And He Called It Research


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"It sounds very exciting, but also possibly very complex."

"We would have to have a small team just to concentrate on them so the rotations through the cottage groups would go just right."

"One couple per cottage group, rotate after one week and...well the easiest way would be to say...keep the men in their present locations and rotate the women, or vice versa. They wouldn't see their spouses and we could monitor the shock and the adjustment of each of them with their naked friends. Joe One would be with wife two for a week and then wife three the second week, or something like that. The simpler the plan could be, the safer it would be."

"Excellent. Can you imagine wife two's shock when she sees Joe one? That could be priceless. Maybe we should consider having the men and women undress at different times or locations so they wouldn't see the opposite sex naked until at the cottages. That would be priceless. Maybe we should review our present ways of doing that and of assigning cottages. If we can simplify that a lot of our work would become a lot easier. Of course it all depends on what the researchers are seeking. Okay, back to the work we have at hand."

Liz and Allie, who had never even seen each other naked until their undressing test before vacation, were now strolling the beach naked with Wayne and Leo. With so much to think about and to talk about, it hadn't occurred to them that before the week was out, they might see their best friend in the throes of wild screwing.

They spent their whole day as a quartet and then dinner, and then they rested at Liz and Leo's cottage and sipped premixed margaritas. "Allie, I saw the sexiest movie the other day...oops sorry, that was with Martin."

Allie smiled and said, "Okay, tell me the rest."

"It was so erotic. I didn't think Martin would like it because it was like a love story, but both of us watched and...well you know."

"Did you two make it back to the cottage?"

"Well...not exactly."

Allie laughed and asked her, "How was it to make love in the dayroom?"

"Not nearly as good as in bed, but it works."

"I have to hear Martin's version of this because I'm sure it's going to be good. Maybe not accurate at first, but I'll work on him. Maybe the four of us can go to the movies before we leave here."

"If not I have copious notes so we might be able to find them for at home."

"And we'll make Martin and Darren watch them."

"You won't have to force Martin, and Darren will go along with it just because Martin does. Maybe that's when you and my hubby could get together."

"Maybe so. We can't stay on the island, so we'll take it home with us."

"I like that."

The guys were getting restless while the women were playing catch up, so without a word spoken or a plan laid, Leo scooped Liz up and tossed her on the bed. That inspired Wayne to do the same thing, but Allie jumped onto the bed and saved him the effort and in that little queen sized bed, Wayne and Leo were forced to be on top of the women and in minutes they were deep into their foreplay and teasing. This was another first for the two close friends, but it was far from the last time they would share something.

Leo was first, entering Liz and moving in slow motion to tease her even more. Wayne soon followed and more teasing ensued until the men started to move faster, and the women were carried along on the ride to sexual adventure. Despite all that had happened to the people, most, including Liz and Allie, were familiar with the basic positions of love making. They'd recently added men other than their husbands to their diet, but never sharing a bed for screwing. Now they had that experience going for them, and a minute later their world was rocked once again when Leo touched Wayne and pulling out of Liz said, "Switch," and he moved over behind Wayne who was about one beat slow. But he caught on and moved over to Liz and entered her before either woman could really put it all together. Liz was now looking up at her new lover and the sudden change sent her into a lust filled frenzy. All she wanted now was cock and a lot of it. Both guys were pretty good looking, both had very respectable cocks and both seemed to know how to use them. Liz didn't love Leo and Allie didn't love Wayne so they didn't mind the switch at all.

When the women seemed to be getting closer to their orgasm, the men switched again, and this time Wayne was right there and was back in Allie again. They managed to do a switch once more before first Liz and then Allie went into mind bending orgasms as the men finished with the woman under them.

