All That Glitters Ch. 24


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Wassim Andjuran had risen, washed carefully and dressed in the finest silks of the Chief Cleric. Today would be the day that he would rid himself of one of the thorns in his side, one of those who had broken his connection to the pirate syndicates. Fiona Marsh was still out there, but she would be his soon, he was sure.

He stepped forth into the temple proper and went down to the labyrinth under the grand vestibule, where his 'guests' were being temporarily housed.

Henadi Noor lay on her stomach, her back now swathed in treated bandages, working to alleviate the pain and the suffering she had endured under the scourging. She was awake.

"Ah, I see you are aware of what is happening to you, apostate, Fullohd," Andjuran snarled. Henadi looked at him with the same glare of hatred she had bestowed upon him during the scourging. Momentarily, he lost his nerve, but only for the moment.

"No need to reply," he laughed, the gag still in her mouth. "Today is the last day of your life. You will be brought before the council and deemed criminal apostate and executed. There is no hope for you, bitch. The council are formed from my faithful and will follow whatever I tell them to do. They will condemn you and I will see you executed this day!

"I will have my revenge on you for what you and Fiona Marsh have done to me. You have cost me a fortune in revenues and you will pay with your life, bitch!" Andjuran laughed at the woman before him. She was helpless, she was naked, she was broken, and soon she would be dead.

"Chief Cleric," a voice called out.

"In here, Najmaddin," Andjuran called out. His loyal henchman entered the room looking worried. A frisson of fear went up Andjuran's spine when he saw Anduura looking so agitated.

"What is it Najmaddin?" asked Andjuran, his demeanor suddenly cooled.

"The Valour has landed at the local shuttle port with Commodore Marsh and a warrant from the Senate for your arrest," Anduura reported. "They are headed here on foot. It will take them a few minutes to get here."

Anger flooded the face of Andjuran.

NO!! Andjuran screamed in his mind. How could this be? They cannot stop him now when he was so close!

"Is the council here?" he demanded of his henchman.

"Yes, Chief Cleric," Anduura reported.

"Good, take her, bring her before the council. We will complete this execution immediately, before Marsh can interfere!" Wassim reached out and slapped Henadi on the back, bringing a hiss of pain and anger from her.

"Make sure that gag never leaves her mouth, Anduura. I will ask you to wheel the Sacred Sword and take the head of this bitch for me!" Andjuran hissed at his man.

Anduura smiled viciously at Henadi. He was looking forward to taking the life of this woman who had violated the dictates of the Chief Cleric on the subservience of women to the men folk of the Church of Andanii, who stood up to the Chief Cleric by leaving Anuura and making not just any career by the career of a decorated Navy Officer, an example to the woman of the church that neither Andjuran nor Anduura wanted to see women following. He would enjoy taking this woman's life. This woman who had help stop the second attack on Liramor-23 and broken the faith of the pirate syndicates with his boss.

Courtyard of the Grand Temple of Andanii, Aereet City

The group arrived in the courtyard to find many people milling about. The people looked on the outsiders suspiciously. Fiona's group were all armed with legal stun weapons, which the people eyed warily.

Fiona was aware that clannish people tended to back their own over outsiders regardless of what their own had done. She didn't need to fight her way through this crowd and she didn't want to have to explain again and again what her purpose was. They needed to act with as little time lost as possible. She was sure that when Andjuran heard of her approach, he would seek to escape. She put Fayad in the lead, but C. Supt. Burhan pushed him back.

Burhan marched to the end of the courtyard and the steps leading up into the Grand Temple when they were blocked by the people around them.

"What do you wish here, defiler?" asked one of those who stood in their way, Fiona getting the gist of the conversation from the translation app on her comp.

"We have come seeking one Senator Wassim Andjuran, with a warrant for his arrest," Burhan replied

"What has he done that warrants his arrest" the spokesperson asked.

"He is accused of forsaking his duties as a Senator and stealing funds from a Senate committee. As well, he is charged with kidnapping a citizen of the Terran Union and Captain in the Terran Navy, Henadi Noor," Burhan told the man.

