Amusement Park Adventure Pt. 04


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Nick turned away. The moment seemed private suddenly, and he felt intrusive watching Sam gaze adoringly into Sarah's eyes as he stroked her face. Nick backed out of the room quietly.

He walked down the hall, collecting his thoughts, calming himself; trying to make the transition in his mind of the little girl she was no longer, the woman she had become. The woman he wanted, and could have had.

She would have given herself willingly to him but he kept pulling back each time. Yes, it was the right thing to do, but at that moment he realized what a fool he had been. That could have been him, and not Sam.

He couldn't blame her for having needs, for being attracted to a man like Sam. He couldn't fault Sam for being attracted to her. Hell, he knew he was. And certainly, it was no one's fault but his own that he had left her alone in the jazz club while he was getting sucked off by a stranger. He couldn't help though but feel some anger at Sarah. She had acted one way with him and had done just that thing with Sam.

He punched Sam's cell number dejectedly into his own cell and waited as Sam picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hello?" asked a breathless Sam.

Nick winced and cleared his throat. "Hi, Sam. It's Nick. Nick Taylor."

"Oh hey, Nick. I was wondering what happened to you." Sam was searching for what to say. Guilt washed over him as he heard the voice of his old friend on the other end. He motioned for Sarah and mouthed, "It's your Dad."

Sarah's eyes widened and she began to straighten her dress, standing with wobbly legs from the chair she had just had two orgasms in. "Two amazing orgasms," she thought to herself.

Sarah heard him say, "Yeah, yeah. She's right here. We were just out on the veranda having a drink. Do you want to talk to her?" Sam motioned for Sarah and handed her the phone after inviting Nick up to his room.

Sam walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water onto his face, as he listened to Sarah's end of the conversation.

"Sam's been great. We've just been up here talking... You seemed pretty busy."

He looked into his face and shook his head, disgusted with himself for lying to his friend. He wasn't sorry for what happened. It wasn't that. He wouldn't take back one second of his time with Sarah. He had wanted her for so long, and it was clear she had felt the same. A twinge of regret that they weren't able to go further crossed his mind. He sighed as he pulled his shirt back over his head and buckled his belt.

Sarah hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom. Sam looked at her, his eyes softening. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Are you sorry?" he asked her.

"Only that I didn't get to feel you inside of me," she said softly.

He squeezed her, pulling her tighter and bent to kiss her. It was a tender kiss and he had the thought that it would be easy to fall in love with a girl like her. Intelligent, funny, beautiful, witty, sexy, seductive. Not to mention an incredible kisser, a killer at blow jobs. And she had the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted.

The knock on the door ended their kiss abruptly. He realized he hadn't even asked if he could see her again as she walked out of the bathroom and opened the door to let her father in. He watched as she threw her arms around Nick's neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. He thought he saw Nick turn his cheek slightly away, his body rigid. He brushed the thought aside, deciding it was his imagination. Nick couldn't have known what they did.

"Hey, Nick," Sam said, trying to sound far from the sheepish way he was feeling.

"Hey," Nick said, giving Sam a friendly slap on the back. He was trying to keep his cool and remember where the faults of the situation really lie.

"You want a drink?" Sam offered.

"Nah, I think I have had enough for tonight. Actually, I just want to go to bed. We have a big day planned tomorrow."

Sarah glanced between the two men, feeling caught in two worlds. What was she doing? She wanted Nick but she also wanted Sam, and it didn't seem like whatever it was her father and she had been doing was going to go any further. "I'll grab my purse."

Sarah looked around for her purse, and not finding it, tried to remember what happened to it. She must have left it in the jazz club. She would look for it tomorrow. She didn't think tonight would be good to tell her father she had left in such a hurry to get back to Sam's room that she left her purse at the table.

As they left the room, Sarah and Sam's fingers brushed against each other, lingering, sliding across the lengths of their fingers before she turned briefly and met his eyes. "Good night," she whispered.

He closed the door and nearly fell against it. "Good night," he said softly, to no one in particular.

Chapter 16: "The Storm"

The ride up the elevator was quiet. Sarah noticed her father was avoiding eye contact with her. He seemed troubled, angry, guilty, and although still somewhat drunk, it was as if a sobering reality had hit him. She remained quiet, unsure what she should do or say, and confused as to why he would be angry with her.

Sarah sat on a chair on the veranda, mulling over the night's events as Nick cleaned himself up in the bathroom and slipped into bed, turning the TV on. She called to him, asking if he wanted to join her. "I think it's going to storm. Dark clouds are floating in."

"Yeah, the weather forecasted a possible electric storm tonight...I think I am just going to watch some TV before falling asleep. I'm pretty tired...It's been a long day."

