An Invitation to Dinner


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Kelly moved towards him and embraced him. He kissed both of her cheeks and then she planted a small kiss on his lips. He then moved towards me and instead of us shaking hands he gave me a hug too.

"We're glad we did too. It's so nice to come over. We've been only spending time together so it is really nice to be in your company." Kelly stated with her beautiful smile in full bloom.

"You do have an amazing smile Kelly." He said with a Cheshire grin. "You are a very attractive woman."

"Thank you so much. I feel incredibly lucky to be here with two very handsome, masculine men! Any woman would be thrilled!" She said matter of factly.

"Come on in. I try to keep it nice." Robert replied. "It's been home for quite some time."

The house was beautiful on the inside. There were many plants and the place felt spacious. There was a nice brown leather couch on top of hardwood floors. Natural fiber rugs were tastefully placed throughout the home. A couple of large skylights let in warm light from the ebbing afternoon. Beyond the living room was a stylish kitchen with an island that had some cheese and crackers on it and an open bottle of Pinot Grigio that appeared perfectly chilled. Robert grabbed three glasses that had a couple of ice cubes in them.

"I love ice in my Pinot Grigio, I hope you don't mind!" He said.

"That's hilarious!" I replied. "We drink the same thing at home. It's a perfect cocktail if you ask me!"

"Well that's fortunate. Some think it's not appropriate but I love it. Great minds think alike!" He said enthusiastically. "The fire for the meat will be ready in a little bit. Let me put your salad in the fridge. Feel free to have some cheese. It goes perfectly with the wine."

We took him up on his offer and began to snack and sip. The cheese was divine as was the wine. He gave us a tour of his home giving details on many of the objects within it and fondly speaking of his late wife whom he said was responsible for how the place looked and felt. It really was lovely, he took great care in keeping it nice. It felt homey yet somewhat sophisticated in a humble way. We felt at ease in his presence and the home that was fondly his. After the tour was done we went out to the back deck where his barbecue was so he could check the fire.

"Look over there. Do you see the deer?" He asked.

"Oh, yes." Kelly replied. "We always see them in this neighborhood. They are so beautiful. We love them. It's nice they have a safe space here. They are one of our favorite parts of our walk. I can't believe how many there are. Shaglus loves them too, but he's funny, he always says it's good to have a back up supply of meat if you need them!"

Robert laughed. "Yes, that is true. I leave them be but I wouldn't hesitate if the situation arose and I truly needed one. I love venison. Do you hunt Shaglus?"

"I do when I can." I said. "I didn't have much luck this last season. We live in a poor county in Tennessee. In the poor counties they are harder to find as people actually eat them. I used to live in a wealthy county, though I was not, in Virginia, hunting was much easier there!"

We all laughed.

"The fire needs a little more time." Robert stated. "You all don't mind if I have a cigarette do you? I love one or two in the evening after my work is done. A little tobacco is divine with my wine at the end of the day."

"We don't mind at all." Kelly said. "In fact I brought our little pouch of tobacco too, just in case. We do the same. There's something sultry and relaxing about an evening smoke. I used to smoke too much when I was young. I still think of giving it up completely but for now we indulge and keep it in check. Would you like me to roll you one?"

"Sure." Robert said. "I love a hand rolled cigarette. I only smoke the additive free stuff. The regular cigarettes out there are filled with crazy chemicals. I try to keep all my habits somewhat natural."

"We're the same." I replied. "Might as well enjoy the best while it's available. The world seems to be going mad. We might as well live it up!"

Kelly got out her little rolling machine and proceeded to make two cigarettes.

"Here's one for you Robert." She said. "Shaglus and I usually split one."

Robert lit his cigarette and then held out a lighter for Kelly. Kelly leaned in and the fire hit the tip as she pulled on the fag. She inhaled deeply and I could see Robert watching her as she exhaled. He had a twinkle in his eye. She then handed me the smoke and I took a couple of drags.

"It might sound funny," Robert said, "but I love to watch a woman smoke. Ever since I was a child it fascinated me and then I guess it took a different form once I hit puberty. Something about it turns me on. And I'm not trying to be creepy! It's just a fact. I couldn't help but watch you as you smoked Kelly. It's very sexy!"

