And He Called It Research


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Walt had found reluctant Alana in the Torch cottage at Tropic Treat and they were soon engaged in conversation as they sipped bottled iced tea from the mini fridge. Walt could sense her reticence almost immediately. She smiled and was fairly good with eye contact, but she frequently would look down before looking back at him again. She was smooth with conversation, but there was the body language with legs crossed, an arm across her breasts, and of course the downcast eyes. But Alana was attractive in her own way and he decided to look at her as a challenge.

"Alana, tell me about the man you spent your time with last week."

"What? Now why would you want to talk about him?"

"Because that will help me understand how your week was, and the more I know about you, the better we'll understand each other and so forth."

"He's a very nice guy. Patient and caring and...and I really found myself caring for him."

"And then we were all uprooted and here we are at the beginning again."

"That's about right too. What about you, who were you with?"

"I was with a woman named Beth from New York, and like you with Charlie, I thought Beth was a very interesting woman. She and her husband were active swingers, you know trade spouses."

"No, really? Good for her I guess, but I don't know how she could ever do that."

He smiled and said, "Let's go to the couch so we can sit together and talk before we go out into the very warm tropical air."

As soon as they were settled, he put is bottle of iced tea on their little coffee table and his feet went up and rested on the rattan looking, glass topped table and took her hand. "Okay my pretty roommate and friend, I'll tell you what I think about all of that, if you don't mind that is."

"That would be fine."

"Beth is just like you in some ways. Just like my wife in some ways as well. There is nothing about Beth that might make her stand out. She'd go to this special home where other swingers gathered and they'd have a drink and talk. Very much like you and I are doing right now. Before long they would get undressed and continue to talk, but in the nude. Just like you and I are right now in fact. Then they would end up with someone other than their spouse. Again, exactly as you and I are right now actually."

At some point in the evening a woman and a man would end up making love just as you did with Charlie last week and I did with Beth."

"What you're saying is, she was and is no different than you and me."

"There is one difference. They were doing it starting three or four years ago and once they are home again, they'll go back to their friends and continue living like this, but much less frequently is all."

"So we are swingers?"

"We share a lot in common with what are considered swingers. What you and I and many others don't know is, what will we do when we go home? Will we ever swap again and if so, how will that work out? Will our marriages survive what we have done? You didn't deny it when I mentioned you and Charlie making love so it's safe to think that my assumption was right."

"Yes, we did make love, but I was so nervous and so confused. But he was so patient with me and to be honest it was wonderful."

"I have no doubt that Charlie felt the same way about you, and I'm sure he grieved when he was torn away from you."

"I think he did. I know I was crushed when that happened."

"How do you feel about the end to our vacation coming up so quickly. We only have a few days left."

"I know. I miss Ward a lot, and I look forward to being with him again, but I don't like the idea of this wonderful time coming to an end, even though I've done so poorly dealing with it."

"This experience has been like nothing any of us could have ever imagined or even thought of as something we could or would do. I never would have been unfaithful to Rita at home, nor would she have been. But here it's...everything is so different. I'm eager to talk and make love to Rita again, but...well right now, here I am with a new and fantastic woman that I never would have met had we not been here. I made love to Beth many times and I'll never forget her. In fact I have her email address so we can stay in touch with each other."

"I so wish I would have done that with Charlie. But now here we are, just you and me and then it will be over."

"Alana, would you lie next to me on the bed? We'll be sleeping together in a few hours, but I want to lie next to you now."

"Just to talk?"

"I can't promise you that I won't... well kiss you for example."

Was Walt smooth, or was Alana breaking away from her fears? Whatever the case, they lay on the bed with Walt on his side. His head was resting on his hand and propped up by his bent arm as he looked at her and talked. His other hand rested on her belly and she visibly flinched, but she didn't move or remove his hand. In fact her hand rested on his as she turned her head to look at him as they continued to talk about anything they could think of. The beach and everything else would be there for them later or even tomorrow and the next day.

