An Overly Complete Exam

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Aaron's exam is even more embarrassing then he thought.
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"You don't understand, I need this to play this year," I told the nurse. I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible, which wasn't easy, to be honest. I was freaking out a bit.

"I understand that," she said, "but there are no appointments left before next Wednesday."

"If I don't complete the physical by this weekend, I can't play," I said, knowing I'd explained this before but at a loss for what else to do. It was simple truth. I needed to have a physical recorded and filed by end of day Friday, or else. It was already Tuesday and I couldn't get an appointment.

"Perhaps you should have tried to get an appointment before now?" the nurse suggested.

She was right, and we both knew it but that didn't help me just then. I'd messed up the dates while on a family trip and now I would miss out on my senior year playing baseball.

"Isn't there any way?" I asked. "I just need..."

"I know what you need," she said, "and there's--" she stopped, cutting herself off, and clicked the mouse of her computer a few times, staring at the screen while she bit the corner of her lip. "Actually," she muttered softly, "maybe...huh, well." She looked up at me again. "There is a spot open, but it's in the learning clinic."

"Can they do the physical?" I asked. That was it, that was my only concern.

"Yes," she said, "and there's a slot open tomorrow morning, but it is the learning clinic so it would be a more complete physical then just the check-in you actually need."

"Fine," I said quickly, "so long as it meets the requirement."

"It will," she assured me, "but there will be a nurse there and a trainee."

"All right," I said, not really paying attention, my phone in hand, pulling up my calendar. "When tomorrow morning, and where is it?"

She shrugged and read off a time and address. I took them down and went home, happy my year hadn't been cancelled after all. I'd had a bunch of physicals, and yeah all I needed was a check-in, but if they wanted to do some extra bloodwork or whatever, and an intern needed to stab my arm a few extra times to find a vein then so be it.

I showed up at the clinic on time the next morning, showered and ready to get this over with. The receptionist checked me in, everything went smoothly, and I was directed, after a small wait, to an exam room in the back.

I sat in the room's chair and waited some more before there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in," I said, and stood.

The nurse, maybe thirty, with the most piercing blue eyes I'd ever seen, walked in, chart in hand. She was pretty, overall, with a nice figure, but wow those eyes.

"Aaron?" she asked.

I nodded, just staring into her eyes.

"Great, my trainee is running a few minutes behind but she'll join us soon. We can get started. There's a folding screen there," she pointed, "so why don't you grab a gown and change."

"Oh," I said, walking across the room to grab one of the thin paper gowns, "I just need--"

"I know, but they did tell you this is a learning clinic so all the physicals here are complete, right?"

"Oh right," I said, laughing off the confusion, "of course."

"Great," she agreed, "so just strip off behind the screen, put on the gown and we can begin."

"Uhm, everything?" I asked. I knew a complete physical would mean everything, but I decided I'd rather be extra sure than embarrass myself in front of her.

"Yup," she replied cheerily.

I nodded, and unfolded the screen, stepping behind it. I quickly started to undress. Again, this was far from my first physical, and even if it would be a bit more complete than I would have liked, I knew the nurse...

"I'm sorry," I said from behind the screen, undoing my pants, "what's your name? What should I call you? Nurse..."

"Hah," she laughed, "Sarah, no need for formal titles, it's fine."

"You got it," I said as I put on the gown, snapping the single snap in the back shut. I stepped out, refolding the screen and leaning it back against the wall. The gown itself felt shorter than the ones I was used to, but I didn't want to start tugging in around while being watched.

That would just draw attention to it. But I did feel the hem of the gown hitting much higher on my thigh than I should've. I resolved to ignore it, if possible. Get the physical and get out. That was all I needed to do.

"Just hop up on the exam table," Sarah said.

As I did, there was a knock at the door. Sarah said "Come in," just loud enough to be heard. The door opened and Maddie Kellerman, from my Econ class, walked in. She wore the same outfit Sarah did, obviously here at the nurse's assistant, or intern, or whatever.

That was part one of what made things awkward. Maddie and I hadn't talked often, though we were perfectly friendly when we did. Her blonde pixie cut framed her angled face well, and her small breasts pressed against her tight, white, nurses blouse.

I'd thought about asking her out before, but now she was about to help with my physical, which if the gown and nothing else was a clue for, would get a bit more personal than I would want one of my classmates to see.