"He kidnapped her?" another person asked, doubt in his voice.

"He placed a bounty on her head, on my head as well," Fiona told them through the translator. "Others kidnapped her and brought her to him for that bounty.

"But he is to be arrested to face charges at a Senate Inquiry into misappropriation of Senate funds. Funds he was using for his own private purposes," Fiona stated.

"If he has a price on your head, why are you here then?" asked the spokesperson, suspiciously.

"I am here to take Henadi Noor back with me, as she is a member of my command, my house," Fiona told them in terms they would understand. "As well, we suspect that Wassim Andjuran is responsible for two attacks against Liramor-23, and a possible third attack that occurred just days ago.

"I am responsible for the defence of the Piscium System, where Liramor-23 is located. I want to see this man arrested for the actions that he has committed. More importantly, Henadi is a friend of mine, and I would see her back among her friends."

"What proof have you of this?" asked a third person.

"You do not have to take my word for it. You can ask Henadi Noor," Fiona said.

"We could not, as she was gagged at Andjuran's insistence. He said it was to stop her from spouting her apostate views to the members of the Church, but after what we witnessed, many of us are not so sure of that," a woman stated boldly.

"What do you mean, what you witnessed?" Fiona demanded, harshly. The crowd backed away from her, except for the lady who had spoken.

"They scourged her. They gave her twelve lashes. She stood up to that. She stood strong. She did not feint; she did not even cry out after the first lash. She showed bravery that few of us can ever imagine another having. This from a woman, who the men of our religion are encouraged to look down apon," the last was spoken with open contempt for the men around her.

"Three were scourged that day. One man feinted after eight strokes. Another man feinted after six strokes and died after twenty strokes. Only one did not feint, only one stood up to Andjuran. Only one walked away under on her own legs. Only one showed what kind of person she was. Only one set the example for all the women, and all the men of Andanii to follow.

"That is an example I wish to follow. I no longer wish to follow the dictates of Chief Cleric Wassim Andjuran, and how he has forbidden women to have a life of their own. I will love my husband, and my children, but I will be my own woman from this point on. I will live in the manner that we once lived, when women were considered of equal importance in the house.

"I will show you where Wassim Andjuran is," she told Fiona, then spun on the crowd. "I dare any of you to stop me, or them," the last was said in a snarl to the men that were blocking Fiona's group.

"Follow, please," the woman said, gesturing toward the Grand Temple. For a moment, those blocking them stood their ground, but they broke ranks under the glare of the woman leading Fiona and her group into the temple.

The Labyrinth, Grand Temple of Andanii, Aereet City, Planet Anuura

Henadi Noor was dragged before the Council of Andanii between the arms of two temple guards. The council consisted of twelve men and two women, though the Matriarch of Andanii was not one of those women.

Andjuran, as the Chief Cleric, would normally be one of the twelve, but he was acting as the prosecutor and could not be part of the council. It mattered not. The council was formed of Andjuran's faithful. They would do as he demanded of them.

Henadi had been dressed in a long, grey gown in the fashion those of the Church of Andanii preferred. She had sandals on her feet and her hair had been hastily braided.

They placed her on her knees before the council, her hands tied behind her back. She looked up at the men and women of this council and knew fear. She knew all of these people and knew also they were part of Andjuran's clique.

She wanted to get up and run, but she was far to weak to do anything at the moment. Henadi was barely able to hold her head up from loss of blood, partial starvation, and the repeated shocks her body had taken during the last week, the scourging being the most prominent.

Andjuran stepped forward.

"Kneeling before the Grand Council of Andanii is a criminal apostate. A woman who has repeatedly spoken out against the Church of Andanii vilifying our church to the greater community of the Terran Union. She has besmirched the good deeds of the Church as a whole, its role in the community both on and off of Anuura, and even the good words of the Prophet Andanii himself," Andjuran told the council.

