An Unexpected Visit

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Unexpected visitors take their liberties with Sarah.
4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/25/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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[Author's note: as always - none of this should ever be attempted in real life, all characters are of legal age, this is all fiction, etc. This is a sequel to "A Train Ride to Remember". If you haven't read that one, this story can pretty much stand alone with this small bit of context: Sarah was stuck on a train with Jack and Pete who made a series of bets over what they could do to her, and they paid her to fuck and abuse her body.]


It had been a rough few weeks for Sarah, since her incident on the train. She'd come home nearly three hours late, and had gone straight to shower, spending half an hour under the burning water. She went to bed without eating, and flinched every time her boyfriend, Kyle, tried to cuddle - or even just touch - her during the night.

She wouldn't answer any of his questions; she couldn't, really, but he didn't know that. His suspicions grew, despite her repeated assurances that she did not cheat on him. She was also trying to convince herself of the same fact, which didn't help. With time and distance, her memories of the event took a back seat in her mind, so long as she didn't think too much about it.

The wedge had been driven between her and Kyle, though. He'd taken the hint, and stopped talking about it, but the unanswered questions hovered above them like a dark cloud. At first they argued more and more, about dumber and dumber shit, but they didn't even do that anymore; they were mostly reduced to small talk nowadays. Their previously healthy sex life took a dip, and they barely touched now.

Honestly, she didn't know that their relationship would last much longer. She wanted to care, wanted to fight for it, but whenever she thought of talking about their problems, the memory of Pete and Jack loomed in her mind. Then guilt and shame overtook her, and she struggled to feel anything else, so she opted to not think, not feel at all.

Her therapist would have said her avoidant coping style was unhealthy and unsustainable - if she'd had a therapist, but of course she didn't, because she didn't need one, because nothing happened and she was fine and didn't need help and everything was cool, okay?!

That morning had been particularly rough... in that it had been particularly bland. She wasn't even sure if Kyle had said goodbye before leaving for work. Sarah had spent the whole morning distracted; even Corinne noticed, and normally she had the people skills of a wood plank.

This was a point of no-return, she could feel it: if she wanted to salvage her relationship, if even a shred of love remained inside her for Kyle, she had to act now. She had to do something. She felt the familiar paralysis creep up inside her - don't think, don't feel, don't act - but she shook it off.

"Sarah... Sarah!"

Sarah started and looked around. Corinne had rolled her chair up to hers and was tapping a finger on the desk impatiently. Sarah noticed she'd been idle so long her monitor had gone dark.

"Sorry, you wanted something, Corinne?"

Corinne scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I've been talking to you for like 2 minutes straight... I don't know what's up with you, but you're useless to me today. Go home, get your head right, I'll email you what I need and you can do it tomorrow."

She rolled away without looking back, and resumed her 90wpm typing, the keystrokes loud and clear: the conversation was over. Sarah sighed and collected her things.

Maybe this was a sign. She could go home, clean up the flat, make a nice dinner, and psych herself up for a conversation with Kyle. She couldn't just throw 3 years of relationship and nearly 2 years of cohabitation down the drain.

Sarah got home without incident - taking the train was never going to be as comfortable as it used to be - and got to work. She folded and put away the clean laundry, changed the sheets, vacuumed and mopped the floors, bleached the kitchen countertops, and got the bathroom sparkly clean. She prepped a chilli, and set it to simmer.

After a quick shower, she took the time to consider her outfit. She didn't want Kyle to think she was trying too hard, but she did want to try. Her first mentor had told her the best thing to do to ace a difficult presentation was to "wear your power undies", so that's where Sarah started: she chose what she'd call third date underwear. A matching black set that said "I didn't set out to have sex today, but damn I'm ready if it happens".

She picked a simple black dress to match. It wasn't anything special, but she knew it looked good on her, and she knew Kyle appreciated the way it hugged her body in all the right places, but flowed loosely enough in others to leave something to the imagination.

The front door's locked clicked open, and Sarah's heart thundered in her chest. She heard Kyle come in and could picture his routine: shoes being kicked off, coat shrugged off and hung on his usual peg, backpack dropped against the wall, a dozen steps into the living room...

Deep breath in. Here we go, she thought. She opened the bedroom door and emerged, a smile tentatively pulling up the corners of her lips.

