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Memory loss leads to new memories.
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I woke up slowly looking at a ceiling I didn't recognize. I turned my head to the right and saw a bedroom I'd never been in. I was lying on my back on a bed that was not mine.

I looked down. I was naked and there was a woman with long dark brown hair hanging down her back, over her shoulders and covering her breasts straddling my hips. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back and she was squeezing her breasts with both hands. She was pumping her body up and down with my morning erection inside her.

I had a dozen questions that needed answers but, first, I needed to attend to business. I put my hands on her hips and guided her to a more sensitive position on my erection. Within minutes, the woman began keening high pitched, intermittent tones. The utterances increased in frequency until she was about to lose control. She paused her movement and pushed hard down on me. Her body began to shake, her shriek peaked and she began to calm. She began to move up and down on me again.

Her body responded similarly twice more. The last time, I joined her and pulsed semen inside her as she pushed down on me and convulsed.

She remained on top of me, breathing heavily, while we both recovered. She leaned forward, kissed me and fell alongside me on the bed.

I heard a woman's voice from behind me on the left. "That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen," she said.

I twisted until I could see her better. She was sitting in a chair, had long blonde hair not quite as long as the brunette's hair lying next to me in the bed and she was naked.

"What?" I asked. "Who are you and where am I?"

"I'm Sherri and that's Heather in bed with you," she said as if I was an idiot for asking. "As to where you are, you're in our apartment and you've been here all night.

"All night?" I asked myself. "Where was I last night?" The last thing I remembered was going out with two other guys for a drink and maybe getting lucky.

Sherri moved to sit on the side of the bed where we could more easily see each other. "I hope you have something left for me again," she said.

Heather got out of the bed and headed to the neighboring bathroom. "He's all yours," she said to Sherri.

My thinking wasn't exactly working at full capacity. I was trying to piece what I knew. Apparently, I had come home with these two women and had sex with both of them last night and fell asleep in their bed. Sex with Heather this morning was apparently the second time and now Sherri was looking for her second time. "Enough for you?" I asked.

"Of course," Sherri stated. "Heather and I share everything, especially our lovers."

"And you're hoping I have enough for a fourth sexual encounter with you?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I'm hoping you have enough for a sixth sexual encounter with me,"

"Sixth?" I asked myself. "I guess I had sex with each of them the twice last night." Even I didn't think I was capable of that let alone two more times in the morning.

"You think I'm willing to have more sex with you?" I asked.

Sherri lay on the bed next to me with her head near my feet. She took my relaxed penis in her hand. "I think you're incapable of not having sex with me," she suggested. She kissed the head of my cock to confirm her statement.

My cock responded as she expected. If my mind had been foggy before, it became inoperable as she sucked my cock into her mouth. I reached out and placed my hand between her legs on her pussy. She pushed her hips against my hand and rolled on top of me with her knees next to my head. I felt my erection touch the back of her throat. I pulled her hips down to me until I could suck her clitoris between my lips.

Sherri was right in her assertion. I was committed to sex with her again.

Sex with Sherri was different from sex with Heather. First of all, she rolled on her back and pulled me on top of her. When I entered her, her legs came up alongside my head. She encouraged me to squeeze her breasts and I supported myself on one arm while I tried to fondle her breasts with the other hand. Sherri recognized the difficulty. She put her hands on my shoulders to support me and I could use both hands to squeezed her breasts and tweak her nipples.

Nipple play had a similar effect on Sherri as clitoris play. Unlike Heather, her vocal emanations were more grammatical, consisting of a series of random "yes," "fuck me," "deeper," "harder" and "in me" fragments of sentences, all loud enough to attract the attention of the neighbors.

I tried to perform all her requests and was successful with "in me." I lay alongside her, catching my breath and trying to understand how I woke up Saturday morning to sex with two women.

"You don't remember how you got here, do you?" Sherri asked.

"I don't," I admitted. "Could you please fill me in?"

"Heather and I were downstairs in the bar last night looking for some action when you came in with two other guys," Sherri started. "We'd never tried three guys at once, so we wandered over and introduced ourselves."

"That must have been Mark and Gene," I told her. "We usually go out Friday nights looking for the ladies. Neither of them would know what to do if we were successful and, if you and Heather came on strong, as if you were looking for sex, both of them would get cold feet and make themselves scarce."