"Her repeated slurs and smears against the church were of such a nature that the word of Andanii has found little favour outside of the Planet Anuura. In fact, the church now has an aura of a dangerous cult before the people of the Terran Union, all thanks to this woman.

"For the last week, you have seen the evidence from outside of Planet Anuura. Of what her words have done to blight the good words of the Church of Andanii. You have had the opportunity to see the effects of these words on the good words of the Prophet.

"I ask this council to enact the ultimate penalty for her transgressions against the Chief Cleric, against the Church itself, and against the name of the Prophet," Andjuran demanded.

"What say you, the members of the Grand Council of Andanii?" he asked.

"Why is the accused gagged, Chief Cleric?" one of the women asked.

"To prevent her from venting her bile against the Church, Madame Council," Andjuran answered.

"All accused are permitted to speak in their defence, Chief Cleric," one of the other Council members spoke next.

"Indeed, but in this situation, her words would be poisonous to all. I ask the Council's indulgence in this situation and ask that the Grand Council make its decision based on the information that you have been provided.

"You have seen the evidence, that is all you need. I ask the Grand Council to find this person a criminal apostate and to enact the ultimate penalty due for her transgressions. I ask the Grand Council to decide Yes for death or No for leniency," Andjuran said as he bowed before the members of the Grand Council.

Pre-made ballots were handed out to each Council member. The ballots had two words on them, Yes and No. The Grand Council members marked their ballots and placed them into a bag that was passed around. The bag was brought to Andjuran, who, as Chief Cleric, was required to count the ballots.

"For the Grand Council to order an execution, all of the members must agree. The vote for death must be unanimous," Andjuran spoke, as he pulled the first ballot from the bag.

"Yes," he said, and pulled another. One after another the word Yes, was ticked off until her came to the tenth ballot. This one was marked No. But Andjuran would have none of that.

"Yes," he spoke again, and continued through to the final ballot. Only one was in dissent. "All the ballots have confirmed for death." Andjuran stated for the Grand Council.

"Chief Cleric?" one of the women on the council spoke up.

"Yes, Madame Council. Do you wish to change your vote to No?" Andjuran demanded of her in a tone that would broke not objection.

The woman looked around at the other Council members. She saw immediately that none of them would support her 'changing' her vote. She had been decisively boxed in by Andjuran.

"No, Grand Cleric," she replied, timidly. She had been cowed by Andjuran and the other members of the council.

"Good. Bring the block," Andjuran shouted.

The members of the Grand Council spoke up demanding what Andjuran was doing.

"Death has been decided. There is no purpose in delaying it. This criminal apostate will die here and now, where you can witness the execution," Andjuran told the council.

What Andjuran didn't tell them was he now had them in the palm of his hand for allowing the execution of Henadi Noor. They might squirm and bitch, but they would be expelled from the community for this transgression. He had control over them above and beyond what they were expecting.

The block was brought forward and Henadi was rudely picked up off the floor and placed behind it. A long leather strap was placed behind her knees and she was pushed forward over the block, her neck fitting into a groove designed to cradle it, her body now parallel to the Grand Council. The strap was brought up around her arms and buckled tight, binding her in place. She did not have the strength to fight the bindings. A basket was placed below her eyes, presumably to capture her head.

"Bring the Sacred Sword!" Andjuran shouted. Najmaddin Anduura had been waiting for this moment. The sword had been brought down to the labyrinth earlier, in the wooden case it always travelled in. Najmaddin opened the case, took the sword in his gloved hands, turned and walked deliberately to stand beside the block, facing the Grand Council with his back to the darkness of the labyrinth.

Henadi turned her head to look at the members of the Grand Council, but none would return her look.

"I'll have none of that," Andjuran growled, grabbing Henadi's braid and pulling her head back out over the block, leaving her neck bare to the headsman.

Najmaddin knew the blade was sharp, he had sharpened it himself. He had also practiced on some melons to know just how much force he needed to apply to complete the task. There was a feral grin on his face as he raised the sword over his right shoulder, preparing to bring it down.

The swish of the sword cutting the air ended with the sound that the Grand Council had never heard before.

