All in One Night


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"Oh by the way, there's something else I thought you might like to know about what else happened after I finished exacting my revenge on you that night, I immediately drove home at maximum speed where I then used McCulloch's stolen phone to lure Sophie out of my house by pretending that I was actually him by saying that I was in trouble nearby and needed her help!.

The stupid slag then quickly drove off in her car looking for McCulloch where I then ambushed her in the same way that I did to that loser McCulloch earlier that night by using my McLaren supercar and my driving skill to run her off the road too", I laughed aloud, again amused at my own cleverness!.

"The end result was that the lying, backstabbing slag ended up like the rest of you losers; crippled and defeated, especially after I used the recordings I made that night to blackmail her into quickly annulling the marriage by using her active role in your plotting against me to threaten her with criminal charges and decades of prison time if she didn't comply with my demands!.

Suffice to say, she did exactly as she was told, but then again, she didn't really have much of a choice did she, especially when faced with the recorded proof of her guilt and a lengthy prison sentence likely awaiting her!.

I certainly no longer wanted the slag, that's for sure"!.

Pausing, I then concluded my story with a satisfied smirk;

"So really I got everything I wanted, I got revenge on my enemies and destroyed you all thanks to my quick thinking, superior driving skill and a very fast McLaren supercar that dispatched you all in one night too!.

Plus I lost absolutely nothing except an unwanted, backstabbing wife"!.

I paused and chuckled aloud, my mood now openly amused and jocular;

"Pretty bloody good eh, I daresay I could even write a story on my activities using that title, 'All in one night', eh don't you think?.

To be honest with you, even to this day I'm still impressed by what I managed to do to you lot and just how quickly I did it too during that night!.

Frankly, you tosspots completely underestimated me; confusing my below average stature, affable and kind nature, as well as my intelligence as weaknesses, where instead you should have realised that my wealth and success was a clear reflection of my own inner strength and abilities you utter moron!.

Anyway, I just thought that you should have the consequences of your bad decisions and actions over time finally made clear", I gloated with a smile!.

Holgate just stared at me, completely expressionless and totally shocked as I finished up by sneering;

"Stupidly, you and your collaborators unilaterally declared war against me, an entirely innocent man, for no valid reason either!.

So in response, I merely counterattacked and completely destroyed your lives in response, because unfortunately for you, I'm an advocate of total war, with complete destruction of my enemies my only aim, which is what you and your associates are, enemies to be crushed underfoot and ruthlessly destroyed!.

So now for the rest of your so-called 'life', you'll have to endure the hard consequences of your decisions and actions that's seen you end up as a deranged, ugly, scarred cripple that's permanently trapped here in this smelly hellhole, which is precisely what you deserve and bought upon yourself!.

All you had to do was leave other people alone, no-one asked you to interfere in our lives, but instead, you alone decided to arbitrarily meddle in the affairs of others and for that you've paid a very heavy price indeed, thanks to me!.

Instead, if you'd refrained from your course of actions, then you'd still be able to walk, wipe your smelly arse and live like everyone else, which now raises the salient question; was your unwarranted meddling really worth it, especially after it directly resulted in you effectively throwing away your life and future for no actual achievement, as clearly you've utterly failed to destroy me and I'm alive, very well, extremely happy and much better off overall", I asked cuttingly?.

In response Holgate just silently blinked in total shock, then suddenly, she just seemed to totally collapse as the impact of my words sunk into her enfeebled, malfunctioning mind as the truth was finally spoken to her and from the very man who put her in her crippled, permanent hell on earth in the first place!.

All her pain, the scars and burns, the immobile limbs, her increasing weight gain and the loneliness, together with the loss of her home and assets, all ultimately caused by her decisions starting a few years ago and the direct consequences that accrued, simply because I saw through her lies and that made her feel vulnerable!.

How utterly pathetic and small she was, throwing away her life for absolutely nothing and for no valid cause either!.

"No, no, no", she whispered hysterically, "I can't live like this for the rest of my life, please you can't leave me like this, please help me, help me, please!.