"Walt, does it bother you that you've made love to another woman and now you're in bed with yet another one?"

"Not at all Alana. I feel so very lucky and I mean that. I know that my wife is doing the same thing, just as your Ward is. This island doesn't just encourage it, this island almost demands that we make love to new partners. Have you looked at the movies in the dayroom?"

"No, have you?"

"I have, and everyone of them all...I don't know a hundred of them maybe...all of them are at the least very sensual, but most of them I would have to say are very erotic, at least based on their descriptions. But they are so good that I've written the names of them down so I can get them and watch them with Rita after we're home and have recovered from being here."

She turned on her side and his hand went to her hip as she looked at him and asked, "Do you want to make love to me?"

I do want to make love to you and very much, and I hate the thought of that not happening."

"Then make love to me now okay? I'm so afraid and feel so inept, but still, with your patience that's exactly what I would like."

He smiled and moved over her and kissed her. His hands and mouth explored her until she urged him up to her and they made love. She was anything but inept, and with the help of her hand and her mouth, Walt stayed hard and they were making love again.. Alana finally relaxed and said, "You are wonderful Walt, and I want us to make love as often as we can."

"I might have been okay, but you are fantastic Alana and thank you. I don't care if we don't walk the beach again while we're here. That's something I can do some other time, but being with you is now or never."

Walt was still buried deep in Alana when the maid came in and said, "Oh, excuse me."

Alana held her breath as she stared up at Walt in shock, especially when he said, "That's okay, go ahead and we'll straighten the bed later."

"Thank you and don't pay me any attention," and she went to check the mini fridge to restock it.

Alana's eyes danced between Walk and the maid and then she whispered, "Walt, she saw us making love."

"Honey, we still are making love," and to prove that he moved his hips as he smiled down at her.

"Oh god I can't believe this."

Walt was enjoying the moment far more than he could even explain to himself. Both he and Alana had climaxed not long ago, but they were still enjoying each other even as the maid came back in with beverages to put in the refrigerator. Again Walt made it a point to move in and out of Alana right then as he watched this loving woman that was under him try to deal with them making love in front of this older woman.

They heard the woman running water in the bathroom as Walt withdrew his still hard cock and a minute later she came out with two wet washcloths. Sitting on the side of the bed she leaned over and gently bathed Alana's face in cool water and said, "There you go honey, doesn't that feel refreshing and doesn't it give you energy?" Even Walt was caught off guard with that, and then with the fresh washcloth she moved down and as stunned Walt and still shocked Alana watched, she bathed his cock taking her time to handle him and made sure she'd cleaned the head for him. "Miss, your man has a very fine cock so don't let him go wandering off alone. Trust me, he'll be grabbed by some other woman. Oh, and before I leave," and she looked around like the walls had ears, which they did of course, and she said, "I just learned that if you walk to the right and go to the forbidden area and stand at that line, often times people from the Blossoms walk up there. You two might be able to meet some others and enjoy talking to some new friends. Okay, I'm running late, and remember, Mara didn't tell you about taking that walk." She smiled, scooted to the edge of the bed and disappeared out through the door.

Alana let out her breath and said, "I can't believe what just happened. That woman...that...she must have been close to fifty. Anyway, she saw us making love Walt. She saw you inside of me."

"She had to see a lot that's for sure. But I have to admit, I've never had a woman walk up to me and wash my cock before while I was wet with another woman's fluids."

"And she lay across the bed and bathed my face while...well we're naked."

"So was the maid honey, and for her age she didn't look all that bad."

"I have to put every second of all of that in my diary tonight."

"After we walk the beach right?"

She smiled and said, "Okay, after we walk the beach."

Chapter Eighteen

Their lovemaking tired them, but as they slowly shuffled through the sand, and the sun cast lengthening shadows toward them, they talked and held hands and walked. In less than two weeks they were starting to take the constant companionship of the sun for granted, and they were adjusting to the heavy tropical heat. They weren't focusing on anything as they walked, except each other and their stop and start conversation. "Do you still think about Charlie?" he asked her.