"That's exactly what we were looking for and that's exactly what they did," confirmed Sherri. "That left just you and us. We were working the conversation in the right direction when some guy dropped a half dozen white pills on the table. "Only take one," he said as he walked away.

"We didn't know what they were but we suspected they were libido enhancing and the guy was passing them out to get the whole place horny at the same time hoping to start a pill induced orgy. Heather and I each took one calculating that an orgy would be fun if things didn't work out with you."

"You took two," Sherri added.

"The pills worked?" I asked.

"They did," Sherri confirmed. "I was wet within minutes and you were obviously horny and ready."

"That obvious?" I asked.

"Yeah. You had a raging erection and your hand was under Heather's skirt. She doesn't wear panties and you had two fingers inside her and she was wiggling around on them."

"I've never done anything like that," I demurred.

"You did last night," confirmed Sherri. "It must have been the pills. Anyway, we got you out of there and up here before you fucked her on the pool table."

I wondered for a moment how Mark and Gene got home since I had driven. "Up here is over the bar?" I asked.

"It is," confirmed Sherri.

"Convenient," I opined.

"It was last night," agreed Sherri. "Once we had you up here, we let you lead."

"That's not usually how I approach a woman. I respect her and usually follow her lead," I confessed.

"Not last night," insisted Sherri. "You had us naked in minutes and you fucked both of us twice before you passed out."

"I wish I remembered that," I said.

"Don't worry. We remember. That's why you were still here in this morning instead of sleeping it off in your car," Sherri explained.

"I remember this morning," I said.

"We hope you'll have a lot more to remember before you leave," smiled Sherri. "Meanwhile, let's go find Heather. She's the more domestic of us and she'll be in the kitchen with breakfast waiting for us."

I went into the bathroom to pee. Sherri followed me, waited for me to pee and then peed herself. We washed each other off and went back into the bedroom. "Where are my clothes?" I asked.

"Probably in the living room with our clothes," suggested Sherri. "Don't worry. You don't need them yet."

We headed for the kitchen.

As predicted, Heather was sitting at the table with a mug of coffee, a plate of Danish and three smaller plates. She was as naked as we were. She got up, poured two more mugs of coffee and put them on the table. We sat and attacked the Danish.

Between bites, Sherri informed Heather that we had reviewed last night and I didn't remember any of it.

"That's unfortunate," Heather said. "I think we should recreate last night so he has something to remember."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Sherri agreed.

"Wait," I interrupted. "Don't I have a vote?"

"You'd vote for something else?" asked Heather.

"No, but I'd like to be consulted," I laughed.

Heather stood up, pulled my chair around, straddled my lap, kissed me and ground her pussy against my penis. "Oooh, that feels good," she cooed.

"The kiss or the pussy rub?" I asked.

"Both," she laughed.

Recreating exactly the events of the night before was sophistry. We only had Heather and Sherri's memories of my fucking them twice each, vague memories of the order of things and other sexual activities and about eight hours to work with. Plus we didn't have the little white pills.

We managed to accomplish a basic re-creation but it took longer than eight hours due to my necessity for longer and longer rests as we proceeded. It was after dark when we agreed that further sexual exertion was increasingly difficult and we all required rest.

I did have wonderful memories. So did Heather and Sherri. I had ten orgasms in about twenty-four hours with two women plus an uncountable number of just fun fucks without a happy ending. That was a personal record and a candidate for Guinness or at least Ripley's.

We agreed that recreating the memories would be a worthwhile enterprise if the opportunity presented itself. To increase the possibility that we would get together again, we exchanged contact information. I left their apartment above the bar by the external stairway and I drove myself home.

I fell asleep as soon as I got home, slept most of the day Sunday and barely made it to work on time on Monday.

Exchanging contact information with Heather and Sherri wasn't just an empty promise. Heather called Wednesday evening. She wanted to know it I'd be at the bar Friday night. I thought about for about a millisecond and agreed to meet both of them. "Bring the two guys who chickened out," she suggested. "We think we can get their attention."

"Good luck," I said. "They're like dogs chasing cars. They have no idea what they'd do if they caught one."

"We think we can get them in the car," said Heather confidently.

"Okay," I agreed. "I'll do what I can. Just no pills."

