Amusement Park Adventure Pt. 02


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Nick's hand tightened on his daughter's waist and his head lowered so that his lips were hovering Sarah's full, pink lips. Lips he was aching to kiss and devour. There was no other thought in Nick's head and the world was quiet except for the pounding of the blood between his ears and the throbbing he felt between his legs.

He moved his lips closer to hers and pressed his body into her own so that he felt her wet t-shirt clinging to his own and her breasts heaving against his chest.

Their lips touched softly, just barely, as light as the touch of a feather. Sarah shivered. Nick felt the quiet tremble throughout her body against his own, which encouraged him to continue. Their eyes closed. The world was lost to them. Nick parted his lips slightly, getting ready to move them once more against his daughter's eager, hot mouth.

"Whoo-whee!" The sound broke the reverie of passion that had just begun and Nick pulled away from Sarah as if she had burned him.

Whistles came from a group of guys walking by. "You're a lucky guy," one of them shouted at Nick as they passed by.

"Come here, baby and let me give you a little something," another one called out lewdly, as he grabbed his crotch.

Sarah stepped closer to Nick and took his arm. She batted her eyes sexily and said in a cool, even voice, "I have more than enough to keep me satisfied right here, baby."

Nick was first surprised by his daughter's comments but then felt a rush of pride course through him as he thought of the possessiveness with which his daughter had said Nick satisfied her. He then grew angry when the cat calling continued. At the word 'slut', he removed his arm from Sarah's, marched over to the group and stood menacingly above them, anger flaring in his eyes.

"What did you say?" he questioned threateningly. "Nothing, old man. Take it easy, man," were the responses from most of the guys in the group. Another called out, "He's as protective of her as her father would be". "He's old enough to be her father," replied another one, dryly.

"I called her a slut," said one of the guys, as he stood up and went nose to nose with Nick. He was as tall as Nick but heavier in build but this did not cause Nick to back down. He felt foggy as if he had just been woken from a dream and wasn't thinking as clearly as he normally would. He couldn't bear the thought of someone calling his baby a slut. The fact that someone had just pointed out that he was old enough to be her father (which of course he was, he told himself) jolted him back to reality. The fire raged in his eyes and without warning, he hauled off and punched the loose-lipped guy square in the nose. The guy fell backwards, clutching his nose as blood poured out and down his face, trailing into his mouth.

"Jesus Christ, man!" he said. Nick turned on his heel and grabbed Sarah by the elbow and steered her through the rest of the park without saying a word. His hand throbbed from the impact. His mind was a whirlwind of emotion. He felt scorched by the kiss he shared with his daughter; cheated that their moment had been ruined and the possibility of what could have been stolen from him; angry at hearing someone call his daughter a slut; and confused by his mixed emotions towards his daughter. His stride was long and his steps hard against the pavement as he pulled his daughter along. She hurried to catch up to him, her own steps shorter staccato articulations compared to her father's smooth stride.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Sarah asked in a quiet voice as they approached their car. "Did I do something wrong?"

Nick spun on his heel to face his daughter. His eyes were full of rage and desire. "Did you do anything wrong?" he mocked her. "No, you did nothing wrong. Just the fact that you are walking around with your tits practically popping out of your wet shirt for the whole world to see or the fact that you fucking touched me, Sarah. You played with my fucking cock. You practically fucked me back there on the carousel. You've been flirting with me, throwing yourself at me for weeks. How the fuck am I supposed to act? I am going fucking crazy here! And this is so wrong. It is so fucking wrong what you are trying to do to me! I am your fucking father for Christ's sake!" Nick was nearly screaming at this point, his voice hoarse with emotion.

Sarah narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. She looked her father square in the eye. "You think this is my entire fault, huh?" she said in a low, even voice. "What about the fact that you were fucking your girlfriend in our pool for the whole world to see a few months ago? I saw your fucking cock right in front of me! Fucking your girlfriend in the pool I swim in! And I have to hear you two practically every night moaning and screaming as you fuck that stupid bitch in the bed you shared with my mother!"

She was practically crying now, feeling overcome with emotion. "I didn't see you stopping me from touching you back there! In fact, you put your hand on my breast and played with my nipple! You were the one who fucking kissed me! You have been ogling me for weeks now. Every time I turn around, you're staring at my breasts or my ass! Is that very daddy-like of you?" she asked in a mocking tone.