"That's funny!" She said. "Shaglus feels the same. You guys are quite alike. Look at you both. You're both muscular handsome men, about the same height, weight, you both liked ice Pinot Grigio and women who smoke! Who'd have thought. Once again what a lucky woman I am to be here with you both. I would've never thought we'd be doing this tonight, having dinner with you and having such a nice time. Thank you!"

"You're very welcome. It's a nice surprise." Robert replied. "And, Shaglus, I hope my talk hasn't been offensive to you? I mean no harm!"

"No, no, to the contrary." I said. "It's a treat to find a fellow sensualist who enjoys the things I think are fucking gourmet. And I think you have good taste in women from what you've said to my wife. It feels natural and good to hear it. For me this is intriguing and exciting. I dream about shit like this! I've been somewhat bored. We needed a little spice thrown in so this is scratching that itch. I'm very pleased to be here. Feel free to be yourself and nothing but yourself. The sky's the limit."

"Oh, good!" Robert replied. "I'm glad to hear that. You don't know how good it feels to be around some fun people. You two remind me of my wife and I. We did everything together. She enjoyed an evening smoke too. She would smoke for me. She knew how much it got me going. She would give me warm kisses after she finished a cigarette. It sounds strange but I just loved the taste and smell of it on her. Oh, lord, so sultry and erotic! I miss that all and her very much. It's so strange since she left."

"Oh, brother, I can only imagine." I said. "I can't imagine life without Kelly. And I love what you described too. In fact, and maybe this is strange, but I sense Kelly kind of fancies you. And, baby, forgive me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like Robert could use a nice kiss. Here, hit this cigarette and maybe give him a kiss?"

I couldn't believe I had actually said it but it just felt right. This man had been deprived of the love of his life and it seemed I had plenty to go around, so why not share? I hoped Kelly wouldn't be furious with me offering her up like that unannounced. She shot me a quick glance that had a hard edge but then suddenly softened.

"Well!" She said. "I was taken aback for a second but strangely I like the idea. Don't get the wrong idea Robert, we've never done this before. But would you like a kiss?"

Robert blushed and turned to me and shrugged his shoulders. I shrugged mine back and then motioned to her. I looked over and watched as Kelly took a long drag on her smoke and then sexily blew it out of her mouth and nose with a sly grin. She walked to me and handed me the cigarette and then moved towards Robert. Robert almost moved backwards but then quickly regained his composure as if to reassure himself, to not pass up such an opportunity. He lay his cigarette down in an ashtray as she approached. I found myself instantly aroused and a wee bit unnerved by what I had instigated. Kelly move towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled his face close and then opened her mouth. He opened his and their mouths met. His gray mustache pressed against her face and I saw their tongues move into each other's mouth. Kelly pulled him closer and moved her arms up and down his back. I watched as they began to make out. His large hands began rubbing up and down her back, their heads cocked sideways as their dueling tongues continued. It lasted about a minute before Kelly put her hands on his face and pulled her lips from his. She rubbed her hands through his hair affectionately and thanked him as she backed away. Robert looked as if he had just gotten a shot of morphine. His eyes were half shut and his expression was one of complete disbelief and utter pleasure. It was as if she had cast a spell on him. They both smiled at each other and then at me. I smiled widely and then clapped my approval with my hands as they both did little bows towards me.

"My god!" I exclaimed. "That was an arousing and sweet performance. You two looked amazing together. How was it?"

"Oh, my!" Kelly replied. "It was really exciting. Shaglus has been trying to get me to do something like that for years! It wasn't right until now. Thank you Robert. Your kisses were amazing!"

"I'm in shock!" Robert exclaimed. "That's the first kiss I've had since Shelly left. I wouldn't have wanted it to be with anyone else. The Gods have smiled upon me today. What delicious warmth. And you smell and feel phenomenal. What a woman!"

It was now that I realized I could see that his penis had become erect. When I looked at it he noticed.

"Forgive me for this!" He said. "I couldn't help it! As you can see it's not the biggest tool in the shed, but it's the happiest!"

We all laughed and his erection subsided quickly.

"I'm honored that you're cock liked it." Kelly said. "That's sexy. I can't believe we just did that. You're the first man I've kissed besides Shaglus since I met him. That was fun. Wow."

"Well maybe we should get to cooking! Otherwise who knows what might happen. But we ought to eat. I'm hungry, in so many ways now, so let's get to it." Robert said.