"No pills," agreed Heather. "We want you to remember the details."

I called Mark and Gene and put them on a conference call. "Guys," I said. "You missed the opportunity of a lifetime last weekend."

"Not likely," said Mark. "The place was like all the others. The women were all hat and no cowgirl."

"That's because you disappeared just as the rodeo started," I told them. "You left me to ride two bucking mares alone."

"You're bullshittin' us," said Gene.

"I'm not and I can prove it to you," I offered.

"We're listening," said Mark.

"The women are going to be there Friday night and they've invited me to join them again," I informed them.

"Lucky you," Mark said.

"They asked me to bring both of you with me," I added.

"Three on two?" asked Gene. "How does that work?"

"These women are over active," I told him. "Three on two means someone gets to rest occasionally."

Gene laughed. "Rest? You don't sound like you're describing rest."

"Recovery then," I said. "Does that work for you?"

"I'll bite," said Gene. "What's the plan?"

"We go to the bar Friday night, meet up with Heather and Sherri and go home with them."

"That easy?" asked Mark.

"The hard part comes later," I said.

"I'm convinced," Mark said.

"I'll pick you up," I said. "And don't plan to get home until sometime Saturday."

"Damn," said Mark.

I picked Mark and Gene up on Friday night and we were at the bar near eight in the evening. On the drive, I cautioned them not to get stupid. "Don't act like some over confident Casanova," I told them. "Nothing queers a sure thing like a stupid stud. Just be yourself, if you know who that is. These women are looking for real men, not wanna bees with a boner."

We found a small, standing table and ordered beers. We were drinking our beer and checking out the sights when Heather came up behind me, put her arms around me and kissed my neck. "Hey, big guy. Lookin' for some action," she said.

Mark and Gene were focused on Heather, obviously attracted to her large tits in her low cut, tight dress. I turned and kissed her. "I think I've found it," I responded. "Where's Sherri?"

She grinned and nodded toward Gene where Sherri, with her oversized tits stuffed into an undersized dress, had come up behind him, reached around his body and squeezed his junk. "Oh," exclaimed Gene. "That's friendly," he said.

"You'd rather spend twenty minutes trying to convince me I want to fuck you?" asked Sherri.

"No," stuttered Gene. "It was just a surprise," he said.

"Then I just saved us twenty minutes," said Sherri. "Any idea how we should spend it?"

Meanwhile, Mark was watching with his mouth hanging open when a blonde with even larger tits, a half blouse and no bra, did the same to him. "Damn. I wasn't expecting that," he responded.

I looked at Heather. "Who's you friend?" I asked.

"Gentlemen," Heather said. "Meet Debbie. When I told her about our plans for this weekend, she insisted on coming with us. She told me her pussy's feeling lonely."

"No rest for the weary?" I asked.

"Short naps," Heather said.

"What do you ladies want to drink?" asked Mark.

"Nothing they offer here," said Sherri.

"Shall we go?" asked Heather and started for the door. We followed her. Mark lingered, apparently undecided. Debbie turned back, walked up to Mark, took his hand, put it on her breast under her short blouse and kissed him. "Don't be a pussy," she said.

Mark followed Debbie and the rest of us outside. We walked around the building to an outside stairway leading to the second floor over the bar. At the top, Sherri unlocked the door and ushered us all inside. "Make yourselves comfortable," she said. "I'll get drinks."

Gene and I sat on the oversized sofa with Heather between us. Mark sought the safety of a chair on the side of the room without success. Debbie sat on his lap after hiking her skirt up. She put her arm around his neck and wiggled her ass in his lap. "Comfortable?" she asked.

I watched Mark. He was definitely uncomfortable but, under the circumstances, he wasn't about to admit it. He had his left arm around Debbie's waist but was unable to find a comfortable place for his right hand. He tried the arm of the chair and his own leg. Neither was acceptable to either him or Debbie. Debbie solved his problem when she put his hand on her thigh and pushed it up under the last remaining inch of her skirt. What he discovered there made him smile and Debbie giggle. She separated her legs slightly.

