Alison Found


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No words were required, the inflatable was launched, and the almost silent electric outboard started. We headed out to sea, moving out of the safety of the cove, and began the long sweep around the headland that hid our destination.

The 'Mirabelle' swung at anchor, only her anchor lights and a lone deck lamp visible in the dark. We approached slowly, easing up to the dingy platform at the stern. A shadowy figure stepped forward as our rubber hull grazed the platform. We froze until an Italian voice said softly, "Signore David?"


"I'm Carlo; you were told that we would be on board." He tied off our painter, and we stepped on board.

Keeping his voice low he said, "The crew except the captain are in their cabins and won't come out unless there is an issue with the boat. The captain is on the bridge."

"The others?"

"Signorina Bell is in her cabin, she has the key and is safe. Signore Rossi is in his cabin; my colleague is keeping watch on his door."

"And Simon?"

"He is in the cabin of one of the stewardesses, a liaison of mutual benefits, money for her and sex for him."

Jeff gave a soft snort and grinned at Carlo, who gave a quintessential Italian shrug.

David asked, "Where is Petra."

"She wasn't on board when we left Signore, she helped bring Signorina Bell on board and then left."

David cursed, "Damn it. I will find the bitch; she must have been watching us all the time."

Carlo led us into the boat, and down a stairway. A second bodyguard stood by a closed door partway along the passageway. "He is in there; you wish to talk with him?" he asked.

"Ali first," I said to David, and he nodded.

"That cabin," Carlo said pointing at another closed door further along the passageway.

"You go and get her," I was told by David. "Carlo here can take Jeff to fetch our mister Simon. Bring him to the main salon, Jeff. This gentleman and I will politely ask Antonio to join us for a little discussion."

Carlo and the other bodyguard exchanged a few words in Italian before nodding in agreement.

Ali's door was locked, so I knocked. Shit, it was stupid I was rescuing my woman, and I was knocking politely on her cell door.

"Fuck off," Ali's voice was harsh and panicky.

I stumbled to string out a coherent sentence. "Ali, love, open the door, it's me," Then I added belatedly, "Jos."

A key turned in the lock, and the door opened a crack then swung all the way open when she recognized me. A blonde rocket launched herself across the gap, thudding into my arms.

"It is you," she babbled as we hugged and kissed. "I thought Antonio was playing another cruel game when the bodyguard gave me the key and told me to lock myself in and help was coming."

"We're here now, have you any idea what his game was supposed to be?"

She shook her head and let me lead her along the passageway and back up the stairs to the main salon. Antonio stood just inside the room arguing in loud Italian with the second bodyguard.

I couldn't resist the temptation. I stepped close and sank my fist into his belly. He gasped, trying desperately to suck air into his lungs as he folded up, collapsing to his knees. His bodyguard watched him impassively but shook his head when I drew back my arm for a second punch.

"One, okay, but no more, we have our orders, others will deal with him."

Regretfully, I returned to Ali as the bodyguard helped the stricken man to a chair and then took his place behind him. David was talking in a low voice to Ali, reassuring himself she was okay.

We heard Simon before we saw him. Jeff was holding his arm as he was thrust into the room, wearing only a pair of shorts. Any worries that it would be difficult to find out what their intentions were was quickly dispelled when he saw me beside Ali.

"It's all your fault, you sanctimonious bastard," Simon moaned. "We had it all worked out and then you had to go and be sick."

"What the hell did me being sick have to do with it?"

"We were told both of you would be at the club. We were going to be surprised to bump into you, then invite you to join us for a drink. The drinks would have been spiked with a special concoction Tony uses on occasions. Not a rape drug, more a hypnotic that would have made you and your friends easy to manipulate."

Antonio growled from the chair he'd been thrust into, "Would have fucking worked."

"You weren't there, and the other couple was leaving so I thought we'd blown our chance, but Tony got Ash to stop for one drink."

"But what were you going do with us?" Ali asked.

"You nothing, we'd have let the hypnotic do most of the work for us. You would have come back here, thinking it was your own idea. Tony was supposed to convince you that Josh was playing the field, that he was only interested in you for your money. The drug would have made you think it was your own idea."

He shrugged, "If that pretty crew girl had stayed on at the club we would have drugged her with a mix of the hypnotic and a rape drug to convince her that she was madly in love with Josh and desperately wanted to fuck him. We had drugs that would have made Josh eager for sex."

At that Ali smirked, "A waste of drugs, he's always eager, I should know."