Part two of the sudden awkwardness was when I glanced down at my lap, not wanting to look Maddie in the eyes just yet.

The gown was, indeed, shorter than normal, by a bit. Just barely covering my thighs, it hit me perfectly so that, stretched while I sat, the tip of my cock was very plainly visible just sitting here against the table.

And with the hem of the gown stretched, I knew that anyone standing in front of me, like say two nurses, could see right up the gown and see all of my junk clear as day.

I tried to tell myself it was fine, after all the physical would likely require the gown to be raised, or lowered, anyway. But as a way of greeting a classmate, displaying my dick and balls still felt like a bit much.

I started to put my hands over my crotch but stopped, and let them rest of the table to either side of me. Covering myself would just more attention to things.

"Aaron!" Maddie said, realizing we knew each other. She smiled at me, and her eyes swept down my body, stopped exactly where I feared they might, and she took a deep breath, holding her smile and looking back at my face. "Good to see you."

"You know each other?" Sarah asked. "That could be a problem, I mean..."

"Oh, Sarah, no," I said, "we're just in one class together. We've chatted. It's fine, I'm fine with her being here and assisting," I said. I mean at that point what did it matter. She'd clearly, so any concern over that needed to be tossed out, even if I didn't want to explain that to Sarah.

"Sarah?" Maddie asked, directing it at both of us. "Do you two know each other, too?"

I laughed, "No, your...boss? Supervisor? She's just really nice."

"Supervisor," Sarah said, "And thanks. We're all apparently friends here, Maddie, so let's get started."

Maddie and I both nodded.

Sarah turned toward me, glanced down and managed to just make a tiny "Hh" noise. I just stared straight ahead.

Things started simple enough, Sarah letting Maddie take my blood pressure and do a quick blood draw for a lab sample. They both kept glancing down, when in front of me, and I forced myself to just stare ahead and act as if I didn't know what was going on.

Realistically so long as I forced myself to not think about the fact they could both clearly see the head of my dick while standing next to me, the less chance my conscious brain would think about these two beautiful women and have the sort of biological reaction I really didn't want to have then.

"Could you pull the gown down so we can listen to your respiratory system?" Sarah asked.

Gratefully I reached back and unsnapped the gown, sliding it off my arms and pulling it down, using the extra material to cover my lap. Futile in that they'd seen everything for a while? Sure, but it made me feel better and less embarrassed, and that was worth it.

The exam continued, with Sarah letting Maddie do most of the work, watching over her carefully, and correcting her when needed. A few times Sarah would come back around and repeat a test, listening to my lungs for example, after Maddie had done it.

Not because Maddie couldn't but just to backstop her. Very professional and quick, really. I admit I expected more chat between the three of us, but then considered the first part of this involved my being uncomfortable with my exposure and both of them probably also uncomfortable about it, but none of us wanting to say anything.

"Great," Sarah said as she made a few notes on the chart she held. "Aaron, if you could stand up and just, uhm, leave the gown on the table, we'll keep going with the rest of the exam."

I hopped off the table, moving the gown away from my body and setting in on the table just behind me. There I was, fully nude, in front of both these women.

It felt both more and less embarrassing then before. I mean when they could see my cock easily just by standing a foot or so back and glancing my way, or see the head of it by just looking down whole next to me, I kept the thoughts as far out of my head as possible for the innate humiliation I would have felt.

Now I just stood there, fully on display. Fully. I'd shaved the night before, too, so yeah...yeah. And no of course it wasn't the first time I'd had a full physical, but Sarah's eyes continued to entrance me, and Maddie was a classmate. I mean, I would hope she would be professional, but everyone gossips, and who knows who she'd be telling about this before the next class?

I forced myself to keep my hands at my sides and to not cover up. No point in it. Nothing to hide.

They both changed gloves, and Sarah dragged two stools over in front of me, sitting in one and motioning for Maddie to sit in the other. Both of them sat, my crotch at about eye level to them. Maddie looked up at my face and gave me a quick half-smile, mouthing "Sorry," before looking at the chart Sarah held out between them.

"Can I just say," I said quietly, causing both women to stop and look up toward my face, "this is incredibly awkward, and I know it shouldn't be, but I just...I didn't want to ignore the elephant in the room...not...I don't mean my...I just meant..."