The thunk of a head being parted from it's body was unique. The sound was distinctive and something that none of the Grand Council ever wanted to hear again, or to remember except in their worst nightmares.

But nobody had told Wassim Andjuran how fast blood could empty from a body when the head was so neatly severed at the neck. Eager to witness the death of one of his arch enemies, Andjuran was too close. Thick, hot blood covered his pristine robes.

Nobody had told Andjuran about the smell that so much blood could make, nor how sticky it became after only a brief time exposed to the air. He was covered with blood from his chest to his feet.

He heard someone scream "Henadi!!" but more telling for him were the whispers coming from the Grand Council. "Tagut!"

Tagut was an ancient word, much changed in spelling and pronunciation since the old times. But its meaning hadn't changed. It reflected those who transgressed against Andanii, those who revelled in the blood of the innocent in the pagan rites of blood sacrifice.

The Grand Council had painted him as one of the damned...Tagut.

End of chapter twenty-four.

I'm taking a break from Glitters for a few weeks, in order to finally get to those stories I have promised all along. Don't worry, chapter twenty-five has already been fleshed out but no detailed work to it yet. It should be ready about mid-January if all goes well.

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Be well, Be kind to one another, Be safe.


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Max_Musterman2Max_Musterman27 months ago

The depiction of an nuclear explosion in space is not entirely accurate:

As said in book: " Another minute after, the effect of the thermodynamic wave front caught up to them, followed by the blast effect, now severely reduced due to the range."

The NASA has the following to say to that:

" First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely.

Second, thermal radiation, as usually defined, also disappears. There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself."


Just a quick bit of googling cause the description of an blastwave in vacuum did not make sense to me.

Otherweise i really enjoy this story so keep up the good work!

savealsaveal12 months ago

With some of the comments I've read I just want to point some things out that should be obvious and other's not so obvious. First the end of this chapter is what people like to call a 'cliff hanger' meaning you don't know what happened for sure and to treat your ASSumptions such as the death of a main character as fact, well check the spelling. For the less obvious, I do agree with some of the world physics breaking things but the author has stated that with advancement of technology things could change. Going beyond the speed of light should technically be impossible, however that is only within normal space, the theory of using subspace is the usual work around. Just because the author is not mentioning the specifics of how they are achieving such speeds does not mean it's not something simple in the world that could basically be taken for granted. Truthfully any significant speed measured in partial increments of light speed would need some kind of sub system otherwise the first piece of cosmic space dust that passes in front of the ship would literally rip a micro hole straight through, simple armor plating couldn't protect it at that speeds. This story in my opinion has been great and sure there are parts I don't like but even if I was as good a writer myself, I'm still just me with my own personal imagination that is always bouncing around in my head. We are all looking for new imaginations beyond on our own in everything we read or watch. So author please continue what you've been doing and hopefully you don't kill off any more main characters but you're the pilot and I'm just the eager passenger on this journey, Thank You!

Brittanyduran86Brittanyduran86about 3 years ago

All you anonymous people need to shut the F up, your negative comments make no sense unless you are begging for attention. Why comment at all if your just going to trash the story. My opinion this was a 5 star chapter and 100 star series

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

that's it for me. Pathetic plot direction. What's more sad is the very poor understanding of science and physics. I've stopped reading permanently.

RamazaRamazaover 3 years ago

This is just sad, you spent all this time building up these key characters, and now you kill them off willi nilli at random, come on, they had over a week to get to Anuura, something they could do in less of a day, what did they do, sat on their asses twiddling their thumbs?? I get that’s your story and you can do whatever you want with it, but what’s the point of writing if no one reads it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
stick with this story please

I am afraid that i read faster than you write - i only found this a few days before Xmas and it has kept me well entertained during our lockdown. Congratulations generally, and thank you for all your work in the last 6 months. I would rather see more of this than developing some of your other stories, but appreciate you may want a rest. Health and happiness for the new year. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I agree

I agree with all the negative comments, and after going to your page and finding you plan to shelve the story for ------ how long, or end it.