"He comes to mind of course, but in our short time together, you and I have become so close and I'm very happy being with you."

"Given the permission, the...the opportunity, would you ever be willing to meet someplace for coffee or dinner and to talk about what we've shared?"

"I really would like that, but then I don't know what I'll be going home to. We've...all of us, the whole island of guests dove into this free vacation without serious thought to consequences. We all risk losing everything we have at home and I'm not sure even now that we recognize any of that. There's a saying, 'He who wants things is blind to it's faults,' and I don't think there's a better way to put it. When we heard words like free, deluxe vacations, over ten thousand dollars in value, we were all vulnerable. Even mesmerized. But nobody considered the faults. All of us were and still are blind to those faults. I know those things and still you and I have made long wonderful love, and there was a man before you and I don't know how many women Ward has been with. We can't go home and pretend nothing happened. I can never forget Charlie and you and I don't want to even try. There's another saying that really applies to all of us. 'It is not want but abundance that makes greed,' and it was simple greed supplied by abundance that supplied a major ingredient in our recipe for disaster."

"But when you go home and you and Ward talk and deal with things, hopefully you can go on with your lives and be happy, and still be able to savor the taste of what you've experienced."

"That's what none of us know, but all of us hope for. Something I find very ironic is, I have a sister and her name is Rachel. She's two years younger than me and she's much more impulsive and adventurous than I could ever think of being. Yet I'm the one that is here."

"And perhaps that's as it should be. You've struggled and not only survived, you're thriving now. Where if she were here, she might have gone wild and crazy with the excesses this island is so very good at providing.

"Excesses is a very good word for this. Temptation? Oh, there is so much temptation surrounding us that it's dizzying. Passion? How else can we explain my lying on my back with your cock stuffed inside of me while Mara the maid bathes my face and then your cock? Passion oozes out of the sand and falls down from the palm trees. It rides the silken air that drifts ashore everyday. The more I talk about it, the more I see the possibility that none of us had a choice. We were all seduced. Guided into sexual straying and carnal abundance."

Walt smiled and said, "I hope I can remember some of the things you just said when I try to explain myself to Rita when we get home."

"You won't have to explain yourself, because Rita will be in the same situation. Make no mistake Walt, your wife has been riding some new cocks too."

"You do have a way with words honey."

The 'Stop, forbidden' sign was ahead, but they didn't see anybody coming up the shore. They stopped at the sign and like others before them, they turned and looked out to the sea. He stepped behind her and put his arms around her with his hands up on her breasts. "It looks no different here, but I still like it. Maybe because we're totally alone."

She turned around and smiling said, "Damn you, we just made love until we couldn't move and now you're getting to me. You're going to turn me into a first class slut that can't get enough of your cock to please her."

"Stay that way until just before we get on the ferry okay?" Her hand was wrapped around his almost hard cock and they were kissing when he felt it. He opened his eyes and looked to his right and whispered, "Oh shit."

Alana looked in the same direction and she said, "Oh my god." She didn't even remember that she was holding Walt's cock as she stared at Ward, and Walt could only stare at his naked Rita with Ward's arm around her. It was too late to run or to even turn away. Where they suddenly came from, Charlie and Alana could only guess, but now what should they do? They were no more than twenty feet apart as they looked at each other and Ward finally said, "Hi Alana." His voice sounded loud and booming as it cut through the silence that surrounded them. Alana raised her hand just a little and waved while she tried to find her voice.

While she was working on that, Rita said, "Hi Walt."

He swallowed and said, "Hi Rita. You okay?"

"I'm okay, are you?" That was a silly question considering that Alana still held his not very hard cock in her hand.

"I'm doing okay."

"I love you."

"I love you too honey."

"Walt," Alana finally managed and then added, "I love you too."

"I love you and it will be okay. We'll make it okay."

Then Walt tried for a smile as he said, "We'll have a hell of a lot to talk about when we get home."