The two stared at each other for a long time, their breath ragged, the sweat trickling down their faces. Their eyes flashed as they glared at one another. The two were equal competitors in any fight they had ever had. Sarah was not one to back down and could hold her ground as well as, if not better than her father. She was just as stubborn as he was. Nick could hardly believe he heard the words 'cock' and 'fuck' come from his own daughter. What was more; he couldn't believe how they turned him on and how difficult it was for him to restrain himself from grabbing her, and crushing his lips against hers.

Sarah's eyes began to water but her face remained angry. She felt hurt by her father's incantation. She thought he had been relenting and giving in to his desire of her. Perhaps he didn't want her after all. "If she was Carly, he wouldn't have stopped himself from taking her," she thought to herself.

Nick felt himself soften, and his stance relaxed, his eyes grew softer. He was never able to stay angry at his baby for very long. It always amazed him how he could be so aggressive in the courtroom, yet act like a complete wimp when it came to his daughter. She could melt him with a look or sway him with a pout of her lips. He couldn't handle her being so mad at him, as she was at that moment.

"You're right, Sarah," he began. "I'm sorry. I should never have done those things to you. It isn't right. I'm your father. I'm the one who should know better. I never meant to hurt you."

"I'm not pretty," she said. It wasn't a question but a statement. Her lips puckered into a tiny pout.

"No, no, that isn't it at all!" Nick said quickly. "You're beautiful, Sarah. Any man would be proud and lucky to have you!"

"If I was Carly, you wouldn't have a problem with this," she stated.

Nick sighed, "Carly is...," he began.

"More beautiful. More sexy. She has a better body. You're more attracted to her," she finished for him.

"No, Sarah. That isn't what I was going to say," Ni ck replied. How could he tell her he was more attracted to her than he had ever been to any woman before, even her mother?

"You don't want me," she said quietly.

He stepped closer to her, and cupped the side of her face.

"Sarah," he said. "I love you more than anything. You are incredibly beautiful, and smart and funny and sexy. I love spending time with you, being with you. But, I'm your father. I can't...I can' to you what I do to Carly."

Sarah looked Nick right in the eye, her blue eyes bright and sparkling from the wells of tears in her eyes. "Answer my question," she said evenly.

"What question?" he asked her.

"You don't want me," she said.

Nick stalled for time. How the hell was he supposed to reply to that? "I didn't know that was a question," he answered smartly.

Sarah was not to be eluded. "Then, I'll ask you again in question form. Do you want me?" she challenged him. "And don't lie. I'll know if you're lying." She knew her father couldn't lie to her. She was going to force him to answer one way or the other.

She would know too, he thought to himself. She always knew if he was fibbing.

"I don't know what to say, Sarah," he answered honestly.

She put her hand on the back of his head and pulled him face closer to her own as she lifted her own face closer to his. He could smell the perfumed scent of her shampoo from her wet hair, vanilla and honeysuckle fragrance mingled together; her lavender soap; her sweet, hot breath against his lips. Their bodies were pressed together. He looked down at her pink, full lips and remembered how soft they were against his own. He had to fight with himself to kiss her again. He looked up into her eyes and saw the love in them. His heart swelled with love for his daughter, his sweet baby girl. He loved her more than any father could love their daughter.

"Tell me you don't want me," Sarah challenged.

Nick stared at her, unable to lie, but unable to tell the truth. He shook his head.

"If you didn't want me, you wouldn't have kissed me," she said. "If you didn't want me, you wouldn't get hard every time you look at me or touch me. Admit it, daddy. You want to fuck your precious daughter, don't you? You want to feel yourself deep inside of me. You got mad before because you know it's wrong but you can't help yourself can you? You took it out on me, but it is you who you're angry at.

She had her back against the car now, and he was leaning into her, his cock now hard between the damp denim cut offs, her breasts flattened against his hard chest.

"Do you like hearing me talk like this, daddy? Do you like the sound of the word 'fuck' coming out of my mouth? How about the word 'cock'? 'Pussy'? Do you want to feel your hard cock deep inside my wet pussy, daddy? Do you want your baby girl to suck daddy's cock? I can feel how turned on you are. I can feel how hard your throbbing cock is pressed right against my cunt." she continued on, pushing her father as far as she could go. She wasn't sure how much longer he would let her go on like this, but she pressed anyway.