Al and Dodie were assigned to the Gardenia cottage and they became instant friends. She had arrived on the island with only Charlie in her love life history, but Al was a very experienced swinger. They were friends right away and when Al's past was revealed, Dodie smiled like someone who had won a lot of money. Dodie finally made love on the beach as others stepped around them and she loved it. She was discovering her exhibitionistic side and Al had to work to keep up with her. Saturday they met the foursome of Allie, Liz, Leo and Wayne and before the afternoon was over, all six of them were lined up on the beach and screwing their brains out. When Leo called switch yet again, it was a free for all of flying sand from the guy's feet and even some giggles from the women. But when it came down to the finish, the giggles were gone along with switching, and Darren ended up with Dodie, Wayne with Allie and Al with Liz. It was a good thing their week was coming to an end, because they were all close to losing control. But exhaustion saved them from themselves and they were content to rest and nap on the beach lounges that were pulled into the shade.

Chapter Twenty

"Good evening Melvin and hello beautiful Jean, it's so very nice to see you again."

"Hello Earl, it's been too long, but Melvin tells me you're doing quite well."

"I am indeed. Over all this project has gone very well indeed. A surprise or two, but then we've had some great successes and unexpected rewards."

"And a gift for me I hope," Jean said.

"Of course, I could never forgive myself were I to neglect you. He's in the anteroom patiently awaiting your arrival."

"Then I'll go to my gift while you and Melvin talk about your next project."

"Yes and it will be so exciting because I have something quite new that I propose we do the next time."

She stood to go to her gift as she said, "I'll be anxious to hear the details. I will see you later won't I Earl?"

"But of course Jean and I look forward to being with you again."

With the flowery words over, Jean left Melvin's office and went straight to the anteroom to her quarters. She was wearing no more than a length of diaphanous fabric that wrapped around her body. Her breasts were still slightly visible through the gossamer creation, and it wrapped once around her just above her waist in a descending spiral. Then around and above her butt and across her front with the fabric now gathered, obscuring the area of her vulva. "Good evening, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, please come in."

"Thank you."

"I'm Jean and I know you're wondering why you've been asked to come see me."

"I'm curious beyond words actually."

Pointing to a chair she said, "Please be comfortable. Would you like to join me for a glass of wine?"

"Thank you, I would."

Jean disappeared for a couple of minutes and then came back with very long stem glasses of wine saying, "I know the glasses are pretentious, but I just love them and how they feel in my hand," and closing her small hand around the stem, she slowly stroked up and down a couple of times. "I had to have them made of course because nothing on the market satisfied me."

Jean sipped her wine delicately, so he did the same and then said, "Very nice, like silk on my tongue."

"Yes, that's what I think too. Okay now before we go farther, I want to make a business deal with you. Two thousand for you, and in exchange you make love to me for as long as you can."

"You're kidding me right?"

She smiled and tasted her wine as she looked at him through the clear globe and then said, "No Darren, I'm not kidding you."

"But why? You could have anybody you desire for nothing and that includes me."

"Thank you, but I'm quite comfortable with our arrangement, but are you?"

"And all I have to do is make love to you?"

"That's right."

"Of course my answer is yes."

"Even though Liz will know all of the details?"

"It surprises me that you know Liz, but still I say yes."

"Darren, I know everybody that comes to this island, guest or employee. I know for example that you were downsized out of your job and the same happened to Liz less than two months later."

"You really do know about us."

"Yes, as part of my job here, but also for personal reasons. For example, I knew that you have a large cock. Penis is for sex education and the doctor's office. I'm sure you've measured it right?"

"Sure, it's close to eight inches."

"An impressive number to say the least. Not overly large, but certainly well above the average. I also know that you've been fortunate enough to share your manhood with other women while here. None of them being Liz of course, but you've done quite well for yourself."

"I've been a very lucky man."

"You have no idea how lucky. I could name two men who have not had sex since arriving, not counting their own hands of course. I could name a couple more that have had very little sex. On it goes, but my point is, as I said a minute ago, you're more fortunate than you can know."