His tone was sad...with a hint of coldness it seemed. Sarah sighed and walked back into the room, heading for the bathroom. "I guess I'll get ready for bed, too."

When she returned, Nick briefly looked up, then quickly away. She stood still, deflated. Walked casually to the sliding doors and stood, looking out for a long while.

Nick had noticed her when she walked in wearing a pink baby doll with beige lace lining both the straps and hem of the skirt. In his brief glance he noted how it showed off her sculpted thighs perfectly. A tiny satin string tied into a bow was nestled between the pleated fabric covering her breasts. He felt his pulse quicken when he saw her, but was determined to not go down that route again. He pretended to ignore her, still angry, defeated...yet turned on.

With a sigh, he turned the TV off, unable to concentrate on the screen. He clicked off the light switch next to his bed, punched down his pillow and flopped down. Sarah was in his direct view. He didn't even know she owned something like that. When had she bought it? Was this the first time she wore it?

The memory of her splayed legs, her fingers pressed inside herself as she sucked on Sam's cock entered his mind. Her mouth had looked so beautiful gripped around the base of his cock. He had never seen anything so enticing before. He wanted it to be his cock in that mouth. His hands reached to his stiff member between his legs and pulled it out of his boxers, stroking it as he watched the curve of her ass, the shape of her thigh.

A breeze blew and lifted her covering slightly, revealing a pair of tiny panties. Her ass filled them perfectly and he longed to rub his cock against it.

She turned suddenly and he froze, shut his eyes, feigning sleep. Thunder rolled in the distance.

Sarah slipped into her bed quietly clicking off the last light. Why did her dad seem so angry with her? Why was he practically ignoring her? She stared up at the ceiling.

She found herself still hungry, wanting to be filled. She wondered if she could slip into Sam's room without her father knowing once he fell asleep. She wondered if her father would touch her if she crawled into bed with him. She recalled the feel of his cock through his pants under the table in the restaurant. How her knee felt on fire as his hand caressed her. How she showed him her nipples and his eyes went wide.

Her hands went to her pussy. She stroked herself lightly through her panties, feeling the fabric grow damp. Sliding a finger deeper in, she pushed the material in between her lips until she could feel her clit.

Thunder growled in the sky, threateningly close. Lightening flashed, filling the room with its electric blue light. Familiar childhood fear ran through her and she felt suddenly alone. "Dad?" she whispered.



Still nothing.

She crawled out of bed, crept across the room and went to him.

Nick felt the covers lifted slightly, her weight on the bed before she called his name again.

"Are you awake?"

He mumbled, pretending to be asleep, but wide awake, conscious of her presence.

"I'm scared."

He reached out to stroke her cheek, a feeling of love overcoming his anger. She was still his baby, after all.

A large clap of thunder came from overhead. Sarah huddled closer to him.

"Dad? Why are you angry with me?"

He sighed, moving the covers a bit off his shoulders. "I'm not angry with you."

"I can tell when you are angry. Just tell me. Why?"

A long silence fell between them. Nick wrestled with the truth.

"I saw you," he said simply.

She lay still, trying to understand.

"With Sam."

A heavy moment of realization passed over Sarah.

"How?" she said, barely breathing.

"The door was unlocked. Before I called. I saw. You. Him. I walked out. I called from the hallway," his sentences staccato utterances.

"How much did you see?"


She reached; touched his chest and he flinched. He was scared to be close to her she realized. To be touched by her.

"You're angry I was with him. Kissing him."

He didn't respond. She pressed. "Touching him. Being intimate with him."

He said nothing for a long while.

"Would you have gone further if I hadn't called?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

"Are you asking if I would have fucked him?" She felt his body tense beneath her hand.


"Would you have wanted to watch me fuck him?" she asked.

He didn't say anything.

She touched his stomach. His muscles were tight. Her hand moved lower. His hardness, already out of his boxers, met her hands, telling her for certainty what she needed to know.

"I think you're angry I had his cock in my mouth and not yours," she said pointedly.

His cock jerked, belying his verbal silence.

"Did you want it to be you?"

Her hand gripped him. Her strokes were slow, deliberate.

"You're angry because it was Sam's cock and not yours. You're angry because you left me there in the club to be with...that woman. And Sam was the one who took the opportunity to be with me. You're angry because I enjoyed it...because I wanted him."

Her words came at him, stinging him, salt on open wounds.

Sarah's thumb found the wetness on the tip of his cock. She smeared it around the bulbous head.

He gasped.

Lightening flashed; illuminating her beautiful face hovered above his head. He felt the breath come out of her mouth in warm, sweet puffs.

"Did you like watching his fingers inside of me? You must have seen me spread out in his chair, my pussy being fucked by his fingers. Did you see me playing with my clit? Did you see him cum in my mouth?"

