All of Us Fit in Our Places


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Won over by her easy manner, Mrs Took smiled. "You're very welcome. Can I get you anything?"

"No, no, I'm good. Oh, I forgot, you Brits don't like that, no, I'm fine."

Mrs Took laughed. "Right you are then. Just give me a shout if you change your mind."

"You must be a hell of a doctor," Valerie said as they went back outside.

"What makes you say that?"

"The way you charm everyone you meet."

"Aw, shucks, I bet you say that to all the girls!"

"No," said Valerie, wonderingly, "just you."

Kim looked sideways at her, and her eyes sparkled.

She shrieked with laughter when Valerie told her to take a bicycle.

"I'm not lugging your bags all the way to my house, even if you are a guest!" Valerie retorted.

At the cottage, they parked their bikes by the front door and Valerie let them in. Kim stood for a moment looking around at the exposed beams and rustic plaster.

"This is so quaint!"

"Quaint means no central heating, no double glazing, no mains sewerage and not a straight edge anywhere in the house."

Kim laughed her easy laugh and Valerie thought she would never tire of hearing it.

"How will I stay warm at night?"

A scenario of warm café-au-lait skin next to her own beneath the sheets popped fully formed into Valerie's head. She blushed and struggled to answer. When she looked up, she saw Kim regarding her quizzically.

The other woman cocked her head to one side. "Now can I kiss you?"

Valerie stood stock still as Kim walked slowly towards her. Her perfume reached Valerie's nostrils; something floral and exotic. She closed her eyes and was aware that Kim was standing in front of her, and so close she could feel the heat of her.

The next moment there was the lightest brush of soft lips on her own and she gasped. She heard Kim giggle and then felt the other woman's lips on her neck, electric caresses up and along the line of her jaw until they once again landed on her mouth.

"Oh, honey, you're starved."

She spoke with such tenderness that Valerie suddenly wept. Kim gathered her into her arms and stroked her hair.


Sitting at the kitchen table, they cradled mugs of coffee.

"How long have you been on your own?"

"Peter and I split up six years ago. Dearborn's a bit like an island. It takes a bit of effort to get on or off it and you don't tend to meet people. I'm quite independent in any case. If I don't think about it too much. Keep busy."

"So how come the advert?"

Valerie thought of the incident in the stalls that had led her to this point.

"I saw something."

"Wow! What did you see?"

"I saw some people ... well, you know ... being ..." Her voice trailed off awkwardly. She didn't know how to phrase it in a way that wasn't vulgar and crass.

"You English! How many? And where?"

Valerie took a deep breath. "Three, in one of the stalls."

"Oh, I am so glad I came! I didn't expect to be on the set of a bodice ripper!"

Valerie cringed. "Dearborn is not some hotbed of licentiousness! It was pure chance that I happened to be in the yard that day."

"But it turned you on."

"Yes," Valerie admitted. "I had to come back here and take care of things. It was then that I realised that I needed to do something."

"Take care of things," Kim repeated and licked her lips.

Their eyes met and Valerie found herself in the grip of a powerful impulse. "I came back here and went upstairs."

"To your bedroom? Show me!"

They rose from the table and Valerie took Kim's hand to lead her up the narrow stairs. In her bedroom they sat side by side on the bed.

"Then what did you do?"

Valerie blushed. "I have some things that I use. You know, for that."

"Can I see them?"

Kim's voice had become very husky. It was doing things to Valerie and her nipples were suddenly so hard it was almost painful. She reached across to the bedside drawer and took out the sex toys. Kim took the dildo and raised it to her nose.

"You won't smell anything; I always wash them."

"Shame. Still, I bet there's more where that came from."

Valerie's mouth was dry, and she looked down to where their hands were still joined.

"I haven't been with anyone since before I split up with Peter and I haven't kissed a woman since long before that. I don't really know what I'm doing."

Kim chuckled. "There's not a lot to it. You fancy me - or at least your boobs do - and I fancy you. Quite a lot judging by the state of my underwear. Do you want to see?"

She stood up, and agonisingly slowly, lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing first the tops of her stockings and then a thong in some silky material. Suddenly the scent of her arousal came to Valerie, and she reached out to touch Kim's thigh. The flesh was firm and warm and smooth. She marvelled at the contrast between her white hand and Kim's light brown skin.

"I hope I haven't been too forward," Kim murmured.

