An Uncommon Bond Ch. 03

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Puppy training continues for Cleo.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/08/2019
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Light streamed in from the tall windows early in the morning. I begrudgingly rolled over and hid my face in the pillows. I did not want to get up and face the day for as long as possible. I fell back asleep for a little while until I heard Master's alarm clock ring. The bed creaked as he rolled over to shut it off. Bear jumped off the bed and bounded downstairs and started scratching at the door to be let out. With a huff, Master got out of bed and walked downstairs without checking on me.

After he let Bear out, I heard him start rummaging around the kitchen. I started to smell coffee and bacon. My tummy grumbled but I did not call out. He would come get me when he wanted. No need to poke the beast and draw attention to myself.

I was almost asleep again by the time I heard him coming back up the stairs.

"Good morning, Cleo." He sing-songed as he opened the cage door. I did not try to fake being asleep. I rolled over slowly and let out a groan.

"Wake up sleepy head. It's 10 o'clock." He urged. I wiped my eyes and lazily crawled out of the cage. He stood above me in just his boxers. I looked up and immediately felt shy. The outline of his dick was very easy to see. I did not want to be caught looking at it.

"Today is a full day of training, so I hope you slept good." He informed me. I just nodded, not really having an answer.

He knelt down and grabbed my hands. I recoiled a little, but held my tongue. He took off the cuffs, surprisingly.

"Feet next." He said, gesturing for me to give them to him. I did and he released me from the stupid hobble I'd had since I arrived.

"Thank you, Master." I said quietly. He smiled back.

He walked over to the dresser and grabbed some clothes that looked like exercise stuff. As he laid it on the bed, he said, "Get dressed in this, and go to the bathroom and do whatever you need to do. Put your hair in a ponytail. There are bands in the drawer on the left."

"Yes, Master," I replied. I tried to take the clothes with my hands but he smacked them away.

"Ah ah ah, no hands. Open your mouth," he ordered. Ugh. The humiliation begins. I gave a short glare that I think went unnoticed, and then opened my mouth. He placed the clothes in my mouth and then pointed to the bathroom. I awkwardly crawled over, the clothes dragging between my arms and legs.

I dropped the clothes with a huff before standing up. I washed up and gave myself a mental prep talk for the day.

'He's a dick, and he gets off on your humiliation. But it could be worse right? At least no one else is here to see me and he could be way less caring than he tries to be. And as far as "sex slavery" goes, I've heard stories of worse treatment. Sure, this is weird shit, but eh. You can handle it. Just do what he says, don't let your pride get in the way. You have a timeline now. A year. A year before he takes you back to the city. People are in the city. You can get help. You can do this.'

I put my hair up in a high ponytail like he said, and picked up the clothes. They were definitely exercise stuff. A purple sports bra, regular panties, and spandex leggings. They fit well, but I wasn't shocked by that. I was just happy to have some clothes.

When I was ready, I crawled out to him and saw that he was also wearing sports stuff.

He held out his hand and gave me my meds for the day and a cup of water. "Here ya go." I said thank you and took everything in one gulp.

"Let's get you some breakfast, pup." He said. He clipped my leash onto my collar and led me down the stairs. He put a hand on my shoulder to remind me to drop to my knees again when we got to the bottom of the stairs, and I obeyed without a fuss. After all, crawling honestly wasn't that big of a deal. He wasn't asking for much, right?

Breakfast consisted of apple slices and pineapple, which I love, but also oatmeal, which I hate. It was served in my bowl, with the fruit on a plate to the side. At least he didn't mix everything.

At first I did not say anything, as he just left me to eat while he cleaned up his breakfast. I smelled bacon.

'He has bacon but he's not going to give me any?' I thought, a little ticked.

The ultimate insult cane when Bear walked in and pawed at Master's feet and was rewarded with leftover bacon. Ugh!

I ate my fruit, while being a little peeved. I did not touch the oatmeal. It was cooling in the dish, still, when Master turned back to me.

"Finish eating so we can start the day." He ordered.

"Can I, like, maybe, not eat it? I really don't like oatmeal, Master." I tried to be as docile sounding as I could.

He didn't care. "No, it's healthy for you. Besides, I put vitamin powder in it that you need to eat. I can put it in a smoothie from now on, but you'll eat that today." He said with his arms crossed. I stared back at him with the same contempt that I stared at the oatmeal with.

