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"Mom says that you knew she was going to have the affair. Is that true?"

"She told you that?" I said with a shake of my head.

"I'm not going to judge you dad, but I need to know."

My daughter was asking me if was a cuckold. I couldn't imagine a more humiliating situation. I was off balance and scrambling to defend myself. "Sweetie, it's true that I knew, but remember, your mother and I have had a long and happy marriage. I tried to give her something that I thought she needed, but it turned out to be a horrible mistake and now we are all paying the price."

"She said that you've been her wuss since the day you met. She said that she's been torturing you since you were kids."

"Jesus. What else did she say?"

"I think she told me everything."

"Cindy, this is not stuff you should know. Marriage is hard. You have to make compromises to make it work, and, while you might not agree with the choices I've made, up until a month ago your mother and I were doing pretty well."

"Dad, I'm not judging your choices. I just want to know if it bothers you that mom calls you her wuss."

This conversation was all too familiar. It felt like it was only yesterday that I was having it with Trudy. "Do you know what the word wuss means to your mother?"

"She says it's an endearment for someone who will do anything for you. She told me about the pain in your eyes, how it makes her feel and how you let her hurt you so that she could feel that way again. She told me that she fucked that dickhead just to hurt you, so that she could see the pain in your eyes."

"Wow, I guess she did tell you everything."

She continued, "You promised you won't judge me right?"

"How could I judge you when you have so much dirt on me?"

She gave a half smile and said, "I see that pain when I look in your eyes too. It makes me so hot for you. I want you right now. I want you so badly I can barely contain myself."

"But, I'm your dad."

"You don't need to tell me that. I know it's wrong, but that doesn't make the desire go away."

"I'm so sorry sweetie."

"I wouldn't tell you this, but I want you to know that I understand. I know why mom did what she did and I know why you let her."

When we got to the airport I tried to help her collect her bags from the trunk and check in. At security she said, "I love you Dad," then gave me a kiss as passionate as any I'd ever received.

I suppose it was inappropriate for me to kiss her like that, but it felt so good knowing that she understood. I lingered there at security to watch her slowly progress through the line. When she got through the scanner she waved goodbye and then slipped out of view.

To unlock the car doors I had to rest the fob on the car's hood and push the button with my cast-bound thumb. If it wasn't for the push-button ignition I may never have gotten the car started. But once the car was in gear, the drive home was consumed with thoughts of Cindy. I wondered if she would find her own wuss, and worried that she would end up in the situation her mother and I were in. It was not the life I wanted for my beautiful daughter, but it was not up to me.

Trudy was sitting at the kitchen table when I got home. There was a small vase filled with wildflowers at the center of the table and place settings for both of us.

"Are you hungry?" she asked. "I put on some stew, I figured that you could eat that with your hands the way they are." She prepared a couple of bowls and sat down with me. She took a couple of bites while I fumbled with my spoon.

"Here, let me help you." She scooted her chair to the side of the table, and began to feed me.

Between bites I asked, "What did you tell Cindy?"

"Probably more than I should have. How did your conversation go?"

"I was surprised by how much she knew."

"I think she can see the pain in your eyes."

"I think so too." I said as I took bite of stew. Trudy didn't need to know any more than that.

She fed me a few more spoonfuls then said, "Do you want to talk about last week?"

"Not really, but I suppose we should."

"You start," she said.

"I guess it was just a bad idea, so I can't blame you, but did you really have to pick Bill Kiest?"

"I was trying to get as much as I could out of one night. In hindsight I can see that was a mistake. I'm sorry."

By our family rules an apology resolved the issue and there could be no more discussion. So, I changed tack, "I also feel like I do all of the suffering for us. You have the affair and I become the cuckold. I'm the wuss that does anything to make you happy. I make all the sacrifices."

She shook her head, "That isn't fair. I spent eleven years, seven months and eight days without an orgasm and I didn't mention it or complain about it once. I waited patiently for you to be ready. So, don't say that you make all the sacrifices, because it just isn't true."

She was right. I wasn't giving her credit for the dues she had paid. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just hurt. This didn't work out the way I'd hoped at all."

She smiled, "It worked. Don't you remember last night?" She put down the spoon and kissed me softly on the lips.

I kissed her back, but I still wasn't happy. Once she released my lips I looked into her eyes and said, "I want to hurt you so badly."

She responded with a bemused look.

"I want you to know what it's liked to be called a wuss in front of your friends. I want you to listen to me making out with someone you know. To hear the thump of the bed on the wall, knowing that I'm fucking someone else."

