Amanda and Jeff Ch. 18

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A bored couple fall down a rabbit hole.
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Part 18 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/29/2021
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Amanda and Jeff, a bored couple fall into a rabbit hole

This story contains elements of cuckoldry, bisexuality, chastity, feminine domination, humiliation, and a whole bunch of fuckery. If these aren't your scene, then you should probably search for something else.

If you are picking this up mid-story, you should go back and read the previous chapters.

All characters involved in sexual activity are over the age of eighteen. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is just plain tragic

Chapter 18

They finally finished the last picture. The storyline was that Stan's cousin, Sierra, had been assaulted because she was transsexual. While she was recovering in the hospital, she told Stan that she was tired of looking for a man because of the potential violence, but she wanted a partner. Stan wanted Jeff out of the picture; he wanted to marry Amanda. Stan asked Sierra if she still fancied Jeff.

"I was so sweet on that white boy," Sierra said, "I could be happy with him."

"I've been banging his wife; she's carrying my kid now. I want her to dump him altogether; I want to marry her," he said.

"Maybe we could all settle down," Sierra sighed. "I'd love to have a partner; I like Jeff."

"I'll have to convince the two to get divorced; Jeff probably wants to but is afraid of losing his ass in court. If I convince Amanda to go easy on him, he'd probably be grateful to get out. I'll tell him that he has to marry you, or I'll convince Amanda to go for everything," Stan said.

"You're a devil, Stan," she laughed, "but I want that white boy."

"You'll owe me, though. We'll need help raising the baby," he said, "I don't want the kid cramping Amanda's and my lifestyle."

"Look at me, all domesticated, married, raising a child," she laughed.

"Yeah, and where you and Jeff are an interracial couple, people will generally think it's yours as well," Stan snickered.

Stan didn't have to sell it too hard to Jeff. Jeff saw it as a way out, even if he was still connected to Amanda, raising her kid. Raising her kid with Sierra wouldn't be as embarrassing; people would assume it was theirs. Getting out of the marriage with Amanda would only cost half of his assets; he and Sierra would still be very comfortable.

Stan arranged a date for Jeff and Sierra. Stan was sitting at a table in a restaurant waiting for her.

Sierra walked up to Stan's table, "Hey, stranger. Remember me?" she asked.

Jeff stood up, gave her a gentle hug, and they kissed each other on the cheek. "How on earth could I forget you? he asked, "I'm so sorry for the assault; how are you doing?" he asked, as he seated her at the table.

"I'm recovering nicely, tired of risking my life for some company. How about you, sick of your wife's BS yet?" she asked.

"Stan's probably told you everything, then?" he asked.

"That woman's crazy; you're a good guy, you deserve better than that," she said, as she held his hand across the table.

"Thank you. Stan is trying to pair me up with you as a condition for his convincing Amanda to go easy on me financially," Jeff replied.

"I could do a lot worse than you, Jeff. I know I'd treat you a lot better than that bitch is," she said.

"We'd have to take their baby in," he said, "are you willing to do that?" he asked.

"I want to be a woman," she answered, "I can't have kids on my own. I'd take on their kid as my own to get you. I'd be winning all the way around. I think you would be too."

"I could probably do a lot worse as well," Jeff said, "I'd work hard at being a good husband to you."

"I would be a great wife to you as well," Sierra said.

"Stan's already sold Amanda on it," Jeff said, "the lawyers are working on the contracts. I'll be glad to get out of that house."

They had their dinner. They went to Sierra's apartment for a nightcap. The movie left openings for several spinoffs.

The studio put the film together in post-production. It was a happy day for Jeff; the contract was over. Amanda was undecided about continuing with making the movies. She was focusing on the growing baby inside of her. She was still having sex with Vince, Yvette, and sometimes, Jeff. They were all careful about her growing abdomen. The pregnancy hormones were making her very horny.

Vince tried a few times to push Jeff past his comfort zone, but Jeff gave him some pushback. Vince was troubled and spoke with Dr. Jerome.

"Man, I thought those drugs would be working by now," Vince complained.

"It takes time; does he get over emotional?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, he tears up quite often. He submits to Yvette like a puppy. I don't want to bring her in on it yet, though," Vince said.

"Well, when Amanda has the kid, you better have a story ready; it will be hard to hide," Dr. Jerome laughed.