Sherri returned with a fresh bottle of 1800 Ultimate Margarita, six old fashioned glasses full of ice and a bowl of popcorn. She poured glasses of the cocktail and handed them out. Debbie took hers and put it on the table next to the chair. Mark started to remove his hand from under her skirt to take his. Debbie put her hand on top of his and squeezed her legs together. "No," she said and took Mark's drink from Sherri herself. She dipped two fingers in the glass and spread the liquid on Mark's lips. Then she leaned in and kissed him. "Ummm," she hummed.

She did it again and this time she licked his lips. The third time, Mark opened his mouth, sucked the flavorful liquid from her fingers before she kissed him and hummed himself. The fourth time, he let Debbie coat his lips and, when she leaned in for the kiss, he sucked her tongue into his mouth. Debbie hummed and then squealed when Mark's hand twitched under her skirt.

I sipped my margarita and Sherri squeezed onto the sofa next to me. I removed my hand from under Heather's skirt and turned to pay attention to Sherri. We linked arms and began to feed each other our drinks. We were having some harmless fun until Sherri upped the ante. She rolled her cold glass against my left nipple through my microfiber golf shirt.

Not willing to endure the indignity alone, I pulled the tie on the knot of the strap holding her dress up behind her neck and pulled the fabric down until her breasts were exposed. Then I rolled my cold glass over her left nipple. Sherri had a difficult time trying to laugh and squeal at the same time.

Meanwhile, I saw Mark and Debbie, with her blouse missing, heading for one of the two bedrooms. Debbie was leading but there was no indication that Mark was following reluctantly.

Sherri obviously felt the need to retaliate. She slipped off the sofa, gave me her drink and began to work with both hands to unbuckle my jeans and pull them down on my thighs. I didn't resist. I lifted my hips to help her. My briefs quickly followed my jeans. Sherri held my erection in one hand and took her drink back with the other. Without warning, she poured a small amount of cold, lime tequila on my cock.

I gasped. Sherri laughed. "Fuck, that's cold," I swore.

"I guess I'll just have to warm it up," Sherri commented and surrounded my erection with her warm mouth. It was warm and wet. Sherri was conscientious enough to insure she warmed the entire length of my erection. When she took a break to breathe, I poured a small amount of margarita on my cock and she had to start all over again.

Heather and Gene were watching Sherri and I play. Gene decided to play along with Heather. Her dress was already pushed up around her waist and she wasn't wearing panties. Somehow, Gene managed to spill some of his margarita and it landed directly on her clitoris. Heather gasped with the sudden temperature change.

"Here, let me help," offered Gene as he slid off the sofa, between Heather's legs and began to lick the spilled liquid from her labia and clitoris. Heather moaned and poured more cold drink on her pussy.

Sherri took advantage of my interest in what Gene and Heather were doing. She stood up, pulled her dress up around her waist, placed a knee along side of my hips on the sofa and lowered herself until I was buried inside her. She vigorously began bouncing on me.

Gene noticed the sofa bouncing and looked to see what was happening. Heather put her hand on his head. "Let's give them some room," she said. She got up, helped Gene up and led him to the bedroom with the open door.

With the rest of the sofa available, I fell over on my back and brought Sherri with me. Without missing a beat, she managed to pull her dress off over her head. Her breasts were swinging wildly as she fucked me and I stabilized them with both hands. I have no idea if what Sherri was doing was similar to what she did a week ago but I was sure I'd remember it this time.

Sherri looked like she was having a wonderful time. Her eyes were closed, her head was thrown back and she had her hands on my shoulders pulling herself hard against me as she bore down on my erection. I had to admit that I was having a wonderful time as well and thought I could make it even more wonderful.

I put my arms around her waist, managed to get my feet under me, pulled her tight to hold her up and stood up without losing contact inside her. Immediately, her legs wrapped around my hips and I laid her down on the sofa with me on top. I increased the pace. Sherri's legs raised straight in the air and I put my arms behind her knees. I grew larger insider her. I could feel the unmistakable sensation in my erection that always preceded my orgasm.

I arched my back and pushed hard inside her as my fertility vaccine erupted against her cervix. Sherri's eyes opened wide and then closed tightly as her body responded. She grabbed my neck and pulled me against her as her body convulsed. The strength of her orgasm almost threw us off the sofa. I managed to stabilize us with one foot on the floor while she recovered and then rolled us off the sofa onto the carpeted floor with Sherri on top of me.