She put her index finger to my lips. "I understand. Please stop." She stood up and took my bandaged hand to led me upstairs.

I hesitated, then said, "I want to say my piece."

"Follow me, and you can say anything you want."

She led me to our room, had me lie down on the bed and then told me she would be right back as she grabbed a bunch of stuff and went into the bathroom. She shouted, "I want to hear what you have to say, so hold that thought."

She came out of the bathroom wearing the hot red dress and a pair of high heels. She'd also put on a enough makeup to accent her eyes and cheeks. She hopped on the bed then straddled me between her legs.

"I hate that dress."

"You said that you liked it."

"I did, but I hate it now." As much as I hated the dress, she looked spectacular wearing it.


"Why do you always do this? Every time I need to talk about something, you turn it into foreplay."

She got off the bed and sat on the vanity stool. "You were saying that you wanted to hurt me."

"That's right. I want revenge. I want justice. I want you to know what it's like to have all your friends think you're a wuss just because your wife is fucked up and needs to torture you. I want to have an affair and then tell you about it. I want to see the pain in your eyes for a change. I want you to know how it feels to have the person you love be so cruel."

"I didn't have an affair."

"Semantics? You want to argue semantics?"

"No, it's just not right to call it an affair. If it was an affair I could do a lot better than Bill Kiest."

"It doesn't matter what you call it. It's fucked up."

She took the impassive pose that I had seen so many times. She was going to let me vent and once I'd blown off steam, she would give me that reassuring voice and we'd be right back where we started. I got up off of the bed to leave.

"Where are you going?" she reached for me, taking hold of my arm.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"Go ahead and have an affair if you want. Tell everyone you know that I'm a slut. Hurt me any way that you want. but it won't make you feel any better." She turned me around by my arm. She held me close and said, "You know that I don't do it because I enjoy hurting you, I do it because I have to hurt you."

"That isn't the point. I don't care why you do it, I just want to turn the tables. I want to see the pain in your eyes for a change."

"Then look into my eyes. If you don't see the pain now then you are never going to see it."

She was right. Behind the beautiful blue was a sadness that I had been too self obsessed to notice. I touched her cheek with a fingertip poking out of a cast. "Has that always been there?"

She gently smiled, "Not always, but it's been there a lot lately. How does it make you feel?"

"It makes me want to hold you tight and tell you that everything is going to be all right."

Her smile brightened ever so slightly. "I could use a little of that right now."

I held her hands gingerly between my cast-bound fingers while my lips landed lightly on hers. One kiss followed another. Both of us kissing with our eyes open, dwelling on the pain we needed to see.

In a few minutes we would be fucking on the bed, and my chance to speak my mind would be gone. I had to make my point now. I said, "I didn't think you'd go through with it."

"But we had to go through with it. For both of us."

"Did we? Couldn't we have been more creative, stretched it out a bit longer, teased a bit more, and quit when we had a chance?"

"Maybe we could have stretched it out, but you said you were ready, and it had been so long for me."

I shook my head. "Look at us. You've lost your job and half the people in town hate you. I've been beaten to pulp, I'm probably going to lose my job, and no one respects me. It's obvious I was wrong. I wasn't ready. I will probably never be ready."

"I see where you're coming from, but think about it this way. We can both get new jobs. You've beaten Bill Kiest to a pulp, and a bunch of people you don't respect don't respect you. None of that matters."

"What matters is that you and I are both willing to make enormous sacrifices for each other. I know you are hurt, but your pain was the essence of your gift to me, there was no way for us to avoid it."

I knew that she was right. This was the fate I had resigned myself to long ago. The pain she had inflicted was part of our bargain.

She pushed me just far enough away for her eyes to focus on mine and began to unbutton my shirt. I made a halfhearted attempt to unzip her dress, but the casts on my hands made it impossible.

Once unbuttoned, she carefully slid the sleeves over my bulky hands and dropped it onto the floor. She then undid my slacks and dropped them to the floor. I stepped out of them, leaving them with the shirt.

I held up my broken hands and said, "I'm afraid you're going to have to undress yourself."

"You lie down. I've got you covered."

Once I'd gotten comfortable on the bed, she said, "So, you really don't like this dress?" as she slowly turned around at the foot of the bed. "I picked this one because it makes my tits look so good. You've always had trouble not looking at my tits."

"It looks great on you, but now it's kind of sloppy seconds."

"Do you think of me as sloppy seconds?" She must have sensed something in my reaction because she immediately changed her approach, "Maybe we need to make some new memories with it."

