Amy, a Lawyer


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Amy watched as Sophie applied the last of her makeup. She had to admit she looked good. Not slutty at all. Her hair looked elegant, the sort of thing you might wear to a formal work dinner or the like. Her nails were immaculate, painted in a subdued colour. Her makeup was excellent, Sophie was a real artist. Amy thought she looked just like what she was, a professional woman ready for an important social event. Sophie had picked out the best of Amy's jewellery, a pair of delicate sapphire earrings and a matching necklace.

"Now then," Sophie said fussing over a last little piece of makeup that Amy couldn't even see. "Let's make sure we've got this straight, the cab'll be here soon." Amy nodded.

"It'll take you to his hotel, where he'll meet you in the lobby. Don't worry, he'll recognise you. After that it's up to him. Dinner at some expensive restaurant, a nice bit of conversation, then back to his room I guess. And what happens then Amy?" Sophie sounded like a school teacher.

"We make love?" Amy said, almost pleading, still looking at her own image.

"Nuh uh, girl, try again," Sophie admonished. Amy could see Sophie's face in the mirror, see her wagging her finger.

"We have sex?" Amy tried.

"Better," Sophie encouraged her, "or...?"

"We fuck. He fucks me." Amy said.

"Good," Sophie smiled and prompted, "And then?"

"He pays," said Amy.

"Well," Sophie said, "actually he's already paid. Stacey likes to check credit cards beforehand. But good enough. So what will you be doing tonight?"

"I'll be getting fucked," Amy declared. She couldn't take her eyes off her image in the mirror. A proper professional woman looked back. No one looking at her would think that she was a sex worker. A sex worker on her way to getting fucked.

"For?" prompted Sophie.

"For money," replied Amy.

"So, put it all together," said Sophie.

"I'll be getting fucked for," Amy stumbled over the words, "for money. I'll be getting fucked for money." She looked at the woman in the mirror. Is that right? she asked, Is that what you'll be doing? A voice in her head, once tiny, answered, Yes, yes that's what I'll be doing.

"And what do we a call a girl who gets fucked for money?" asked Sophie. The brunette was bending over, a hand on each of Amy's shoulders.

The blonde lawyer turned to look at the other woman. "A, a sex-worker?" Amy replied, hopefully.

"Or?" Sophie demanded.

"A, a," Amy swallowed, looking away, "a prostitute?"

"That's right," Amy could see Sophie's image in the mirror nodding. "So what are you Amy?"

"A prostitute," Amy said, softly.

"Say 'I'm a prostitute'," Sophie commanded.

"I'm a prostitute," Amy echoed.

"Say 'I get fucked for money'," another command from Sophie.

"I get fucked for money," Amy felt the truth of the words seeping into her. Or was it seeping out, from somewhere it'd always been hidden? The young lawyer couldn't tell.

"One last time," Sophie said "I'm a prostitute, I get fucked for money and I love it."

Amy was eager now. "I'm a prostitute, I get fucked for money and I love it." She knew that what she was saying was the truth. She was certain that she'd found that missing part of her fantasies.

Sophie's image smiled. "That's my girl. Now, because this is your first time, I'm going to be waiting here until you get back tomorrow morning. We want to make sure you're okay, right?"

Wow, thought Amy, that's nice of her.

"And I'll have your money for you" Sophie looked away, out the window, as if she had heard something.

"Okay, the cab's here, don't worry, it's already paid for. You got your coat, your purse, condoms in it?" Sophie asked. Amy nodded.

"Great. You go have fun." Sophie waved her off and out the door.

Amy was wracked with nerves the whole trip in the cab. She was certain she wanted to do this, but part of her still had doubts. How hard can it be? she kept trying to reassure herself. It really wasn't any different to what she'd done with Craig. However much she might wish it, the anxiety wouldn't go away. What if the man didn't like her? Didn't think she was attractive enough? What if he didn't like the sex? She was more nervous than she'd been before her first court appearance.

Every few minutes the young woman had to struggle to stop herself biting her lip. She couldn't do that, it might ruin the gloss that Sophie had so carefully placed there. All she could do was try to keep her emotions under control and hope she didn't make a fool of herself. She was supposed to be a professional, she couldn't let her doubts show. Amy remembered some of her cases, briefs that were not as complete as she'd have liked, insufficient time to prepare making her worry that she'd overlooked something. But she'd always managed to appear calm and assured. This wasn't that much different.

Despite how much she tried to reassure herself, Amy's heart was in her mouth as she entered the hotel lobby. Swallowing nervously, she looked around. Whoever she was here to meet, he must have money. The size of the lobby, the towering glass walls surrounding her, and the elegance of the fittings, left the young woman in no doubt that the place was expensive.