Valerie came to her feet and pulled the other woman to her. Their lips met and then Kim's tongue was in her mouth. Valerie moaned at the sheer sensuality of it. Kim's hands were in her hair and her own hands were now, of their own volition, cradling Kim's breasts. She could feel the stiff nipples under the fabric and caressed them with her thumbs.

Kim suddenly broke from her and started to undo the buttons of Valerie's blouse. Valerie pushed Kim's jacket from her shoulders and tugged at the material of her top. They giggled as they got in each other's way, but quickly were reduced to underwear and, in Kim's case her stockings. Valerie had never understood why men found stockings erotic, but she thought she might be coming around to that point of view.

They lay on the bed and kissed again. This time Valerie tentatively explored Kim's mouth. She had never done anything like this with Peter. With him it had been more physical. Not that she hadn't enjoyed it, but Kim was as different as chalk from cheese.

Kim's hands were on her breasts, stroking and pulling at her nipples. Little shocks ran straight to her groin and her legs parted. Then Kim's hand was on her thigh and Valerie surprised herself by reaching down and pulling it up into her crotch.

Kim laughed. "I thought you said you didn't know what you were doing!"

There was so much going on in Valerie's head that she could hardly frame the words.

"I want you to touch me," she husked, her voice thick with lust.

Agile fingers pulled the fabric aside and then were in her slick folds. Valerie gasped as they probed her secret place, then gasped again as Kim lightly brushed her clit. She opened her legs as wide as she could and offered herself to her lover.

Kim whispered in her ear. "The way I see it, you've got three choices. I can carry on with my fingers, I can use that ole rubber cock of yours or," she lightly flicked Valerie's lips with her tongue, "I can use this."

Valerie swallowed hard and nodded.

"Which is it, honey? You need to tell me." Kim said teasingly.

"Your," Valerie stalled, and then made herself continue, "your tongue. I want you to lick me."

Kim eased herself down the bed and knelt between Valerie's legs. Valerie marvelled anew at her big dark eyes, smoky with desire as they looked up at her. As she bent down the gorgeous curve of her rump rose into view and Valerie's mouth watered.

Then Kim ran her tongue up her slit, from bottom to top and Valerie shrieked.

Kim giggled. "Want me to stop?"

"Christ, no!"

Valerie clutched the sheets and threw her head back as white heat crashed through her. Then that tongue was investigating her hood, searching out her clit, generating waves of ecstasy. She felt like a dam had been breached and put her hands behind Kim's head and pulled her into her sex. Her lover responded by sucking her clit and lashing it and Valerie screamed.

Kim didn't let up, penetrating her with the dildo while continuing a merciless assault on her clit. She climaxed, her juices flooding from her, and screamed again, long and hard. She hoped no-one would think she needed rescuing.

Valerie went limp and tried to push her lover away. Kim made her way up beside her and Valerie turned to look at her. Her face was wet, but her smile was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"You sure are something! I could hardly stay on board you were thrashing around so much. Good job you had such a firm grip on my head!"

"I haven't come like that in centuries. Thank you."

Her lover kissed her tenderly as Valerie blinked away fresh tears. They lay in silence for a while, content just to look into each other's eyes, drinking each other in.

Valerie gathered her courage. "Can I do it to you?"

Kim smiled her amazing smile and Valerie thought her heart might burst.

"Honey, you don't have to ask."

"I love it when you call me 'honey'."

Kim suddenly looked mischievous. "I'll have to ration you. Make you earn it."

Valerie laughed. "Minx! What do I have to do?"

"You are so English! I don't think I've ever heard anyone use that word before. Anyway, you already offered."

"I did, didn't I? You'll have to excuse me, I've never ..." Her words failed her again.

"Gone down on a girl? Don't worry none. Just think what you like to have done to you and don't be all like a bull in a china shop like the men are."

"You go with men, too?"

"So do you if I'm not much mistaken. Your advert did say men and women."

"That's true," Valerie said slowly. "I had no complaints in the bedroom with Peter."

"We could use a strap-on, if you like."

"A what?"

Kim's eyes widened as she realised that Valerie really didn't know what she was talking about.

"Like the dildo but you wear it like a cock so you can fuck your partner with it. Like a man does."

Valerie blushed and Kim thought it was one of the most adorable things she had ever seen.

"Or, thinking back to what turned you on in the yard, we could ask a man to join us."

Valerie blinked.

Kim leaned in and kissed her. "There, I've shocked you."

"I don't know any men."

