Alpha Ch. 10


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"I know the horrors that wait down here, I created them, I wouldn't bring someone down here who didn't deserve it. Elyas deserved it. He took people from their homes, their families. He made them do awful things for his own benefit. Everything he did brought pain and suffering to others. Elyas deserved it. Tell me Drago, do you deserve it?"

"I," Drago started but couldn't find the words.

"You have his children yes? You took them from him?"


"And they are free to leave if they wish?" Baal pressed.

Drago nodded. Baal seemed different, colder and Drago felt the clutch of fear at what the Devil might do. He thought back to Baal's anger the last time the two had met and even with his new powers, he knew he was no match for Baal.

"You are a smart man Drago. I have met many people down here who know you and even here, they respect you. That tells me a lot about you but I also see that the Entari is corrupting you. What people do during their lives is of no interest to me, I am more interested in what happens after they die but I have a great interest in my brother's life. If you touch him, hurt him in any way, I'll drag you down like I did to Elyas. I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you hurt Ealasaid again."

Drago nodded. He drained his glass and Baal motioned with his hand, bringing the shadow out and it poured Drago another drink. Drago was quiet for a moment before voicing the question that had weighed on his mind for six months.

"How is she?"

"Who?" Baal asked, playing dumb.

"Eala." Drago couldn't meet Baal's eyes.

Baal looked at the stone basin and Drago pointed to it questioningly. Baal nodded and Drago stood, moving to stand in front of it and looked down. It was filled with a liquid that swirled and moved like smoke. Inside was a picture. Eala lay on her back on top of a wall. Her hands rested on her stomach and one leg dangled over the side. Below her was a sheer cliff and if she moved even an inch she would plummet down to the forest floor below.

"What is this?" Drago asked.

"It's a Simulacrum." Baal said without offering any other explanation.

"How does it work?" Drago stepped closer, watching the image of Eala as it morphed in the swirling water.

"It was a gift from the Archangels." Baal said, not answering his question at all.

"And it shows you her?"

"It shows me whoever I want it to but yes, I have been using it to keep an eye on Ealasaid."

"How is she?" Drago asked his question again.

"She is sad. She has withdrawn from the family, taken up residence in the Ancestral Castle. Created a new Order, she's making some good out of the ugliness." Baal sipped his drink. He faced away from Drago and his next words were spoken slowly. Calculatingly. "She used to dream about you."

"She did?" Drago was surprised at the feeling of happiness this news brought him.

"Nearly every night until I stopped it."

"Why did you stop it?"

"Because I couldn't bear watching her wake up every morning and realise that you were gone all over again. You might be able to see her in pain but I'm not that strong."

"I never wanted to hurt her, I never thought it would end this way." Drago blurted out.

Baal laughed. "I believe you."

Drago looked back down into the Simulacrum. Ealasaid was watching the sky above her, the sun was shining on her pale skin and he clenched his hands as the feeling of possession swelled in him again.

"But she's OK?" Drago asked.

"I am happy to see that you are concerned about her but you know where she is. Why not go and ask her yourself?" Baal still didn't look back at Drago, keeping his eyes fixed on his half full glass.

Drago struggled to find the words. His stomach was a knot as he looked at Ealasaid, his throat working violently and his hands flexing.

"Why not go and ask her yourself?" Baal repeated.

"For the same reason I left. I can't trust myself around her anymore. I still care about her enough to not want to hurt her, not more than I have already." Drago sighed and dragged his eyes away from the Simulacrum. He looked at the chair opposite Baal and when the man nodded Drago took a seat again.

"I'm not myself when she's around. It's the Entari that's in control and it wants her, in whatever way it can get." Drago swallowed nervously. "I know what would happen to me if I did anything to hurt her," here he looked pointedly at Baal, "this way I protect us both."

"Very considerate of you." Baal mocked.

"I never claimed to be the good guy here I'm just telling you why I'm staying away. I will end up hurting her and you have made it very clear what happens to people when she is involved."

"I will admit my judgement is clouded when it comes to her but I am glad I have made an impression. I would hate to have to threaten you, it really is ugly and does become so tiresome." Baal sipped his drink. He could see there was still more Drago wanted to ask and waited patiently for him to speak again.

