All That Glitters Ch. 37


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Main Cafeteria, Denders Resort, Terra

There were twenty of them...young men and woman in their last summer of 'free time' before they went off into the world to their new jobs as they left the safety of their homes, having just finished their time at university.

They had booked at the resort for two reasons; it was close to Malton University, where they went to school, and it was cheap. At the time of they booked, the events of the upcoming week were unknown. They thought they would have the entire resort more or less to themselves.

The eleven young women and nine young men had come in late the night before, only having time to go to their rooms. Now, they were at breakfast in the main cafeteria, surprised at the number of aliens surrounding them.

"Oh my God! You are Dr. Kayl-Ur!" a surprised Stephanie Brighton exclaimed when she saw the famous Pod-Drran doctor at the food bar. "Your lectures are mandatory media for people in the medical doctorates program at Malton U.!"

"Don't talk to her like that," said a testy male Pod-Drran beside Dr. Kayl. "She has a big enough head as it is!"

Kayl slapped the shoulder of her mate, Hend-Ur, in feigned anger. "As if they wouldn't know your face either, mate of mine," Kayl quipped.

They pair looked expectantly at the human female that had spoken and note her beginning to blush.

"I guess not," Kayl quipped, a Pod-Drran smile on her lips as Hend's smile faltered. Then, the female laughed.

"Yes, Hend-Ur, your media is also mandatory for us," Stephanie said with a smile, as Hend-Ur took a breath of relief.

"Nice one," Kayl said with a smile to the female. "You know us, we do not know you."

"Of course, I am Stephanie Brighton, I have just finished my medical degree and will go to internship in the fall. These are my friends, fellow college students. We took what was supposed to be a quiet vacation at Denders. However, It looks anything but," Stephanie stated.

"A fellow doctor, I am pleased to meet you," Kayl said, extending her hand.

"Intern, Dr. Kayl, I will be a full doctor after my internship," Stephanie corrected.

"We are all here for the accreditation of our Ambassadors to the Union," Hend informed them. "There will be eleven races presenting their ambassadors this week."

"Then you will want to speak with Mark, he's just finished his PhD in Political Sciences," Stephanie said, introducing Mark Pendal to the pair.

"Not us, we are medical staff, here, but there are many political types at the resort this week," Kayl turned and signaled to a Pod-Drran couple who came over.

"These are our Ambassadors to the Union, Kome-Nar Sai-Ro and his mate and co-Ambassador, Nar-Tre Sai-Rai. This is Mark Pendal, who has just completed his doctorates in Political Sciences at Malton University," Kayl handled the introductions.

"We have yet to meet all the other members of their group," Kayl indicated.

"Well met, young man," Kome-Nar said, extending his hand. "What are your future plans?"

"I have been doing an internship with the UDC. I hope to be placed there this fall," Mark replied.

"Why UDC?" Kome-Nar asked.

"They do diplomacy between the planets and, I suspect, between species now. That is something that I have always dreamed about, going from planet to planet, solving issues through diplomacy," Mark responded, his passion coming through with his response.

"Juanita!" Nar-Tre called out to Juanita Invierno, who come over immediately. "This young man is a student at Malton U. He is looking to be placed at UDC." Nar-Tre stated. "I like him. He has passion in his dreams."

"Juanito Invierno, UDC," Juanita said by way of introduction.

"Mark Pendal," PhD Poli Sci. Just graduated, this is my graduation present," he quipped with a shrug and a smile.

"Nice present for a Poli Sci doctorate," Juanita smiled in return. "Would you like to meet some of the politicians?"

"Would that be allowed?" Mark asked.

"Everything is informal here at the resort. Once we get away from here, then it becomes much more of a pecking order," Juanita told him with a grin.

"I think the delegates would love to meet a new Poli Sci grad," she told him, turning and waving some of the delegates over.

"Well, I cannot bring you important delegates, however, I do know many of the medical staff here," Kayl told Stephanie. "Are you the only med graduate?"

It turned out six of her group were doctors, all heading to the four corners of the planet for the internship, some going off planet.