Nick was frozen, bewildered and turned on by his own daughter acting the role of vixen. Where did his little girl go to? Who was this woman in front of him? His cock was aching. He was fighting with himself to regain control. She couldn't possibly know what she was doing. She couldn't possibly want him like this. She was testing him. She was using any ammunition she could to get him to admit he wanted her. He couldn't do it. wouldn't do it. To say such a thing out loud would be to hurt his relationship with his daughter and he had always prided himself on being a good father. He certainly wasn't acting like one now. He had to stop all this nonsense now, once and for all. Fuck his erection!

"Sarah!" he growled, as he pushed her chin up with the crook of his pointed finger. "I'm not going to play games with you. I'm your father. I love you, but I can't love you like this. What I want is for you to stop this. Regardless of whether I want you or not, I couldn't possibly do those things to you. Now, I don't know why you are acting like this, or where you got such language from, but it isn't going to work on me. You're looking for a reaction from me and you aren't going to get it! I'm sorry I did what I did before. I shouldn't have. It's my fault all of this happened. You are just reacting to what I did. I take full responsibility for it. Doing what we did is one thing, but it can't go any further than this. Now...I want to take you out to dinner, so let's go back to the hotel so we can get changed and have a nice meal, and forget about all of this."

Sarah smiled and said in her best little girl voice, "Yes, daddy."

Nick opened the car door for her and she climbed in. Sarah smiled to herself as her father walked around the car. He was cracking. He was definitely cracking.

Nick got in the car and started the engine. He turned up the volume to the radio and pulled ahead.

"Daddy?" she asked in a little girl voice.

"Yes, Sarah?" Nick answered warily.

"I love you more than anyone in the whole world. I didn't mean to act like that. I just thought this was what you wanted. I hear what you say to Carly when you're fucking her. You wouldn't have to pretend with Carly anymore and have her call you daddy when you are in bed together. You're always my daddy." She flashed her father a smile and turned the volume of the radio up, settled back into her seat, pulled her feet up to rest on the dash board and turned her head to look out the window.

Nick was flabbergasted. She had heard him and Carly. She was just repeating the words he had said to Carly because she thought it would please him. He felt badly for yelling at her. She was really still a little girl looking for his love, after all.

They drove the rest of the way to the hotel in silence. Sarah smiled secretly to herself. She knew exactly what buttons to push.


Author's note: Thanks for all the feedback on this story so far. I appreciate any and all comments. If you liked this, please take a moment to vote. Stay tuned for the next part!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Nicely Done

There's a really strong plot here, which is well put together. I liked the switches between the points-of-view. The characters are believable and the story flows well, although there are some corny lines and some cliche's (the word 'daddy' pops up a few too many times). This story really stands out, it's really refreshing to see some competent writing on this site. xx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

absolutely amazing. hurry up with the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Excellant Torture!

Can't wait till the next chapter. This is the best and why I love reading the incest stories, it's all about the hunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Intense!! Can't wait till dad and daughter finally hook up; might be enen more intense if there is no protection and risk!!

Fantasy KissFantasy Kissabout 18 years ago
oh god you're killing me!

this damn story is pefect. loved the fight scene. hate it when they just give in like incest is normal. watching the conflict and desire is intoxicating.... makes the best foreplay. Where the hell is three?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Seduction at its best

The daughter seducing her father like this is incredible. Wow is all I can say-I could totally get into this fantasy for sure-it is probably every fathers fantasy I would say. The battle btwn societies morality vs his love and desire for his daughter is incredible. His insides are going crazy with what he should do. I cant wait for the next installment and I definately know he loves her more than anything so their "love" for one another will probably win out!!! Keep it up-your writing and descriptions are out of this world~~~

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Very nicely done

Can't wait for the next chapter

DexicreonDexicreonabout 18 years ago

Great sexual tension! Looking forward to the next installment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
2nd best

Excellent story. I love how seductive the daughter is, she had him along time ago. I love how you continue to get so intense and then keep us hanging. You write like he loves to fuck, it's wonderful. Hope the next one comes soon. This is the second best story I've ever read on here. Everyone has what they like and daughters seducing their daddy's does it for me. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

His goose is definitley cooked...and he doesn't even know it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Even better than the 1st!

He doesn't have a chance!!!

I loved the way you took us to the edge, made us think he was going to give in and then let it all explode!

Awesome writing; I'm completely hooked! Next chapter, please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
what a story!

A 100 for sure...Only;for the shock value and why daddy was so angry ya shoulda wrote about the 40 guy orgy you took the time to have during your 'special time together'...Just why he was so shocked and frustrated with his precious baby's behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
loved it

please hurry with the next one .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Awesome story , look forward to the next instalment

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