Nick groaned, the images flashing through his mind, his daughter's hand on his cock driving him insane.

"I came twice with him."

He closed his eyes.


Nick opened his eyes. "Yes, what?" He was confused. Too much was happening at once.

"Yes. I would have fucked him."

Nick nodded, unsure what he felt.

"What about the woman at the bar? Did you fuck her?"

"Anita? No."

"What did you do?"

"Sarah, please." Nick tried to push her off of him. He didn't want to face the reality of what he had done, much less tell her about it.

She didn't relent but did remove her hand from him. "Tell me. I told you."

"You didn't have to tell me. I saw," he retorted.

"I told you what I would have done. I answered your question," she pointed out.

"Fine," he snapped. "I kissed her. I touched her. I let her get me off."


"How, what?"

"How did she get you off?"

"With her mouth."

"Where?" Sarah was turned on, imagining her father with this woman, images of him with Carly as she masturbated while watching and listening flashed through her mind.

"In the elevator."

"Were you going to fuck her?"


"Why did you stop?"

"Because I thought of you," he said quietly.

A long silence ensued.

"Touch me," she said, almost whispering.

She moved closer to him, their faces inches away. She stroked his stomach, his arms, and his hips. She heard him swallow when her feathery touches again found his penis.

"Touch me like I'm touching you."

Sarah reached out, found his hand and brought it to her lips. She softly kissed it and then moved his palm over her breasts so he could feel the tightness of her nipples through her nightie. Lower, she led him over her taut stomach and finally to rest on her panty clad mound, where she finally took away her own hand.

"I want you to touch me. I want this," she said. "I want you."

Nick was overcome with lust. His fingers reached out, tentatively exploring her nether lips through her panties. He moaned, his head finding her neck. "Sarah," he breathed into her skin.

Her hand found his balls, and fondled them, feeling the heaviness of their weight. She sighed, "Mmmmm..."

His fingers caressed her pubic mound, feeling the hairs pressed beneath her underwear. She was wet.

"Tell me you want me, Daddy. Tell me, please," she begged.

His fingers pressed into her, finding her darkness with his fingers. He groaned. He moved the panties to the side and found himself sliding into the wetness of her slit. When he found the swollen bud of her desire, he lost all control. He became a man with a need.

"I want you, Sarah. God help me, I want you." He rolled her onto her back, crushing her with his weight, her nipples poking into his chest hair.

He found her mouth.

The hunger he had tried to restrain broke free and he found it matched with his daughter's own need.

Their tongues danced. It was the sweetest kiss he had ever had. Her mouth seemed made for his. He sucked her tongue, pulling it between his lips, until she moaned and was writhing beneath him.

Propping himself up on his elbow, he found her breasts, his tongue licking them through her top until he lifted the baby doll over her head, nearly ripping it in his urgency.

Sarah's eyes rolled back, heat emanating throughout her body, her father's mouth searing the flesh of her breasts. He bit her nipple, pinching the other before soothing it with his tongue, suckling it between his lips.

She cried out his name.

His lips moved over her stomach, his tongue dipping into her bellybutton and then over her tummy. Her back arched.

She felt wild with need.

With no hesitation remaining, Nick slipped his daughter's panties off, sliding them down her leg, kissing her thigh...her ankle as he removed them. He pushed her legs apart, and spread her wet lips with his fingers, marveling in the scent coming at him in waves.

Sarah's hands pushed his head down, her need primal and urgent. A scream came from her as she felt his mouth on her swollen clit. Her hips bucked. She fucked his face as he lapped her pussy, fingers finding their way into her velvet depths.

"Fuck, yes! Eat me. Eat my pussy, Daddy!"

He met her demand with wild vigor. Her juices smeared onto his face. He had never tasted such a sweet pussy. His cock was ready to burst and he knew he couldn't wait much longer this first time. They had waited long enough already.

Moving up her body, he took his cock in his hands and rubbed it along her slit, coating it with the slickness of her cunt.

"You want my cock, Sarah?" he teased her.

"Yes! Fuck, yes!"

"Where do you want it?" He was now the one in control.

"Inside me!" she begged.

"Tell me where you want it, Sarah."

"I want your cock in my pussy. Please!"

"What do you want my cock to do in your pussy, Sarah?"

"I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck my wet cunt with your hard cock. I want you to cum deep inside my pussy. Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my pussy with your cock!" She was beside herself with lust.

With that, he grabbed his shaft and drove it into her, deep. She screamed.

He growled. Her pussy was tight. Her walls enclosed his cock, soft, warmth surrounding him.

He found her mouth and they kissed and quickly found a rhythm, their hips moving together and apart, his cock gliding into her wetness, her juices coating him.