With that having been stated we finished the smokes we had started and moved towards the barbecue. The fire was ready so we headed into the kitchen to get the meat.

"I hope you two like steak." Robert said. "I have three ribeyes here. I imagine we could all easily put one away. We have the crackers and cheese and the beautiful salad you brought. I'll refill our glasses and then maybe you can pop open that Spanish Tempranillo you brought. I love Tempranillo. How does that sound?"

"It sounds perfect! We're both in!" I said. "What a magical evening."

Robert handed me a wine opener and I popped the cork from the bottle. He filled our glasses with the white wine and added a little ice. He grabbed the steaks which were in a bowl marinating and headed out to the grill.

"I'm gonna' throw these on the grill guys." He said. "Join me if you like!"

"I'm going to toss the salad." I replied. "I brought some dressing I threw together. Just some olive oil, mustard, herbs and some apple cider vinegar. It's my standard. We'll be out in just a few."

He sauntered outside with a little pizzaz to his step. I think the kiss was fueling him. Once he was outside Kelly turned to me and said,

"Shaglus! I hope you don't mind what I did! It just seemed right. He really is an attractive, kind man. I just went with the feeling and took your suggestion. Are you okay?"

"I don't know if you realize how sexy that was. I really liked it. You guys looked hot kissing like that. It made me feel crazy but no jealousy. It was surreal and erotic. My cock swelled up watching you two." I said.

"I saw that." She replied. "It made me tingly in my pussy. It was kind of thrilling. His mustache felt good on my lip. His tongue was sweet and a little smoky. I'm still flustered. Are we going to go further?

"I don't know." I chimed. "I've always wanted something like this to happen. We always said it would have to be the perfect situation. This seems kind of ideal. I mean it's really up to you. We don't have to go crazy but it could be fun. Let's just see how it all goes. Let's all keep talking and hanging out. Let's have dinner and see what happens. I'm game if you are, but it all has to just flow. Do what comes to you and I'll go along."

She leaned into me and kissed me like she had him. Her tongue was hot and vigorous, I could tell she was hungry, hungry for more. It excited me and my cock again began to grow and swell. She reached down to it at the end of our kiss and squeezed it.

"I think you're bigger than he is." She smiled. "Who knows, maybe we'll find out."

With that said she walked out the door. I worked on the salad and got things ready inside. I got some plates out. I filled some glasses with water and cut slices of lemon to put in them. I must've been in there by myself for about five minutes. When I was done I proceeded to go out to the deck. When I made my way out I was greeted to the sight of Kelly and Robert locked in another kiss. The steaks were cooking. He had a cigarette in his left hand and his other arm was around her. Kelly had her tongue in his mouth and they were giggling softly as they entwined. My stomach dropped a bit, not in a sickening way, but more out of excitement. They separated when I made my way through the door.

"Hey, baby!" Kelly said. "I figured I'd just make sure that what happened earlier was real. It was. I hope you don't mind!'

"No!" I replied. "Not at all. It's wild to watch you two kiss. It's very sexy. Like I said before you both look good together like that. It makes me aroused. Feel free to do whatever you want. I'll do the same."

Robert smiled and said,

"I can't thank you two enough. This is the best day I've had in a long time. It's touching something deep inside of me. I feel loved and that has been lacking in my life. It's a great gift."

"That's amazing." I said. "You're welcome. It seems as though we too are enjoying it."

Robert handed Kelly his cigarette and she began to smoke it. He continued his grilling.

"The steaks are basically ready. I'm going to take them off." He stated. "The table is clear in there and I see you got out some plates. We can put the cheese and crackers on the table too, the Tempranillo as well. Let's plate up and eat!"

We all walked inside, Robert brought the steaks. He put them on plates and then added the salad. He handed Kelly her plate first, then mine. We went to the table and then he brought his meal. We all sat down. I poured a little red wine into my now empty glass. Once we were all seated Robert raised his glass and said,

"Here's to the food and both of you! I'm so glad I asked you over today. I plan on being a lot more spontaneous from here on out. Fuck it all! We only get so much time! Let's live it up!"

We all raised our glasses and made cheers. We began to eat. Kelly seemed ravenous and attacked her steak. We all talked and Robert told us about his life with Shelly. About all of their adventures and good times. We told him about ours and time slid by quickly. Before too long the food was gone and our stomachs were satiated. The wine flowed as freely as the conversation. In due time Kelly brought out her tobacco pouch and began to roll another cigarette.