She lifted the dress to expose her smooth pussy and crawled on top of me. She leaned down, kissed me and said, "You've paid a heavy price to touch me in this dress. It would be a shame to let me go untouched." She tipped her shoulders to accentuate the curve of her tits under the tight binding of the dress

My cock was lost to her seduction. It reacted independently of my mind and betrayed all loyalty to me. I pressed upward with my hips to push the traitor flesh into the warm embrace of her pussy.

"I have you now," she smiled down on me.

"You have had me for a long time." I could see by the expression in her eyes that she was getting everything she needed from me.

Her cunt slid slowly and methodically up and down the extent of my shaft. It was like she was priming a pump, making sure that fluid was where it needed to be before the drive was powered on.

She paused and said, "I don't think you will ever know how important you are to me."

She shifted her pelvis forward and bent down so that the tip of my cock pressed against her g-spot while my pelvic bone contacted her clitoris. I responded by thrusting into her.

She continued, "Or how much I appreciate what you do for me."

I slid my cock in and out of her, keeping time with her thrusts. It jammed into her g-spot while my pelvis slammed against her clit. Her head tipped to the side and she bit her lip. It was only a few minutes before she came.

It always amazed me how quickly she came when the pain was in my eyes. Usually, I came soon after her, but this time my orgasm stalled.

She bent down so that I could kiss her tits through the dress. The tight bindings of the dress prevented me from taking them in my mouth, but soon there were two damp circles in the fabric, one for each tit.

She pulled away far enough to examine my eyes and said, "I need you to say it." She drove herself down onto me.

I continued thrusting up into her, with my pelvis slamming against her clit.

"Please say it," she pleaded as her cunt repeatedly swallowed my cock.

I made sure she was looking at me, then said, "I'm your wuss."

"Yes, but no, that's yesterday's news. Tell me what you are to me now." She ground her pussy onto my cock like she was snuffing a cigarette.

I pushed my cock up into her again and again and then said, "I am your cuckold." Saying the words out loud left me exposed and on the verge of humiliation. Anything but precisely the right response from her would be devastating.

I could see my words register on her face. She yelled, "OH, FUCK ME!!" Then she shuddered and tipped her head down as a second orgasm consumed her consciousness, at the same time I felt the warm flow of her gushing ejaculation pour over my balls, between my legs and onto the sheets. "That was incredible," she gasped. The warm caress of her ejaculation transformed my moment of exposure and humiliation to one of reassurance and fulfillment. Despite what anyone might think, only I had the power to please her.

I let her collect herself for a moment, then I continued to fuck her. I drove my cock up to meet her descending cunt again and again. Each time I anticipated the impending orgasm. Each time I shuddered closer to the brink. Each time she met my cock with gusto. She was determined to fuck me as completely as I had fucked her.

"You are the most important thing in my life." She held nothing back. Her hips gyrated under the red dress as my cock surged to meet her.

Her lunging hips strained my broken ribs and aggravated the bruises on my legs. Her eyes were locked onto mine. She said, "I need you," and once again her professed need wove its dark magic on me. I wanted her to need me. I needed her to need me. It was the only thing that could make being a cuckold tolerable.

She was determined to make me come. She said, "You are mine." The motion of her possessive cunt matched the determination of her words. My body was hers to fuck.

"You are my wuss. You are my cuckold." Those words that I once dreaded were no longer to be feared. They were now terms of endearment that only made sense in light of our needs, our interaction and our history. I was not a wuss, I was Trudy's wuss, and I was not a cuckold, I was Trudy's cuckold. There was a difference. These were also the words that drove me over the edge. I convulsed with uncontrollable ecstasy.

The next morning she smiled at me. "I did it. I got everything I'd hoped to get, and I managed to do it without chasing you away."

In a small way I felt that her victory was my defeat, but I knew that was the wrong way to think about it. We'd each made compromises and sacrifices; it was the nature of any healthy relationship. While my sacrifice was extreme, she wasn't happy because she'd cheated me and gotten a better deal than I'd gotten. Far from it. She was happy because she'd expected to end up like her mother, with nothing, and ended up with the one thing that she wanted most, me.

"Was the last twenty years really that bad?" she asked.

"No, but the last couple of weeks sucked."

She gave me a thin smile, "I suppose they did." She turned to her side, cupped my balls in her hand and said, "I need you. You know that, right?" After a nod of affirmation, she continued, "Do you think you would have walked me to the bus stop if you'd known that it was going to be like this?"

"I don't think I ever had a choice. I've been yours from the start."

