An Unexpected Turn of Events


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I could tell that she was approaching climax and I began to feel my own orgasm approaching. "Becky, I'm close," I whispered, to give her warning of the eruption that was about to take place.

Becky continued to rock furiously on top of me as she panted out her reply, "It's okay, cum in me." I felt her feet dig under my legs and her pussy press down even harder onto me, and in the throes of my approaching climax I reflexively began thrusting up into her, holding her round hips with my hands to pull her even more tightly against me. I felt deeper than ever before, with the head of my penis pressing squarely against her cervix as her vagina began contracting in rapid pulses around my shaft.

Suddenly Becky let out a squeal and I felt her body seize up momentarily, and nearly simultaneously I felt a wave of ecstasy wash over me as I locked into position deep inside her and let loose a geyser of semen into her waiting pussy. Her vagina contracted like a vice around my cock as Becky continued to rock gently on top of me, moaning "yes" and smiling contentedly as I filled her with my seed. I admired how beautiful she appeared in that moment in the dim evening light, still looking elegant and every bit a lady in her dress, but with her hair tussled and an exhilarated expression on her face. I saw her tanned, meaty thighs visible on either side of my waist below the flares of her dress, and reflected on how surreal it was that those legs I had admired for so long from afar were now straddling me in the most intimate way possible, gripping my torso snugly as our bodies remained connected in union.

We held in place for a few moments, enjoying the aftershocks of our orgasms, and when I began to pull out Becky said "wait, just one more minute" as she collapsed onto my chest with a satisfied smile. After a moment Becky rolled to my side and nuzzled up against me, her plump breasts pressed against my side through the sundress. I savored the moment, enjoying the pleasurable afterglow of the first sex I'd enjoyed in months. I looked at Becky and said "Wow. I think we needed that."

She smiled and gave me a soft kiss on my mouth, replying "More than you know" before laying her head on my shoulder again. I squeezed Becky against me and gently stroked her back, and she rested one leg across my midsection, the soft skin of her inner thigh pressing against my now-flaccid penis.

After a few minutes I excused myself to the bathroom to clean up, and Becky rolled away onto her back. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled as I washed up, still amazed at the unexpected turn of events. My face was flush and my heartbeat was still elevated, and I took a deep breath to relax and bring myself back to reality. As I turned to walk back to the bedroom I noticed a small trash can beside the sink, with a strangely familiar shape atop the other discarded items. I bent down to take a look, and was surprised to see an ovulation test, with a smiley face clearly visible in the window.

I probably should have taken a moment to collect myself, but on impulse I picked up the test and walked briskly back into the bedroom. Becky was still laying on her back, with her eyes closed and a slight smile, holding her knees to her chest. As she heard me approach she opened her eyes and turned her head toward me. "I missed you- come here" she said with a warm smile.

"What in the fuck is this?" I exclaimed, waving the test in the air.

Becky shot up out of the bed, stammering "Where did you... it's not what you think... don't be mad."

"Did you invite me over here to trick me into getting you pregnant?" asked accusingly.

"Listen... it's not like that!" Becky was still struggling to find something to say, which I took as proof of her guilt.

"This is so fucked up," I said, adding "And I can't believe we did this to Mark and Sara. All this sneaking around, and lies."

Sarah grabbed my arm with a look of desperation and I could see tears welling up. "You want the truth?" She picked up her phone from the nightstand and began scrolling through it as she continued, "Let's start with Mark. How could I do this to him? Do you know what Mark is doing right now?"

"Golfing. You told me that," I replied with frustration.

Becky held up her phone and I looked at the screen, which appeared to show Mark kissing a woman outside of a motel, a woman who was not Becky. "That's Mark's coworker. I don't know how long they've been having an affair; I only realized it once covid struck and he started making excuses to go out. Last month I followed him one day and took this myself." Tears streamed down Becky's face as she finished.