Sarah laughed, Maddie starting to laugh right after.

"It's fine, Aaron," Sarah said, "and we understood what you meant."

"Yeah and it's a nice d--" Maddie cut herself off, blushing hard.

"AnyWAY!" Sarah broke in. "We should be doing this exam."

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"So Maddie," Sarah said after a few seconds, "do you want to check for a hernia?"

"I've never--"

"I realize, but you know the procedure, and I'm right here."

Maddie hesitated and then reached out, placing her hands against me slowly, pressing against my groin firmly. "Cough, please?" she asked.

I coughed, and she moved her hands and we repeated the process.

"Well done," Sarah said, "But just in case..." she shifted as Maddie leaned away and repeated the procedure.

Everything was going fine and I figured we were near the end of the exam. Then Sarah folded back the page on her chart and looked up at me.

"So Aaron, they told you this would be a much fuller exam, and you agreed to that. I just wanted to make sure you're still doing ok before we continue."

"I'm fine, Sarah, this is just a normal, complete, physical, so far. Done a bunch of them."

"Good, good." She stood. "Let me go get a few things prepared, and actually, while I'm gone, Maddie could you take Aaron's height and weight, since he's undressed already? Thank you."

I walked over to the measuring scale, Maddie following. "Thank you for not making Sarah remove me," she said softly as she started to measure my height.

"What do you mean?"

"When I first came in, I know you could've said that since we are in a class together you wouldn't feel comfortable with me here, but you didn't. So thank you. I need the hours logged, you know?"

"I just figured you wouldn't be here if you weren't a professional," I said sincerely, "or at least, I guess, on your way to one."

She smiled, a hint of a blush spreading across her cheeks, and started to record my weight. "Thank you. Though I admit," she laughed lightly, "it is still a bit awkward to talk to you when you're nude like this."

"You think it's awkward for you?" I asked. We both laughed then.

"And it's totally cool how you're fine with the extended exam, considering. I mean, talk about awkward, but I guess it's fine, like you said, professionals, right?"

"Wait, what?" I stepped off the scale and realized that my hands had moved of their own accord to cover my groin. "What do you mean?"

"I mean when you agreed to it I assumed you read what the tests all were," Maddie said. I started to answer, explaining that I'd been in such a hurry I didn't check anything at all, but just then Sarah came back in and I decided to just roll with it as best I could. I gave Maddie a tiny shrug.

"Right, thank you Maddie," Sarah said, "We're set up across the hall in the other exam room, so if you'd both follow me?" She stopped at looked back at me. "No one else is here, Aaron, so you don't have to worry, it's all of three steps directly across the hall."

I nodded and followed. It felt surreal stepping into the hallway naked, bracketed by two women, one in front of me and one behind.

The second exam room looked much like the first, but two stirrups had been attached to the end of the exam table and some other lighting and devices had been rolled in to be handy. I took a deep breath.

"I think the rest of the tests and such will be easier in here, if you cold hop up on the table?" Sarah gestured and I did as she asked, sitting on the edge feeling the paper under my ass crinkle. "Scoot back," she said, "and lay down." I didn't want to but I did.

I felt a hand on my ankle and yelped. "Sorry," I muttered, looking down my body to see Sarah holding my left ankle. "I just wasn't expecting that."

"I should apologize," she said, "but yes if you could put your feet in the stirrups, that'd be great."

There was nothing I wanted to do less. But I did it, and Sarah flipped down a brace on my left foot, Maddie flipping on down over my right, so my legs could relax and not slip out.

I was acutely aware how on display I was, from my now-spread ass, to my cock and balls hanging there, if I had felt embarrassed before just standing there naked this was a whole new level. I heard wheels against the hard surface and floor and lifted my head to watch Maddie roll in a big light.

Oh no.

Oh yes. She snapped it on before sitting on a stool between my spread legs next to Sarah, who reached back and adjusted the light until it shone directly on my...everything.

"All right, scoot down, Aaron," Sarah said.

I did, and she patted my hip, asking me to scoot lower, my ass hanging off the edge of the table. "Can I ask what we're..." I started to ask her.

"First we need a urine sample, and normally I Would've asked you to go pee in a cup before but this needs to be, well, witnessed, so I figured I would just fold it in here."

