An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 03


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"Someone likes that I see," he purred. "Well, just wait for what I've got planned next..."

Still cupping her right breast in his right hand, he moved his left hand southward, caressing her bare pubic area, before beginning to trace the moist lips of her pussy with his middle finger. After a few more circles around her outer rim, he slipped his finger into her slit, feeling how wet she had already become. He stroked in and out for several minutes before withdrawing, leaving Melody whimpering and begging for more. Gently turning her around to face him, he reached up to detach the inner circle of the showerhead, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

Now fully anticipating what was to come, Melody leaned slightly against the granite wall, grabbing hold of one of the strategically placed handles along the perimeter of the shower. Kneeling before her, Mike continued his inspection of her pussy lips. Moving his face to her inner thigh, he softly kissed his way up to the slick tunnel that was his ultimate goal, lightly licking both sides of her outer lips as he arrived. Turing his attention to her swollen clit, he finally tasted her for the first time, savoring the sweet nectar seeping from her womanhood.

Gasping, Melody could barely speak. "How... do I... taste?"

Giving her clit a quick kiss and suck, eliciting another squeal, he simply replied, "Heavenly."

"So... are you gonna use that powerful tool between your legs?" She ran her fingers through his hair. "And I'm not talking about your cock."

Without a word, he slowly brought the shower nozzle up to the entrance of her pussy, causing Melody to moan and grip the shower handle for dear life. As he circled the water stream around her lips, the spray of water on her clit nearly brought her to orgasm right then and there. However, sensing she was near the edge, Mike backed off, pulling the nozzle further away to decrease the intensity of the water flow. He intended to build her up to the biggest orgasm of her young life. Repeating this cycle twice more, the intensity of Melody's moans was almost too much to bear.

"I don't want you to hold back your passion. Can your privacy powers ensure that nobody hears us?"

Tingle. Flash.

Melody was panting so hard that she couldn't even breathe a word in response. Deciding she had had enough torture, he lowered the shower nozzle and reinserted his middle finger into her now soaked pussy. Fucking her steadily with his finger, he then resumed his slow but firm licking of her clit. As the bucking of her hips increased, so did the intensity of his finger strokes, until she finally came to the edge of the dam bursting. He began lapping at her clit with a much speed and power as he could manage, enjoying her unbridled moaning as the wave of her orgasm finally began to crash.

"Oh god, that feels so... in... credible!! HOLY SHIT, DON'T STOP!" She sucked in as big a breath as she could manage, "Yes... yes... yes, yes, yesyesyesyes! Oh, MASTER!!"

Her pussy juices finally erupted from within her, coating Mike's chin as he gently eased off his pleasuring of her womanhood. Placing the nozzle back in the showerhead, he stood in silent self-satisfaction, enjoying every breath she took, and knowing the look of unbridled joy on her face was all his doing. A minute or two passed, as she finally recovered enough to stand and entwine herself in his arms once more.

"That was... just amazing. I'm just... I'm sorry I called you Master. I forgot in the moment that you aren't a fan of that."

Mike kissed her forehead softly. "Nah, that was ok. Honestly, it was pretty sexy in the heat of the moment like that. In addition, I did notice when you said it in the car earlier today."

Nodding softly, she asked, "Was that not a good time then?"

Thinking a moment, he replied, "No, it was. It got my attention as we were discussing a very important topic. I'd say you definitely have permission to use your good judgment on when to use it, especially if you need my undivided attention on anything you're about to say."

"You're so sweet," Melody purred, kissing his neck softly. "But enough about me. We need to make sure your new equipment is... functioning properly," she whispered seductively.

It only took two or three gentle strokes to bring Mike to full attention. Now seeing it fully erect for the first time since this morning, he knew this was going to be fun. While he was able to do amazing things with his previous length, it did make certain positions rather difficult. It's a brave new world.

Turning her back to him, Melody bent over slightly, grabbing the wall handle as she did so. She shook her ass at him and looked over her shoulder at him longingly, saying, "Don't you think it's time my Master takes me from behind? My pussy is still so wet and hungry for you." She spread the lips of her entrance, her juices dripping onto the shower floor.