"What has she been doing?"

Baal rubbed his hand across his chin. "I wouldn't have thought that would interest you anymore. You made it very clear you didn't want her anymore."

"Look I get it. I'm a piece of shit but there's still a part of me that's doing this for her."

"Then why end it the way you did. After everything she gave you, you broke her. Why?" Baal still dug around, trying to get inside Drago's head.

"Because this way she won't be waiting for me. She won't wake up wondering if that was the day I was going to come back. Isn't that why you stopped her dreaming about me, so she wouldn't keep hoping that things would change?"

Baal contemplated Drago's answer. It seemed genuine and Baal looked deep into his eyes, seeing the softness that still lingered there. Drago was telling the truth, there was still a part of him that cared for Ealasaid but Baal could see it fading even as he watched.

"You said she's cut herself off from the family?" Drago asked.

"She has remained in the Ancestral Castle. My brother and a Were have stayed with her but she won't see anyone else. She has been entertaining herself though, having a lot of fun with the Senior Agents and a Vampyre." Baal relaxed back into his chair as he spoke.

"What about Grif?" Drago's voice was tentative; he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to his own question.

"They buried him in the grounds, what was left of him at least."

"He isn't; I mean he didn't end up down here did he?" Drago felt sick, Grif was really gone.

Baal paused, Drago hadn't asked about Jaylon. Did he even know what had happened to his friend? Baal thought for a moment about telling him but held back. It wasn't something drago should hear from him, it should come from a friend.

"I've told you, I only bring people down here who deserve it. He didn't deserve to die, he had lead a good life and now he will be rewarded in the next. He's running free, across endless earths and countless oceans. Isn't that what you tell those leaving you?" Baal smirked as Drago paled.


"It's really very beautiful, a comforting image for those leaving your world. I would hate to see you miss out seeing those earths because of something you do in your life. You will have nothing to fear from me but be warned, if you continue down this path you will get to know me very well after your death." Baal took a breath and waved his hand. "We're done here but remember what we have spoken about."

"What can I do?" Drago asked frantically leaning forward across the desk. "What can I do to make this better?"

"Be the person she thinks you are. Keep your promises, as much as you can."

"And that will stop me from ending up down here?" Drago's voice grew higher as he desperately clutched at the Devil's mercy.

"It's a start."

Drago stood, his chair flying backwards and he nodded quickly. His hands twisted in front of him and he couldn't hide his fear. The thought of ending up down there was too much.

"I'll give them Abrielle, I'll keep that promise. Is that what you want?"

"It's a start." Baal repeated.

Drago basically sprinted from the room. Baal watched him go in amusement before dragging himself to his feet. Slowly he shuffled to the edge of the Simulacrum clutched the side holding himself up. Looking down into it he saw Ealasaid, she lay on small castle wall that surrounded one of the towers. Below her was the sheer cliff face but she didn't even seem to notice the peril she was in or how one small movement would send her tumbling down and to her death. As he watched Anton stepped out from a door and stood beside her with his arms folded.

"I thought I'd find you up here."

Ealasaid stretched her arms out to the sky and a slow smile curved her plump lips. "I've liked every where I've lived but this, this is my favourite place."

Anton lay on the wall, their head just touched and he looked up at the sky. "The castle?"

"The castle's fine, it's the forest. I love the outside. This is the most space I've ever had."

"It's alright isn't it?" Anton asked and Ealasaid nodded.

"Do you like it here?"

"It reminds me of home. When we were children, me and my brother lived in a castle just like this one. More rooms than you can count, walls filled with history and secrets."

"And that's a good thing?" Ealasaid pressed.

"Yeah kid, it's a good thing." Anton reassured her.

Together they looked up at the sky. For months it had been nothing but a dull grey, days indistinguishable from nights but recently blue had started to peek through the clouds. The sun was starting to shine again and the castle was warm again. Anton had watched her carefully over the last few months and noticed that as the sun appeared so did her smile. Being here was good for her and he would stay as long as she needed.