"I take it your hit rate from the ad wasn't good."

"I've got dozens of photographs of male genitalia."

Kim roared. "Can't help you there, girl, I'm an obstetrician!"

"And nothing to tell you if he knows what he's doing!" Valerie laughed.

"Some kind of score sheet!" Kim hooted.

They clung to each other, and Valerie felt as if she was having an epiphany.

The laughter subsided to chuckles, then to smiles and then something shifted in Kim's face.

"You said something about returning the favour?"

Valerie bent her head to admire Kim's breasts. Her nipples were fat, mahogany brown and stubby. Tentatively she put out her tongue and licked the firm nub. Then she kissed it and took it between her lips. Kim hummed appreciatively; and put a hand into Valerie's hair. She caressed Kim's other breast with a hand and then switched sides.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?"

"Just some drunken teenage fumbling at parties."

"Well, you're doing just fine!"

Valerie flushed a little at the compliment and resolved to do the best she could.

Kim's vulva was smooth below a neat vee of trimmed hair. Valerie teased the lips apart with the tips of her fingers and inhaled her lover's rich aroma. Kim's lubrication was starting to drip, and Valerie gathered it up and went in search of more, insinuating her tongue into Kim's opening and licking her smooth inner walls.

She eased two fingers inside and felt a surge of lust at the way Kim's sex lips stretched around them. Her lover was very wet, and Valerie's fingers disappeared up to the knuckle. Kim whined and put her hand on the back of Valerie's head.

"Honey! Don't make me beg!"

Valerie smiled, ran her tongue over the hood of Kim's clit and was rewarded with a little hiss from the other end of the bed. She started to pump her fingers in and out and added a third while teasing Kim's clit with her tongue. Kim groaned a lust filled sound, and pulled at her nipples, her hips surging rhythmically as Valerie worked at her.

Valerie looked up and was rewarded by Kim's big dark eyes staring at her. Without breaking her gaze Valerie sucked Kim's clit in between her lips and nibbled at it.

Kim uttered a shriek and slammed her head back on to the bed, her legs shaking violently, and Valerie struggled to stay on board while continuing to lash Kim's sensitive bean with her tongue.

Suddenly Kim went rigid, and her inner muscles clamped down hard on Valerie's fingers. She trembled in the violence of her orgasm and then went limp.

Carefully extracting her fingers, Valerie crawled up the bed to lie next to Kim.

"You're a liar," Kim mumbled, her eyes still shut.

"What about?" Valerie replied, putting her hand up to cup her lover's cheek.

"If that's drunken fumbling then I might have to bring the resuscitator from work and show you how to use it."


"Somebody's got a spring in their step," observed Mrs Took.

Valerie did not respond but carried on making a cup of coffee. Her small smile did not escape the other woman.

"Still, you've got that nice doctor lady now. I never figured you to bat for the other side. Makes me wonder if those two girls will ever make a go of it."

"Do you mean-"

"Anastacia and Judy Finch have been pussy footing -- no pun intended -- around each other for years. Makes me cross."

Valerie was astonished. "How did you know?"

"Oh, my gaydar is very well developed. Which is why I can't understand how you evaded it."

Valerie stared at her. Mrs Took snorted. "I'm single and it's a continuing source of amusement to me that I'm universally labelled 'Mrs'. In all the years you've known me, I've never had a boyfriend. Didn't that make you think?"

"Is anyone in this place straight!"

"Elaine, Charlie Forbes, you - up until now - and most of the family."

They both grimaced and both knew who they were thinking of.

Edna Took's voice was hard. "Gay or straight aren't the right words for that boy. The only person he could ever love is staring at him from the mirror."

They exchanged glances. Neither of them looked forward to their encounters with Giles. Valerie was going to take extra care to ensure Kim didn't stray into his orbit.


Rosemary and Em were shopping for clothes.

In the fitting room, Marjorie Barrett turned sideways to admire her modest but obvious (and pert!) bust. She gave a little sigh of pleasure.

"Rosemary! Rosemary, come and see!"

Her partner eased through the swing door of the fitting room and stood just inside.

"Looking good, Mrs B.!"

Em advanced to take her hands. "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

Rosemary grinned and coloured. Spoiling her family was her guilty pleasure.

"Now we've both got tits!"

Em kissed her spouse on the cheek. "You are irredeemably vulgar, Rosemary Desai!"

"I told Jen's dad that I was going to change it to Desai-Piper, but I think I'm just going to be plain old Piper when I get around to it."