Anxiously clutching her purse in front of her, the lawyer turned escort scanned the lobby, wondering who her client was. Quickly she discounted the employees or anyone who wasn't by themselves. Sophie had said "he", singular, so she doubted it was the group of men lounging at one of the low tables, or the couple talking to the concierge. That left three men. There was a scruffy haired blonde man with a short beard, feverishly typing away on a laptop. He may have been dressed casually, but for all Amy knew he was some hi-tech millionaire. An older man, dressed in a suit, was impatiently checking his watch. Another well-dressed man, looking about 40 and Indian in appearance, was looking out at the lights of the city through one of the glass walls.

Amy guessed that her client was one of the two older men, but she wasn't sure which one. She wished that Sophie had given her something more to go on. She realised that she couldn't keep standing in the entrance way, remembering something else Sophie had told her. "Don't draw attention to yourself. Remember, in this line of work you have to look fabulous but forgettable."

Swallowing Amy took a few steps into the lobby. She'd almost decided to try the man with the watch, as he was the only one obviously waiting for something, when the Indian gentleman started strolling in her direction.

He beamed at her, perfect white teeth showing in the smile that spread over his dark-skinned face. "Ah, Miss Samantha, you are looking wonderful tonight."

Samantha. Obviously Amy couldn't use her real name. Sophie had told her that tonight she was Samantha. This has to be him.

A wild thought struck the young woman. She could deny she was who he thought she was. If she went through with this she could be risking her whole career, everything she'd worked to achieve. All she had to do was walk away. The thought died almost as quickly as it came to her. She couldn't back out now, Amy knew that she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't find out if this was what she needed. This was where she had to be.

Her nerves seemed to vanish. Amy flashed the man what she hoped was a winning smile. She felt calm, she knew she looked amazing. She could do this. She wanted to do this.

"Hello," she beamed, reaching out to give the man a hug.

"Call me Arun," he said, returning her hug before his hand slipped to her arse. Amy tensed a little then relaxed, realising it was nothing more than she should have expected.

The hand didn't stay there for long, soon rising to the small of her back. Arun used that to guide her to a restaurant within the hotel. There a smartly uniformed waiter recognised the man immediately.

"Mr Subramani, your table is this way."

Arun Subramani, Amy thought, that's who's going to fuck me. She knew his full name. It was more than she could say about Craig.

Amy had been a little disappointed that they weren't going somewhere else, but she soon realised that the restaurant was as high-class as the hotel. The waiter took her coat and helped her into her chair. She'd rarely eaten somewhere so expensive. One look at the menu told her that she should be glad she wasn't paying for the meal.

Arum wanted to talk over dinner. Sophie had prepared her for that as well, "GFE, girlfriend experience. It's a good way to start. Just treat it like a date, work out whether he wants you to just say yes or whether he's looking for some intelligent conversation. You're smart, I know you'll be fine."

It was soon clear to Amy that her companion wanted a genuine conversation. They talked about politics and business and if he did mention his successful import company one too many times it wasn't her place to object. It was just like a normal date. Amy wondered why Arun needed to pay for companionship. He didn't seem that boring or banal and if he wasn't notably handsome he wasn't unattractive either. Maybe he didn't have time to go looking, maybe he just liked having a woman who would do whatever he wanted. She didn't pursue the thought, it didn't really matter.

After the meal was finished Arun guided Amy to the lift. She smiled and nodded at his conversation, but words were eluding her again, a mixture of nervousness and something else stealing her voice. Her throat had gone dry, the moisture in her body heading somewhere else entirely.

Amy could feel her legs starting to wobble as they exited the lift. She knew they must be nearing his room. She giggled when Arun suggested ordering some wine from room service.

Then she was in his room.

It was larger than most hotel rooms she'd be in, but then she'd never been able to afford somewhere as expensive as this hotel. There was the usual large bed and desk, but there were also some comfortable chairs and a low glass table. Everything was new and shone in the glow coming from upturned accent lights.

Arun didn't hesitate after the door was shut, moving in close and running his hands over Amy's body. The young woman couldn't stop a moan escaping her lips. She could see Arun smile as she wrapped her arms around him. The older man didn't have that much in the way of muscles, but he didn't have that much fat either.

One of Arun's hands reached for the zipper of Amy's dress and she stepped out of it before helping him with his clothes. With a polite "No" and a shake of his head Arun pulled her hands away when she reached for the fastner on her bra, obviously wanting to enjoy her lingerie clad form for a while.