Please get me out of here, please take me with you, I beg you, Pleeeeese!.

Oh, I want my mum, please I want my mum, please mummy, please help me mummy, please help me, mummy, mummy, mummy", she loudly and manically wailed like a deranged baby as her mind was now completely broken!.

My job was done, it was finished and I faintly smiled in satisfaction at seeing that insufferable, uncouth slag finally reduced to a blubbering wreck!.

Fair justice after all the meddling and harm she'd done and for no cause either!.

Throughout this drama, Caroline resolutely stood by my side and regularly shook her head in disgust at the bedridden "woman" in front of her.

Having seen and heard enough, I gently held Caroline's hand and whispered that it was time for us to leave.

We turned toward the door without any further comment but then surprisingly Holgate seemed to gather herself and cried out in a moment of pitiful clarity;

"I'm sorry Andrew, I'm sorry, I was wrong in what I did, I know that now, but please don't leave me here, help me PLEASE", she began to scream again as Caroline and I walked hand in hand to the door and never looked back as Holgate's mental fragility and hysteria then returned in earnest as we exited the door accompanied by her demented screams which followed us out and continued to echo down the corridor as the distance between us increased!.

The last we ever heard from Holgate were her now fading manic screams;

"Pleaaase, Pleassse don't leave me, please come back, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, pleaasseee, which eventually just faded away with distance and finally joined the background noise with the rest of the deranged screams in this hellish place.

Caroline and I walked together in silence until finally, with much relief, we exited the dilapidated building where we both sighed heavily as the weight lifted from our minds before ambling gratefully to the car.

Caroline then paused beside the McLaren and said softly;

"Remind me to never to cross you my dear", she said lightly with an affectionate smile.

"Says the woman who practically burnt off her ex-husbands 'gentleman's parts' when stuck up a Jaguar's exhaust pipe", I sardonically smiled in reply as I opened the passenger door for her and ensuring she was comfortable, then moved to the driver's side and settled myself within the great car.

I smiled as the V8 fired up by itself as 'Imogen's' internal lights lit up the cockpit as I closed the driver's side door, selected first gear and finally sped away toward home.

That really should have been the end of my revenge, but I knew there was still one more anomaly left outstanding, something I simply had to do in order to finally close the door on that past chapter of my life; a final confrontation with my ex-wife Sophie, where I'd reveal all to her!.

After discussing my plan with Caroline, she readily agreed it was important for me to fully resolve the past, but I also sensed that she was understandably reticent to meet her disgraced predecessor as well!.

So after again checking with my medical friend Dick Stuart-Clark, a few days later and with some reluctance, I donned a very smart dark Italian suit and alone drove my mighty McLaren 570GT-S to the rehabilitation clinic where Sophie went for her regular treatments.

After enquiring at the front desk, was I duly lead to her room where her mum was sitting by her bed.

Looking around, I couldn't help but notice that this facility was far more modern and of a significantly higher standard than Holgate's ghastly hellhole!.

Both women gasped as I entered after knocking on the door.

I politely asked her mum if I could have a few minutes alone with Sophie as I had some things to talk about with her.

Knowing that her mum still held out a faint hope of a reconciliation, she immediately stood up and patted my shoulder with a warm smile on her face as she left the room, saying that she and her entire family had missed me greatly!.

Although I had nothing against the woman, I nonetheless noted her ill-disguised hopes for Sophie and I and knew that I now had to put an end to it all by cutting off all hopes of any reconciliation with another dose of harsh, brutal truth, which was the only way I could see to finally shut the door on the past and finish off any misconceptions Sophie and her family still clung too about 'us'!.

After her mum left, Sophie smiled wanly and said I looked good and hoped I was well and in good health.

Her injuries had healed with no apparent scarring and her hair was now stylishly shorter.

She was thinner, but seemed happier, especially when compared to the last time I saw her over a year ago!.

As I wasn't there to chit-chat, I said nothing and stood silently as she nervously looked up at my face and tried to engage me in conversation by pointing to her legs;

"I now have feeling in my legs again Andrew and can move them a lot now which is a relief, the doctors think that I'll be walking again soon and that I'll make a full recovery!.

