An Angel's Fix Pt. 09


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"Yeah..." Ashley was unsure where this was going.

"I've been really open with Sam about everything. He wasn't happy about me going into that night, but understood it. More to the point, though, he knows about my feelings for you. If he and I get to the point of being a couple, he's fine with you and I hooking up when we want."

"As long as he gets to watch, right?"

"Not even that. He said as long as it makes me happy. So...since I didn't last night... I thought maybe we could knock out some frustration when we get back." Her eyes glanced toward the new sleeper section Joe had added to the plane. "Or even now..."

Ashley sighed in consideration. "I don't think that's a good idea. My parents are here... So is Sam... and Joe. Just too many distractions."

Jasmine's eyes couldn't hide the disappointment, but she said, "Then when we get back? I am soo antsy. No more supplements, but your kids are jacking up my own hormones." Her knees pressed together as she squirmed.

Ashley nodded, then got lost in her thoughts for a bit. "Twins," she mused suddenly. "And you're sure they're mine?"

Jasmine nodded a few times with a grin. "Really and truly yours and Joe's. Well, on second thought, there is a little of me mixed in."


"Well, they are feeding off my bloodstream," Jasmine smirked.

"Great...I'm handing them off to you when they hit puberty, then," Ashley joked.

* * *

One entertainment show started their episode off with the headline "Surrogate Night," showing a split screen picture of Ashley handing her first trophy off to Jasmine, and a snap of Jasmine whispering into a beaming Ashley's ear. Following the story of Ashley's fumbling speech and the reason behind it was the story of the huge response to her thank you speech song.

Had it not been for the amazing announcement of a barren woman becoming a mother, 'Thank You' would have been the big news. Despite pleas from Jon and fans, Ashley insisted that award night was the only time that song would be performed, much less recorded. She wanted to retain the special moment's importance for who she was thanking. The network replayed the piece in a number of its original shows and movies, and YouTube filled with hundreds of people attempting to cover the song. But, only the original clip of the performance gained 9 digit view numbers.

Interview requests poured in that week. Everything from tabloid rags to medical journals wanted the story behind the announcement. The 'project' had reached the glaring light of day, for the most part.

It started the night Ashley had been rushed to the hospital for hemorrhaging before she and Joe got engaged. When told Ashley's reproductive organs were to be removed, Joe quietly made tens of calls, desperately seeking a way to salvage something. His research found a couple of young doctors who had a theory to remedy the situation of children, but they would need funding for equipment, a lab, medicines, staff, and many other things required for their experiment. Joe offered to start a company for them, in exchange only for a chance it would work. At his direction, and with permission of her distraught parents, the damaged ovaries were turned over to his 'project.' The doctors worked feverishly to harvest as many eggs as possible that looked remotely viable. Those were placed in cryostorage until everything else could get set up.

Jill, Jasmine, and Kim all volunteered to be tested for compatibility, but Jill's markers were too far off. Kim and Jasmine would both need chemical efforts for the experiment, but were much closer to Ashley. Ashley's closeness to Jasmine determined the 'winning' candidate. Starting college freshman year, they first tried straight-up artificial insemination and implantation. After a few false starts that resulted in miscarriages, the project progressed to hormone therapy, and later was combined with anti-rejection medication. They started with the healthiest looking eggs, but for some reason, eggs started dying in the cryostorage. Suddenly, they were down to the last two eggs this fall, and those appeared doubtful.

They were the final chances at success, as well as the final possibility for Jasmine to get pregnant, ever. Her tubes had been tied early on to prevent her own eggs from accidental fertilization, and a complication led to cysts, which led to removal of her own ovaries. That procedure was outpatient, and she hid it in a hotel room for a few days with Joe's help by faking a business trip to Tennessee. At her insistence, the medication and hormones were increased to overdose levels, and both eggs were not pre-fertilized before both being implanted at the same time on either side of her uterus. Joe's frozen sperm was injected last.

Never told outside their group was that Jasmine had felt all along that natural insemination would be the only thing that would work. She had approached Joe a number of times about this, but he always refused. On the night that had caused so much hurt to all of them, Jasmine knew in her heart she had to get Joe to agree. Going overboard with reminders of Ashley along with overt sexual advances was the only way she could get him to break his ethical barrier. The timing ended up being horrible and the hurt to Ashley and Joe was far more than Jasmine wanted. But, in her heart, Jasmine knew that night was the method that finally gained a successful pregnancy.

