Angelica Angelina


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It was five more minutes before Angelica opened her eyes. I saw her smiling at me. "Oh, are you ever going to pay. Come over here and take my place. When I finish with your pussy it will be wrecked. Mercy's face has fled."

I eagerly traded places with her, waiting with great anticipation for her revenge.

She followed the same pattern with me that I did with her. This hinted what I did was pleasing. Her kisses were sweet. Her tongue went deep into my mouth, searching out every nook and cranny. I tried to pull her back when she moved, but she put a hand to my forehead and pushed me down.

Her next stop was at my boobs. She ran her tongue across each nipple. Little thrills went thru me as she did. Her hands were sometimes gentle and often times rough as she pinched and squeezed my tits. I thought I would play stubborn and refuse to make any sound, but despite my best efforts, moans started escaping from me. She sucked on my nipples and bit into my breasts. Not so much it hurt, just enough so I knew her teeth were there and could if they wanted sink in deep. If she wanted to scare me, it did not work. I knew she would never harm me as she knew I would never harm her. I saw little pink pressure marks where her teeth made contact, but within a minute they faded away. I wanted her to keep messing with my tits, but I also was anxious to feel her tongue between my legs. She must have felt my desire, because at long last she moved down.

She expanded on what I had done with her belly button. She did lick and suck on it, tickling me and making me laugh, but she also licked all of my stomach area. It felt good. Her tongue was hot as it bathed me, but immediately after it grew cool as the moisture evaporated. I would remember this the next time I had the honor of servicing her.

The time arrived I longed for so desperately. She scooted lower on the bed to where her face was between my legs. She started off by gently blowing. The warm air from her mouth flowed over me. Her fingers started moving up and down my cunt. Then one of them slipped inside. A chill of pleasure raced thru me. This was one more thing she taught me and another thing I would remember to do to her the next time I had the chance.

She slid a second finger into me and both of them explored as deep as they could reach into my pussy. My hips started rotating and moving up and down to the rhythm of her going in and out of me. This was not something I thought about doing, they did it on their own. Then she did something totally unexpected. She pulled her fingers out of my cunt and moved them to my lips. At once I sucked them deep into my mouth. I could taste myself on her fingers. I was elated to discover I tasted just like she did. With such an outstanding flavor, I knew she was in for an enjoyable meal.

I had never experienced an orgasm before, but knew one was lurking just around the corner, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. That opportunity came closer as her mouth made contact with my cunt. Her tongue was an angel's touch as it moved over me. She took her tongue and licked me, going from the very bottom to the very top. Each time at the top, she gave my clit an extra little caress. It seemed of their own will my legs wrapped around her. She rewarded this action by sucking longer and harder on my clit. She placed her tongue as deep into me as it could reach. It was a hot little organ that bounced around.

I imitated what she had done with me by putting my hands to the back of her head and holding her close, not wanting that marvelous mouth of hers to move away. That was when I had the first of what would turn out to be many orgasms. My eyes flashed open, my legs clamped tighter around my lover, my body arched, and a shout of sheer joy left my mouth. The orgasm was intense, but it was dwarfed by the ones that followed. I grew dizzy as pleasure after pleasure shot thru me.

I now understood why Angelica had begged me to stop earlier. My butt bounced up and down, my chest expanded and shrank as I gulped in and expelled air, desperate for more oxygen. I curved so much from the sheer joy going into me that I not only lifted my midsection from the bed, I lifted my sister with me.

She would not let go, riding me, sucking me, licking me, kissing me, nibbling on me. I have to admit, my sister is a natural. Dad told us God gives each of his children gifts. One of the ones He gave Angelica was how to eat pussy. I am so grateful to Him that He blessed her so.

Once more I repeated an action my sister performed earlier. I put my hands on her head not to hold her close, but to protect my pussy from further onslaught. I tried to push her away, but with the way we were positioned, she had the advantage and refused to budge. Now it was my turn to scream out and beg for relief. She would have none of it. Her lips continued to assault my cunt, never letting up as they worked at sucking one more orgasm from me. They succeeded. I realized what she had said earlier about getting ready to pass out was not an exaggeration. The room seemed to spin, and it was not due to the reefer I smoked. The blood was leaving my head and rushing to my pussy. A glaze of sweat covered me head to toe.