"Are we sure he was sterile?" Vince asked.

"Oh yeah, he'll never have kids," the doctor said, "unless she was fucking someone else, that kid is yours."

"I'm getting second thoughts about it," Vince said.

"Don't, he'll be just like Brad soon," the doctor reassured. "How are you coming with the movie plans? Are you going to be able to film the delivery and the cuck's surprise?"

"I haven't brought it up yet; I'll sell them on it later. Other people film deliveries all of the time," Vince explained.

"Another white boy destroyed; I can't wait to see it," the doctor laughed.

"You take care, bro. I have a business to attend to here," Vince said.

"Likewise," the doctor said, ending the call.

Jeff had noticed that his body was losing definition even though he continued to work out at the gym. He was struggling with his weight regimen as well. One morning in the shower, he noticed his nipples were sensitive and leaking fluid. He tried to reach Dr. Jerome but couldn't, so he made an appointment with his personal care physician.

He felt nervous about seeing his doctor because it meant explaining the movie work and catching the doctor up on his career and lifestyle. The doctor was nonjudgmental about it. The clinic's lab drew blood from Jeff to do a workup to see what was going on. The doctor scheduled a follow-up appointment for the following week. Jeff didn't tell Amanda as he didn't want to upset or worry her. He also didn't want to broach the subject until he knew more.

Yvette talked Jeff into a female domination movie with her for FD studios. Jeff enjoyed acting with Yvette and liked working for FD. The film required Jeff to be in chastity for a while. Jeff wasn't really enjoying sex too much these days anyway; he hated taking Viagra to get erect.

Jeff had his follow-up appointment with his doctor; the doctor requested Jeff bring all the medicines he had been taking to the appointment. The doctor gave Jeff quite a lecture about messing with female hormones. Jeff was confused and told the doctor that he wasn't knowingly taking hormones. They went through his meds together. The doctor set aside a couple of the meds and showed Jeff that he had indeed been taking female hormones.

Jeff explained the company doctor had prescribed and provided them. Jeff asked if the effects could be reversed. His physician said he would start Jeff on testosterone replacement drugs. Jeff explained the shots the doctor had given him; he didn't know what he was immunized with. The physician asked if Jeff wanted to contact law enforcement officials. Jeff told the doctor that he wanted to talk to his lawyer first. His physician had Jeff sign a release giving the doctor permission to participate in any investigation. The doctor asked Jeff if he wanted to provide a sample for a sperm count.

When Jeff left the office, he went to the lab, where he managed to jerk off a thin watery mix for a sample. He then went to a pharmacy for his prescriptions, a once-daily pill, and a patch. When Jeff got home, he called his lawyer. He met with him the next day.

A few days later, his physician told Jeff that he was sterile, and it was probably permanent. He couldn't even guess when it happened. His lawyer narrowed it down for him before Amanda's pregnancy. The lawyer had managed to get Dr. Jerome to confess and verify Vince and Julia's involvement. The doctor quickly fled the country afterward.

Jeff collapsed into himself. He couldn't talk to anyone. Did Amanda know? Was Yvette part of this too? Was there no one he could trust? Amanda was carrying someone else's baby. She lied about being exclusive. Was this some setup to destroy him? Their anniversary was coming up shortly. It was going to take all of his poker playing skills to hide his anxiety.

It was Friday; as Jeff drove home, he was happy; he had left the job a few hours early. He didn't think to warn Amanda about his early homecoming. It was Amanda and his anniversary. They were going to enjoy a night to themselves. Amanda was going to let him out of his chastity cage tonight. He'd been in it for a month, supposedly prepping for a movie. Amanda was seven months pregnant and was radiant. She always referred to it as their baby; Jeff believed otherwise, Amanda's definitely, 'his' was still in question. They had taken a hiatus from filming and role play for a few months. For two months, they were supposedly exclusive, and after the pregnancy was determined, they went back to work; Jeff had some lingering suspicions, he didn't know who the father was, but the odds were it wasn't him.

The company had filmed a couple of movies around the pregnancy, working it into the scripts. The money was coming in; he sometimes considered it wasn't worth the humiliation. He and Amanda had gone past their contracts and were working per movie now. They could leave at any time. Amanda enjoyed the work but had agreed that as their child grew up, it might be awkward.

