An Apocalypse Rising Ch. 03


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"Anything important that you talked about with Maylin that might matter?"

He shook his head. "Just talking."

He seemed hesitant to her, so she couldn't let it go. "About?"

"Being a mage in the world is all," he said finally. "After this is over, what keeps them from telling the world when we get home?"

"When we get home, if we get home, nothing prevents any of them from telling what they know of you, really. To withhold knowledge of a practicing mage is a crime itself. I can't order them to break the law. I ordered them not to speak of what happens here, but, ultimately, if they think you are the greater crime, they can tell without truly divulging how they know of it."

He tried to lighten her burden with his most charming grin; one that always made her smile. "Well, sounds as though you've given it thought."

"Since we married, Husband. You knew what the price was, and so did I when I agreed to marry you." Her eyes went to that distant point. "It would cost my friendship with the queen, but, as a last testament to that, she could probably be convinced to let us flee in the short time between investigating the claims and arrest."

Bryana's neck craned over Neral to look upon her in disbelief. "You would give up everything. It would mean your position and your House."

"Unlikely my House," she said, unable to hide her melancholy at the prospect. "House Jaye would likely be safe, though not untarnished. "Mother and my sisters would shun me publicly, whether they meant it, or just for show."

Bryana huffed in irritation at her parsing ."Only you dead to your House, then? What's the difference to you, love? You take so much pride in your position that the smile you wear when in your dress uniform could guide ships to the harbor. What would you even do if you did leave?"

Thinking about it made her smile as she traced Bryana's blonde hair with her eyes as it fell above her. "You made a decent living, didn't you?"

"Hah. Neral Jaye an outlaw for hire? Never will I see that."

"You don't think I could do it?"

"I think you would excel at it, Neral. The problem is that your heart would never let you down that path."

"We could always go to Adar." When the two looked at him, Deres continued. "It's part of what I talked to mother about. If the worst came to pass, we would be welcome there."

Neral corrected him. "You would be welcome there because it's your home. Bryana would be welcome there because, even if they think her primitive or not, she's a mage, so she's a kindred spirit. I'd be just the primitive."

"You would find a place that was your own," he assured her with a caress and a kiss.

Breaking it, she rolled to her back. Goddess, how that golden hair just curls so...softly. She could read the hint of feverish excitement in her eyes. "You so want to go, don't you?"

The mage clutched her. "Have you no curiosity, Neral? Don't you even wonder how far the spires of metal and glass truly reach?" She imagined it and it thrilled her. "To be in a place that shows all what magic can be? Think of it. And we would be safe...all of us. If it came to that, where else is better?"

Neral would have been lying to herself if she'd tried to tell herself she wasn't curious. The stories he told were sometimes more fantastic than the tales that she'd heard from storybooks. She was also introspective enough to know that being the oddity in such a place would be difficult, but a balance would be found eventually, as that was life. She pulled the mage to her and their lips met determinedly, Bryana giving back all she received.

As much as it would break her heart to be away from her mother and sisters there was family enough with her now to start over if it came to that. Even so, she prayed it wouldn't have to.


The caravan seemed to travel forever, through the forest and down into the valley. Loved ones and friends whispered to one another now and again, but there was more quiet than not as the wagons moved down the roads, rattled down the barely beaten paths, and rocked through the areas where there was no path at all.

There were some attempts at escape or resistance, but they ended quickly, as the once-humans and the beasts wouldn't touch the instigators in favor of punishing random others. This kept most in line with them watching one another for signs of trouble. As Beka thought about it, there hadn't been a serious uprising in days. Everyone simply marched behind the wagons, each man and woman chained to the others or let themselves be carried in the wagons. She could catch a glimpse of her father in the chain gang, head down, focused on one foot in front of the other like the rest.

It bothered her that it didn't bother her in the way she thought it should have. Oh, it still did, but things were different somehow. "I think there's something in the water they're giving us."

Her brother Baen looked into her emerald eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Nobody has tried to escape in days."