"You want me to--"

"Maddie hand me that sample cup? Thank you. Now if you would take Aaron's--" Maddie gently gripped my penis in her hand, "thank you. All right," Sarah said to me, "Aaron if you would just pee in the cup for me, please?"

I let me head fall back against the table and closed my eyes tightly. This already felt so many world's away from just a hernia check, or seeing me naked.

"Please Aaron, it's all right, I promise, it isn't anything to be worried about, just go ahead and pee for us," Sarah said, gently patting my hip.

I tried to not feel Maddie's gloved hand holding my dick, and instead focused on relaxing. I peed a bit and Sarah patted my hip again, "Thank you, see that wasn't so bad." I opened my eyes again, lifting my head just in time to see Sarah wipe the head of cock with a bit of toilet paper as Maddie held me in her hand still.

"Now we need to do a rectal exam, Aaron," Sarah told me, "but before we do, I'm going to give you an enema. That's why I need your butt so low off the table. All right? It'll only take a few minutes. You can just lay there and hold it in and then expel it for us, no need to go anywhere."

"No," I suggested, "that would be fine. Couldn't I just do that instead?"

"There's no where private to have you expel the solution, anyway, Aaron, so we might as well just make do. Now hold still," she said, and pressed a cold, wet-feeling finger right against my asshole. She moved it around, lubing me up, and asked Maddie to pass her the enema bag.

I let my head fall back to the table again, closing my eyes. I'd had an enema before, but not as on display as this. The nozzle pressed against me and slid in suddenly. I tried to not picture their view, with that bright light illuminating everything for them.

Liquid flooded up into me and I felt fuller and fuller, finding myself starting to pant with the growing pressure. "All right, just hold that for a few minutes," Sarah said, sliding the nozzle out of me. "You're doing great."

"Maddie, please watch Aaron, while I dispose of this bag. If there's an emergency, you have the bucket." Oh god, the bucket. They would expect me to release my tightly clenched ass and expel everything in front of them.

I head the door to the room open and shut and then felt a hand grasp mine and give it a hard squeeze. "I'm so sorry, Maddie said quietly, "I thought you knew what all the tests were, and that we were going to be doing this."

"Nope," I said through clenched jaw, my whole body tense, trying to keep the solution in.

"I can't imagine how it must feel to be this...I mean....just on display," she said. "I'm learning a lot though, so thank you."

"You're welcome," I managed, "I need to uhm, focus right now though so..."

Maddie gave my hand another squeeze and didn't say anything else. The door opened and shut and Sarah patted my hip again, as I heard the stool shift slightly when she sat. "All right, Aaron, on the count of five, I want you to let go, and just expel, all right?"

"I'd rather not, I could make it down a hall, to a bathroom, I swear."

"I know this is embarrassing," Sarah told me, "But you need to just do it. You need this, to play Baseball this year, right? Just focus on that, that's what you're doing this for."

I took a deep breath and let my bowels go. No one said anything as the liquid poured our of me. They simply waited until I was done and I heard a stool scrape as it moved again. I still didn't want to look down.

"Maddie, if you would? I need to dump this out," Sarah said, and I heard the door open and close again.

"Oh, no, Maddie I can--" I started to say as I felt Maddie begin to wipe my ass. Oh my god. I could never go to class with her again, could I? I couldn't look her in the face again, in the hallway. I would need to transfer schools.

"It's all right," she said, from the foot of the table. "I know she's going to ask you to scoot up some though, so why don't you do that," Maddie asked me when she'd finished. I still didn't want to look, or speak again so I just complied, scooting up the table some, stopping when she told me.

Sarah came back, thanked me for going through that and thanked Maddie for readjusting me. "Now, Aaron, we're going to give you a rectal exam. Because Maddie hasn't given many, we'll do it twice, just as we did some earlier tests, all right?"

I muttered acknowledgement and a few seconds later felt a lubed finger pressing against my asshole. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Maddie, leaning back a bit, conferring with Sarah quietly, while she had a finger stuck up my ass.

Yup, would need to change schools, maybe countries. Planets? I couldn't imagine seeing Maddie in class next week and wondering if she'd told the girl next to her about holding my dick and watching me pee, or having a finger up my ass, or any of it.