"You feel so fucking good, Sarah. So fucking tight. Wet. Hot."

"Harder, Daddy. Fuck me harder. Deeper." Her nails clawed his back, his butt, pushing him as deep into her as she could.

Her hips lifted, her legs came around his back. He could feel his cock slamming into her cervix. He didn't want this to end but he was desperate for release.

He pinched her nipples and never stopping fucking her.

He told her to look in his eyes. "I want to see you as you cum."

They were in a place where no one else existed, their pleasure the only thing that mattered. passed through their eyes. Their connection ran deep and strong.

"I'm gonna cum, Sarah. Cum for me. Daddy wants to feel you cum on his cock," he moaned.

Waves of pleasure washed over her. She was enveloped in warmth, and darkness. Her pussy throbbed, taking over her existence. "Now, Daddy. NOW! Cum inside me. Cum inside your little girl. Nowwww...!"

Her pussy contracted, juices exploded from deep within her depths. A vise around his cock, causing his balls to constrict, he let himself go. He shot his cum into his daughter's pussy, coating her walls with his hot sperm. "I love you, Sarah," he cried as he let himself go.

Her arms wrapped around his, pulling him close. "I love you, Daddy. God, I love you."

They fell together, a film of sweat covering their bodies. Their hearts raced, beating wildly in their chests, their breathing shallow and fast. He pulled her, still connected inside, to his chest and held her there. Sarah sighed deeply, snuggled into her father's chest and inhaled, his male scent making her drowsy and content. She was deeply satisfied, and overcome by the emotions washing over her. Nick felt her heartbeat against his and before he fell asleep, completely exhausted by all that had happened, had the thought that he had never felt so at at home. Until now...


Please take a moment to vote on this story. I appreciate any comments, feedback, suggestions with regards to the story, writing style, characters, etc.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I read all for parts of your story...unbelivable...when i started reading i couldnt are great...keep up the good work..

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I agree with "Good Story Up To Dinner"

Actually, it was a great story for me until Dinner. The introduction of Anita & Sam changed it from a story of love to one of just lust. It was an interesting twist to the story, but a disappointing one for me. Yet, all of the emotions played out very, lust, disappointment, hurt & anger. You are an excellent writer and I look forward to more from you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
WOw, this was Very good...TY

Very well done...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
start heart!

What an anti-climax! I suffered through umpteen chapters to finally see! Nick slap the salami to her, and's over? Well fuck that! This story just begs for more action. Please tell me you're working on the next edition...

Lewd_JohnnyLewd_Johnnyalmost 18 years ago
One small thing

For the record I put 100 because its really well written and I enjoyed it.

If I had one gripe though, it would be that the father got over it really really really fast.

The rest was believable, but the moment she did that with her fathers friend... well, if I put myself in the fathers shoes would kind of mark her the way the fathers girlfriend is. The girlfriend wants his money his cock etc. True, he's using her, but turnabout is fairplay. The daughter loves him etc. The act of sleeping with sam, or getting close even, puts that in doubt. Mind you, I'm not saying that the daughter is using the father for her sexual needs and thats it. I'm only saying that would be the initial /perception/.

Personally I would think there would most certainly be some more issues from this. I look forward to seeing how you make it play out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
fantasies realized....

Rowneyedgrrl has proven to all of us, me in particiliar, that her fantasies are real... that she truely belives in what she is writing... and she writes magnificently... showing us that it is not just sex or lust, but true love. How can one not admire her amazing style and incredible tease... she knows what a man likes... she knows how to tease and to build up the sexual tension beyond belief. The inpatient reader will grow tired, and want to hurry, proving to me that she loves older men, and not boys. I can only hope that she continues to do so... to love and to write and tell us about her fantasies!

zombie22zombie22almost 18 years ago

I am humbled by your artistic powers! This is the kind of story that I love to read. Great details and build up. Tension and conflict and hot sex all rolled up into an amazing story. Can't wait to read more of your stories, including the next chapter of this one. Keep it going!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
A very long storie

Yes it's was to long with nothing to the bulid up at the end. I gave you A 5 but not becused it was all that good .You take to long to get to the best part then it's over

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
The storm.

What a little cock-teaseing slut...To go and ruin prefect romantic 'alone talk time'...WELL FOR ME IT WAS.I had (or would have had) stuff to SAY;about where we're going.Still daddys little girl though;even if you are a 'cock hound size queen'... ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
was a good story up to dinner

I don't think either one of them deserved to have anita and sam thrown into the mix. It ruined the blissfull build up. I couldn't get past seeing sara with another man.too mad even for an angry fuck. But don't let a personal hang up stop you from writing such good work

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