Looking around the room, Anita realized that despite what Sandy had told her, she was still in awe of the setting; so many important decisions had been made here. The history of the White House haunted her dreams, knowing what Rhys had planned. She worried she was not good enough, her doubts keeping her up at night. Failing could spell the end of the human race; "talk about pressure," Anita thought to herself with a frown. Still, being here gave her hope, and she would take comfort from knowing that all the great men who had been here before her also had those doubts.

Rhys had carefully explained her role and why he chose her. The old Anita would have been horrified and angry, but the new Anita was grateful she had been selected for such an important role. She was also thankful for Rhys and the others. Outsiders couldn't understand the deep emotional ties that bound them all together via the symbiont. She was sad that Carson couldn't be part of it, but the two of them had adjusted to her new role. It still made her feel guilty knowing Carson had been programmed to accept that he was her husband in name only, but they still shared a bed and made love, and Sandy was vigilant and insistent that Anita keep him happy.

Anita stopped overthinking everything and nodded in greeting as the CIA Director came in. She didn't rise from her chair; she was the Vice President and now senior to everyone in the room except the President. Carl was followed by the NSA Director, then General Nichilson, the Chair man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The General had a questioning look on his face; Only the President, Carl, and Anita knew what was about to happen. Soon the room was packed, all the Joint Chiefs were there, as well as the National Security Advisor and staff, and then finally, they all stood as the President entered and sat at the head of the table.

"Good evening," he said to everyone after he was seated. "I realize most of you do not know why you are here, but our national security is being challenged, not just ours but the security of the whole planet. We have ten minutes for a briefing. Mrs. Vice President, I believe this is your show; will you please bring everyone up to date in the short time we have?" he said, looking at Anita.

Anita stood, and Drans metal doors moved into place, locking the facility down and making it one of the most secure locations outside the Drans base in West Texas. Then Tiger drones unfolded themselves from other parts of the wall around the room. Anita heard more than one curse word, and notes of fear crept into the voices of these senior men and women. "All communications have been locked down; we are ready," she said to Rhys. Then there were more exclamations of surprise around the table as a giant hologram of a Trangrod in all its terrible glory rotated before them on the conference table. Anita began to speak.

"Trajectories are good; Delta V is as projected," Thea said as they watched their weapons move into final positions in the hologram projected in the shuttle. They were all there, Rhys, Sandy, Kiania, Thea, and Hua, plus all the strike team. Anita's husband was with them as well, she had insisted, and it probably was the safest place. They had put security measures around DC in the form of anti missile batteries that surrounded the city, plus all the fighters were deployed. Rhys did not expect a counterattack; if this worked, the Om would be too busy defending themselves. But their base was empty, automatic defenses only that were now controlled by the strange AI that had helped them when they needed it.

Rhys tried to project calm, but he could sense the tension in all of them. They had been fighting the Om for more than a year, and this could bring most of it to an end if it was successful. If it failed, it would mean a brutal and bloody fight lasting as long as a decade if they were lucky. Every day the main body of the Om came closer, and Rhys begrudged every moment it took to root these parasitic monsters out of their nests.