"I'm really sorry Becky. But what does this have to do with me, what does it have to do with getting pregnant?" I asked.

"Mark and I were trying to have another baby but it just hasn't worked. I went to a doctor last month and he told me that I'm perfectly fertile, but he believes Mark is 'shooting blanks.' It makes sense- it took us a long time to have our first two kids and the doctor said his sperm count has probably declined even further since then." Becky paused and took a breath before continuing. "And I've been heartbroken. Heartbroken for the last year because I wasn't able to get pregnant when I've wanted another baby so badly- and I thought it was my fault. And then heartbroken in the last month when I found out about him cheating, and realized that even if I leave Mark it would take too long to start a new relationship and get to the point that I'd have another baby. My clock is ticking."

"Right after all of this went down, I saw you looking at me that night at your house and something happened. It wasn't even anything I thought but more something I felt- an overwhelming urge to be with you." Becky looked to gauge my reaction as she explained herself, as if she wasn't sure if her words would make any sense.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I couldn't take the chance of you saying no. I knew I needed to seduce you quickly, before you could have second thoughts. So I began tracking my ovulation and when I saw the smiley face this morning I 'surprised' Mark with a three-night golf vacation; his birthday is coming up so I told him it was for that, and I could tell he was happy to get a few nights away from me. He's probably with her right now."

I shook my head, still taking it all in. "So was this just going to be a one-night stand? Do you think I wouldn't have done the math when you got pregnant?" I asked, incredulously.

"I didn't think that far. I just knew I wanted this with you, I needed to be with you." Becky said softly. She looked at her feet shyly and added "I don't know how to explain it. I know it's wrong and it doesn't make any sense. But I felt such a drive from deep inside to be with you."

I understood what Becky was referring to because I had noticed the same impulse pulling me toward her- like the raw and primeval instinct driving animals to mate. I felt sympathetic for Becky and was starting to calm down, and suddenly came to an uncomfortable realization. "So Sara is the only innocent one in all this?" I asked rhetorically, shaking my head in shame as I spoke.

Becky put her hand on my shoulder with a look of concern and paused for a moment before speaking, seeming to consider her words carefully before responding. Her voice barely above a whisper, she said "No, she's not."

I looked up at Becky as she began scrolling through her phone again. "I know all about the problems in your marriage; Sara talks about it all the time. She complains about you whenever we get together, and she's told me you two haven't slept together in months." Before I could be embarrassed by the fact that my relationship issues were public knowledge, Becky held up her phone. It showed Sara, fuzzy and in the distance, kissing another man in a parking lot beside her car.

"What?" I croaked.

Becky looked at me with a sympathetic expression and continued, "That's the bartender from the restaurant we go to for girls nights. She's flirted with him for over a year, but I didn't think it was anything more than that until one night when I left soon after Sara and I saw this outside." I was speechless, even if I wasn't entirely surprised given the state of our marriage. Becky cleared her throat and said "She's leaving you. She told us it was decided and her attorney is ready to go; she is just waiting for this quarantine to end before she files the papers."

Becky stepped forward and hugged me tightly as my body went numb. It was all too much to process, and my mind simply shut down from the strain. I could feel Becky's face nuzzling against my neck as her hands stroked my back, and the warmth of her body pressed against mine as she continued to hug me gradually brought me back to my senses. I turned my face toward her hair and breathed in her pleasant fragrance, and I returned Becky's embrace, squeezing her closely against me.

I felt her full breasts pressing against my chest, reawakening my earlier arousal. Suddenly, in the midst of the chaos I found clarity in my deep desire for Becky. We both acknowledged the irresistible pull to be together, despite the challenges and risks. She wanted me and I wanted her, and if she wanted me to impregnate her with my child, every ounce of my being was telling me to do just that. Like wild animals overwhelmed by the desire toward union- the raw and unstoppable instinct to mate- we were living in the moment and didn't know what the future held, and I was okay with that.