They were soon on the bed, his hands exploring her body. He especially seemed to like feeling her tits and pussy through her underwear.

Soon, soon. Amy didn't know whether it was fear or desire that was driving her. Whatever it was she could feel arousal coursing through her body, tingling to her very nerve endings. Technically she wasn't a prostitute yet. Wouldn't be until he penetrated her. She could get up, grab her clothes, leave. Thank whatever gods she could find for her lucky escape. She could, but she didn't want to. She'd come this far, she had to see it through. If she didn't do this the idea would always gnaw at her, she'd never escape the uncertainty, the doubt. She had to know what it was like to be a whore, to know whether she wanted to be one.

The lawyer, soon to be prostitute, realised her that logic didn't entirely make sense. She didn't have to try being an airline pilot, or a firefighter, or a school teacher to know that she didn't want to be any of them. She should know whether she wanted to be a prostitute or not without trying it, because afterwards would be too late to turn back. Really, Amy admitted to herself, as Arun finally undid her bra, slipped it off her shoulders and threw it on the floor, she'd already made the decision. She wasn't sure when, hours ago, maybe days, maybe even years. She wanted this and anything else was pretence.

The blonde arched her back as Arun sucked at her nipples, teeth clenching down on one then the other, not too hard, not painful, but enough to make her eyelids flutter.

Amy knew what she needed to do. Quickly, with more expertise than she thought she'd possess, she reached for her purse. Finding what she needed she slipped a condom over Arun's throbbing member. Then her panties were gone and she was lying on the bed underneath him, naked.

This is it, she thought. She was wet and ready and had no need for the tube of lubricant that Sophie had made sure she brought. "Even if you're not ready, you have to be," the brunette had said. That wasn't a problem for Amy, not tonight anyway.

There was a moment when Amy knew that she could still escape, as Arun held himself above her and looked into her eyes. When she could have said no. She didn't. Instead she spread her legs wider.

Then he was in her and her back arched from the raw pleasure that exploded from the walls of her pussy. Amy's vision blurred as mind-numbing lightning shot through her. Her hips were thrusting back and forth in time with his cock sliding in and out of her, ripples of pleasure turning into thunder as her pulse pounded in her ears.

I'm a prostitute, she thought, as her orgasm exploded over her.

Arun took her twice more before sleep claimed him, insisting both times that she put her underwear back on to begin with. Obviously the lingerie was something of a fetish for him. He even followed through with his promise of wine, the two of them lounging on the bed in white robes, sipping from their glasses, between two of their bouts.

Amy sat on the bed, putting her earrings back in place as Arun snored gently beside her. She knew now that she'd made the right decision. She didn't know what the future held, she still wanted to keep her career as a lawyer, hoped that Stacey was right when she'd said everything could be kept discrete. But Amy couldn't bring herself to regret what she'd done. She was a prostitute now, as well as a lawyer, and that just felt right.

After smoothing down her dress as best she could she leant over and gently prodded Arun awake.

"You off?" He asked, taking in her clothed form.

"Uh-huh," Amy replied, "it's time."

"Okay then," he said sleepily, "see you again sometime?"

Amy's heart fluttered. He wouldn't ask that if he hadn't enjoyed himself. It was nice to know he appreciated her service. "That's up to you," she smiled, "but you know the number to call." Not hers of course, the escort agency's, but they both knew that.

Sophie was waiting for her back at Amy's home, one of four semi-apartments made from subdividing a large old house. Amy had one of the ground floor spaces. She loved it, it was light and airy and had polished wood floors.

"How did it go?" the brunette asked after Amy closed her door.

"Fine," the blonde replied as she started removing her jewellery and putting it away.

"Only fine?" Sophie asked, dubiously.

Amy grimaced, turning to look at the other girl, "Okay, okay, it was great, I loved it, all right?"

Sophie's eyebrows shot up, obviously surprised at Amy's vehemence.

Amy shook her head. "Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped. I'm just worried what might happen if someone finds out. But it was really good. And without you this would never have happened. Thank you." She walked over to the other girl and hugged her.

Eventually Sophie took a step back, breaking the embrace, but still holding onto Amy's hands. "I'm glad," the brunette smiled. "You okay by yourself? That taxi won't wait forever." The cab that had brought Amy home was waiting outside, Amy telling the driver he'd have another passenger.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Amy assured her friend. She paused, realising that she did think of Sophie as a friend, unsure when that had happened.

"Well, you know how to get me if you need me. Stacey will ring you today or tomorrow, get everything set up." Amy knew that there was more to do. She'd need photos (none showing her face of course) to set up an entry on the escort agency's website and probably some other things needed sorting out as well. When she'd be available, what services she'd offer. She wasn't even sure what was possible.