* * *

Joe's form returned in Gainesville the next week, along with his concentration now that he fully reconciled with Ashley. When they returned home, the affection was back in a big way. Hand holding, kisses, and cuddles became the norm, rather than the exception. Jill joked often that she was getting a toothache watching the two. The success at the AMA's had cameras and reporters finding Ashley in the crowd, and she gave a couple of interviews via headsets. The Seminole Network asked her to return to the booth for halftime, and after that interview, Gene Deckerhoff called her the campus sweetheart, a moniker that since stuck with her. But having lost two games, and barely missing the conference championship game, Joe didn't have to play in December.

It was a blessing in disguise for them, personally, as their schedules were crammed with finals preparations, graduation, Christmas shopping, and interviews. After their last final, Joe called a house meeting. The girls joked that he was way too serious sometimes, but he pointed out that he really needed their attention. First off, he announced that there was a board meeting at Carter for the first week of Christmas vacation. The board was patient with him this fall, but if he couldn't make this one, a vote would be held to remove him as chairman. It wouldn't go anywhere, since he held the majority of shares, but still would not look good. Kim had related that Jon was pressuring for a concert anyway, so he suggested Ashley could hold one in Denver while they were there. She agreed to do two. One private as a company present to the employees, and one for the public.

Next, he moved on to the heart of why he called the meeting. What to do next year? All had finished their undergraduate work, but there were some glaring conundrums. Jasmine was showing now, no matter what she chose to wear, and that was a beacon for what he meant. Jill pointed out that she had two years before her law degree, but she wasn't sure yet what was in the cards for her and Mike. Jasmine declared she was done with school. She didn't want to assume anything, but said she was up for whatever, hoping plans included keeping her close by. Ashley said she was done as well. Getting a masters in music would be a snap for her, but she didn't want to teach, so that point was moot. Besides, caring for two newborn children would be enough of a challenge, let alone sneaking in obligations to her career. Joe nodded and said he would definitely be around to help. Ashley heard a note of duty in that line.

"No way, mister. You don't get to cop out that easy." She folded her arms and frowned deeply at him. "What do you want? Suck it up and tell me your heart!"

"I wanna be there for my kids," he said simply.

"Trust me," Ashley said. "You're going to be around them, plenty. I'll make sure you change your share of the diapers. Right now, I'm talking about you. You want the NFL? Full-time with Carter? Full-time nanny?"

He tried to disarm her with a grin. "Jesus, Ash! Do I have to present a Powerpoint on my 50-year career plan?" It didn't work, she was still looking hard at him. "I'm not interested in the NFL, but I would like to play another year of football."

"You've got two more years of eligibility. Why don't you get your MBA? Then we can all stay here while Jill finishes up. Give her someone worthy to cheer for."

Jill nosed in. "Uh, I'm not cheering next year. I'll be swamped with law school, and besides, my knees are starting to hurt."

"Yeah, you need to save those for Mike," Jasmine prodded.

"Jesus, Jazz!" Jill's tone was sharp, but she was grinning.

"Sorry...hormones," Jasmine said cheekily while patting her baby bump.

Jill shook her head. "Enjoy that card while it's still in your hand."

Jasmine smiled like the Cheshire Cat. "Oh, I intend to. Jill and Michael, sitting in a tree. S U C K I N G!!"

"You're incorrigible!"

"She'd be that way without being encouraged, Jill."

"Not what I said, Ash."


"Anyway," Joe broke in while grinning. "I guess Ashley figured this all we're staying here until Jill gets her degree."

"Yeah, I toyed with it in my head like two weeks ago," Ashley shrugged.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Joe asked.

"What? Miss your 'serious' meeting? I gotta let you have your pants once in a while."

"Wow," Jasmine gasped. "If you squint hard enough, you can almost see the strings," she said as she mockingly peered at Joe's neck and arms.

Jill defended him. "Said the kettle, who's all 'I'm up for whatever!'"

"Okay!" Ashley held her hand up to stop the bickering. "Now on to the real serious topic for this meeting...I'm hungry. What's for dinner?"

* * * Epilogue

Hannah watched her four year old daughter rifle through a box she had liberated from the closet. She sighed when she noticed the auburn pigtails arched stiffly from the girl's head. She had tied them too tight, again. Hannah strummed a few more chords, killing time before company arrived, and the random bars she played seemed to keep her daughter's tantrums to a reasonable level.