Becky felt me coming back to life, and began to kiss my neck, further arousing my desire. I slid my hands down her back and over the round contours of her perfect ass, savoring the sensation for a moment before gripping the bottom of her dress and pulling it up over her head, tossing it to the floor. Our mouths met and we kissed again- as passionately as before but even more satisfying because we both knew exactly what we were doing and were fully committed to that purpose- and I unclasped her bra, allowing her breasts to burst free. Becky was finally nude for the first time, mine to claim, and fully consummate our bond.

I stepped back and looked over her naked body admiringly, and Becky looked at me with a vulnerable and self-conscious expression and said "Not as petite as Sara, I know."

I wrapped my arms around Sara and pulled her close, locking eyes and responding with certainty; "Becky, I love every inch of your body. It is the most beautiful and feminine figure I've ever seen, and I wouldn't change a thing." Becky smiled and kissed me sweetly, her naked body pressing against mine for the first time, and then I gave her a playful look and asked, "So... that test means you'll be fertile for how long exactly?"

Becky whispered "three days," leaning forward to kiss me again as my hands continued to meander across her smooth skin.

I whispered "Good to know," before lowering my face to her chest and beginning to kiss her gorgeous breasts. Becky closed her eyes and moaned softly as I took my time exploring each breast with my mouth, while my hands held and squeezed them gently, savoring how heavy and supple they felt to the touch. At a large C- or even D- cup size they were larger than anything I had seen in years, perfectly round and more pert than I would have expected given their size. As my tongue circled each nipple between kisses- occasionally sucking the sensitive and tender tissue into my mouth- I could sense Becky's growing arousal. I slid my hand between her legs, rubbing the smooth skin surrounding her pussy before sliding a finger inside her folds to feel how wet she had grown for me. Becky moaned my name and her hips opened in response as I continued to enjoy her breasts with my mouth and other hand.

I stood and kissed Becky again as I gradually backed her up against the bed; I noted that delirious look again in her eyes and knew she was ready for me. She sat down and backed onto the bed, never losing eye contact with me as she reclined at a seductively slow pace. I took in how beautiful she looked, laying nude across the plush bed and beckoning me with her gaze, and as I climbed onto the bed her legs opened invitingly for me.

Without hesitation I took my place between Becky's legs as she lay passively beneath me with an expectant but docile expression, and I kissed her assertively while my hips drove forward and I entered her for the second time. Becky whimpered and I felt her body tense up briefly as she absorbed me, before relaxing into a more receptive posture, and she purred with satisfaction as I began to slowly thrust in and out.

I was amazed by how different it felt from our first time just minutes earlier; it was as though Becky was submitting herself, responding naturally to my every move such that it seemed we were truly one. Every thrust was a dance, with me initiating and Becky receiving in perfect harmony- each time I pressed forward her legs slid higher on my waist as her hips opened up to receive me, and then when I withdrew I could hear Becky exhaling and her body momentarily relaxing. As I increased the force and pace of my thrusts, Becky's entire body bounced vigorously up and down beneath me, and I was mesmerized by the sight of her breasts bobbing around freely.

Becky moaned, whimpered and yipped in enjoyment, and I could sense her body approaching orgasm. She began whispering my name between thrusts, interspersed with an occasional "don't stop," and "feels... so... good." As I continued to slam my hips into Becky, harder and faster than before, I savored how beautiful she looked in that moment and how incredible she felt, and reflected on the fact that she was laying beneath me, submitting herself in the purest and most intimate way that a woman could. I would soon empty my seed into that beautiful, fertile body, and if we had our way she would soon have my baby growing inside her.

That thought put me over the edge and I was suddenly overwhelmed by my climax, waves of ecstasy washing over me as pushed my cock as deep as I could and began filling Becky for the second time. Becky's orgasm hit a moment later and I felt her entire body stiffen beneath me as she squealed in delight. Our bodies continued to gyrate together slowly for a few moments, and it almost felt as though Becky's pussy was contracting in inward waves, effectively milking every drop of seed from my spent cock, until I finally withdrew and collapsed behind her.