My scars have healed too, thanks to some expert treatment, so I'll be coming home and winning you back sooner than you think, she said hopefully in a girlish voice and a shy smile.

Ignoring her words, I decided that it was time to strike the killing blows;

"Do you remember our last conversation in the hospital", I said icily.

She swallowed loudly and said timidly;

"You were angry Andrew and had every right to be, I can see that now, I let you down and betrayed you in the worst way a woman and wife can, but I promise you, I haven't had any contact with Barb since then and you were right all along, she was never my friend, I know that now, actually my entire family made me see that too", she replied emphatically!.

I then continued softly but with a hint of hard menace;

"After your betrayal a year ago, I made sure that I eliminated you from my life as expeditiously as possible, so you really should give up all hope of us ever getting back together, because it will never happen"!.

"No, no, I've learnt my lesson Andrew and I promise that I'll make it up to you for the rest of my life if I have to!.

You're the best man a woman could ever have, I love you and always will", she spouted in reply, suggesting unhinged desperation as well as denial in her mind!.

Ignoring her words, I now pressed her, my voice still soft but dangerous;

"Do you remember your accident and the actual car that caused your crash"?.

"No, it's still a blank", she replied slowly as she shook her head in confusion.

I then saw my opportunity and hissed menacingly;

"Actually, it was me driving that white car, I was the one who ran you off the road that night and this is the car that I used to do it", I said coldly as I held up my P1 holophone, showing a photo of my white McLaren 570GT-S supercar!.

"No, you couldn't have done that", she gasped in a horrified tone, "I saw you leave that afternoon, you were down in Kempton that night, you went in that little electric French car don't you remember, you just couldn't have run me off the road near home", she replied with rising panic in her voice at my revelation!.

With a quick scan of my eyes, I made sure there were no recording devices in the simple room before replying icily, as I again recalled that stressful night;

"Oh yes, I reached Kempton all right, but what you don't know is that shortly after I arrived, I began to think about you and your recent behaviour, including the last 18 months of arguments concerning that slag Holgate and her undue influence over you, which increasingly made me doubt your loyalty to me!.

So I came to a stark conclusion and then decided to change my plans"!.

Nervously, she licked her lips and carefully asked;

"What do you mean, change your plans", she said slowly and uncertainly.

"I mean, I did set up my campsite down there, but to determine whether my conclusions were correct, I soon afterwards turned around and then drove all the way back home, which I reached by early evening!.

So you can imagine my surprise when I then discovered two unwanted shitty cars parked outside my home", I said with a sarcastic edge to my voice!.

Horrified, Sophie's eyes immediately widened gradual realisation;

"Oh no, you couldn't have, please tell me you weren't actually there that night", she gasped in panic, as her hands suddenly flew to her cheeks in anguish!.

"Oh yes, I was there alright, most of the night too in fact", I replied coldly, as now in a reverie', I recounted my movements and activities that night to her;

"I arrived home with my lights out and being in my electric car, no-one saw or heard me arrive.

So I let myself in from the side door and soon found all your clothes in the main living room, which immediately told me everything I needed to know about your black-hearted treachery!.

But I still remained careful, so I quietly crept upstairs where I discovered you three shits in my bed and saying the most disgusting things I've ever heard in my life, including your evil conspiracy to attack me and even my dear mum", I said angrily as I worked to keep myself under control!.

Sophie listened to my story as if hypnotised, but then gasped in concern;

"Oh my God, I'm so very, very sorry Andrew.

Please understand that what you heard were just the ravings of a stupidly weak woman who had finally folded after months of being brainwashed by Barb, I can see that now and know what I did was completely wrong!.

It didn't mean anything except cheap pleasurable sex, I only did it once and I would never have done it again either, it was really just to get bloody Barb off my back with her constant nagging at me!.

I'd never have allowed them to attack you, please believe me, I was just weak and never meant anything I said then", she babbled away, full of self-justification and still clearly delusional!.