"What's this?" the girl asked, thrusting a folded paper in front of her mom's nose.

Hannah unfolded it and recognized what it was. "Oh wow. It's something I wrote to your grandma a while ago when I finished high school."

The girl crawled into her lap. "Why doesn't she has it?"

"I didn't give it to her."

"Why not?"

"I didn't think it was good enough."

"Why not?"

Hannah groaned. "Not this again! Not tonight, okay Pumpkin?"

The girl took her two tiny paws and put them on each of Hanna's cheeks, pulling herself nose to nose with her mother. "Tonight's special, I's gots to be good. Not so many questions. Okay, Mommy." Then she looked up into Hannah's eyes. "I'll eat Hannah tonight," she said darkly before scampering off to her room.

Hannah shivered. "Ugh, I hate it when she does that."

An arm came around her from behind the couch. "Like mother, like daughter. You used to say things like that all the time when you were her age."

Hannah hugged the arm and sighed in annoyance. "Could you take back that mother's curse, please?"

Ashley came around to sit next to her daughter. She put her hand on her chest in mock astonishment. "I would never put a curse on you."

"You don't think I know about the curse all moms put on their kids?! Ahem, 'I hope you have kids who act just like you!' You know, that shit works, don't you?"

Ashley chuckled. "When's your brother getting here?" she asked, turning the subject.

"Dan and Kendra should be here any minute. He texted that there was car trouble. I think he's just having trouble keeping his hands off her long enough to get TO the car." She scoffed. "And, their wedding isn't even until a couple of weeks."

Ashley raised an eyebrow. "Said the kettle who wants me to take back the mother's curse."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Aunt Jill's gonna sue you for plagiarism if you keep using that line! Anyway, I couldn't help it that Mark left me at the altar."

"Heh, but you did have a hand in why you were there with little Amber in your belly."

"Yeah, well...Where is Aunt Jill anyway?" Hannah grinned at taking a page from her mom's playbook and turning the topic.

"She and Mike are off helping start up another non-profit shelter for teen girls in Boston. At least that's the last we heard."

The front door opened and Hannah bounded that way; Ashley missed having that kind of energy. "Mama Jazz! Papa Sam!" Hannah squealed.

Jasmine grinned as she hugged her. "Congratulations! Again."

After their pleasantries, Ashley got up to greet her friend. "Hey girl! Been a long time."

Jasmine kissed her. "Far too long, come on!" She led Ashley up the stairs.

"Oh God," Hannah groaned.

Sam smiled as he hugged her. "Oh, come's not like you and Amy don't..."

"Amy's my assistant," Hannah said defiantly.

"Uh huh. And I'm just Mama Jazz's driver." He turned her shoulders so she could face him. "I know you two have fun. Don't you think your moms deserve that, too?"

"Ugh, I guess, but they're, like, 50!"

"I think it's cute that they still get on from time to time."

"Gross," she protested, then went in the kitchen to find Joe and Julie having a cup of coffee. "Daddy, I need a distraction."

"You could polish your speech," he suggested.

She pointed to her head. "All up here. Is Aunt Kim coming?"

Julie looked through her phone. "Yes, she and Jon are meeting us there. Same with Kendra's folks. Have you heard from her or Dan?"

Hannah related what she had told her mom earlier. Amber wandered in, her face covered in waxy blood red. "Amber Monica Smith! What is on your face?!"

"I put-ed on makeup!" the little girl said proudly.

"Is that lipstick?"

"Uh huh."

Joe chuckled. "There's your distraction. You did the same thing once with Mama Jazz's tube."

Hannah grabbed her daughter's hand and led her away to work on cleaning up. "Stupid curse," she muttered.

A while later, they arrived at Joe's Place (On The Beach), the greetings cheery, and Hannah endured many congratulations with Amber clinging to her leg. Joe eventually came to the rescue and picked up his granddaughter to hold for much of the night. Dinner was had, and Ashley was enjoying the conversations until Julie caught her eye and pointed to her watch from across the room.

Ashley got up and turned on the wireless microphone to call for attention.

"Thank you everyone for coming to Hannah's fifth Number One party! Remembrances is a fantastic piece, and a wonderful surprise in it's climb. Six years ago, Jon convinced me to give up my attempts to shield her from an entertainment career, and I signed her before anyone else could. I am so happy I did. Congratulations, sweetheart! Without further ado, Hannah Smith!"