"So? What's the point? They put us down and lash or let the beasts have at someone else for it"

She struggled to try to make him understand. "If they stopped, would you run?"

He just looked at her like she'd grown another head. "Of course."

"Are you sure? Think about it. Think, 'I'm going to run away, right now,' then try to jump from the wagon."

His brown eyes glared at her. "And get someone hurt? You do it," he dared.

She looked around, not quite sure enough of things to not worry that someone might tell their guards. There were some looks, but no one acted, so she went on. "I've tried. I really have. I want to run. I can do whatever else, but when I think about running and try to make my body move and I just...forget about actually doing it without forgetting that I wanted to do it."

"You're crazy," he said in that demeaning tone that he used when they were small children and he thought it would be fun to repeat everything she said for the entire day.

"Just try. You don't even have to do it. But when you're thinking about doing it, mean it."

She saw him shake his head at her. With a humoring sigh he focused his thoughts and Beka watched his brow knot in his frustration before finally putting his back against the side of the wagon once again.


He dismissed her. "I just gave up. Someone else isn't going to pay for me. Don't worry, you're still crazy."

She hugged her knees to her, sat there, and fumed, at him now almost as much as her predicament.

The valley was a miles-wide and deep furrow beyond the forests and the hills that was carved into the ground by the finger of God, or so. Beka's grandfather had said many years ago as she sat on his lap to listen to his stories. They took a meandering path to the valley floor and followed it through to a point where the valley flared open, giving way to mountains not far distant.

They reached those mountains at nightfall and the wagon was driven into one of the many fissures in the rock. Once they came to a stop inside Beka took what time she could to look around as the beasts and once-humans started driving people up the short metal staircase that led to a platform where a woman stood tall and proud surveying the scene as one might look upon a rodent in their kitchen.

Beka saw how the platform fanned into three paths, each leading down to their own hidden destinations within the rock. She'd never seen so much forged metal in one place. The various platforms, walkways, and supports made it all look so much like the skeleton of a larger creature she shivered at the thought of being in its belly to be digested. It was well-lit from lights overhead, but they weren't like anything she'd ever seen. They were simply sheets of white that glowed even as they appeared to be cut into the ceiling above her.

"Out," a creature that was once male snarled to Beka and a few of the stragglers in the back. He was now a misshapen thing with muscle and sinew corded into more muscle and sinew. Long, coarse black hair covered his body, save his chest which still had bare spots that suggested the human skin that once dominated.

She moved as quickly as muscles cramped in a wagon for days would allow and, as her bare feet hit the ground she contemplated bolting for the crack in the earth she came through, but the sensation she'd felt before was stronger here than before. Before, it was simply an inability to translate an escape thought into an action that might free her. Now, it was almost a voice in the back of her head that told her no and that she must stay.

Accepting that it was so, she looked up to see her father already being led to the far right by another creature who now held the chains. He tried to give her a reassuring smile even as he disappeared from sight. The smile was convincing enough, but it did nothing to help her as tears fell down her cheeks anyway. She didn't know what would become of them, but she believed the voice in that there was no escape. Somehow Baen managed to be behind her as they reached the stairs and the look on his face was as pained as hers, though he refused to weep.

Reaching the platform, she found the men being directed to the left while women ushered through the center path. Knowing this was likely the moment they would part Baen squeezed her hand firmly, willing her not to forget the feel and the force of it. "Stay strong, Beka," he said quietly. "Don't worry about me."

"Stop." She did not shout, but her voice echoed through the chamber as though she had.

Everyone obeyed. Even the beats around them stopped to look up, waiting for her next word. Beka took stock of the woman who still looked enough of one to have the name, as the woman appraised her through eyes as black as death. The woman was taller than most of the men she had known dressed black boots to her knees, the knee-guard of those boots sporting blades that caught the light. The leather corset was adorned with gold, hugging her body as though it were painted on her skin was smooth, almost bone white, and accented with dark around her eyes and lips that Beka couldn't tell was natural or not.

The creature's smile was sweet, which only gave Beka goosebumps. "Tell me your name."