On the couch, arms casually thrown over the back, and smiling ear to ear, sat Jack.

"Honey, I'm home!" he beamed at her.

Sarah froze. This must be a dream. Or a nightmare. Or a hallucination. Or she'd slipped into a parallel universe. Or... something. Anything.

"I... what are you doing here?" she managed to ask.

Jack shrugged. "I thought I'd say hi, see how you're doing," he eyed her up and down. "Still looking lovely, I see."

Sarah blushed and crossed her arms. "How did you find me?" Jack opened his mouth to answer, and Sarah interrupted him. "Actually, I don't care. Get out. Get the fuck out of my flat."

Jack gasped in mock outrage and stood, circling the coffee table to approach Sarah. She stepped sideways, keeping the low table between them. "That's no way to greet an old friend," he said.

"You're not my friend," Sarah growled.

"You're right. Not friend. Business partner. As I recall, you were compensated more than fairly for your time," he winked at her. "I had another business venture I wanted to discuss with you..."

He smiled, and his wolfish grin cut straight through Sarah's defences, her memories of her previous encounter with Jack flooding her mind. She panicked, turned, and ran for the front door. She had to be somewhere, anywhere but here.

She slammed straight into Pete, who stood barring the hallway. She bounced off his chest and stumbled backwards, tripped over the vacuum she'd forgotten to put away, and fell sprawling to the floor.

"Hey you," Pete said.

"I hope you don't mind," Jack called out from the living room, "I brought some friends..."

Friends. Friends, plural? Sarah's eyes widened as she spotted another man standing behind Pete. He even gave her a little friendly wave.

She scrambled backwards, away from the men in the hallway, but her flat wasn't that big. By the time she made it to her feet, she was back in the living room. Surrounded, for all intents and purposes. She glanced towards the kitchen, briefly debating running for a knife, but Pete shook his head knowingly and stepped between her and the kitchen door.

"So, you know how this goes, pet," Jack said. He stepped up to Sarah and brushed hair away from her face. "Be a good little slut, now."

Sarah ground her teeth and set her jaw defiantly, pulling her face away from Jack's touch. "No. There's not enough money in the world. Hell. No."

Jack chuckled. "I don't think you understand... This is happening. Negotiations are already complete."

Sarah hesitated at that. Negotiations? With who? What was he talking about?

Letting her guard down was a mistake. Before she'd fully realised what was happening, Jack had lunged forwards and grabbed her wrist. He twisted it up behind her back, forcing her to bend forwards to avoid her arm being wrenched out of its socket.

He guided her a few steps forwards, then kicked the back of her leg to make her knee buckle. He pulled her forwards, laying her face down across the coffee table. The new man appeared at her side and rummaged in a bag he had slung across his shoulder.

In quick, practiced movements, Jack and the man had secured Sarah's wrists and knees to the coffee table legs, and stepped back, admiring their work.

"Nicely done, Dave," Jack said appreciatively.

Sarah recovered her wits, finally. She tugged at the cuffs holding her down, but they were tight and barely budged. "What the fuck, untie me, you pricks," she snarled.

Jack squatted in front of Sarah and she held her head up to glare at him. "Dave, why don't you get her ready?"

"With pleasure," Dave replied, his voice a low growl.

He pulled her dress up around her waist, then rummaged some more in his bag. Sarah fought the urge to look back and kept glaring at Jack instead. She flinched when Dave cut off her underwear, and dread filled her: this time, they came prepared. Dave drizzled some sort of oily lube on her ass, letting it drip over her asshole and onto her pussy.

"Got to tie a girl up to get her, what a big man you are," she snarled at Jack. He chuckled and settled on the floor in front of her.

"That really won't work, you know," he shrugged. "I don't think you understand just how little I care about what you think."

Without warning, Dave pushed two fingers inside her and Sarah gasped. She bucked her hips, trying to get away, but she could barely move, strapped to the table as she was.

"Dave, on the other hand, isn't a big man," Jack continued. "But he has learned to make up for it in other ways."

Dave took the hint and slid a third finger inside Sarah, moving his hand in and out with circular motions, stretching her uncomfortably.

"Fucking stop," Sarah growled, though she could already hear her anger making way to pleading, "just stop, you assholes..."