"You don't mind, Robert, do you?" She asked.

"Lord, no!" He replied. "I don't mind at all. Roll me one too! It's the perfect time and I'd love to see you smoke again. You're so sultry when you smoke."

Kelly's face broke into a sensuous smile and she said,

"Oh, so you'd like that would you. I bet Shaglus would like it too. Wouldn't you, baby?"

"You know me Kelly. I'm always game." I replied.

She made two cigarettes and we stepped outside. Again Robert offered a light and she leaned in and took it. He then lit his. They both exhaled at the same time. We all looked skyward and the stars were now shining brightly overhead.

"It's so beautiful out." Kelly said. "I feel wonderful. The steaks were so good and so was the salad. Shaglus makes the best salads. I feel like I'm in heaven."

"Me too." Robert said as he took a mighty drag from his cigarette. "It's nights like these that really make life special. Don't you think?"

"I certainly do." I said. "I couldn't imagine a nicer time."

Before long the cigarettes were done. An interesting silence came over us all. We all looked at each other and laughed. We all knew what was on our collective minds and now the time had come to see where it would go. I broke the silence.

"Well, I imagine all of our minds are on similar pages." I began. "It's a rare occasion, one I've been kinda' hoping on for a long time. A lot has to align to make these things happen. I'm just going to be frank. It really aroused me to see you two kissing. I've had some fantasies for a long time that I figured would probably never happen. I'm no cuckold, far from it, but I do long to see some things. Can we go back inside? Kelly I'd like you take Robert by the hand and lead him inside to the couch. Once there I'd like to take a seat adjacent to you two and watch you make out for a little while. I've got some other ideas too, but that seems like a good start. Of course this ain't all about me. I'm open to whatever, but if you two wouldn't mind indulging me in that I'd be mighty appreciative. So?"

They both looked at each other and smiled. They then looked at me and smiled.

"We'd like that." Kelly said. "Take my hand Robert, come with me."

With that she rose and pulled him up. She led him in through the door and went straight to the couch. She took off her boots and put them to the side. He followed suit and removed his shoes. I did the same. She sat down on the couch and then patted the seat next to her as if to tell him to sit. He followed her command. She then pulled him into her and their faces met. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Robert then made his move. He pushed his lips to hers and it began. She opened her lips inviting him in. I watched as his tongue pushed into her mouth and his mustache scratched upon her lip. She closed her eyes and put her arms around him and leaned back so that he was somewhat above her. I took my seat across from them and loosened my belt and opened the top button of my jeans. My cock began to swell. I watched intently as they began to make out in earnest. I could hear the sloppiness of their kisses and the rapidly progressing rhythm of their breath. At one point he pulled back from her and raised his arms to take off his shirt. As he did she ran her hands through his white fur, over his tan skin and firm muscles flexing beneath it. She stared into his chest and then raised her head and went straight for his meaty nipple. I watched as her tongue flicked it. I could see his reaction. I knew how it felt. It's like electric impulses that shoot straight from the nipple and directly to your cock. He fluttered and gasped slightly. She licked it more and then bit it slightly. As she did she reached down to his crotch and squeezed his cock. Again he grimaced and shuddered. I stood up and removed my jeans. My penis was now fully erect. I took off my shirt. I sat back down and began to stroke myself to their erotic show. Kelly occasionally looked over at me and smiled sweetly before her mouth once again found his. Before too long Kelly began to unbutton his pants. Once he realized what she was doing he stood up to allow her better access. In seconds his pants were down around his ankles. I was eager to see his cock, it's shape, it's size. I've always fantasized about Kelly playing with a somewhat smaller cock, I've fantasized about big ones too but the fantasies are equal. As he turned slightly it came into view. It was pretty small, about 4 inches long and somewhat skinny but it's shape was sexy. It curved upward like a little wand and had a nicely shaped head. It looked like a perfect g-spot dildo, if you know what I mean, like it would hit her g-spot perfectly if he were to fuck her with it. It was very sexy. Once it was out she reached to touch it. She looked at me as if to ask if it was okay. I nodded and smiled. She smiled back and the touched it softly up and down. She then wrapped her fingers around it and began to stroke it.