Approaching her from behind, Mike kissed each of her cheeks before giving her ass a playful slap. He aligned his throbbing member with her beckoning tunnel and slowly pushed himself into her. Despite not being a domineering person, Mike had always loved having sex with a woman from behind. Though he was well versed in the opportunities for unbridled fucking presented here, he had also developed his own method of truly making love, even from this position.

As he slowly sheathed and withdrew his shaft, he could tell the new shape Melody mentioned was coming in handy. Her moans of pleasure increased with each stroke, and she even began lightly fingering her clit, complementing his motions. He gently grabbed her hips and began angling his thrusts slightly downward, hoping to catch her g-spot with the new curved shape of his cock. Judging by her sudden gasp, he knew he had found it. Focusing intently on that spot, he now began lightly pounding her with increased speed, reaching around her to fondle her right breast in the process.

Melody began squirming and bucking, unexpectedly reaching two small orgasms in a row from the pinpoint accuracy of Mike's thrusting. Spurred on by her tight pussy milking his cock, he held onto her waist with both hands and assumed a power stance, allowing him to increase his tempo to a rapid pounding. Tender lovemaking now thrown out the window, Mike threw in an occasional light swat to Melody's ass.

"Ooh, YES!" She squealed in delight. "Keep pounding me, please... don't stop... I need you... I need your cum!"

Losing himself completely in her pleas for him, Mike was certainly not going to deny her. He gazed intently at her gloriously curvy ass and pumped a dozen or more strokes into her as he felt his climax approach the edge. Slowing his pace ever so slightly, knowing full well it would increase the intensity of their orgasms, he slid is throbbing member into her one final time, feeling every square inch of her wonderful pussy, and finally blew his enormous load into her. The waves of their orgasms lasted at least thirty seconds, her contractions drawing more cum from his cock than he ever thought possible.

Remaining inside of her as their passions subsided, he gently ran his hand over the soft, pale skin of her back. Their breathing slowed, gradually becoming more relaxed and metered. Mike's cock began to soften, eventually slipping out of Melody, eliciting a final giggle from her. She slowly turned, falling into his arms, her head on his shoulder.

"Wow..." Mike sighed, "That was fun!"

"You can... say that again..."

"Wow... that was fun!"

"Smartass!" Melody stuck her tongue out at him.

"You love it," Mike replied. "Nice job on the equipment upgrade, by the way. It really, uh, hits the spot, doesn't it?"

"Mmm hmm..." She mumbled contentedly. "I have a really sensitive g-spot, so anything that can hit that consistently is nothing short of explosive."

"No kidding," Mike said, exceedingly pleased with himself.

The pair spent the next twenty minutes leisurely washing each other, each exploring every nook and cranny of the other's body. In between the scrubbing, there was plenty of laughing, groping, and the occasional make out session. As they finished and Mike shut the water off, they stepped out of the shower and wrapped a single large towel around them, embracing while drying off. Not worrying about combing his hair, Mike slipped on a pair of gym shorts and crawled onto his bed with an armchair pillow, relaxing shirtless to cool off from easily the best shower of his life. Melody conjured up a skimpy kimono robe made of black satin material, modeling seductively for a minute before joining Mike on his bed.

Thinking for a moment, he said, "Melody, this bed just doesn't seem big enough for the extracurricular activities that will certainly be occurring here in the future. Why don't we make this a high quality king size bed, along with all of my sheets to go on it?"

Tingle. Flash.

Now relaxing on a luxuriously large bed that still fit in perfectly with his bedroom, Mike kissed Melody on the forehead. "Have I mentioned how awesome you are?"

Giggling, she replied, "Not today."

Kissing her passionately, Mike smiled at her, saying, "You... are awesome."

Even though their shower romp had lasted over an hour, it was still only 2:00 in the afternoon. Turning to Melody, Mike asked, "Wanna watch a movie?"

Her face lit up. "Absolutely. What do you recommend?"

With zero hesitation, he replied, "Star Wars."

As he explained the space opera premise of the series, she listened intently, already drawn in and ready to see what it was all about. Mike retrieved the DVD and hit play, beginning the iconic title sequence. Melody was so entranced from the opening moments that she never even attempted to start any fooling around in their new bed. Near the scene where Luke Skywalker first appeared on screen, she turned to Mike with a question.