Becky nuzzled against me and we kissed softly a few times, her beautiful naked body pressed against me. I thought to myself "I could get used to this"; I was awestruck by the chemistry Becky and how incredible sex with her had been. Our second time was even better than the first- probably in part due to the fact that we both knew exactly what we were doing and what was at stake- and I had no intention of stopping now. I shut my eyes and smiled, allowing myself to enjoy the moment, and judging by Becky's purring against me it sounded like she was doing the same.



It's hard to believe that six months have passed since that eventful first night together. Things moved so fast, starting of course with Becky and I spending every available minute of her three day fertile window together, fucking like rabbits while also getting to know each other better.

Ultimately, this wasn't a typical "happily ever after" story in that we didn't run off together and get married. My wife did end up filing for divorce as expected a few months later when Covid began to lift, but you can imagine her surprise when I responded with the evidence my private investigator had spent those extra months accumulating on her misadventures, and the terms from my attorney for an amicable divorce and fair custody arrangement, which was all I ever wanted for myself and the kids.

As for Becky, after much soul-searching she decided that she had too much invested in her life with Mark to simply walk away. However, since confronting him with evidence of his affair she's found him to be a much more supportive spouse. He even encourages her to enjoy frequent girls' nights out, and even occasional vacations away with her girlfriends, without asking too many questions...

As you might have expected, Becky is now enjoying the healthy baby bump she had yearned for so badly, as well as the stereotypical pregnant "glow". An unanticipated side effect has been the degree to which the hormones have supercharged her libido, so we've found ourselves lately with plenty of post-coital cuddle time with which to discuss baby names.

So was our story normal or ideal? Certainly not. But I have no complaints about how things have turned out; I may have lost a marriage but I've gained a love, and who knows what else the future holds for Becky and me? And besides, nothing about life during covid was normal, so in that sense I suppose the story of our unusual romance is entirely fitting.

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NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 3 years ago

You need to watch better in editing for mixing up names. You cant be in bed with Becky and wrap your arms around Sara or Sarah

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Another POS Covid cheating bastard and whore story from this sad author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well done!

What an incredible story- it captured the unique circumstances of life in 2020 and the buildup from first admiring her legs to the incredible night together was great! I wish they ended up together but the outcome was more realistic.

OOAAOOAAalmost 4 years ago
Hot story!!!!

Nice story, congrats!!!

maxx308maxx308almost 4 years ago

No Complaints

No complaints from me, I liked the story it's fiction as far as I know and everyone was happy in the end.

26thNCuck26thNCuckalmost 4 years ago
5 stars

26thNCuck Approved & favorited

Amazing work

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 4 years ago

I gave it 4* - It needed more plot development with his wife's infidelity and how it went down the day of her "big reveal". He definitely was the loser in all this...

COYSCOYSalmost 4 years ago
Liked it

Very sexy descriptions of Becky. He came out all right in his divorce, and he’s better off without her. I’d love to see another chapter where he ends up with Becky after she bounces her cheating husband, but it’s your story. Thank you

SwordWielderSwordWielderalmost 4 years ago

Fair, but what do you think will happen when the baby is born? Do you think Mark is going to accept responsibility and raise a kid that isn't his? I really think DNA paternity tests should be mandatory and standard for all births.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Good story, thanks for the read. I think the Main Character, Sara's husband came out on the short end of the deal. Finds out wife's been cheating, with a bartender no less. I don't see that as much of a trade up in husbands unless she's got better one on the hook that the husband hasn't found yet. Plus, Main Character gets to be a part-time dad going forward. He hooks up with and impregnates the voluptuous Becky only to have her decide to stay with Mark. I don't see that working out long term especially if she continues screwing the baby daddy and he figure out he's raising someone else's kid.

Comme ci, comme ça

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