Jack sighed and pulled Dave's bag closer to look through its contents. He brought out a small metal contraption with leather straps, and before Sarah could realise what it was, he'd shoved it in her mouth.

A metal ring sat behind her teeth, prying her jaws open, and Jack fastened the straps behind her head. She shook her head side to side, trying to dislodge it, but it didn't budge. She worked her tongue at the ring, trying to push it out of her mouth, but she couldn't get a purchase on it and only succeeded in drooling down her chin.

"Much better," Jack sighed. "Some peace and quiet. How are you getting on, there, Dave?"

"Making progress," Dave replied, "this isn't her first rodeo." He added a fourth finger inside her and curled his fingers, rotating his knuckles inside her pussy. Sarah winced and Jack chuckled. "Very good, carry on."

Jack settled back onto the couch, and found the TV remote. He flipped the TV on and casually browsed through the smart apps on the home screen. A few clicks later, he'd found the browser, and navigated to Pornhub. "Just a bit of mood music," he murmured, and started up a video.

Sarah closed her eyes and turned her head away, but the sounds still reached her. Jack had found some sort of major orgy video, and all sorts of noises overlapped - grunts and moans, gagging and wet slaps.

Sound had always turned Sarah on. She loved fucking Kyle because he was so vocal in his pleasure. Despite herself, she immediately felt her pussy throb in response to the video.

"Thanks for the assist," Dave said, nodding to Jack. He pulled his hand out of Sarah's pussy, wrapped his thumb in, and pushed his entire fist back into her.

Sarah groaned in response, hating how the ring gag made her sound, hating the saliva she could feel drip down her chin. She had never been this stretched before, this full. Dave's fist filled her up entirely, pushing every single button inside her at once.

Then he started moving - slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed, adding lube when he needed to. Sarah was pretty sure some of the sounds she was hearing now were hers, Dave's fist plunging in and out of her drawing moans from her with every thrust.

She felt someone - Pete, Jack? Did it matter? - press something high on her thigh, pushing it up against her clit, and wrap it with tape. They flicked a switch and she understood: a wand.

The vibrations instantly brought her to the edge, and Dave pumped harder, his wrist disappearing inside her pussy.

Sarah couldn't stop the orgasm crashing through her, couldn't stop the animalistic growl coming from her throat. She'd never realised she could both hate and love something so intensely at the same time.

Finally, it subsided, and Dave pulled his hand out. He flicked the vibrations on the wand to a lower setting, and sat back on his heels, observing Sarah's gaping pussy with satisfaction.

"Right, halfway done," he said.

Sarah froze as understanding dawned on her. Sure enough, Dave was rubbing more lube into her asshole, and pushed a finger inside. She tensed and he slapped her ass.

The sudden sharp sensation startled her and he took the opportunity to slide a second finger in. He took his time, stretching her tight hole slowly.

"I'm bored," Pete said. He made his way to the front of the coffee table and gestured down towards Sarah's head. "Mind if I take this side?" he asked Dave.

Dave shrugged in response and Pete grabbed Sarah's hair to lift her head. "This gag's going to make things so much easier for you," he said sweetly.

Pete unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock, shoving it unceremoniously inside Sarah's mouth. "Oh yeah," he grunted, "much easier."

Pete held Sarah's head with both hands, steadying her as he moved inside her. He felt his cock harden further and pushed himself deeper. Sarah coughed and gagged in response.

"Oh nice one," Dave thanked Pete, as Sarah's asshole pushed back on his fingers and allowed him to work his way up to four.

Sarah whimpered and Pete groaned in pleasure. "Back at you," he murmured, "these vibrations feel so good on my cock... make her moan again."

Dave smiled and added more lube to her ass, fucking her more vigorously now, his four fingers plunging in and out of her easily. He flicked the switch back up on the wand, and the vibrations picked up right where they'd left off and sent Sarah flying over the edge into another orgasm.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned, sputtered, and coughed over Pete's dick, but she didn't even care. Her asshole clenched and relaxed rhythmically around Dave's fingers, and he balled his fist and pushed it inside her triumphantly.

Dave fisted her asshole, letting her ride her orgasm, and just as she felt it subside, he pulled his hand out, leaving her gaping wide open. She lay panting on the coffee table.

The wand was clicked off and Sarah sighed in relief, her clit throbbing and aching from over stimulation. Jack once more crouched in front of her and pulled her head up. Her eyes struggled to focus on his face.