I was surprised she could see any humor in the situation. She grasped my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. She needed to release some of the tension, and this was apparently her way.

I responded in kind, and it gave me a chance to have a dig at her kidnapper. "That's true, love, I've never needed to use drugs to make a woman love me."

Ali said, "I guess the idea was that I was supposed to find them fucking, feel totally betrayed because of my friendship with her, and then I'd break up with Josh. Which of your shoulders was I supposed to cry on, or was it going to be both of you?"

Neither would look at her, but neither did they deny she was wrong.

"So why carry on, when it didn't work out at the club?" I wanted to know.

Antonio snapped his head up, a look of madness flashing across his face. "She's mine, and if I'd had a few more days, she'd never want to come back to you."

"What the fuck did you think you were going to do? Keep me strung out on drugs until I let you fuck me," she snarled and spat in his direction.

The cabin grew silent as one of the Italian bodyguards put his hand on Antonio's shoulder to keep him from rising.

"He and that stupid bitch Petra decided to carry on," Simon said. "She spiked Ash's drink and the other bodyguard's bottle of water."

"Who was the third man at the club that night?" David wanted to know.

"An acquaintance of his, a high-class pimp. The women were his, all ex-models, a couple had met Ash before. We were going to use one of them if that girl of yours didn't work out. He left and took them with him when he realized what Tony was up to."

David tapped his watch, "We need to go before the town wakes up."

No argument from me, I stood, and Ali took my hand. David and Jeff nodded at the pair of Italian bodyguards, who nodded back. We made our way on deck, but not before Ali paused in the doorway.

"Simon, I'll make sure you're dead in the industry, find a rock and hide under it." He seemed to collapse into himself, a small man in a big world. Her gaze settled on Antonio but she just shook her head dismissively and left the cabin.

We boarded the inflatable and headed back to the 'Girl' leaving Antonio and Simon with the bodyguards. Waiting to hear their fate from Maurice, I gathered from Jamal that he was less than amused with the actions of his son.

We were back on the 'Girl' before the sun broke the horizon. Ali hugged Paul and Mandy. Her emotions finally getting the better of her, she sobbed uncontrollably as she hung onto the younger woman. Mandy gathered her up in her arms, and at my gesture took her down to the cabin.

Paul was raising the anchor, and we motored out to sea heading for our rendezvous with the 'Xander.' As soon as we were underway and Paul was comfortable at the helm. I went below deck. David and Jeff were half asleep, resting on the sofas, a couple of half empty bottles of beer on the table.

Ali was curled up under the cover on our bed, her hair wrapped in a towel. She'd obviously just got out of the shower. Mandy sat on the edge of the bed holding her hand.

She looked up when I entered. "She wanted a shower; I thought it was a good idea."

I nodded, sat down on the bed and curled up behind the woman I loved. It had only been 48 hours since I learned she was missing. Only 48 hours! It had been the longest two days of my life.

I heard the door close behind Mandy, and Ali rolled over to face me. "I'm so sorry," she said.

"Why? It's not your fault."

"I should have guessed there was no way it could be an accident that Antonio and Simon turned up in that club. I was so stupid to sit down and accept a drink."

She looked at me wanting me to understand and believe her. "I woke up in the cabin you found me in. Antonio was standing at the foot of the bed. It was creepy; he stood there without saying anything for five minutes. He wouldn't answer any of my questions, then left. That was the only time I saw him until you appeared."

"And Simon?"

"I didn't see him until David dragged him into that cabin."

"It's over love; we go back to living our lives with one difference."

"Which is?"

"Next week you change your name to Alison Thomas.

Her arms tightened around me, and her answer was a kiss that would last a lifetime.


The end?

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GoosebumpgiverGoosebumpgiver9 days ago

The story was great until the last chapter. Unfortunately your endings need a LOT of work. It seems as if you were rushed to just churn it out. So it didn’t work for me I am afraid.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Please work on your endings. It detracts from an otherwise enjoyable story. This one is very similar to Alisha's tale, which suffered from the same issue. By the way, is this the same Alisha? I have to assume so. So, nice crossover.

One minor nitpick: Why make such a big deal about the panic button, and then not use it? I'm thinking about the narrative principle of "Chekhov's Gun"

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

1 star for the lesbian relationship and denying children the advantages of the yin-yang of a mail/female family unit to grow up in.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A spoiled actress gets obsessive stalker/fans to drug and kidnap her and flee on the sea, just like a 'real movie'. Then a daring stealthy rescue by her childhood fiance and security, by welcomed top model, Alisha and her friends, Jamal And patron Mauricio. Does love win over ruthless drugs and lust?

