All Comments on 'An Undeniable Passion Ch. 19'

by opels

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

i LOVE your writing -- suspense is KILING me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Oh my dear!

opels you are fantastic! the story has really got me captivated and I can't wait for more,,,, I want more fighting and passion and of course a happy ending.... soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

Finally, now i can't wait until the conclusion but then again i hope there isn't one. Drake is staying for the ball, unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
What's wrong with this woman????

Doesn't she realize most woman would die to have a man love her like Drake does? I actually find myself having fantasies about Drake kissing me and cupping my brests like he does to Virginia. But what ever happened to Charles? Did he go back to Liverpool? Is Thomas going to show his evil side again when he ralizes how much passion is between Virginia and Drake? So many questions! I'm really hooked on this story and can't wait for more. I hope the next chapter is soon!

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayalmost 19 years ago

i love this story, the writing,the passion, the way it flows so easily from one chapter to another without a break of passion or drama etc...i too agree with the other readers, i want to read the ending but i SURELY do not want it to end anytime soon. Opels, you are truly amazing in your writings and although i've read some of your other peices i would have to say this is one of my favs beyond a doubt. i do so look forward to reading on...keep up the awesome surely should be published not just here although i'm thankful for that...but in hardback. What a gift. respectfully your fan in Texas

romantique13romantique13over 9 years ago
U are the best story I have yet read on Lit.

Kudos Opels!!!

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