He thought that she would "retire," but she always hesitated to commit to it. Hopefully, her upcoming motherhood would bring her around.

He frowned as he pulled into the driveway; Julia's car was parked there, as well as another. Amanda had told him earlier that day that it would be just them that evening. He parked in the street. He walked to the back door and quietly entered the house. Everyone was upstairs in the bedroom. There was noise coming from there anyway. There was a note on the kitchen table. "Jeff, if you're home early, join us upstairs. Amanda." The note was in Julia's handwriting, however.

He quietly walked up the stairs to the bedroom, the door was closed, and a note was taped to it. The note, Julia's handwriting, read, "Cucky, Strip naked. Knock on the door and wait until you're needed." The sounds of sex could be heard behind the closed door.

Jeff was furious. It was their anniversary. How could Amanda do this to him? He made it clear after the birthday party she threw him; he wanted a private life within their house. He took the note from the door. He quietly crept back down the stairs. He put his anniversary card and gift on the table next to the faux Amanda note. He quietly went to his workshop in the garage. He retrieved a bolt cutter from his toolbox. He lowered his pants. It was awkward, but he managed to line up the lock on his chastity cage in the jaws of the bolt cutter and then cut the lock. He worked the lock out of the cage and removed the cage. He massaged his penis. He should have done this a long time ago.

He went back to the kitchen. He wrote Amanda a note.

"Happy Anniversary Dear,

What happened to our night alone? I hope you had fun humiliating me again. I assure you I didn't. I think I've been clear all along about keeping the studio life from becoming our private life. Since you don't give a shit about me or how I feel, we should call this farce of marriage off. I'll be in touch.


He left the note on the table. He placed the chastity cage on top. He got up from the table and left the house through the back door. He walked to his car, started it up, and drove off.

A little while later, the foursome in the bedroom took a break. Both Amanda and Julia were a mess. Mike and Steve were lounging. Everyone was spent.

Amanda looked at the clock. "Oh, shit. We lost track of time. Jeff's going to be home soon. This wasn't such a great idea."

Julia smiled inside. This was going to play out the way she wanted. She managed to get Amanda to fuck around on Jeff on their anniversary, in their home. Jeff was going to be home soon and know about it. Things were going according to plan, the plan that she and Vince were working on, crushing Jeff

They all took turns cleaning up in the bathroom. The bedroom was a mess. Amanda was berating herself that she let Julia talk her into this. How could Jeff not know? It was getting late.

The four left the bedroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Amanda was hoping that Jeff would be running late. They saw the chastity cage with its cut lock, the card in its envelope, and Jeff's note.

Amanda read the note and started crying. "I pushed him too far; he's left. He wants to end our marriage." She sobbed. "He must have come home and found out about us without us knowing he was home. He cut his cage off. He must have been home at least fifteen minutes, and we didn't hear him."

"What?" Julia said as she grabbed the note and read it out loud. Mike and Steve made quick exits leaving the two women.

Julia picked up the chastity cage. "If you were tougher on him, this wouldn't have happened. I told Brad that if he ever took off his cage without my permission that I would castrate him. You have to crush Jeff."

"You don't understand. Jeff doesn't want the 'lifestyle' that you and Brad have. He gives me so much already; I don't need that kind of submission from him. I've almost lost him a couple of times before, and this looks like for good. I told him things would be different after the baby. I guess he finally lost faith in me." Amanda sobbed.

"Brad didn't want it either, but he came around. If he left me now, he'd be homeless living on the street." Julia said.

Amanda had had enough of Julia's philosophy. She had to think about how to fix the problem. "Julia, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I've got to try to fix this myself. I have to find out where he went."

Julia hugged her. "If you need to talk, call me, she said, and she left.

Amanda called Yvette and told her what had happened. Yvette said she'd come over and help her friend.

Julia and Vince had a conversation via text. Vince was shocked that his plan wasn't making Jeff more submissive but was actually making him more assertive. He thanked Julia for her efforts and reminded her that everything was very much hush-hush.

Yvette interrupted Vince in his office and explained the situation with Jeff and Amanda. Vince said that Amanda should know better than to hang out with Julia. He said that Julia was always trying to push the envelope. Of course, he didn't say that she was just acting out what he asked her to.

They drove to Amanda and Jeff's house. Amanda was in the kitchen. She was distraught at herself and the situation. Yvette and Amanda went through the story.