From inside the castle a pained scream reached them and Ealasaid felt her smile grow wider. It was a sound she had grown to love since they had taken the castle and the imprisoned Vampyre and Senior Agents gave them to her in abundance. Ealasaid had spent countless hours down in the dungeons drawing those screams out and even the muffled sound of them now gave her a twisted pleasure.

"Is that Elena down there?" Anton asked.

"I expect so. She's been down there a lot since the funeral."

They had buried Jaylon the day after they had taken the castle but they had only remembered him a month ago. Elena had been absent most of the time, returning only to eat and sleep before disappearing for days in pursuit of creatures taking advantage of the Order's brief closure.

"She needs to be careful." Anton warned.

"Hmm?" Ealasaid's voice was light but she knew what was coming. In her time researching the Fae in the Order she had come across some troubling information about Weres.

"She is forcing the change. If she carries on like this she will lose her human side forever. From what I've heard its very painful and completely irreversible."

"What can I do?" Ealasaid asked with a shrug. "She seems happier like this; I never want to see her that sad again so I'm not going to force it."

"Ealasaid." Anton started but she shook her head and pushed herself into a sitting position.

"This is how she is dealing with what happened. Do you even know what that psycho made her do?"

Anton sat up and glanced to his side looking at her profile. "She won't talk about it."

"He gave her a knife and made her cut Jaylon's throat."

Anton was silent. His eyes were wide and his throat instantly ran dry at the revelation. For a moment he didn't know what to say and nausea gripped his stomach.

"Fuck." He said on a low exhale. He didn't know what else to say.

"Yeah, fucked up right?" Ealasaid shrugged.

In silence they looked out over the sprawling forest. A soft breeze ran over their skin and in the quiet another scream reached them from below. Anton bit his tongue.

"Maybe you could try speaking with her. You're better at this stuff than I am." Ealasaid didn't look at him as she asked her question. Her shoulders were slumped and she kicked her heels against the wall. "Guess I'm a pretty shitty Alpha huh?"

"You're a great Alpha, no one knows how to handle this. This whole situation is fucked." Anton said and Ealasaid instantly felt better. Both he and his brother had an uncanny ability to calm her with just a word.

"I was kinda thrown in at the deep end." Ealasaid accepted.

"Well I'm here to help, we all are." Anton paused and shot her a sideways glance. "Have you spoken to the others yet?"

Ealasaid sighed. "You know I haven't."

"It might help to have them. I'm sure Nix and the kids are missing you and Lucius and Corban don't know what to do without you."

"I don't need them." Ealasaid's voice was cold and she held her waist as she stared out over the forest. The sun was once again covered by dark clouds and a chill gripped them.

"You do and they need you. Just let them help."

"I said I don't need them." She snarled. Standing, she started towards the door as Anton turned to call after her.

"Eala." She didn't turn. "Poppet?"

Still she didn't listen and he surged to his feet. Grabbing hold of her he spun her to face him and gripped her upper arms tightly. Lifting her so their faces were level he stared into her bright eyes.

"Stop being such a fucking brat. I get it, you've been dealt a shitty hand but everyone in this fucking castle has it just as bad as you. I am sorry that you lost your family, I'm sorry that Calan did those awful things to you. I am sorry about what happened to Tavish and I'm sorry that Drago hurt you as badly as he did. I'm sorry that Dylan did what he did, I'm sorry you lost Grif. I'm sorry that you were put in the Order and I'm really fucking sorry that you think you're alone in this but you are responsible for all of those people down there. You don't get to mope around feeling sorry for yourself, you're an Alpha and you better start acting like one or I'll kick your ass until you do." Anton was breathing heavily when he finished his speech and Ealasaid stared at him with a shocked expression.

She glanced down their bodies at her feet hanging above the floor then to his hands holding her aloft.

"Do I weigh anything to you?" She asked.

Anton laughed exasperatedly and shook his head. "Practically nothing poppet." He lowered her back to her feet and stepped away. Shoving his hands into his pockets he looked at her expectantly, waiting for her answer.

"You'll leave. All of you will eventually. You'll grow old, you'll get hurt, you'll get bored. Just like everyone else. Everyone I've ever cared about has left me and it hurts too much to do it again. The fewer people I have now, the less it will hurt when I'm alone again." As she spoke, heavy drops of rain began to fall and the air turned frigid. She refused to meet his eyes, staring pointedly at his chest.