"But it's cold!" I protested.

"Tough shit, slave." He laughed. Ugh, he had to say slave, didn't he?

"I'm not even that hungry." I said. I didn't care if I sounded like a toddler. I HATED mushy food.

"Cleo, you are going to eat that. Willingly or not."

I merely huffed in response and shoved the bowl away. "Let's just get started training."

He calmly walked over, grabbed my pony tail, and smacked me across the face. My ear rang and I whimpered. "What the f-"

He smacked me again before I could finish. "You need energy for the morning. I won't have to fainting on me. If I need to, I will tape your nose shut, put a funnel gag on you, and force-feed you. Or you can eat by yourself, like a good pet." His tight grip on my hair made me wince.

"Ah okay okay, I'll eat it!" I tried to pull away.

He slapped me again.

"What was that for?!"


"Don't forget my title, pet." He said, staring me down.

"Gah, yes, Master! I'll eat!" I said to appease him.

He let go, nodded curtly, and stood back up. He looked down on me with crossed arms. I indignantly tightened my ponytail, which had come loose in his tight grip. This made him roll his eyes, but he said nothing. I leaned down to the bowl of lukewarm oatmeal and had to stop myself from gagging. I guess there really wasn't that much there, but I still did not like it. I slowly ate, kind of making a mess on my face, but trying not to care. The whole thing was unpleasant, it felt like a punishment, but I did finish eventually.

I turned and looked up at Master, who was still watching. I wanted to say "Happy now?" but I didn't.

Suddenly, Bear's big, sloppy tongue ran across my oatmeal-covered face.

"Oh, uck! Bear! Stop it!" I tried to push him away, but did not succeed before he got a few more tastes.

Master was laughing at me. I sat on my butt and crossed my arms. "Can I just PLEASE have a napkin, Master?"

He laughed more, but put a washcloth under some warm water and knelt down. I did not resist when he gently cleaned off my face. He kissed my forehead as he pulled away and I wrinkled my nose. Ugh.

He cleaned my dish in the sink while I drank up all the water in my bowl.

When he was done, he snapped his fingers and pointed by his side. "Heel, pup." I did so without hesitation. I followed him as he walked down the hallway. Thankfully, he did not lead me into the dungeon. Instead, he opened the door opposite it and revealed a workout area. There was an elliptical, a treadmill, and some weight stuff. It was nothing fancy, but it fulfilled its purpose.

He pointed to a yoga mat that was set in front of a TV. "Sit."

I almost forgot what 'sit' meant, but I quickly remembered and assumed the position I learned yesterday.

"Good girl, you remembered." He petted my head.

"Every morning, you will do some exercise. You will always do some yoga, followed sometimes by cardio. I don't want my pet getting weak. I will do yoga with you. I usually follow a video." He informed me.

I nodded. That wasn't bad at all. Sure, I did not exercise regularly back home, but I knew I should. I couldn't be mad if he wanted to keep me healthy, I guess.

"I've never done much yoga, to be honest, Master." I said. I did not want him to be disappointed if I could not keep up. Not because I didn't want to disappoint him, but because I did not want to be punished. At least that's what I said in my mind.

"That's okay. We will start on beginner stuff." He reassured. He turned the TV on and selected the first video that came up on the screen. A stereotypical, but calming, woman's voice came on. As she started directing us through basic stretches and different types of breathing, I actually felt myself relaxing and unlocking. I did not feel like resisting at all. There was no point; this was good for me, and I told myself that it should not matter that he is making me do it. We did a bunch of the normal poses that everyone knows: downward dog, the warrior, the palm tree, etc. Master would occasionally correct me or guide my body. At first, it took me off guard to have him pull my hips or touch my arm. But I figured he was not going to touch me sexually right now, so I relaxed. We finished by sitting criss-cross applesauce and evening out our breath. I definitely enjoyed myself. I was in a much better mood than when we started.

"That was great. I hope you can learn some things about breathing that can help you in other ways in the future." When he said 'other ways' he winked. I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment but also indignation. Ugh, why did he have to bring that up. I was much more keen on obeying if he did not remind me of the other things he expected of me.