That was the end of their casual conversation. She had him move onto her bed and then she joined him and kissed the top of his hard and ready cock. From there it was fairly straightforward and traditional. Kissing first and then he moved down to eat her and she seemed to love that. "Oh yes Darren, you are a lot like my friend Monica. Now come up here and fuck me please." She was directing and he was obeying, and both of them were getting exactly what they wanted. Jean reached not one, but two orgasms and she didn't seem to be used up, but Darren, after one last struggle lost control and donated his sperm to this older woman that, even lying on her back, looked like royalty

Jean was still lying back and resting, but Darren was sitting on the side of her bed when the door opened and in walked naked Earl. "Good evening Darren."

"Well I'll be damned, I never thought I'd see you again."

"That's how it works normally, but since Jean chose you that meant our paths would likely cross." Darren wasn't into checking out other cocks, but Earl's demanded to be noticed. That had to be the ten or eleven inch cock Jean had mentioned, but it was hard to tell because he wasn't totally hard. "I saw Liz not long ago and she's doing great. I do have to admit though that I had a bet that you would struggle to adapt to the island, and I had the same bet on your wife. Obviously I lost both bets, and I lost in a big way, because neither of you took long to take advantage of all this island has to offer those willing to engage themselves. What do you do for a living Darren?"\

"I'm in sales."

"It's a tough world out there right now for salesmen. I assume you have a specialty and that further complicates things for you."

"Yes, industrial electronics."

"Sounds fascinating, but that can't pay a lot."

"Not a lot, you're right. It takes Liz and me together just to get far past the six figure salary."

"I'm sure that's true. Nice talking to you Darren and maybe our paths will cross again one day. Are you ready my beautiful lady?"

"I'm always ready for you Earl. Thank you Darren, and if you don't mind, show yourself out. Oh and the funds will be waiting for you at the ferry tomorrow morning along with a little memento."

"Nice to meet you Jean," and he slipped out and the driver was waiting to take him back to his cottage.

Chapter Twenty One

For what remained of the evening, with maybe six exceptions, the couples were in each other's arms and kissing or talking, and several couples were in bed frantically making love and half crying because they had to go home to their spouses. Some were only interested in getting home. Many people with many memories both good and bad.

Sunday morning was a busy flurry of activity. Everybody had breakfast in their respective dayrooms, but soon after that they were shuttled to the welcome center to get back to their spouses and get dressed. Crying wasn't uncommon, but in many cases it was awkward for the couples as they walked into each other's arms, certain that for the last two weeks their wedded partner had been in bed with multiple partners and would go home with many memories that didn't include him or her.

But Lacey spoke for many people when, as she dressed, she said loudly, "Damn I hate to put clothes on now," and some cheered and many laughed.

Wendy appeared one last time and said, "We're going to do something new. The forms being passed around have a place for you to indicate if you'd like a list of all of the guests that sign up. Give your first name and last initial and which cottage group you stayed in last. Then an email address where you can be contacted. If you prefer not to be included then don't fill out the form and that will be the end of it. The list will be compiled and then forwarded to the email address that you put down, and this is per person not couple." There were a few that walked away, but a large majority put down an email address and in some cases their phone number, though there wasn't even a column for that.

Darren collected his two thousand dollars and two bottles of the wine that he had tasted with Jean, but he told Liz that he'd explain it after they were home. Allie and Martin were with Darren and Liz, and Martin and Liz spent a few moments in each other's arms whispering back and forth.

Al and Beth were glowing, both from the tropical sun and from their experiences that they could hardly wait to share. Elise saw Joey, but they could only share a smile. Charlie and Dodie were back in each other's arms, but they were in for a long period of talking, confessing and trying to hold their marriage together, especially when she told him later about making love with three men on the beach and loving every second of it.

It was very late in the day when Al and Beth, the last couple left the plane and headed home, but all through the flight about the only conversations to be heard had been whispers between spouses. Al and Beth of course were okay, and Liz and Allie talked almost constantly, and Martin and Darren just managed a word here and there. Darren wouldn't learn about Liz and Martin living together until Monday morning. Fortunately both of those couples took Monday and Tuesday off as vacation days because they knew that they would all need time to recover. Of course none of them could have anticipated just how much they would need those days or why.

