All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch. 08


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"What are we looking for?" asked Paul.

"Wait for it," said Gus with a huge grin. Macy couldn't hide her grin as well. Gus looked at his phone and said, "three... two... one..." then from the old church came a gentle clang, followed by a louder clang, then louder.

"The bell!" shouted John. "You fixed the bell!" He nearly shrieked in joy as the old bell in the church steeple clanged the noon hour. Decades ago, the rope broke, and the congregation gave up on the bell. One of Gus's employees climbed up and replaced the rope, lubricated the bearings, then installed a device that they salvaged from another church that would ring the bell at the times set. All work stopped as the bell rang out loud and true. The sound was pure, and it echoed across the valleys. John threw his arms around Gus and kissed his cheek. "Thank you! Nothing is impossible!"

Macy was laughing, and John turned to her, and they hugged and kissed. The ringing of the old bell signified something different to everyone that heard it, but grumpy old Ernie Kraft said it best when he said, "That is the sound I grew up with. Wherever I was working I would hear that bell coming across the fields and I knew what time it was." He place a bearpaw sized hand on Gus's shoulder and said, "Thank you for giving it back to us."

The ringing of the bell soon faded, and the gathered workers of the Springville Congregational church began clapping and cheering. The bell was a thing of a different age, when there were no cellphones to tell you the time and watches were expensive and rare. A village like Springville depended on the church bell that rang at noon and six, calling the villagers to worship on Sunday morning. The ringing of the bell was a clue to villagers to set the time on their alarm clocks.

"Hey Gus, I bought a house in town," said Paul. "Any chance you could give it a look and tell me what you think?"

"Sure, where's it at?"

"It's the Victorian at the corner of Howard and Second."

Gus gave Paul a huge grin. "I've been dying to get into that place for years!"

"Here you go, knock yourself out," said Paul, and he handed Gus the keys. "Make up a punch list for me and we'll talk."

"What would you like, restaurant quality kitchen, planet fitness in the basement, and bedrooms like a palace?"

"You're the man!" A fist bump somehow started an incredible friendship.

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Gus started work at Paul's house almost immediately. Their friendship was solid and Paul's house was coming along nicely, but the VA sent Paul to a conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. Just days after Halloween and it was as frigid as mid-January. Paul looked around the St. Paul Hilton's banquet room. The enormous glass walls gave an impressive view of the Twin Cities at night. They also insured that the sub-zero temperatures outside were part of the ambiance inside. It was freaking cold in that room. Paul was not ready for an upper Midwest cold spell. He turned his back on Grand Forks ages ago. He got another gin and tonic and sipped it thoughtfully as he watched the crowd of doctors mingle. "Gin lover?" came a woman's voice from somewhere below him.

"Not really. I like the quinine in the tonic water. I'm terrified of malaria." The tiny woman chuckled and Paul said, "Have you ever been to Minnesota in the summer?"

"No, why."

"Let me put it this way, as a woman your size you won't have to worry about bears or coyotes because the mosquitos will have carried you off. I was stationed in Grand Forks and Minot, I know this area."

"My grandmother lives in Bismark. We visit her every Christmas, and I never had a problem with mosquitos." Paul gave the tiny woman a look that was more than charitable and she laughed. "Did I really say that?" Her laugh was pure and clear and refreshing to the soul. "Who are you here with?"

"It's just me, myself and I," said Paul. "Who are you here with?"

"Me, Madeline, and Sandy."

"Who is that?"

"My constant companions," she said as she rubbed her huge tummy. "They should be here by Christmas."

"And your husband?"

"He's upstairs." Her frown said it all. He was probably banging someone on the cleaning staff.

"They're calling us together for a photo."

"A doctor's work is never done," sighed the little woman and the doctors in attendance for the conference gathered in a group, Paul being the tallest in the back, the tiny woman in the front and they posed and named their favorite body parts when the photographer opened the shutter.

"It was so nice to meet you Doctor Roberts," said Paul, reading her name off of her "Hello, I Am..." tag.

"And you Doctor Jar-Ecki," said the tiny woman.

"It's pronounced Yer-es-ki."

"I like that," she said with a dazzling smile.

"Would you honor me by joining me for dinner at the banquet?"