"Couldn't you basically do a drinking game in this movie based on how many times C-3PO says 'We're doomed?'"

Mike laughed, adding, "You can do the same thing every time Luke complains or whines about something." Right on cue, Luke whined about having to clean up the droids.

Giggling, Melody resumed watching the movie, taking in every last detail. She gripped Mike's arm tightly when Darth Vader choked his underlings, laughed when Han blasted Greedo, and cried out in shock when Obi-Wan was struck down. By the end of the attack on the Death Star, her adrenaline was pumping full blast, lasting all the way through the ending credits.

Melody was so excited after the movie that they talked for over an hour about everything she had seen. "Please tell me there's more to the story!"

"Oh, absolutely," Mike replied. "There's two more sequels to this one, plus three more telling the story of Darth Vader before he went bad. We'll watch the rest of them throughout the week."

As evening approached, Mike warmed up the last of the leftover pizza for their dinner. The pair relaxed and ate on the living room sofa with a cop show on TV for background noise, though neither of them really paid any attention to it; just hanging with each other was entertainment enough for them. As Melody lay on the sofa, her head in Mike's lap, he couldn't help stroking her red wine hair softly.

"Mmm... that's nice..." she purred.

"Can't really help myself," he said. "I just love your hair."

Looking up at him, she gently placed her hand on his cheek. "I love your eyes. They're so pure; easily the most honest looking eyes imaginable." She sat up, leaning her head on her shoulder. "I imagine that honesty is why you've barely scratched the surface of my powers thus far."

Chuckling, he remembered his dream from this morning. "You're not far wrong. My granddaddy always had a saying about power. Didn't matter if it was politics, religion, or anything else, it always applied. 'Men who seek power actively are destined to abuse it, but men who have power unwittingly thrust upon them can be trusted to guard it.' That was obviously his wizened sage side."

Shrugging, she replied, "Seems like excellent advice, though you can definitely be trusted in using my powers."

"Ah, but that's not what he said, is it? He said they could be trusted to guard such powers, not use them. The minute someone strays towards using too much of the power they guard, they risk turning into the abuser. Make sense?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Thinking for a moment, he continued, "I know you've mentioned slowing time and memory alterations as within your abilities. Slowing time could be helpful in the right situations, but I'm not keen on memory altering unless absolutely necessary. Messing with free will just isn't a path I want to go anywhere near. Outside of those, what other powers are you referring to?"

Nodding, Melody said, "First, you are able to have any person you wish, whenever you want, in any sexual situation imaginable. I know that I previously confirmed for you that this includes actions and people considered illegal under your law, such as those under eighteen years of age. Most of these situations would usually involve gauging the desired person's sexual interest in you. If it were high enough, I would merely give their subconscious a nudge towards moving in on you. Otherwise, my memory powers would likely need to come into play."

Almost immediately, Mike responded, "You can go ahead and scratch anything like that from the realm of possibility. Just like you with me, I only have eyes for one gal, and I just happened to take her to the moon and back while in the shower this afternoon."

Quivering momentarily, she continued, "You most certainly did. I personally am incapable of jealousy, and would have no problem if you did desire other women. Still, there's no mistaking that look in your eye. I'm not changing your mind on that one, am I?" He shook his head no with a smile. "Very well, you have my word that I won't bring up that subject again. But if you do change your mind, just let me know. Anyway, the final power of mine that we haven't even touched yet is perhaps the most sought after power of genie servants throughout the centuries: the ability to create sexual fantasies."

Mike instantly perked up. "Sexual fantasies? You mean like sexual dreams?"

"Fantasies of this type do put you into a dream like state, however the effects are much more powerful. First, the dream is far more realistic; you will feel in all ways that you are actually there, experiencing it firsthand. Additionally, once the fantasy has ended, your memory of it will not fade as a normal dream does. Finally, your body will feel all the positive effects of the fantasy upon returning to reality. For example, if the fantasy involved a full body massage, that feeling of rejuvenation will still be present when you awaken."