As soon as they were home and behind closed doors, Kyle asked, "So what the hell was that about a divorce? Had you been drinking or something? We both know you can't handle your liquor."

She looked straight at him. She didn't shout or get flustered. She just told him, "Kyle, you are a jerk. A first class, self centered, egotistical, chauvinist jerk and I want a divorce. It has nothing to do with the women you've screwed or the men I spread my legs for over those two weeks, and there were several. I'll be filing tomorrow, so you better be thinking about where you'll live, because neither of us can afford this place by ourselves. I finally realized that I don't love you and I haven't loved you for a long time. I'm just sorry that I didn't come to my senses a long time ago."

"Holy shit, you get some strange dick and you fall apart and think you love one of those jokers."

She shook her head and said, "The more you talk the more you prove my point. I don't have anybody on the string and I didn't fall in love with some other woman's man. You can even have the damn TV, because all you do is watch the damn sports anyway so I won't even miss it."

"Okay great, and fuck you," and he stormed out.

She didn't feel as good and as in control as she pretended, but that scene or variations of it had been going through her head ever since she saw him on the beach with that woman. She didn't even care about that woman or how many times he screwed her. But that combined with being with men that treated her right was all she needed to see the light.

Dodie and Charlie went straight to their sofa and started to talk, cry and then talk more. She told him about Al the swinger and ignored the first week because Al, and what she did with him, was by far more significant. When she told about screwing in the beach with the other two couples and then the guys switching, Charlie found it difficult to breathe, because Dodie was animated and smiling as she relived that wild afternoon. "And you really liked all of that?"

"I can't explain it Charlie. We just went wild and I...well I loved all of it. I suddenly hoped that others were watching. I loved looking up and seeing palm trees and blue sky above me and feeling the sand beneath me."

"Shit, so what do we do about that?"

"We'll just take it one day at a time. That's all we can do, one day at a time and talk a lot." There was a long silence until he could settle down, and then he told her about Alana and then Lacey, and it was easy for Dodie to see that bonds were formed between him and Lacey and that worried her. They had a long way to go to get to where they might feel comfortable and relaxed with each other again and that wasn't a sure thing at all.

Mike and Linda lasted until they had drinks mixed and were sitting in the living room. Her in her favorite reading chair and him flopped on the couch. "So tell me about your vacation in the sweating jungle," Mike said.

"I had a wonderful time."

"Yeah right. Let me guess, you got to read in the shade."

"Actually no. The first week I lived with Joey, a really nice guy and we got along great, and yes Mike we made love several times."

"Bull shit, you're afraid of your own shadow."

"Mike, look at me and listen to me. I fucked Joey and make no mistake about that. The second week I was paired with about the worst man I've ever met. I met another couple and moved in with them."

"And you screwed both of them."

"Mike, go to hell, I'm sick of you. You're so sure you're always right and you work so hard to put me down. Well guess what, I screwed the guy, taking turns with the other woman. It's up to you to believe me or not, because I really don't give a damn, and I don't give a damn about what you did for two weeks. I'm going to check my email and then read," and she walked out leaving him sitting there.

Monday wasn't going to be enough for Darren and Liz, because the first thing she told him was about Martin and being her roommate for the first week. Darren's back straightened and his voice got louder, but she instantly raised hers when she said, "You just told me you fucked Jean for two grand and you were with a minimum of two other women so we aren't going to go there. Our cottages were assigned and you know that, and you know that we're close to Allie and Martin, so living naked with him for a week and sleeping with him was pretty much going to guarantee things would happen and they did, many times." Then she lowered her voice and said, "Okay, so let's move on and try to pick up the pieces. Oh, and I don't care if you and Allie set the bed on fire if you feel you need to do that to even things up." They continued to work on their issues and it didn't go as well as either of them had hoped, but at least they were trying.