"I'm sorry," she said. "The girls are wrestling, and I don't feel well. The three of us need a rest."

"Before you go... If it's embarrassing please say so because it is for me," Paul sputtered, "but can I feel them once before you go?"

"Here, give me your hand." She placed his hand on her stomach and he felt it! He felt the wriggling of a child. No, he felt children! She made sure he felt both of her girls inside her womb. "You don't have children?" A look of fascination crossed his face as the babies moved.

"No, I lost my Melony years ago."

The look of wonder that came over his face astounded Doctor Roberts. He's a doctor. This should be old hat to him, but their movements amazed him. "I've never..." suddenly the words became very hard to say. "We wanted kids when she died."

Sadly, the kids settled down not long after he placed his hand on her belly. "Wow, you're a baby whisperer, I should keep you around."

She left and Paul ordered another drink, then went back to his room and ordered a pizza. He just couldn't face another banquet meal: dried out chicken breast in mystery gravy with overcooked vegetables. He couldn't do that to himself again, not alone.

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Cecil passed away not long after Thanksgiving, so Paul insisted everyone come together in his house. Paul, John, Macy and Katarina lived together in his big Victorian until John and Macy got their house finished leaving Paul and Katarina alone. Then momma passed away and Paul was all alone again. He was pitiful after her funeral service, and she was laid to rest next to Cecil in the tiny cemetery next to John's old church.

Paul kind of slithered into a cocoon and barely spoke to anyone. He came to church and played the guitar during the worship hymns, then would leave to walk around his backyard or go to Worzils and drink beer. "I need you to promise me something Ayato. The minute I start talking about dumpster diving, cut me off."

"You got it Doc!"

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Macy heard him say that. She made a few calls and within the week, she showed up at Jarecki Motors and dragged him out of his office.

"You're coming with me," she said as they drove along in her little Alpha Romeo Spider, and she took him to a dog kennel in East Aurora and Macy introduced him as Lieutenant Colonel Paul Jarecki.

A woman with a steel leg stepped up to Paul and said, "Here. This is Wonka. He's been waiting for you," and she handed Paul a leash. At the other end of the leash was a chocolate lab.

Paul immediately said, "I don't need a dog."

"Of course you don't. But he needs you."

"Well, you... I... he..." Paul sputtered as Wonka looked up at him with those big brown eyes. "I'm going to get you for this Doctor Jarecki."

"Your welcome Doctor Jarecki," said Macy. "I'll be back when the training is over."

"I don't want a dog that needs training," complained Paul.

"It's not the dog that needs training," smiled the woman.

It wasn't long later when Paul and Wonka became a village icon. They walked everywhere chatting with their neighbors. Wonka particularly liked Veronica von Köster, who lived a block up Second Ave. He always wanted to stop for snacks, but never with his Support Animal vest on. In his vest, Wonka paid attention to no one but Paul. Wonka lay at Paul's feet at Worzils as he had a cold beer and sat at attention when they would go over to the Cricket House, where John and Macy would dance.

Wonka would catch and return a frisbee until your arm fell off, but would stop when you said, "That's enough Wonka." Wonka even went swimming in the pool with Paul, but became confused when Paul sagged into the relaxing waters of the new hot tub. The water was too hot for him and he would peer over the edge of the tub and whimper as Paul soaked. To rescue Wonka, Paul would sit in the hot tub and toss a ball into the swimming pool for Wonka to dive after.

"What's the matter boy? Is the yard too small for you? It is? I can fix that."

Paul concentrated on his business and his house, then one warm summer day he called John and Macy to join him on Trevett road. He led them down a path to an enormous barn. "What do you think?" he said excitedly. This was the best he felt since momma died, and Macy gave Paul to Wonka. (That's how they express it and both Paul and Wonka are good with it) This sunny day Paul just opened another Jarecki Motors, bringing them up to seven dealerships and they were becoming an economic power in Western and Central New York.

"It's a barn. I like it, it's cool but..." John missed the glint in Paul's eye, but Macy didn't.

"It has a hen house up in the hay loft," said Paul.

Macy said, "We could raise chickens in the barn!"

"Yeah! And a cabin right here in the trees... what do you think? We'll build a cabin with a loft and you and Macy can sleep upstairs in the loft.