Vince kept quiet; he didn't know what to say. Jeff had been acting all weird lately. On the set, he was purely mechanical; he did it all professionally. Off the set, he wasn't himself. He would have had Dr. Jerome look at him, but the good doctor had suddenly taken a month's vacation to some island in the Caribbean.

Vince finally broke his silence. "Where would he go?" he asked.

Amanda said, "He's probably headed to his father's cabin upstate. He's put some money into it lately. He upgraded the electricity and heat. He upgraded the plumbing."

"Call him," Yvette said.

Amanda retrieved her cell phone. The call went to voice mail instantly.

"His phone is turned off," Amanda said.

"Let's go to the cabin. We'll grab some food on the way upstate. We have to figure out a way to fix this." Yvette said.

Vince quietly stewed; if the marriage survived this, it wouldn't survive the baby. Dr. Jerome's medical interventions seemed to be counterproductive in softening Jeff.

During the drive, the trio discussed Jeff's behavior as of late. They all agreed that he wasn't his usual self. Jeff had gotten more forceful and demanding. He played his roles well, but outside of character, Jeff was more assertive. Physically, his body was hardening, getting more defined with masculinity.

"He's trying to get me to retire from filming after the baby comes, and he wants our house to be free from role-playing. He's hoping that our child grows up without knowing what we did for as long as possible." Amanda said.

"What about extramarital sex?" Vince asked.

Amanda said, "he said that would be ok as long as we don't flaunt it in front of the kid."

Yvette weighed in, "Well, he may have a point, and it's not as if he's totally shutting down, just establishing a safe zone around your child."

Vince asked, "I don't want to be the bad news guy, but you don't think he'd kill or hurt himself?"

Amanda said, "I don't think so, his note implied ending the marriage, and he'd be in touch."

Vince asked, "I know I shouldn't think this way, but does he have any guns at the cabin?"

Amanda asked, "Jeff abhors guns and violence. His father took him hunting once and made him kill a deer. Jeff had nightmares about it."

Inside, Vince felt a little easier. Jeff probably wouldn't be shooting him.

They continued their drive making small talk to cover each of their internal worries.

Jeff was indeed at the cabin. He had left the outside lights on as he expected he might have company. He had picked up a takeout meal at a grocery store on the way. He had put away his other groceries. He was finishing his dinner and nursing a beer when he heard a car on the driveway.

He heard the trio get out and their footsteps on the gravel and then on the deck. They knocked on the door.

"It's open," Jeff yelled.

The door slowly opened. Amanda slowly walked in, followed by Vince and Yvette.

Amanda walked towards him for a hug, but he held his hand out, preventing it. Tears were flowing in Amanda's eyes.

"Can I get you folks something to drink, wine, beer? I don't have much of a bar setup."

Yvette said she'd like some wine, Vince said he'd have a beer. Amanda opted for water.

Jeff filled the drink orders, setting the glasses on the dining table. He put away his dinner, sat at the table, and resumed drinking his beer.

"Sit down; make yourselves comfortable; you've had a long drive." Jeff.

"Considering the way you are probably feeling towards us, your hospitality is unnerving." Yvette quietly said as she sat down. Vince and Amanda followed suit, sitting at the table.

"I don't want to make the situation any more stressful than it has to be," Jeff said.

"Why did you just run out like that?" Amanda asked through her tears.

"I think I've made it clear to you that I am not adopting this lifestyle. For the movies, for the roleplay, I've tolerated it, but I'm not living it 7/24; I don't enjoy it as much as you do. I believe I explained it to you after that birthday party fiasco. I would think our anniversary would be even more sacred. You agree to things, and then in the thrill of the moment you forget, you let me down, throw me under the bus." Jeff said. "You've broken one promise after another."

"I'm sorry. I'll try harder." Amanda sobbed.

"It's not entirely her fault, Jeff. I put her up to some of this stuff; not today, mind you. In hindsight, I guess I've been pretty mean to you. But until now, you've never stood up to it. It's good that you've learned to express limits; I think it will be good for you two, or should I say, you three in the future. It will also make it easier to work with you." Yvette said.

"Thank you for sharing in that responsibility. But we won't be working together in the future; as for Amanda, she may be free to make her own choices soon. I'm not so sure of the 'two of us' let alone the 'three of us.'"