"Look who's on TV," he said. He grinned at her and angled her head to face the TV. She blinked a few times to focus her eyes.

Her heart sank. Displayed in sickeningly high res was her pussy, spread open as Dave punched his fist in and out of her. Jack turned the sound up and Sarah's own moans filled her ears. Was this really her?

As if reading her thoughts, Jack bent down to murmur in her ear. "Yes, that's the kind of slut you are... now stop pretending, it's so obvious you're fucking loving this." He let go of her hair and her head thumped back down on the table.

Jack sat back down on the couch and propped his feet up on the table - that is to say, he rested them on Sarah's back, crossing one ankle over the other. "You know," he mused, "Finding where you live wasn't hard. Remember, insanely rich? So, the question you should have asked isn't how did we find you, it's... where is Kyle?"

As Jack was talking, Dave had settled back behind her and pushed his cock inside her pussy. She was ashamed of the thought, but Sarah definitely understood what Jack had meant by "not a big man". After feeling his entire fist inside her, Dave's cock barely stimulated her even as he thrust deep into her.

"It's pretty simple, really," Jack continued. "Money. You peasants will do anything for it. I ran into Kyle one day when I was coming to pay you a visit... he wasn't too happy. Seems you have been having issues, haven't you?"

Dave kept fucking her, and as he poked at her asshole and started working his fist back inside, Sarah also understood what Jack had meant by "making up for it in other ways"... As soon as her asshole closed around his wrist, she couldn't hold back a moan.

Dave pushed his hand in a few millimetres when he pulled his cock out, and then switched. Feeling the thin wall between her pussy and ass rubbed from both sides was almost too much for Sarah and she fought down another orgasm building inside her.

He chuckled. "Oh, right, you can't talk! Silly me. Well, Kyle wasn't too happy to hear all about our little adventure. Of course, I glossed over some of the details, but he got the gist - and he figured, if you could get paid... Well, he figured that once I offered it to him. 1k to get a copy of the key - almost cheaper than a locksmith."

Sarah closed her eyes and tried to block it all out: Jack's words, Dave's fist... Then she heard herself moan on the TV - or was it her, right now? - and it was too much, another orgasm crashing over her, her pussy clenching around Dave's cock.

He groaned and held himself buried inside her as he came too. He pulled himself out, and Sarah could feel a blob of cum drip down her leg as he did.

Well, this was pretty much as low as things could get at least, right? As if on cue, she heard the front door open. More of Jack's friends? What the fuck?

"Sarah..." a strangled voice murmured behind her.

Sarah jerked in her restraints and strained to turn her head. No, it couldn't be, why would he be here, why - Kyle?!

He stood frozen behind here, taking in the scene - her naked, still somewhat gaping holes, her pussy dripping cum, the wand tied to her thigh, and the looped video playing on the TV, showing him exactly what had led to her current state.

"Hey, Kyle! Glad you joined us mate," Jack said, still resting his feet on Sarah's back.

"Get out," Kyle growled, "deal's off, just get out, you'll get your money back." He kneeled behind Sarah and set to work unclasping the cuffs holding her to the coffee table.

He clearly hadn't looked around, focused entirely on Sarah's prostrate form, so Dave easily snuck up behind him and pulled him off the ground in a full Nelson hold.

"Wait your turn," Pete chided him as he approached Sarah. "We're only one hole down."

Pete approached behind Sarah and crouched over her. He flicked the wand back on, then leaned his hands on her waist for balance. He slid his cock easily into her ass and set to pounding her into the table. Jack chuckled and got to his feet, walking around the table to admire the show from all angles.

It seems Pete thrived on an audience, and he angled himself so Dave could watch his thick cock plunge in and out of his girlfriend's asshole.

"Stop, why are you doing this?!" Dave shouted.

Jack stopped and looked at him quizzically. "I don't understand the question. Look at her," he gestured towards her, "she fucking loves it. This is what she's for."

By now the vibrations on Sarah's clit had turned from pleasure to pain, her overstimulated nerves screaming for a break. Pete's cock in her ass on the other hand... she hated to admit it, but it did feel good.

It wasn't as thick as Dave's fist, but he went deeper, and was fucking her with long strokes, pulling nearly all the way out on each thrust.