"You're crazy," chuckled John. "I dare you."

"You dare me?"

"Yeah, I dare you!'

"Hold my beer," grinned Paul.

Two weeks later, John and Macy walked hand in hand up the road that Paul cut through the field with a drag plow. John saw it first. "He built another barn. He bought the land and built another barn."

What John was looking at was a large "garden barn" It had the normal barn shaped "hip roof" and was two stories tall, each story was over seven feet tall. Instead of barn doors on the front of the barn, it had a series of windows and a three foot wide Dutch door. There was a patio awning built out the front and a picnic table under the awning. "He did it, you bet him and he did it," said Macy with a joyful grin.

"Can he afford this land and the buildings and..."

Macy hugged John from behind and whispered, "He's ok, you're ok. He's doing some incredible things with your legacy." She kissed his ear and whispered, "the two of you can retire in comfort right now if you want."

John shook his head and sighed. "He did it."

"Did what" asked Gus as he stepped out of the barn. "I'm not sure what he's doing, but I just finished hooking up the electric and the wood stove he put in works fine." Gus showed John and Macy the interior, which was empty of furniture, but there was so much room! Sixteen feet wide, thirty-two feet long, and a staircase on the back wall led upstairs. The interior was all insulated and paneled with rough cut timber.

"John and Paul had a wager that he couldn't purchase this land and erect a cabin on it and two weeks later it's done!"

"Oh, he got this land a couple of months ago," said Gus. "he said the back yard wasn't big enough for Wonka. He's going to put in a second cabin next year."

"For what?"

"A sauna," said Gus with a huge grin as John rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh.

"Where is he? I hear a tractor running somewhere."

Soon a gray and red tractor appeared, coming out of the forest, pulling a trailer full of tree trunks. Wonka sat proudly on the tree trunks as they approached the cabin. "What do you think?" asked Paul as he pulled up to the cabin.

"You did it!" cried Macy as Paul shut off the tractor.

"It's a start," said Paul. "I want a second cabin with a flush toilet and a sauna, stove, and fridge and a counter to work on when you're preparing food. I want to be able to live here properly if we're trapped by a blizzard or if we're just getting away from it all."

"Do you mind if we go for a walk in the woods?" asked John.

Paul jumped down off the tractor and said, "This isn't mine, this is ours. It's mine on paper but I want you to use the land as you see fit. Plant veggies, hunt deer and turkey, swim in the pond, camp in the forest. This is what we talked about as kids, our own scout camp!"

"Come," said Macy as she reached for John's hand. "Let us hike," she said, her French accent thicker than ever for some reason. They walked back toward the south end of the property. A small hill hid a large pond and Macy gasped. A pipe was sticking out of the side of the little hill and water was running.

John caught some water in his hand and tasted it. "Spring water!" he said. "We don't have to drive down to Zoar Valley to get our water anymore." The spring water dropped into a bed of stones then John saw a black plastic pipe buried under the dirt and sod. The pipe caught the spring water and channeled it to the pond. "Spring fed pond," said John. They walked around the edges of the pond and found the gentle outflow stream that meandered through the woods and eventually met up with a larger stream. They followed the larger stream that, without warning, plunged over a thirty foot high cliff onto rocks below that fed a pond.

Macy pulled off her t-shirt, kicked off her shoes and wriggled out of her shorts, and John leaned back on a tree and watched his wife step under the waterfalls. The water splashed on her ebony skin and caught the sunlight and sparkled like diamonds. "The water is so perfect! Revigorant!" (Invigorating) Macy was so beautiful under the water, her lithe body on full display for him and no one else, her midnight black nipples pointing at him. They were so hard they looked like they ached. His heart throbbed with love for this smart, sexy woman and he said a prayer of thanks for her love.

John smiled and pulled off his clothes and stepped under the waterfall. The water was somewhere between cool and chilly, but the waterfall was getting direct sun, and the warmth of the sun was perfect. John came up behind Macy and wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. He nibbled at her shoulder as she directed his hand toward her pussy.

Macy turned around in his arms and kissed him hard and fast, her tongue plunging in his mouth. "I want you now John, let's forget about our past and make glorious love!"