One more orgasm shot thru me before Angelica finally showed me mercy and moved her mouth away from my cunt. I did not make the mistake she made. When I was freed, I curled into a tight ball, hands wrapping around my pussy in a protective covering. I stayed liked that for a minute before I fell into a light sleep.

The next thing I know, my eyes snaped open and once again orgasms rocked me. Damn her, she waited until I was asleep, shaped me into a ⅄ with my legs spread wide apart and began to chow down again. I did not have the energy to resist. I had to lay there and suffer another two orgasms before she relented.

She stood, looked at me and said, "You can sleep now. I will not bother you again until you wake."

As always I knew she would not lie to me so I drifted off. When I woke, my entire body felt great. I felt as if I could conquer the world if I wanted. I glanced around and saw Angelica at the foot of the bed, studying my cunt. "How long was I out," I asked.

"Not long, maybe seven or eight minutes."

I sat up and Angelica moved from the end of the bed and sat beside me. "Angelica, that was fantastic. To be honest with you, I do not know for sure which I enjoyed most, eating your pussy or you eating mine. Both of those events were pure bliss. I'm addicted to you now. You are more habit forming than cocaine or any other drug. I never thought this but I might be lesbian. If any other woman is even half as good in bed as you, she would rate as fantastic."

"Back at you Sis. I don't know though if we are lesbian or bisexual. We will have to find a couple of young studs out there and see if we can talk them into sticking their dicks into us. If we really get into what they do we are Bi, if not, lesbo."

"Sounds good to me. We are going to have to find a way to be together even after the parents are back home. If anyone thinks I am giving up the chance to fuck you just because Mommy and Daddy are around, they are sadly mistaken."

"We will devise something. We're smart. The way I see it, right now it is two against two. Mom and Dad will want us to be good little girls. That is Team 1. Now you and I want to be bad little girls. That is Team 2."

I was silent for a time as I considered the possibilities. "What if we could change it so Team 1 only has one member but Team 2 had three?"


I laid out my plan to her.

At nine fifteen that night, Mom came back home. "What an exhausting day," she said. "We got most of the planning done. We meet again Wednesday and start forming teams to put the plans into action. How was your day?"

"Same o' same o'," I said. "We spent most of the day watching reruns of Gilligan's Island. Why the rest of the people there did not tie him up and toss him into the ocean is a mystery to me."

"The show would end, that's why," Angelica said. She faced Mom and asked, "So you're off tomorrow? It would be nice to spend the day together."

"We will do that. I hate to leave you so soon after getting back home, but I'm exhausted. I did not stop from the moment I left to the moment I got back. I need some sleep if you want me up before noon tomorrow."

Angelica said, "Mom, have a cup of tea with us, it will help you relax."

I moved and spoke to Mom about the coming activities. I positioned myself so when she faced me, her back was to Angelica. I did not want her to see my sister pouring our tea from one pot and hers from a different one.

"This is so sweet of you," Mom said.

We sat and for ten minutes discussed church affairs before Mom's cup was empty.

"I really need to get to bed now," she said. "You have no idea how tired I am." She put her cup down and walked up the stairs.

The next morning Angelica and I were in Mom's room at eight AM. We were still feeling the afterglow from what we just finished doing to each other.

"Mom, wake up," I whispered softly in her ear. I touched her shoulder and gently shook her. I was kneeling on the floor next to her.

After a few seconds her eyes fluttered open. She smiled as she saw me, "Good morn..." she started to say but stopped mid word.

She looked up at her hands and saw two of Dad's ties wrapped around each wrist holding her firmly to the bed. The blanket covered her from the neck down, but she quickly figured out her ankles were bound the same.

"I do not know the meaning of this, but release me this instant. When your Dad finds out about this you know you will be in trouble."

Anymore she started to say stopped as she looked closer at me.

"Angelina, why on earth are you naked?"

"Both of us are nude," Angelica said from the other side of the bed.

Mom's head snapped to the other side where she saw her oldest daughter, also naked.

"What the hell is happening here?" Mom asked.