"Alright, now, you are going to do some jogging while I lift a little." He led me to the treadmill and helped me stand.

"Oh, I don't have to crawl, Master?" I tried to joke a little, I think. It came out dry.

He laughed anyway. "Nope. Though that might be a fun punishment.." He mused.

It sounded decidedly NOT fun to me. I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Loosen up, Cleo. I'm not that mean. That would be way too harsh on your knees." He said as he set up the program on the machine. Then he took the safety string and clipped it to the waist of my pants. The sudden skin contact, however small, shocked me for a moment, but I stood still.

"Get to it, puppy girl." He said with a light smack on my ass, which made me squeak. He laughed and turned away as the treadmill started up. I walked at a good pace for a minute and then it took me up to a jog. I do not jog often, so after only three minutes, I was panting. Luckily, I only had to jog for five minutes, before it let me walk for ten. I did that for an hour, with small water breaks in between sets. When the treadmill finally stopped, I wanted to collapse. That was WAY more than what I ever did on my own. I pulled the leather collar away from my neck. There was lots of sweat collecting under it. Uck.

I went to sit down on the ground but Master said, "No sitting. Bad for you. Stretch more. I'll be done soon." He was also out of breath, but not as bad as me. He was sweating as he did some kind of arm stuff. I don't know what. I never did strength stuff.

I sighed and nodded, not really able to talk, and just did some toe touches and shoulder rotations. I stared at him, trying not to be obvious as I looked at his strong arms. Kinky psycho or not, he did have nice arms. Master did finish soon and after a lot of water, which I was thankfully given out of a bottle, we went upstairs.

"Strip off." He ordered. He peeled off his own clothes. I hesitated a little, but they were just so wet that I had to admit, I wanted them off too.

I was suddenly shocked by a full frontal look at Master.

'This is how he first reveals himself to me? When he's sweaty and soft?' I wondered.

I looked away and held my hand up to my eyes. "Uhh.. are you going to.."

"Nope. We are showering." He said without a care in the world. He snapped his fingers as he walked towards the bathroom. "Heel."

Shit, was he going to use me now? My gut filled with worry as I crawled after him. He started the shower and I sat in the doorway, not looking up, but suddenly finding my cuticles very interesting.

I heard a jingle and then he was kneeling in front of me, dick and all. I eeked a little, I think.

"Chin up, let's get this collar off. I should have taken it off before we exercised. Sweat is no good for the leather." He nudged my chin up and I gratefully stared at the ceiling while he unlocked my collar. As it came off, I could smell the salty mix of leather and sweat. It reminded me of the smell of horseback riding in the summer.

I stretched my neck and rubbed the skin where the collar had been. It felt nice to have it off finally.

"The water is ready, come on in." Master said as he turned away. He sneaked a peak at his butt and found that it was surprisingly round for a man. Hm. Nice.

I crawled across the tile, but when I reached the shower, I was permitted to stand. I tried to look anywhere but his cock. The water was not too hot, but not freezing. His shower was nice and spacious. There were actually three shower heads- one on the left, one on the right, and one on the ceiling- so we did not have to share the stream. Surprisingly, he had more than one bottle of product. So many boys I knew only used that 3 in 1 stuff that was so damaging for the hair. I was kinda choosey with my products, but he had my favorite salon grade shampoo and conditioner.

I happily combed my hair and shampooed it deeply. Master surprised me by pulling my hands down to my sides and continuing to wash my hair for me. I did not pull away. He had strong fingers with just the right length of nails so that he scratched and massaged my head nicely. I let him as he switched to the comb and washed all the bubbles out. I sighed when he poured conditioner on his hands and worked it slowly from tip to root. When he was done, he handed me a bottle of soap and a loofa.

I started to use it on myself when he said, "No, you do me first. Then I'll do you."

I stared, it seemed like I was always staring.

'Is there another word for staring other than staring? I gotta check a thesaurus.' I stood there stalling.

"Earth to Cleo?" He laughed. I reddened but scooched a little closer. I gently started at his chest and moved to his arms. He turned around and I did his back and legs, happy that he could not see my embarrassment for now. But he turned around when I was still on my knees and I was suddenly face to face with his cock.

I stared. I gawked. I looked fixedly.

Who am I kidding? I gaped.