Taking everything she told him in, Mike was exceedingly impressed. "Wow. That's incredibly powerful."

Nodding in agreement, Melody continued, "Indeed. So powerful, in fact, that there are strict rules for fantasies that I must follow. These are put into place for the mental and physical protection of my master, ensuring not only that he does not experience any fantasies too powerful for him to fully handle, but also that he does not spend more time in the fantasy world as opposed to the real world. This was the biggest concern of all in the past, several thousand years ago.

"In those days, most genies were servants to the various kings and rulers of what is today referred to as the Middle East. While the genie's primary duties would be to run the king's harem and keep his many wives happy and prepared for all sexual duties, fantasies were also highly desired and sought after. Thus, time limits had to be put into place to ensure that the king was not neglecting his duties as ruler by constantly escaping into a fantasy world."

"Ok, so how do the rules work?" Mike questioned.

"First, a master acquires fantasy time continually from the moment their genie is first released. It's currently 7:00 in the evening, and you released me around 11:00 on Friday night, meaning you have earned forty-four hours of fantasy time. Secondly, at your current experience with my powers, you are only able to experience a fantasy up to six hours long, and once you experience a fantasy, you must wait twenty-four hours before you can experience another. Finally, as you gain more experience with me and my powers, you will be allowed to earn fantasy time at a faster rate, as well as being able to experience longer fantasies at one time."

Pondering all of this, Mike replied, "So, while all of this is happening, what happens to my physical body?"

Melody continued her explanation. "Your physical body will, essentially, fall asleep while you are experiencing a fantasy. However, it is still under the full protection of all of my powers. Normally, while you are in a fantasy, time will pass normally outside of the fantasy, meaning a one-hour fantasy will cause one hour of real time to pass for your physical body. However, I am able to slow real time for the purposes of a fantasy by as much as half, if you so desire."

Leaning forward on the sofa, she continued, "I'm sorry for the lengthy explanation, but it is necessary for your safety that you fully understand the nature and limitations of fantasies before experiencing this power of mine."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and replied sarcastically, "Please, I'm never one to skip the safety briefing."

Giggling, she asked, "So, would you like to experience a fantasy? It can be anything. You could take your high school crush to prom, seduce a beautiful actress, virtually anything you can think of. I just need a basic outline of the script before we begin. Oh, and the fantasy doesn't have to be completely sexual, though sex of some kind does need to occur for it to fall under my powers' jurisdiction."

Thinking for several minutes, Mike finally decided on a perfect idea. "First, I'd like you to be in the fantasy with me. Let's make it a one-hour fantasy, and go ahead and activate the slowing of real time while it goes on; I value my time in the real world quite a bit. As for the specific script, I'm thinking something like this..."

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Slyyder74Slyyder74over 4 years ago
Sorry no

Wow it’s a great story but way too much religious context. I think you’re a good writer. Just outside of my comfort zone.

auguy86auguy86almost 7 years agoAuthor
I'm sorry you feel that way, Poison...

But as I stated at the beginning of the very first chapter, this story is a SPIN OFF of both "A Beautiful Wish" and "Genie Chronicles." And I'll have you know that "A Beautiful Wish" came AFTER "Genie Chronicles." The concept of fantasies was first established by Joe Brolly in his original tale, and both 800ibgorrila and I wanted to stay true to the rules of the universe that HE created. This act of "plagirisim," as you call it, is in reality our way of paying homage to the original creator of this universe that has influenced our own styles so greatly. Whenever I borrow concepts from another author's stories, I do so either with their direct permission or, as I did in this case since Joe Brolly has been inactive for years, stated outright from the beginning that this story is based in the universe that he created and follows the same rules and concepts. If this offends you, you are free to move on to other stories. But by your accusation, every author that has written Star Wars novels has plagarized from George Lucas merely by trying to remain faithful to the concepts he originally introduced. I am sorry this has upset you as such, but I am glad you enjoyed my stories, if only for a short time. Take care.