I interrupted her mindless chatter with my harsh scepticism;

"Spare me your deranged platitudes because plainly speaking, I simply don't believe a single word you just said and I certainly don't believe you'd have stopped your collaborators from ambushing me, assaulting, mutilating, enslaving and ultimately killing me, so really your empty rhetoric is just that, more self-serving 'wind and hiss', I grated before continuing;

"Anyway, after witnessing your debauchery and plotting, I was so enraged at what I saw and heard, I felt like killing you all there and then!.

Indeed, although I was outnumbered, I almost got some knives, the fireplace poker and even my cricket bat to attack you first and send you all to an early grave!.

But instead, I decided to exact my revenge in my own way, one where I had the advantage and the element of surprise!.

So I began by covertly recording everything you all said and did, right there outside my bedroom door and not recorded by some fictitious 'friend' as I claimed to you in the hospital last year", I said angrily!.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Andrew, I had no idea you were there, I should never have said those terrible things and listened to Barb and Scott's schemes", she bleated as her eyes again teared up!.

"Obviously", I said sarcastically before I continued; "so once I had enough evidence recorded on my phone, I crept back downstairs, took Holgate and McCulloch's phones and house keys, before quietly going out to my garage where I silently pushed my then new white McLaren 570GT-S supercar outside into the night, where the thickening fog helped conceal my presence and movements from you and your evil co-conspirators!.

Then with a lot of effort, I managed to silently push the McLaren all the way down to the bottom of my driveway, through the main gate and finally onto the road, all whilst remaining completely unseen and unheard by anyone", I related quietly, as the vivid memories of that night again came to the fore!.

"You did all that behind our backs, we had no idea you were out there, but why Andrew, why push your car out into the night like that and over all that distance, I just don't get it", Sophie gasped, completely spellbound by my recollection, but still utterly bewildered and struggling to understand!.

My voice was now quietly reflective, almost robotic as I continued my story, the memories and emotions still sharp in my mind as I recounted;

"I'd overheard that McCulloch planned to leave first, so I hurried to get the McLaren away from the house and into position further down the road from the main gate before he departed.

So when I saw him finally leave, I was ready and waiting in my car, totally unseen and undetected as I planned to follow and kill him somehow!.

Then as I began to follow him, it occurred to me to simply outmanoeuvre and run the loud mouthed shit off the road and eliminate him that way!.

My McLaren had far better performance than his ugly brown shitbox car, also I just knew that I had the superior driving skill to do it and I had the necessary bravery, because I was simply the better man, so I then decided to do just that!.

Anyway, I easily caught his car with my speed, then quickly overtook him before slowing right down in front of him so when the impatient lout then tried to overtake me, I instantly reacted and rapidly accelerated to remain parallel and blocking him so that he always faced the oncoming traffic!.

No matter what he tried, he just didn't have the performance or skill to overtake me, nor even slotting back in behind my car", I gloated with a satisfied smirk.

Although I could still recall every detail, somehow the events now seemed oddly unreal, as if it was part of some story involving someone else entirely!.

Shaking off my reverie I continued quietly as Sophie listened, now totally agog;

"So McCulloch was now trapped on the wrong side of the road, unable to outrun or outmanoeuvre me and of course dangerously exposed to oncoming traffic!.

Then, just as I hoped, a milk tanker suddenly appeared, cresting a small hill and on a collision course with that loud-mouthed shit McCulloch in his crappy car!.

Being the coward he is and completely trapped by my manoeuvring, McCulloch immediately panicked, but then just before he impacted with the tanker, he swerved and ran off the road and down the embankment whilst I continued driving past them both of them at high speed and still on the correct side of the road, completely unscathed!.

Interestingly enough, the tanker driver didn't stop either!.

Anyway, McCulloch survived the crash but he's now just a useless vegetable in a hospice, permanently crippled and brain damaged with only one eye remaining!.

So it seems that I was the better man after all eh, especially so when you consider just how quickly I dispatched McCulloch after I witnessed his boasting in MY house about how wonderful he thought he was", I mocked with a smirk!.