When he was flaccid before, he did not look like anything special. But as I washed him, he had gotten hard. I know some women do not care for the fine details of the male appendage, so skip ahead a little if that's you. But as for me, before being kidnapped, (and I guess still now), I was very appreciative of the organ. Sure, I did not have much experience, but I knew what I liked and didn't like.

And as I was faced with his erect cock, against my wishes, the back of my mind said "ooo." He was a good seven inches, circumcised, thick as all get out, and curved upward. At the time, I do not think I was so articulate, but I knew I would have liked to have it if it were under any other circumstances. I made every effort to keep a straight face, not displaying any emotion, good or bad. I said nothing, and neither did he, but I am sure he was smiling. Boys always love to show off their cocks, don't they?

I washed his legs and slowly made my way up. With gentle guidance from his hand, I cleansed him as clinically as I could. Thankfully, he did not try to make anything more of it, and let me finish rather quickly.

My chest was flushed when I stood up and put the loofa in his open palm. I fiddled with my hands and looked everywhere but his face and cock. He did not make me. He just put more soap on the loofa and pulled me to him with warm, wet hands. He started on my back and moved around, soaping up my belly. I squeaked when he moved up and tenderly washed by breasts. He made them sufficiently soapy before he used his other hand to caress and squeeze them. I was panting irregularly and standing stock still, trying not to replicate the day before.

When my shoulders relaxed a little, and I was starting to appreciate it just a little, he moved again. The loofa found the top of my mound and again, I was frozen. I held my legs together tightly and bit my lip, hoping that he would move on. He did not. His free hand moved to my shoulder and gently massaged me.

"Spread those lovely thighs, Cleo." He ordered sweetly. I could not disobey. I don't know if I wanted to. It had been a long time since I had been so intimate with someone, and I don't think my body and mind were on the same page about who and what was an acceptable turn on.

I shuddered, but did part my legs enough for him to get between them. My breath hitched as he brushed my outer lips. He did not press hard, or try to open me up more. He was so slow it was almost agonizing. I whimpered audibly. I think he was smirking. He spent a little more time than necessary "cleaning" me, but did not probe further. I only relaxed when he finally pulled away and stood me back under the water directly.

The shower did not last much longer. He dried me off and wrapped me in a towel and told me to go sit on the bed.

While I waited, I rung my hair out into a towel and massaged my scalp.

"Can you do braids?" Master came out with a towel wrapped around his waist, thankfully.

"Yes, Master." I replied.

"Good. Make two low braids." He ordered and handed me ponytails.

"Can I have a comb, Master?" I asked quietly.

"One sec." He said and went back to the bathroom.

He handed it to me and I got to work. To me, the air felt thick, like it did not want to be disturbed. But I don't think he felt it at all because he whistled while he picked out clothes for himself.

I finished my braids and sat on the bed patiently. He came over and put all the cuffs and stuff on the bed. He wore jeans and a Kenai Fjords National Park t-shirt.

'Hm, I wonder if he has actually been there' I wondered.

"You look cute like that." He complimented. I mumbled thank you.

"Chin up." He said and lifted the collar. I sighed and did so. It was back on with a click. The dog tag jingled. The mittens with the wrist cuffs came next. I knew what to do this time and was able to fit my hand in the palm the right way easily. Then the ankle cuffs. He thankfully did not lock any of the chains on.

"Let's go get some lunch, I'm starving." He said with a snap. He did not have to say it, I knew he wanted me to heel. We went downstairs and he directed me out the back door, onto the porch. Bear must have heard the door open and he came running, bounded right past us, and into the spacious backyard.

It was chilly, but the sun was out and it warmed my skin a little. It made me wonder if we were much farther south than my home because it would have been too cold to go on without at least a sweatshirt back there. We weren't much farther south, I had to assume, because it was still cold and the plantlife was the same, from what I could tell.

"Stay. I'm going to get your bed." Master commanded and then left. My heart rushed suddenly. I was not alone by any means, but I was outside, unhobbled, and unchained. I had the fleeting thought to take off running, but Master was back before I could act. Where would I have gone anyway? All I could see was a field and woods. And I still had the stupid paws on.

He plopped the bed down next to the table along with a blanket. I crawled in without being told, happy to get off the wood. He clipped my leash on and then hooked it to a D-ring on the leg of the table. Drats.