"As long as we can talk we'll be fine." Then she turned and pulling Ward with her, they moved back toward their own area.

Alana looked up at Walt and she had tears in her eyes but she was smiling. "He said it would be okay. I was standing there holding your cock in my hand and he said it would be okay."

"I think you can relax now Alana. You'll go home and talk until your hoarse and then screw each other's brains out. No maybe it will be the other way around."

"And you and Rita will be okay. Did it hurt you to see Walt's arm around your naked wife?"

"I've wondered and worried about that, but it didn't hurt at all. I'm okay with everything but one."

"What's that?"

"I won't be able to have you in my arms once we go home."

That bought him a firm and long hug and then a kiss before she said, "Let's go home honey."

Chapter Nineteen

It was at breakfast Monday morning at the Blossoms cottages when they saw each other, and ran into each other's arms and then kissed. "God I'm glad to see you Liz."

"I've wondered and worried about you ever since we split up last Sunday, how are you Allie?"

"I don't even know how to answer that. Look, either join me and abandon your lover or get him over here so we can talk," and minutes later Wayne and Allie and Liz and Leo were sitting together. Wayne and Leo went through breakfast without saying a word, but the women had a hard time eating and talking at the same time.

But all of that stopped when Liz said, "Allie, I have to tell you something. I don't want to, but I have to. Last Sunday they assigned Martin to my cottage." Allie's smile disappeared as she said, "Oh god no."

"I'm sorry."

"So you and Martin made love?"

"Yes, we were together and naked for a week Allie."

"Damn them, they did that intentionally."

"I'm sure they did. I'm going to tell you everything, but then I'm sure Martin will tell you too."

"But you two got along okay?"

"Allie, we were both so rattled that first day that when we saw each other we ran into each other's arms and held on. I was frightened and not handling the nudity thing worth a damn, and I was dreading finding out who I was going to have to live with for...well at that time I thought for two weeks."

"I'm not mad at you at all. You had no control of...well you did of course, but I don't blame you. I've been anything but good myself, and I'm sure that Darren didn't behave either."

"I know and I'm working on accepting everything. We'll be okay once we can be alone and talk it all out. I'm not saying we won't argue or maybe even shout, but we'll make it because we have to. On top of that, Darren is going to do his best to make love to you claiming it's only fair."

Allie smiled and asked her, "Do you have your come back ready for him?"

"I'm afraid not. To be honest, all of us have been through so much that I can't make myself get too bent out of shape if you two do make love. I mean he's been with who knows how many women already and so has Martin I'm sure."

"And you?" Allie asked with a smile.

"I haven't had one day where I've been good," and they both laughed.

"I worry about going back to our regular lives once we're home."

"I know none of us will ever be the same again, but beyond that I don't know what to think. Well I already know that I'm not going to want to wear clothes."

"I'm not either, and in our part of the world that could present problems," and they laughed again. They were almost giddy as they unloaded built up stress.

Within hours, the information from the monitors was collated and sent off, and within an hour after that Earl was looking at the report and told his assistant, "Damn it somebody screwed up. Those two should never have had access to each other and it's too late now to do anything about it. Bringing those two couples is proving to be very interesting. I'll have to explain this to Melvin and find a way to convince him that we could do that again and work it to our advantage."

"Give me an hour to work on it Earl so you can focus on your presentation to Mr. Springer."

"Thank you Gerald. Putting Martin with what's her name...Liz was a great move, so we have to convince Melvin that we could do something like that again without making that mistake again." Then he hesitated and said, "I just had a thought, and if we can prove that we can make it work we'll have something very interesting to work on for the next group."

"Sounds exciting Earl, and if there's anyway I can assist you, I'd love to be part of it."

"I like your enthusiasm Gerald, and I'll take advantage of you if we can work out the bugs."

"Can you give me just a taste of what you're thinking?"

"A minimum of three couples, all friends here on the island at the same time. All quite conservative in their behavior. The first and biggest problem would be to find a way to get them here and naked. After that they would be ours to direct and monitor."