"And your money's over there," Sophie added, pointing to a plastic bag on Amy's kitchen table.

Okay, let's see what I made, Amy thought. Not much point being a prostitute if I don't get the money.

She opened the bag and then dropped it in surprise. Then she gingerly opened it again, her mouth hanging open. She was sure there was more there than she made in a week as a lawyer.

"Don't get used to that much," Sophie warned, "you won't always get all-night bookings, most of them are by the hour, and there's a first time bonus in there as well."

Amy nodded, it didn't surprise her that there'd been a premium for her first time as a prostitute.

"But before I go," Sophie continued, "one last thing. Sorry, but I told you one little fib."

"What?" asked Amy. She was sure it wasn't anything much. She knew that she could trust Sophie.

"Do you remember," Sophie asked in return, "back in the police station when we first met I said 'you can't just tell by looking at someone whether they're a whore'?"

"Umm, I think so," replied Amy, a little uncertainly. She was sure that she remembered Sophie saying something like that.

"Well," said Sophie, "that may be true, but I can tell by looking at a girl whether she wants to be a whore. Even if she doesn't know it herself. And as soon as I saw you I knew that you wanted it."

"Wow," laughed Amy, "you knew me better than I knew myself." Amy was amazed. If only she'd known herself as well for who knows how long as Sophie had in a few minutes she could have saved herself a lot of frustration. She couldn't believe how far she'd come in just two weeks.

"And that's not all," Sophie added.

"It isn't?" asked Amy, wondering what else Sophie knew.

"You know that cute little receptionist at your office? What was her name, Natalie?"

"What about her?" asked Amy, frowning.

"She wants to be prostitute too. We'll have to help her, won't we?" Sophie shot the young lawyer, now part-time escort, a sly smile.

Amy was surprised, she'd never have thought that about Natalie. But then, before the last couple of weeks, she'd never have thought it about herself either. Sophie was right about me, thought Amy, so she must be right about Natalie as well.

"Yes, we will," Amy happily replied.

Wow, Amy thought as the cab took Sophie away, it'd be great if Natalie was a prostitute too. Then they'd have so much in common. She'd finally feel like she actually knew someone at work.

The End (for now)

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hottestrod4uhottestrod4u17 days ago

Very enjoyable story with a clever ending too!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

We need a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very hot story!

I look forward to continuing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

poor bitch all that studying andhard work just to end up as a empty headed cum dump hope there's a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
That was a good story

I enjoyed reading this story. I would like to see part 2 "Natalie Becomes A Prostitute". I like all of your stories where girls become prostitutes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Wow! I loved this story! Please can you make a chapter 2 as soon as possible? It would be hot if you could slowly uncover Amy's descent into a low class, bimbo street whore, (slowly becoming iliterate and confused) while Sophie earns her degree and gets a respectable job. Thanks so much! xxxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great read!

I thought it was a wonderful story.

It has the makings for a good movie! The story had a bit more class than most, and it wasn't just about sex. One of the better stories I've read. I read, "too short" and "too long" in the comments, guess you can't please eveyone. For its length, which I thought was perfect, you did a great job of portraying your characters, setting up the plot, and closing.


fyrehartfyrehartover 7 years ago

I thought this was quite an interesting story. I enjoy exploring prostitution in its many forms, from high class call girls to unwilling victims forced into it. This was tender and did help me to suspend belief as I read it. One has to be able to suspend belief in the reader to have their story reach maximum enjoyment. My stories tend to be much more to the darker side of the world's oldest profession. Thank you for a good read.

MSKeslerMSKeslerover 7 years ago
Excellent Writing

I loved this story! I definitely think it's one of the best I've read on Literotica (and I've read a few). I like the concept....mind control....the seduction of an innocent woman who yearns to let out her inner slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Had the right length and not too long at all. Prefer stories that are long enough so you have time to get to know the characters.

Hopefully your other stories will get posted onto this site too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Super sexy story.

Loved your super sexy story, although a bit long. But have to admit my story's also get long.

verbicideverbicidealmost 8 years ago

I've got to say, the potential for a really good story is here, but the whole thing just falls flat in certain places. There's a whole lot of build up in Amy's response to the situation, but every time she should be reaching a fever pitch, emotionally the writing fails to convey it. Instead it seems she sleep walks through the whole experience. Usually this is forgivable if the sexual situations are suitable erotic, but the sex in the story is just summarized quickly, as if the author is either afraid of it or unable to write a powerful sex scene. Whatever the case, the story comes very close to being a really good story only to fall short of the mark and ends up being mildly disappointing.

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