"I'm going to Malihan University Hospital on Green's World," Stephanie informed them. "I want to get to know the procedures for medical regeneration. They have the best facilities and doctors in Union space for medical regeneration."

"We are going there as well as many of the Pod-Drran medical staff now here. Ambassador Kome-Nar lost his arm recently and is the first Pod-Drran candidate for medical recovery. That is why we have so many medical staff here. They will be going to Malihan to observe and learn the procedures so they can implement them on Pod-Saar, should it be possible," Hend told them.

"Let's go over to the tent near the nude beach," Hend suggested.

"Why there?" Stephanie asked, suddenly very nervous.

"That is where the different medical staff congregate to talk shop. It makes for interesting conversation when you talk shop with a Byandi, or an Asocan medical staff," Hend informed her. "Would you and the other medical graduates like to come along with us?"

"As long as I don't have to go on the nude beach itself," Stephanie informed him. "Being a redhead, my skin tends to react badly to sunlight. I never go completely nude on the beach and rarely go topless for that matter."

"Shame, the sun here is gentle on our skin. It allows us to bare ourselves with little consequences, unlike on our home world," Kayl told her. That got the interest of many of the males in Stephanie's group, having noted that Pod-Drran females had four breasts.

Stephanie noted their interest and giggled at their sudden blushes when they realized she knew what they were thinking about.

After breakfast, the twenty friends split up, going with their representatives of their respective disciplines in the varied species. It would be a whorl-wind event for them this week as they immersed themselves in the respective viewpoints of the different species. Their vacation would mark a significant turning point in all of their lives.

Notre Dame de Paris, Paris, France, Europe, Terra

The shuttle landed in a prepared area near the famous Parisian landmark on Sunday afternoon, just after lunch. Junelliya, Fayad, her twelve music students, and aids to assist in carrying their instruments, all disembarked the shuttle and walked to the church, the students excitedly chatting as they walked. For the first time while on vacation, Fayad and Junelliya would not have the children with them, Zarrenia having been left in the care of Hanalei and the grandparents.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Herlan, I am François Orland, one of the curators here at Notre Dame de Paris," a man identified himself at the door.

"Mme. Herlan, M. Orland," Junelliya corrected. "This is my husband, Fayad Piscium, and these are my students."

"My apologies, Madame," Orland replied. "You have booked the afternoon session, which begins in roughly an hour. We can set you up on the stage before the altar, and then give your group a tour of this magnificent structure, before you begin your practice."

"Thank-you, we have never been before and would greatly appreciate a tour," Junelliya returned.

Some folding chairs had been set up in the area designated as a stage. The group placed their instruments and then followed the tour guide around the church just like any other tour group, albeit one that was getting plenty of curious looks as they moved about. After an hour, they came back to the front of the church and sat down to begin their practice.

The group of musicians had improved immensely over the last few months and they were looking forward to this evenings concert, especially since the Kumar-Pair would be present to hear them for the first time.

They ran through their musical repertoire, receiving polite applause from the curious in the cathedral after each piece. Finally, they came to the end of the afternoon, and they were moved forward to the front of the stage area while many chairs were placed behind them.

The group moved out into the streets of Paris to find a restaurant for their evening meal, curious onlookers being kept at bay by their police escort. Junelliya talked to the head of their escort and requested her assistance in finding a suitable place to eat, surprising the maître d' as the group entered the establishment.

Tables were pulled together outside the restaurant as the group were advised by the maître d' as to selections, while the curious of Paris walked past to get better looks at the strangers in their city.

A little boy and girl came up to one of the students and asked them if they were part of an entertainment troop.

"No Chohda, we are not. We are like this because we are a different species than humans, we are of the Pod-Drran," she informed the children.

The children were fascinated by the strangers and talked animatedly with them until their food selections were brought out and the children's parents stepped in and told them to allow their new friends to eat their meals. They family waved their good-byes as they walked away.

However, the children's intervention had broken the ice, and more people came by to simply say hello as they passed by the group on the sidewalk, assuaging their curiosity.

They finished their meals and moved back to the church, having been informed not to return before 18:30 hours. Instead of entering by the great doors at the front, they were guided to a side door and brought into a nave off the main room.