I've seen this happen with several other stories by others and you have, sadly, joined them in my opinion. I quit reading them also.

EscManEscManover 3 years ago
No dice

I have to agree with other comments on the change in writing and I do think using dice to determine deaths specifically seems a terrible idea. What I really enjoyed about this story was how smart people were. They made awesome choices in hard situations and maybe people will die but you felt like they did all they could and it was cool to have such heroes and story telling revolve around this concept so eloquently explained by Ramison to Fayud in a recent chapter. But l, I think that (perhaps due to using dice) you are forcing the story to work around certain people now needing to die which has some things starting to not making sense. I think the entire abduction and subsequent rescue attempt was passable, though not at the usual level of Raymond i believe. I feel like things were too obvious for the slavery and The Wanderer way to obvious as a military vessel and not a civilian vessel making the rounds. Also with a $5million bounty on Henadi there is no way Raymond would have been dumb enough would have been dumb enough to not focus more on her as is his mo. Easily could have the wanderer whicker on the intercept for henadi as that was an obvious target. It gets way more obvious at the end when for some reason even though they had plenty of time Henadi gets whipped and then either killed or way too close to getting killed. This was super jarring as your story really thrived on main characters being cool, smart, and capable. That’s what made them cool characters that i cared about. With Henadi captured I think spending 3 days going through that review and NOTHING being worked on for her is ridiculous and not real also. Regarding using dice, I think you are the story teller. People should die for a reason. Even if it’s just for shock value which I’m sire I wouldnt like either at least that was your choice as the author. I don’t mind using dice to help you make decisions but at the same time please don’t force the story in unnatural ways that gut these great chsracters youve made and cut their iq or capabilities.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You do you but the dice rolling?

Nothing but weak, and pitiful.

Have the courage to at least kill characters in service of furthering your story, not just because.

Oh, BTW emulating George Rape Rape Martin isn't working for you.

At all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Story has really gone down hill quickly.

You have spent TONS of time building up your characters and their skills and talents, yet they are unable to get to a world in time to stop the scourging? Puh-lease!! You stated a while back you were taking direction from the example of G.R.R. Martin and would kill off characters by the roll of the dice. Your choice, but the killing of characters on a chance of dice and not actually being an integral part of the story, in mho, is simply lazy. G.R.R. Martin isn't a "style" I personally look up to nor agree with. Thanks for the writing, but I'll probably not revisit this story further. Cheers.

EsbanosEsbanosover 3 years ago
Torture and rape scene

No surprise that this chapter have the lowest score of all.

I guess your dice have bad outcome.

Ofc henadi didn't die.

abiostudent3abiostudent3over 3 years ago

Look, it's bad form to not give a warning before a graphic sex scene.

You have the promise of a really good story here, but I feel you're making some questionable decisions that are going to drive readers away.

I don't know if it's something going on with you, or just running out of your planned content for the story (I know you didn't originally plan for even this much), or just making concessions fit a bunch of cliffhangers in for the dice rolls, but your writing style - and tone, have changed recently.

I hope everything is going alright on your end, and I wish you luck in the future.

gemman1gemman1over 3 years ago
We really don't know whose head fell now do we?

"The swish of the sword cutting the air ended with the sound that the Grand Council had never heard before."

Whose sword? The Sacred one or Kim's? Come people read more into the words than a knee jerk reaction...

Great Cliff Hanger... well done.. I look forward to Jan to read the next chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Rather pointless

It can happen, but what a wasted effort to free dive from orbit arrive hours earlier, and not prevent an execution. Plus who wouldn’t try to arrive before a whipping that can kill someone and at least leave permanent scars. If this is a result of your new dice rolling to see who lives, then you are letting dice ruin your previously excellent story.

arrowglassarrowglassover 3 years ago
Another winner, but...........

I hope you are misleading us and that someone else got in the way of that blade! It will cause withdrawal from my addiction to this story if you delay in Ch. 25 as your note suggests!!! Just remember all those suffering readers!!!!!

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