"Yes!" Their fumbling, bumbling sex life has been more comedy than procreation. The abuse Macy suffered in the fashion industry horrified John. He was terrified that his beautiful Quebecois would never be able to trust a man or woman in a sexual situation. John has been so patient, and now, here in the woods, Macy suddenly becomes the aggressor? She wants him, and that's all that John cared about. She led him out of the stream and she found a birch tree, bent over and grasped the trunk.

Her dark skin pressed against the white bark, and she looked back over her shoulder. "Maintenant mon amant, fais-moi l'amour," she gasped in a breathy voice. (Now my lover, make love to me)

"Je t'aime Marie-Claude," (I love you Marie-Claude) he said as he nervously eased his cock into her pussy. She was surprisingly wet, and he was able to sink into her tight pussy as deep as he wanted.

She felt John's pubic hair press against her tight, round ass cheeks and she sighed, "j usqu'ici ça va" (so far, so good) to herself. There were no signs of the panic that usually ruins their lovemaking, just sweet, sweet pleasure. "Maintenant mon amant, (Now my lover) more!"

Worried that he may panic her, John was gentle as he began stroking in and out of her, but she moaned and smiled. John watched in amazement as her face remained calm as he increased his speed. How can a woman's back look so sexy? The hot clasping grip of her pussy was driving him out of his mind. "You ok?" he asked.

"Oui! Oui!" she gasped. "Baise-moi!" (fuck me) she cried, encouraging John to harder and faster efforts. Was it the waterfall? Was it walking naked in the woods? Macy didn't know. She just knew that for the first time in her life, she wanted a cock inside of her. Not just any cock, she wanted John's perfect cock. It always feels good, but the fears of her past always interrupted their lovemaking, but not today. Her cries of passion drove her fears away and drove her husband on.

Soon he was a madman, fucking hard and fast. His thrusts drove her shoulder into the tree, his groin slapped against her tiny ass. She endured and enjoyed every stroke. She owed her beautiful, patient husband at least this much, and it was now working on her. "OUAIS! OUAIS!" she cried with each slapping stroke and with a long scream she announced her orgasm and scared every bird in the vicinity.

Soon he was cumming also and the sheer pleasure overwhelmed the lovers. Neither would say that it was worth the wait, all those long years of failure after failure... but it was the most blissful experience either of them had.

John collapsed on her back, his cock spent, cum running down their legs and when she lost grip on the tree, they collapsed to the forest floor. "J'aime la nature," (I love nature) she gasped as they snuggled in the forest floor debris. This was their most successful attempt at making love, and both saw a gate opening. It was like they were freed of the failures of the past and were now able to make passionate love whenever they want... hopefully.

"Are you ready?" Macy asked with a wicked smile.

"Ready for what?" gasped John as he lay in the leaves and pine needles, panting.

"Ploos!" (more)

"I created a monster," he groaned as he pulled a laughing Macy to him. They kissed passionately, then slowly getting up on shaking legs made their way to the waterfalls. They washed each other under "Their" water falls and walked back naked, drying in the sun until they reached the pond.

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The land and the cabin seemed to be the best investment that Paul and John ever made. The simple exercise of cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood was cathartic and when Paul couldn't be found in his office up on the third floor of the Victorian house on Howard Street, he was there in the cabin with Wonka at his feet. If he wasn't there, he had an office at the big Jarecki Motors import lot on Mile Strip Road where he (and Wonka) ran Jarecki Motors. He also put in a few hours every week at the VA hospital, consulting with the cardiology department without Wonka's help. Occasionally, Wonka went to visit the hospitalized veterans.

Paul started studying tax law the week after he took over for his dad because he felt Jarecki Motors was being cheated by New York State. He was right, he somehow had to prove it. He ended up with a degree in law and, with help from Cecil's old friend, Senator Elden, he got a shot at the bar exam. Paul passed the exam and was now Doctor Paul M. Jarecki, Attorney At Law, Lieutenant Colonel USAF (Retired).

Paul was returning with Wonka from a visit to a dealership in Olean that he was in negotiations to buy when Macy called him on his cell phone. She was laughing so hard she couldn't get the words out. "Slow down mon ami," (my love) said Paul. "Step away from the poutine (French fries and cheese curds covered in gravy) and take a deep breath."