"Please wait here until you are called," M. Orland said as he came over to the group. "Mme. Herlan, I am told that you know all of the VIP's that will be here tonight? May I impose on you to present them, as you speak such excellent French?" he asked, getting a nod from Junelliya.

They were called forward and moved to the front of the church, where Fayad kissed his wife and sat in the open front pew as the students took their places at their instruments. Junelliya noted the many professional cameras and floaters in various corners of the church, all currently aimed their way.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please rise in respect for the ambassadors of the Interspecies Community and their entourages," Junelliya began. She introduced the different species in the order of the Standard alphabet, saving the Pod-Drran for last in deference to the Kumar-Pair, the highest ranking officials amongst the Interspecies guests.

"Ambassador at Large, The Dragon Alvoie of the Asocan and entourage." The Asocan got surprised gasps and shocked expressions from the audience as the mighty war beasts marched into the church and down the main aisle, following the human guide to their designated places, the pews having been removed in deference to their body type as, with their tails acting as tripods, they did not need anything else. Junelliya identified the War Dragon Kloä>, Minister of Interspecies Affairs.

"Ambassador at Large Porra, and Chargé d'affaires Mottu, of the Byandi and their entourage." The Byandi too, received shocked gasps but this time for their partial nudity as they came into the church. Junelliya identified their Minister of Trade and their Minister of Foreign Affaires as they came forward.

"Ambassador Sister Her-ii of the Djinaëte and entourage." Four Sisters, four Drones, four Attendants, and eight Soldiers, marched down the aisle to the surprise of those in the pews. The massive forms of the Insectoids dwarfing the other species.

"Ambassador at Large Tricana of the Feeyan, and her entourage." Once again the entrance of a species caused surprise, as the tall, thin, leathery looking Feeyans entered the church. Junelliya identified their Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Ambassador at Large Lradé, of the Grotté, and her entourage." The many skin colours of the Grotté were a surprise to the humans in the church. They not only had skin tones familiar to humans, but greens, blues, purples, and other colours as well. They waved and nodded to the audience as they came down the aisle.

"Ambassador at Large Hollard Clend of the Harradi and entourage." Of the entire Interspecies Community, the Harradi were closest in appearance to humans, externally, though internally, their organs did not follow the human norm. They received polite applause from the audience.

"Ambassador at Large Hri'llill'aatu'eeyea of the Hwill'illiti'hallat and entourage." The Hwill'illiti'hallat looked externally similar to humans, though their skin was burnt orange in colour. Once again, two ministers of the ruling government of the Hwill'illiti'hallat were named by Junelliya.

"Ambassador at Large Kilta of the Paacon and entourage." Forty of the large, flightless, bird-like Paacon marched down the aisle. To the surprise of the audience, the Paacon said 'Hello' and 'Bonjour' the natural mimics speaking to those along the way.

"Ambassador at Large Mayute of the Toolend and entourage." The Toolend also had a large group but received absolute silence from the audience as they marched down the aisle. They were so alien as to provide no context for the onlookers to judge them by.

"Ambassador Sisset of the Umick and entourage." The thin, lizard-like Umick were a gregarious lot, nodding left and right and waving to the audience as they marched down the aisle to their allocated places. Junelliya identified their Minster of Trade.

"And finally, Ambassador Kome-Nar Sai-Ro and his mate, co-Ambassador Nar-Tre Sai-Rai of the Pod-Drran, and entourage." Junelliya announced the various ministerial level members of the group.

"Please remain standing for the Kumar-Pair, the Imperial Couple of the Pod-Drran, the Kumaraie Na-Maj Se-Lam Pod-Raie, and her mate, the Kumaroe Jarl Se-Lam Pod-Sai-Roe."

Twenty-four Kumir-Rai/Ro marched down both sides of the aisle, posting themselves every four pews, turning inwards and drawing their Kaldar and placing them point to the floor, leaving the center free for the Kumar-Pair who walked serenely down the aisle to their designated seats behind M. Orland, who was acting as their guide.