She saw no point in being brave as she couldn't escape anyway. When she thought it, she knew it was true. "Beka."

Her smile didn't fade. "Such is a lovely name, Beka. I am Calla. I saw that touch between you. Who is he to you? Are you newlyweds?"

"Leave my sister alone," Baen said with a bravado that suggested he didn't know that he wasn't right where they wanted him to be.

One of the beasts was about to reach and strike him when the creature dismissed the act with a look. She then looked back to Beka. "Sister? Oh...that's so wonderful." She looked away from her for a moment and off at a seeming nothing point to her left. "Might I play briefly, Mistress?"

Beka barely had time to wonder who the thing was talking to before she saw Calla's face light in joy. "Thank you, Mistress."

She took Beka's hand in hers. "I get to show you such lovely things, just the three of us. Come."

The touch of her hand was warmer than Beka expected somehow. It soothed her. If Calla wanted her to follow she saw no harm in it. I can't escape anyway. The thought brought certainty with it that was rewarding in its own way.

To the creature that ushered Beka from the wagon Calla issued commands. "Hold the procession for ten minutes, then proceed as normal."

He bowed his head. "Yes, Mistress Calla."

Baen tried to keep his hand from hers when she reached for it, but she was quicker by far when she saw the first hint of his recoil. Beka saw the touch act as a balm to him as well in the way that his expression softened. They followed. Calla found that she utterly adored watching the small ones break. She loved when that moment when they realized there was no way to fight Her and what She offered. On occasion, She allowed Calla the indulgence of having a more active hand in it herself rather than simply supervising.

They moved down the corridor at a leisurely pace, the siblings slightly behind her. Calla stroked the back of Beka's hand with her thumb. Beka looked down to watch it happen. Seeing it pleased her and feeling it made her tingle all over. She tugged at the hand holding hers just a little. I can't escape anyway. With Calla's hand in hers, somehow that was all right, and even desirable.

Beka looked around the room they entered. More metal everywhere with rows and rows of men rising up on either side of the cavern. Beka had no experience with men, but, looking at most of them she'd have been fine if one of them were her first. They were all solid examples of masculinity, looking as a few came and went while the others stayed at their stations. Around the waist of each man, wrapped tightly to their bodies was a pulsing bit of flesh the color of freshly plowed earth. Covering their cock and balls, it pulsed as the faces of the men were studies of dazed ecstasy. A thread of that same flesh dropped down from the base, through the grated floor leading to somewhere she couldn't see.

"You and your brother are such an important part of Her plans, Beka. She needs you." Beka looked up into those eyes and wondered how eyes so dark could seem so expressive. As Calla stroked her hand with a feather touch Beka found that she wanted to fall into them. Calla smiled at her. She was such a cute little creature and so loving to be under her sway and Hers. "I'm going to help your brother for a few moments, Beka. Could you do me a favor and just keep touching me, Beka? Anywhere you like, but don't stop touching me, all right. It's so much more calming and soothing to be here when you touch me, isn't it?"

"Yes." She found her eyes drifting to that beautiful cleavage.

She turned to Baen, He had more apprehension in his eyes, but his body was just as pliable. She peeled his tunic from his body, exposing his broad chest that she caressed firmly as though she were sculpting it. "He's very handsome, isn't he, Beka?"

She'd never looked at him that way before, but it was so. "He's fit."

"Yes he is," she purred. "What is your name?"

"Baen." His voice wavered even on the single syllable.

Calla moved to her knees pulling his pants down with her, exposing his semi-hard cock. He stepped from them without thinking.

"I need you, Baen," she whispered it like a lover would as she palmed his balls in her hand before slowly running that hand on over his cock from base to tip time and again. Calla felt Beka's hand meander affectionately along her bare back as she parted her dark lips and engulfed him.

He groaned, closing his eyes to attempt to resist that insanely long, slathering tongue. He felt her bobbing up and down on his shaft Can't touch. Can't feel. Can't look.


Beka? Beka will help me be strong. We can fight it together.