PoisonlovePoisonlovealmost 7 years ago
I'm disappointed at you

I read your stories about a month ago and loved it but now found another story "A Beautiful Wish" written in 2007-2008 by 8001bGorrilla and find that you stole literally a whole line from that story (when she indicates about the fantasies and the time he had to use, etc.) and basically the general script. Yeah you created some stuff but...really??? where is the originality??? I've never seen at first hand a person to plagiarize someone's story. That is so sad.

auguy86auguy86over 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks ambivalence

Yeah, the clothes conundrum is one that's appeared in most of the major genie stories, Genie Chronicles and A Beautiful Wish. Each of those authors used it in different ways; the former as an excuse to get them to the mall to people watch and scout potential hookups, the latter as a confidence booster to the main hero. Here, I wanted to show Mike's ability to see past the immediate effects of his wishes. Even though he's still feeling out Melody's powers, he does try to take into consideration the side effects of his wishes.

Yeah, the chapters of this story do progress a bit more slowly than my others. They were the very first things I wrote, after all, and I was still getting a feel for my style. I'm pretty wordy on my own, so I've worked to pull back in that regard where I can. Still, the focus of this story as a whole is exploring the relationship and personalities of Mike and Melody, which is what allowed me to immerse myself in this story as I wrote it. Glad you're enjoying so far!


AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 7 years ago
Yeah, I wondered about the whole providing clothes thing as well...

Otherwise, it seemed like if he wanted to take her somewhere expensively nice, "Oops, sorry, You don't have the clothes for it so can't do it."

And I realize if it was erotic it could be done, but there are degrees and then there are degrees...

Also find it curious as to what his idea of a lifespan is...

Without knowing the specifics, I seem to recall at LEAST two or three people in the Bible who loved substantial amounts of time...

(I realize this won't be an issue since I accidentally read the beginning of the second "book" of this story before realizing there was a first part... Just noting my thoughts...)

Is it just me or has this story been progressing slowly...? Not complaining, just curious...

I endeavor onward...

auguy86auguy86over 7 years agoAuthor
Great point rightbank, but...

This universe is not one of my own creation, but rather of Joe Brolly's. I tried to honor the rules and limitations he originally conceived of as much as possible. A major point in his story was, once the main character changed his appearance, he could not automatically make his clothes change accordingly unless the wish was sufficiently sexual enough. This is why Mike didn't want to alter his dimensions through improving his appearance. By contrast, since the larger shower, bed, and linens were all used for sexual purposes, either directly or indirectly, they were within the scope of Melody's wish-granting authority. Great comment!

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
I realize you are creating your own alternate universe with it's own rules


I don't understand the difference between changing the size of a room, or a bed, or adding all the linens, and providing him with a wardrobe. I also think if he is not going to be taller, his other physical parts should have stayed the same "length". It would have been easy enough to have her level of response to his stimulation raised with a - tingle flash -

SwedishLustSwedishLustover 7 years ago
Living is a sin, but not interacting with a spirit? Hmm....

I won't start a debate about what the bible says about heaven/hell or what it says happen to us after we die. The important thing here is that the main character believe he will come to one or the other.

But what I don't get is, if he won't let her extend his life because of heaven, hell, judgment and eternal life after he have lived his life, how can he interact with a spirit?

If you read Galatians 5:19-21 and revelation 22:15, you'll understand that any form of spiritism will block you from heaven and the kingdom of God. So interacting with a spirit, I presume a genie is a spirit, would by default by his beliefs get him a ticket straight to hell.

The same thing would happen for just the use of the magic.

Ahh... and don't forget that he is having sex with someone he is not married to, which is compared to be equally bad as being a thief, murderer, gay, spiritist, etc etc.

So everything he has done so far, would result in him going to hell acording to his beliefs. So what is stopping him from taking a chance with eternal life on earth to prevent himself from going to his punishment?

auguy86auguy86over 8 years agoAuthor
Hot water

True, though the effect of the wish would be that, since it is for sexual purposes, Melody is able to conjure up hot water with her powers, rather than taking it from someone else or costing someone business. Besides, Mike still has to pay for hot water in doing his laundry or washing dishes. Good observation, though. I might clarify that on an edit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Like the faith angle. I was surprised by the wish for free hot water considering that and his conversation with Tyler about stealing. A little thing that made me go hmmm.

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