IndulgemenowIndulgemenow11 months ago

Not bad, but a few nautical inaccuracies. Valencia is a port on Spain's Mediterranean coast. Malta's main port is Grand Harbour, in Valletta, the nation's capital.

A culinary note....I know no-one who would, and I quote, "suck the juices out of the head of a grilled shrimp". Yuck.

RuttweilerRuttweilerabout 2 years ago
I have some difficulty with the premise.

Have you ever had a childhood friend that you spent years with, and when you run into them years later, you find that you don’t really have that much to talk about. They have become strangers. I find it incredible (unbelievable) that someone who was in a childhood romance, however deeply, would run into their crush many years later and still be just as in love, immediately. No “getting to know each other again”, no long discussions about our lives, no taking time to fall in love again. Just, BAM! Still as in love as before.

People change with experience, and their feelings change too. Something is really wrong with a person who feels just as they did when they were teenagers, as if they just came out of suspended animation. They’re actually in love with a fantasy. Not good.

It seems to be a common male fantasy that a woman we really, really loved would be unable to forget us, but the truth is, we are all pretty forgettable, given time.

OldmaninthewoodsOldmaninthewoodsabout 2 years ago

A few plot gaps at the end but still an excellent story, solid 5*

MJB69MJB69about 2 years ago

Another great story thank you. The back story, the characters and locations are all impeccably described and detailed, it has such a feel of reality about it, whether you like the characters or not. The ending is a bit weak but overall, brilliantly done.

Only one slight issue is the proof reading, but hell that's so minor compared to the overall package as to be Irrelevant.

I think you mean Valletta in Malta by the way, I haven't visited since my honeymoon over 40 years ago, but it is a beautiful place.

invisible_bridgesinvisible_bridgesover 2 years ago

Antonio and Simon's kidnapping plot made no sense. It's as if Margot Robbie, say, had been kidnapped by Will Smith and a prominent businessman/socialite so that they could drug her and thus induce her to fall in love with --- what, both of them? And then what? Convince her to retire from movies and live voluntarily with her two kidnappers in a happy menage a trois?


Even if the kidnapping, in a unlikely-to-be-written sequel, proves to be a big fake out, and there was some other secret purpose behind it, perhaps related to Alison's mysterious stepfather, this story is still ridiculous. Wouldn't Dave, at least, see through how senseless the kidnap "plan" was and suspect that there was more to it?

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

Overall a very good story. Page 8 where the other yacht overtakes your catamaran just a few hundred meters abeam is wrong. A good security team on the chase yacht would have been between you and the unknown yacht to prevent "anything" to disturb your sailboat. I do like the parts where Jos put his foot down about moving rooms and dinner locations.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Entertaining read with a lot, and I mean A LOT, of plotholes. Her bodyguards should be fired for a start. There were engaged after one week of their reunion? As a love story it never worked for me. Good effort. Fun to read but too much suspension of belief.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I never warmed up to Alison. She had 12 years and a lot of money for most of it and yet NEVER looked for him. She passively waited for him to somehow contact her and when he didn't she forgot about him within a year except for a birthday reminder every year. Honestly didn't want them to end up together and felt that she deserved Toni and Simon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good tale but a weak rescue and ending. As a previous comment has it, her excuse for not contacting Josh after her mother whisked her away does not wash. Nor does she explain how she completely forgets him! Very good plot but in hurrying through the story, much was lost. Can you imagine a kidnapper voluntarily offering the details of their plans, to the assembled company?! that was stupid. Only 4*s, where it could have been a 5*.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 3 years ago

A nice story with a happy ending. Sure there are details one can nitpick, but that’s no fun. I bet the relationship long term would not work unless she stayed out of acting and was happy with a family. Like Sophia Loren, and a small handful of actresses that succeed at family life instead of having a string of failed marriages. Still, there are hints that she might not fit that mold, but we can just hope for the best. Her excuses for not contacting him over the years seem a bit off.

kemanderkemanderabout 3 years ago
One Star

Simply because too much of the starring role's personal detail was left either glossed over or entirely dropped as inconvenient. Timing and placement within the story of the introduction of details within the plotline is too important to treat casually. If the timing isn't right, that's on the author's lack of short term memory or skill level, but it's no excuse for eliminating the revelation of the details. This really could have been a fantastic rail gripper had the author taken the time to work it through well. I won't thank you for less than a stellar effort when it was more a waste of both of our time.

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