As the Kumar-Pair passed each Kumir-Rai/Ro, they knelt on one knee and bowed their heads, rising after the Kumar-Pair had passed and sheathing their Kaldar. The Kumir-Rai/Ro filtered into the pew behind the Kumar-Pair and VIPs.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I am Junelliya Atohan Herlan, late of the Planet Anuura and now stationed on Liramor-23 in the Piscium System with my husband and family. This is where I first met the Pod-Drran.

"I am a musician and an instructor in the Anuuran instrument, the Luttrell, which is very similar to the Pod-Drran Dulortell. To the Pod-Drran, the Dulortell is an ancient instrument, which is closely associated with their Goddess, Poda-La, who was a renowned player and composer of music for the instrument.

"Over the years, the Dulortell had fallen out of favour with the Pod-Drran but is now enjoying a renaissance of sorts in popularity, of which I am a playing a small part by instructing my students in the fundamentals of the Luttrell.

"My students and I will be playing six musical pieces from the antiquity of Pod-Drran history, including the Song of Life, which is believed to have been composed by Poda-La herself," Junelliya told the crowd and then sat and began to play.

The group quickly ran through its repertoire of six pieces, ending with the afore-mentioned Song of Life, in which Junelliya once again opened her power to broadcast motherly love and the joy of new life to the audience. The song finished to the rousing endorsement of a standing ovation while Junelliya and her students took their bows. They then swiftly packed up their instruments and sat down in the front row, leaving Junelliya standing in front.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Asocan delegation," Junelliya announced.

Six Asocans stood and moved to the front and took their places in a half circle as Junelliya took her seat beside her husband.

Their first song was a war chant. It started out as a deep, sonorous rumble that became louder as they opened their jaws. As the sound filled the great room, the Asocan's stamped their right foot in unison and three of their members snapped their jaws shut, causing a loud report that momentarily surprised the audience who giggled at their surprised, combined responses as they jumped at the sound.

The group began to rhythmically stamp their feet as the called out the chant, the Asocan's in the audience responding to the call to war by retuning the chant. This went on for a few minutes before all the Asocan's snapped their jaws shut and simultaneously stopped their signing and stomping. It took a moment for the audience to realize that the song had ended, then they burst out in laughter and applause.

The next song was a popular tavern song from their home world. Even with the deep voice of the Asocan, the song was a lively one that any tavern-goer would recognize as something to sing and drink to!

The final song was a song to their Gods. The song reminded the listeners of a Gregorian chant though deeper in pitch, with overtone sounds similar to the sounds generated by Mongolian Throat Singers. At the end, the audience gave the Asocan singers a standing ovation as they left the stage area bowing to Junelliya as she once again took the stage to announce the next group.

The Byandi explained that the instruments they were using could be played in the air and in the water, bringing different sounds for each. Their music was light and airy and reminded the audience of medieval Baroque music. Though the musical scale was not anything that the audience recognized, it was not unpleasant to the human ear. Two of the Byandi sang with some of the pieces, their voices providing a beautiful harmony to the instruments.

The Djinaëte danced while they sang, their whistles and clicking of the mandibles setting up counterpoint to the tapping of their feet on the stage. The sounds their pounding feet made would have embarrassed even the most determined of Flamenco dancers.

The Feeyan played string and percussion instruments. Though the sound was unique and very different from human fare, the audience could tell that the musicians were well-practiced with their instruments.

Most of the other species played their unique instruments, though the Paacon and the Umick also danced as they played, while the Toolend waved their tentacles in intricate, rhythmic fashion as they sang and played their instruments.

Finally, Junelliya took the stage one last time.

"Thank-you all for your appreciation of the music and cultural styles of the Interspecies Community. It has been an experience, even for me, as I had not heard the other delegates' music prior to tonight.

"Now, we must get back to the reason we are all here, the concert by L'orchestre philharmonique de Paris.

"To my students, and to the members of the Interspecies Community, please note the great pipes of the organ that sit all around us. We are literally in the belly of the beast. When the organ begins to play, it can be very loud and the vibrations can actually move your body.

"Should you find yourselves overwhelmed by the experience, take the side door to your right and go into the nave. The music will be somewhat muted there and will not be as overpowering to you," that brought laughter to the humans in the audience, as more than a few Parisians remembered their very first time hearing the music of the great machine.