Hannah and her band put on a brilliant three song set, during which Jasmine leaned into Ashley. "She's got your knack for entertainment."

Ashley smiled, "And she's got your slutty drive."

Jasmine gave a mock gasp. "I think she got that from both of us, actually. She's behaved since Amber, though," she said while nodding at the sleeping child on Joe's lap.

Ashley scoffed. "Mostly...she seems content playing around with Amy for now." Then after a thought, "More grandkids wouldn't be all bad, though."

"She'll find someone she can be happy with, and if it's her hot assistant, would that be so bad?"

Ashley nudged her. "You're bad."

Jasmine grinned. "Anyway, Dan and Cindy's daughter are getting married soon, they'll give you some more pattering feet."

"True, but they'll be living in Denver after the wedding when Dan takes CEO of Carter."

Jasmine shook her head. "Y'all have three planes now, visiting each other won't be a problem."

"Yeah, but they're chartered out most of the time."

"Jeez, Ash. Joe's Midas touch is a real problem, huh? Let's see...first there was you that turned to gold..."

"Actually, Carter was first."

Jasmine shook her head. "That was his parents. YOU were his first project." She caught the look. "Not that you were an investment for him in anything other than love. Then, there was your plane. Somehow he kept finding clients to rent it to when you weren't needing it. Now, it's like a mini executive airline. The fertility clinic I was the guinea pig for has helped thousands of couples have children. And then, there's this...his fourth Joe's Place."

"Well, Cindy was a huge help when Kim left to work for Jon as his agent. But, I'm glad Jon helped her get away from her brother."

"Yes," Jasmine agreed. "Cindy was great those couple of years. But then you taking on Julie when she graduated was a stroke of genius. Kim helped you get started, then there was that break for a couple of years when I had Dan and Hannah..."

Ashley broke in, "Ha! You call Phoenix's 28 episodes of churning out music a break?! On top of caring for newborns?"

Jasmine frowned. "Hey, you had me helping the whole time... of coarse it was a break compared to later when Julie came along and got us to build your own little empire. I don't think Cindy could manage 15 diva artists in her prime like Julie has."

"It was quite a ride," Ashley affirmed.

"And she," Jasmine nodded toward the stage, "will keep it going for a long time. She's just like you, faults, genius, talent, and all."

"With a little of you mixed in," Ashley asserted. Then her grin tilted playfully as she added, "unfortunately." She was rewarded with a playful swat.


Thanks for reading! This story's creation has gone far beyond the length of time I was intending. The characters have stopped talking to me, a sign I need to move on. Comment and rate according to your feelings, but really, the story is what it is. I wanted to give you readers a proper ending, but I fear it's obvious I just couldn't do more than wrap most things up. My heart just isn't in it anymore. The stories on Literotica have a huge range tastes and talent. But, none really filled what I was looking for. Angels and Guardians was my first attempt at writing anything. I wasn't happy with the way I ended it, thus came Angel's Fix. Between the two, I had decided to rewrite Angels and Guardians, the result being Two Hearts Stand Alone. I hope y'all read it, as I feel the story is far superior to this one. I have reread that story many, many times and I'm still not tired of it. I hope y'all feel the same. Thank you once again.

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rickydean56rickydean56over 4 years ago
Two hearts ?

I can’t find the story you mentioned

Two hearts stand alone

LoonytuneLoonytuneover 4 years ago

I just couldn't stop reading from the moment i started reading Angels and Guardians pt 1 not stopping till the early hours of the morning even making me late for work , Inducing a full range of emotions a true masterpiece.

LoonytuneLoonytuneover 4 years ago

I just couldn't stop reading from the moment i started reading Angels and Guardians pt 1 not stopping till the early hours of the morning even making me late for work , Inducing a full range of emotions a try masterpiece.

Lobosolo51Lobosolo51over 7 years ago

just an awesome story

niestarniestaralmost 8 years ago
loved it

This is one of the best story I have ever read in this site......Also the previous sequel was FANTASTIC....... Thanks for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great job on both hope you come back and do more soon!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well Done

Very good on both story's and a good ending well done

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Tough going

I had a very difficult time with the adultery.

yankeecatladyyankeecatladyalmost 10 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful story!

TestSubject001TestSubject001almost 10 years ago

What can I say, except thank you. Thank you for this wonderful story. Just like your other I thoroughly enjoyed it. You made characters that deeply cared about each other, and made us care about the characters. The ending was fine just the way you left it. I hope to read more from you in the future.

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