"When I left Hell I was all alone. I was human, vulnerable and weak and I had to learn a completely new world without anyone. I left Heaven without my family and I left Hell without my brother. You have people who love you and want to help. I know how it feels to be alone but you won't ever be alone."

"How do you know that?" She asked finally meeting his gaze.

"Because Demon's don't age, they don't die. Where else would I go?"

"But you're not a Demon anymore."

"I could be. If being alone is what scares you then you can have me, forever, but don't let that fear of being alone control your life. People will leave, people will die and there will be times when you have to face things by yourself but you've shown that you can survive that. You can't spend the rest of your time feeling sorry for yourself and hiding away from everyone, I won't let you." He offered a weak smile at his last comment.

"I'm not a brat." She mumbled sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders and scuffing her foot along the floor.

Anton laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his chest and kissing the top of her head. "I know poppet, but you don't half act like it sometimes."

Ealasaid held him around the waist, the warmth of his skin seeping into her, warming her to the bones. She buried her face into his chest, the material of his t-shirt soft against her face and his familiar scent calmed her warring nerves. She believed him, every word.

A swell of murmuring voices from below made her pull back. She turned to the door with a frown.

"You hear that?" She asked.

He nodded but she didn't even see. She was already pulling the door open and crossing the tower room. Descending the stairs, the two of them hurried through the labyrinthine hallways towards the swell of voices. Bursting into the throne room they skidded to a halt at the top of the staircase and stared down into the room. What looked to be the whole Pack milled around, talking tentatively and motioning to a cloud of black smoke that was dancing in the middle of the room.

Ealasaid vaulted over the stone railing along the edge of the balcony and landed quietly on the raised floor where the throne sat. Anton followed and together they walked towards the dark mist.

"What is that?" Anton asked and Ealasaid felt her stomach perform a slow flip.

"That's an Entari." She replied.


"Has to be right? He's the last one." Ealasaid circled the swirling mist as she spoke listening carefully. From its depths she could hear muffled voices. Screaming, sobbing, pleading.

"One of you, go and get Elena. I think she'll be interested in this." Ealasaid threw over her shoulder to her Pack and immediately, one broke ranks and disappeared out of the room.

Ealasaid still stalked in circles around the mist, watching with interest until she could see movement from within it. The voices grew louder, pleading cries and callous laughter reaching her ears until finally, a figure was pushed through the mist and landed on their knees in front of her. Ealasaid smirked and crouched in front of the figure, reaching out she hooked her finger under their chin and tilted their face up. Her smile widened as she looked into Abrielle's tear stained face and her tongue darted out to wet her lips in anticipation. If she had looked back into the mist she would have seen two orange eyes burning down at her, watching her fondly.

Abrielle's arms were restrained behind her back in silver chains and her clothes were torn. She had fought against being bound. This thought sent pleasure through Ealasaid, she liked the idea that Abrielle had struggled as she had countless times.

"You know, I never thought there would be a day when I was happy to see you." Ealasaid pondered as she stroked Abrielle's cheek. It was wet from the Lycans tears and Ealasaid felt a swell of satisfaction.

Abrielle opened her mouth but no words came out. Her throat was closed in fear at the sight of the Fae before her and the scents of her Pack surrounding her. The silver blistered her skin painfully and she couldn't even find the strength to stand. Abrielle was terrified.

Ealasaid straightened and backed towards the throne. Settling herself on the furs she watched as her Pack converged on the crying woman, sniffing the air and pawing at her skin.

"Don't hurt her, not yet." Ealasaid said lazily.

A broken sob fell from Abrielle's lips and she shrank in on herself, trying to escape from the hands touching her. Ealasaid tapped her fingers against the arm of throne, her nails making soft noises against the bones there and the sound filled the room.

The soft padding of paws against the floor came from behind her and she knew that Elena had entered the room. The wolf made its way down the stairs and prowled behind the throne, growling low in its throat as it looked at the intruder in their midst. Slowly, the memory of the woman returned and the wolfs pacing became slower, more deliberate.