"Mom, such language. You might be sent straight there for using words like that," Angelica said.

I entered the conversation to say, "Mom, we have a lot to talk about. There are going to be changes. You may like them, you may not, but love or hate, they will be made. The main topic, scratch that, the only topic is the way sex is treated around here. Angelica and I will no longer be treated as if we lived in the fourteen hundreds, forced to wear a chastity belt. We will be sexually active. Now we are not going to be sluts, but believe it or not, we are grown women and we will have lovers."

"Your father is going to kick you out of the house the instant he gets back."

"That may well be, but we already have contingency plans for that."

"We will be in college the next four years," Angelica said. "We will live on campus until we graduate and get a job."

"We will not pay a single penny of tuition or expenses."

I said, "Again, we have already planned for that. We each have a four point grade average, over a 99% attendance rate, dozens of volunteer and community service awards and several other items universities look for. We both scored over 1500 on our SAT test and 34 on ACT. We will have no trouble getting grants, scholarships, and student loans."

"Do you plan to spend the next five weeks living on the streets?"

"Not at all, Grand mom, your mom, will take us in an instant. She adores us. I would not be surprised if she gave up her house for us and moved to a hotel if we asked. You know as well as we do that is the case. How many times has Dad condemned her because even now at sixty, she has men over? She enjoys sex and not only will she not damn us, she will bless us for setting ourselves free. You know this to be true."

Mom was silent as she considered this. Finally she asked, "What about God?"

"What about Him? We believe in Him and in His Son. Look again at the bible. Abraham's wife, Sarah, had many lovers. That is why she was forced to wait until old age to have a son. If she had him earlier, no one would know who the father was. David had hundreds of wives and still took a mistress. According to Dad, all of them are in Heaven. Why is it only us that have to be spinsters?"

"Mom," Angelica said. "We can talk religion all day. We can talk morals all day. The time has come for action."

"Yes," I said. "Mom, how is your sex life?"

"What! That is something I will not discuss with you."

"Then watch. No discussion needed."

We both backed away from the bed. Mom's eyes grew even wider when she saw our shaved pussies.

"This is a trick I learned last night, just before you got home." I picked up a bag of M&Ms and poured them on the nightstand next to Mom. It was positioned so she had no trouble seeing it.

"Pick a color," I said to Angelica.

She looked at the candy spread out and chose one she believed it would be difficult to reach. "Green," she answered.

"Green it is." I moved next to the table and using only my pussy, picked up all the M&Ms the wrong color one at a time and moved them out of the way. Then still using only my pussy, picked up the green one. Angelica knelt down in front of me and I deposited the candy into her mouth.

She said to Mom, "Mom, let me tell you, the candy I get from Angelina's pussy tastes ten times better than straight from the bag. Let her get you one and see if I am right."

Mom was speechless as she looked on. The only part of her that moved were her eyes. Once again they locked on to our cunts.

"Oh, you are interested in our shaved pussies? We did this to each other yesterday. Don't worry, we shaved yours too."

Angelica grabbed the blanket and pulled it to the floor. Mom discovered she was completely nude. I stood at the end of the bed and held up a mirror so she could see herself. Her pussy was as bald as ours.

I said to her, "The tea you drank last night had two of your prescription Ramelteon sleeping pills in it. We looked up on the internet how strong they were. We thought one might do the trick but did not want to gamble so we added a second. Sure enough, you were out cold. We came in and stripped you, then shaved your pussy. To top it all off we spread eagled you and fastened you to the bed. Let me add we both think your cunt is gorgeous. We have not tasted it yet. We wanted you to be awake before we did that."

"Am I in Hell?" Mom asked.

"Only if you want it to be. It can just as easily be Heaven. You have to choose," I said.

I sat on the edge of the bed. Angelica took a seat on the other side. "Mom, be honest with us. Every word we have said to you is the truth. We expect the same from you. Are you happy with your sex life? Is getting laid maybe twice a month and always the same way enjoyable?"

"I gave birth to you two that way."

"If the only thing you are after is getting knocked up, that's great. What about the times you don't plan to get pregnant? What about fun? What about joy? What about excitement?"

"I get some of that."