"I think you are right about that, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you stay that way. But I'm still fucked up and I'm going to continue to be fucked up. I'm still going to need to see that look in your eyes."

I exhaled. It wasn't going to be easy. "I don't think I can handle another night in a motel listening to you being fucked by someone else."

She gauged my reaction and continued, "Don't worry, it's all part of my plan."

"Your plan?"

"Yes, I put a lot of thought into this. I didn't end up with Bill Kiest by accident, you know. It took me a while to find him and longer to figure out how to hook up with him. And I didn't pick the Thursday before civic Friday by chance either. It was all planned."

I didn't know how to respond. It all seemed so cruel.

She adjusted her posture, and said, "I remembered you in the 7th grade. Everyone said you were a wuss, even though nothing could have been further from the truth. You dealt with it, but I knew you hated it. You had pain in your eyes every day, and every day I looked forward to gazing into your pained eyes. I didn't understand it at the time, but I knew I liked it."

"Now everyone in town thinks you are a cuckold. They don't understand why you made that choice, but that doesn't matter. Every day you will have to endure the humiliation of the knowing glances and concealed stares, and every day you will come home to me with the pained look of a cuckold in your eye."

She continued, "Every day the pain in your eyes will arouse me. I will hold you close and tell you how much I love you, how desperately I need you and how hot I am for you. You'll look into my eyes and see nothing but longing for you. You will satisfy me with a thorough fucking. You'll rejoice in the sounds of my orgasm and the knowledge that only you can take me there."

"You see, it's perfect. I'll never need to fuck anyone but you again. That's why I picked Bill Kiest, that's why I brought him to the diner while I was wearing that wild dress, and that's why I made sure that everyone knew what had happened. It was all part of my grand plan."

I smiled and gave her a kiss. I appreciated any plan that didn't involve listening to her fuck some sweaty guy in the next room. I had no idea if her plan would work, but it really didn't matter. I had faith in her; I knew that she was all in.

The End


Thanks to SlaveGirl70 for editing this long-winded tale.

If you like this story consider reading The Dungeon with an Ocean View, which has similar characters and a similar theme.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was a very exciting, engaging and well written story. Reluctant Cuckolding may be the most under represented category on Literotica. I really appreciate you sharing and would love it if you wrote more like this.

mariverzmariverz9 months ago

No, simplemente NO

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I understand what you were trying to portray. but it is still a fucked up story and I am not interested in reading any more of this kind of story.

Hoping you can do better, Lee

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Provoking. Disturbing. Not for straight people but it is for the mentally ill gay males living vicariously through a slut because they are too pathetically weak to leave there closets.

The writer, the characters he wrote, and his limp wristed cum guzzling "But Im not gay" cheerleaders all need to be tossed into the septic tank that spewed this shit out.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 2 years ago

She needs professional help. There is nothing erotic about hate and abuse. H is disgusting and their daughter needs to stay away before se completely destroys her own life,

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It is truly amazing that people can be drawn into a story that at its core is nothing but perverted circular logic. It is shameful that an author would sell this pathological dynamic as "healthy" and parade the "give and take" described here as reflective of the proper compromise inherent in healthy relationships. Trudy described herself as a sadist. Over and over she fixated on her self absorbed obsessions, her own selfish fulfillment, to the extent of willingly risking crushing the man she claimed was the most important person in her life. You cannot have it both ways. As for him, here is an extreme example of what used to be called codependency, a neediness that is pathologically focused on the wellbeing of others. Sadism and codependency are not healthy by any sane person's definition. There is no healthy interdependency here, no healthy sacrifice of one's desire for the sake of another, just intergenerational pathology that continues to consume and destroy. Don't pretend this is some brilliant essay that celebrates the difficult complexities of being human. This is just sick people infecting one another, and ultimately infecting their child.

OOAAOOAAover 2 years ago

FANTASTIC STORY!!!!! Really well written and very HOT!!! Could there be an epilogue with Cindy? ;)

On the other hand, if you are open to ideas for new stories, please, write a message in private and I would be happy to share :)

TwopullTwopullover 2 years ago

Provoking. Disturbing. Not for BTB air heads... But v cannot say I enjoyed it. But cannot also say I wasn't struck by the perspective....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A brilliant and strangely beautiful study of sado-masochistic interdependency. A marriage of desperate necessity and dark compulsions, tenderness and cruelty, sacrifice and indulgence, held together by mutual need and unfailing love.

I didn't want to like it - but I did. An extraordinary piece of writing.


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