"There's nothing plain about us Pipers!"

"Huh! You too?"

"Yes. When we get home, I'm going to sort that out for both of us."

"You've come a long way, Madge."

Marjorie looked down at her new profile. "As have you, Rosemary."

Rosemary looked suddenly shy. "You know, you can call me Rosie, if you want."

The other woman shook her head. "Only Jennifer gets to call you that, and everybody knows it. Besides, you get that look on your face when she does."

Rosemary caught her lower lip in her teeth. "What look?"

"Oh, only that look that lets everyone know that inside that sleek exterior is a gooey mess."

"I still can't quite believe that she loves me."

Em kissed Rosemary again. "I see the proof every day. Now, let's get some lunch, I'm starved."



A council of war was called at the Piper's.

"This is Wayne Thompson," Rosemary said, introducing the tanned and weather beaten man standing beside her.

"G'day!" he said cheerfully.

She slapped a file on the table. "He knows a thing or two about the soil at Dearborn."

Charles and Anna looked at each other.

"Thing is," said Rosemary, producing a thick sheaf of printout, "by this analysis, Dearborn isn't finished, it's marginal. So, what we have to do is figure out a way of moving the needle from minus to the plus."

Charles was embarrassed. This was his father's job, but the slick young woman was clearly streets ahead of him.

"Very well. What is your intention?"

Rosemary gave him a feral grin. "I hired Wayne here to take a look at your vines, see if there was anything we could do with them and whether they were viable commercially."

The assembled company looked at the Australian and he nodded affably.

"Wayne also knows a thing or two about making wine. Turns out we're on an outcrop of the Kimmeridge clay here."

Connections started to be made in Charles' brain. "Kimmeridge? Doesn't that have something to do with ... champagne?"

"You're a smart boy, Charles! I had no idea what Kimmeridge was until Wayne started talking. The Johnson's land sits right on top of it, and they have no idea either, I don't think. I intend, all being well, to make them an offer for thirty-five acres of it."

"Could we? Could we make champagne here?" Anna said, incredulously.

Wayne spoke up. "Aside from the obvious problem that you couldn't call it champagne, there's a bit of a stigma attached to English wines. The way to overcome that is to make a product that's so good it outclasses the other manufacturers in the niche."

He grinned at them in challenge.

Rosemary switched tack. "The missus thinks you don't want to be Master of Dearborn, anyway, Charles."

There were gasps around the table and everyone stared at Charles who looked thoughtful. He surely didn't want to have to run the estate, but he didn't want to lose the deep roots.

"Say that were true," he said slowly.

Rosemary looked almost gleeful and Em frowned at her, people were not marionettes.


David started to applaud, and Rosemary grinned at him. She winked at Jen, who smiled.

"It's a possibility," Charles conceded. "Where does the money for the land purchase come from?"

"Me," she said and luxuriated in their surprise. "I'm going to sell The Grange."

All except for Em who regarded her steadily, and perhaps a little disapprovingly, until suddenly she smiled. "What's money for, after all?"

Rosemary beamed at her. "It's shit or bust!"

"I prefer to think of it as 'per ardua ad astra,'" murmured Charles.

"It means, 'through struggle to the stars'" David explained hastily.

"If we're going all quotational on this," said Em, "then surely it's 'all for one and one for all!'"

Jen clapped her hands in delight. "Yes!"

Charles inclined his head in agreement and then looked at his fiancée.

"You lot are mad," Anna exclaimed. "If we can buy the land off the Johnsons and if we can persuade Monica to cede the estate and if we can get Anastacia on board and ..." she petered out.

Jen reached out and took her sister's hand. "If we don't try, we'll never know."

She faltered under the approving gaze of her Charles and her spouses. "I mean, what's the alternative, let Giles have it?"

Charles squinted at Rosemary. "Why are you doing this?"

Rosemary smiled at him. "I'm a guttersnipe! I've always wanted to be the owner of a prestige product. Now I've got the posh in my pocket."

He chuckled at her bravado. "Touché, Mrs Piper, touché!"

Rosemary jumped to her feet.

"Where are you going?" her wife asked.

"To see a man about an estate!"


A trio


Out for a walk after lunch, the two women stood admiring the fat bunches of grapes ripening in the sunshine. Kim took Valerie's arm and rested her head on her shoulder, and they stood in companionable silence until a voice spoke from behind them.