He dared open his eyes to see his sister kissing that long, smooth neck. "She needs you, Baen," she said. "We can't escape anyway." With the heat of saying that aloud, she nibbled the neck before her. "It's okay to like it."

He looked down at those black eyes that seemed to be smiling up at him and his cock rose helplessly. He did like it and she needed him. He started to thrust as her head bobbed and he continued to thrust the air even as she stepped away several times before stopping.

She led him to a vacant station, with Beka finding exposed flesh to touch wherever she could, urging him forward until the milking flesh sensed his presence. Once it did, the four appendages it possessed wrapped themselves around his waist and thighs, leaving space between the two in anticipation as Calla aimed his cock where it needed to be. Once done, the flesh closed the space between them and began to suckle, tease, and demand of him, working him to the edge of bliss while never quite letting him have it. It was so soft, plaint, and warm while still so alive that the inner flesh bulged and contracted to fondle him. He looked down, then back at Calla in wonder.

"It feels so good, doesn't it?"

"God, yes."

"I know it does. You are a perfect man for her," Baen. You have so much seed to offer. I could tell just tasting you." She couldn't hide her excitement as she stared into his eyes, reading every emotion and feeling. "You will have no other cares, Baen. You will do as you are asked, you will eat well, and you will be milked. No more worries. No more fear or care."

"I want to cum," he begged.

"Go ahead. Give Her your seed."

Calla was on the edge herself between the entranced little pet fawning over her and the young man throwing his head back in ecstasy as he sent rope after rope of cum deep into the thing that now controlled his cock.

When he came back to look at her, Calla had her own near silent orgasm seeing how the light began to dim in his eyes. Even the smile he took on started to look empty. She knew that the breeders softened quickly. In short order, if she wanted to punish them she could threaten to keep them from the stall. Not that she would keep them from Her purpose or that they even required punishment for anything by then; she just liked to hear them beg.

Now there was the matter of sweet, young Beka who was now looking at her in adoration. "Your brother is happy now. As new meat filters in, some will resist more than others. When they do, and you are available it will be to you to prepare them," she said, stripping the girl with none of the seductive finesse that Baen received. Pert breasts, round hips and hair below slightly darker than the hair above made for a lovely package

Now she was talking to herself more than the girl as she led her from that room and down a narrow path. "Some only pretend to resist. They pretend that it repulses them and they plea, but they are hard as can be and plant themselves inside even as they demand to be free. Those are rare, but they are delicious to watch."

Under other circumstances, Beka would have been shamed by her nudity, but the haze was so complete that she squeezed her hand on Calla's toned ass as she compared it to her slightly more round and ample one. Under still others, she would have been embarrassed to see another young woman go by her, just as nude. Her belly protruded, clearly very pregnant, and her breasts looked almost as full as her belly, dark milk dripping down her caramel skin. Her face wore a mask of contentment.

And the old Beka would have been terrified by what she saw when the cavern opened to one of the breeding rooms. In the center of the room were two rounded blobs of pink flesh, each roughly the size of three men, red veins covering the skin everywhere there were not what appeared to be white cysts on the skin, and there were many such cysts.

On either side of each was a once-woman, not unlike Calla, arms outstretched, eyes closed in concentration as they cast a spell. Each of the four retained their beauty in a feral way, but it was clear that all four had been remade by Her. Energy from their hands danced across the cysts like lightening moving along the ground.

Surrounding them were metal chairs which allowed for restraints at the wrists and ankles. Most were being occupied, though no one was being restrained. Beka sighed seeing how one young woman was actively pushing against tendril that sought to bury itself inside her, biting her lip and urging it to take her. "Give me another. Fill me with another." Another began screaming in orgasm as something egg-shaped pushed from where it could be seen in the tendril's flesh before it visibly stretched her wide

She saw the woman just to her left, a woman clearly heavy before her taking being kissed and fondled by another woman who clearly thrilled at the feeling from being nursed on by the larger woman Still other women, some impregnated and some not were in the darkened corners of the room rutting gleefully with the once-men.