"Do you? Let me show you what real excitement is like. You can get a lot instead of just some."

Angelica rose with me and we slid a couch across the floor and positioned it so Mom had a great view.

I said to her, "This works better on a bed, but you seem to have that occupied so we will do our thing here. Angelica and I are going to have sex. Pay close attention to see if the fun and excitement you have is anywhere close to what we have. This is called 69."

I looked at my sister and said, "Top or bottom?"

"I was on bottom last time. Let me be on top."

"Mom," I said. "Personally I like doing each other one at a time, but this way cuts the time in half with the same results."

I laid down and Angelica positioned herself on top of me.

I occasionally looked over at mom between moments of sucking my sister's pussy. I was pleased to see she did not turn her head away but was watching our every move.

I turned my attention away from Mom and concentrated on the delicious pussy in my mouth. Angelica climaxed first, screaming out in pure joy. Less than a minute later my hips jumped up and down as I followed her.

My sister lay on top of me as we both regained our breath. I moved my face to her and stuck my nose in her cunt while waiting. She still smelled fantastic.

Soon we got back up and return to where mother unwillingly waited. I said to her, "Mom, your oldest daughter has the best tasting pussy juice. If we could mass produce that, we would all be multi-millionaires. I do like however getting it straight from the source."

"So, what do you think?" Angelica asked.

"You've turned into perverts," Mom answered.

"Then the entire world is perverts." Angelica reached between Mom's legs and touched her pussy. Mom tensed up when she did. Angelica pulled her hand up and showed us how wet it was. "Someone must have been excited by the show to be this wet."

"Let's move on to the next step," I said, wanting to avoid another debate.

"Angelina, would you go get the stuff?" Angelica asked me.

"I'm on it."

I left the room, but was back in less than a minute toting the weed and the bong.

"What is that?" Mom asked.

"Mary Jane, weed, wacky tabacky, reefer, pot, marijuana, grass, take your pick."

"That explains it. You have become dope addicts. Where did you get it?"

Angelica laughed out loud as she replied, "Not junkies after less than twenty-four hours. Only got it yesterday. Our supplier is Rodrigues Santos. Sorry, Mom. You can't get any from him, he just left the country."

While Mom watched, we each took a hit from the bong.

"Your turn," Angelica said as she moved to our mom.

"I will not touch that stuff."

"Non-participation is not an option. Besides when Angelina and I take turns licking your pussy, it will make you feel better. We tried sex both high and straight. We both agreed the high was better."

"Now, Mom, this is how it is going to be," I said to her. "You can follow our lead and take it just like we did, or we will tape your mouth with masking tape so you can only breathe through your nose. One of us will hold your head so it cannot move and the other will fill the bong with smoke and then blow it into your nose. Either way you will get high. Taking it voluntarily has advantages. To start with we have estimated it will take five to six times as much product if we force it on you. This stuff is expensive and we do not want to have to pawn some of your jewelry to get more. Next, holding your head still while at the same time shoving the bong into your face could end up giving you a bloody nose. We don't want to ruin these fancy sheets and blankets. Last, when I yank the masking tape off your mouth, it will hurt like hell. So, easy or hard?"

At first she made no reply, but when I picked up a roll of masking tape from her dresser and moved toward her she said, "Easy. I'll do it the easy way."

"Great choice."

Angelica lifted her head as high as it could go. I filled the thimble holder with weed and moved the bong to her mouth.

"Okay, when I stick the match to the weed, you inhale as deeply as you can. When the pipe is full of smoke, I will move my thumb and in only a second, you will have lungs full of fantastic pot. Now here is the thing, you have to hold it inside you for as long as possible. Ready?"

I put the top of the bong to my mom's mouth. She nodded she was ready and I put the lighted match against the weed. She followed the instructions and soon the chamber filled with thick smoke. I moved my thumb and the smoke vanished. Mom's eyes opened wide as she struggled to hold her breath. I was proud of her. She lasted twelve seconds. That matched the best Angelica and I had done.

"Okay, one more time for each of us. One is not enough, three is too many, but two is just right." I refilled the bong and took my second hit. Angelica followed me. I filled it one more time and we repeated the process of getting it into Mom.