Angelica Angelina


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"Where did you put the key to unlock the cuffs?" Angelica asked.

"I don't think we got a key. Guess we will have to go back later and see if they have one," Mistress answered.

Angelica showed me the other object they carried with them. "This is a vibrator," she said. "The sales lady showed us several, but she promised this is the best one they have. She said all the female employees swore by it. I want to test it out."

Angelica pushed a button and I heard a small hum. Somewhere at some time, my sister and Mistress forgot about the practice of foreplay. Mistress rubbed my boobs as Angelica placed the vibrator on my clit.

I tensed up at once. My clit bounced back and forth at about thirty times a second. Needless to say, orgasms once more took over. I do not know how long they played with me. It seemed as if time stopped. All I knew for a period was orgasms. For a time I cannot estimate, my body was a steel rod, unable to move as the sensations took me over. Then it stopped. I was exhausted and drenched in sweat from head to toe.

I do not know how long I was out, two minutes, two hours. Each was as likely as the other. I do know when I regained consciousness, my arms and legs were free. Guess they found the key after all.

I turned and sat on the side of the bed. A wave of dizziness passed over me but I quickly recovered. I stood and moved to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stepped in. I let the water run over me, removing the sweat. I pissed while standing there, the urine combining with the shower water and flowing down the drain. I grabbed the bar of soap and lathered up. I rinsed and then washed my hair. When finished I left the stall and dried off. I spent some time fixing my hair.

I considered getting dressed, but figured if I did they would undress me soon enough so I decided not to waste the time. I left my room and moved down the hallway to my parent's bedroom. Mistress was spread eagled on the bed, hands and feet safely cuffed. She was also gagged.

Before I could step in, Angelica called to me from downstairs. "Hey, Little Sis, come on down here and join me."

I bounced down the steps. Angelica was standing next to the door of Dad's office. I joined her and she walked to Dad's chair. She pulled it away from the desk and sat down. She patted her legs and I took a seat in her lap.

We kissed for a while. Before things grew heavier, Angelica said, "Wow. Are you as surprised as I am? Mistress is a sex fiend. I had no idea."

"I am not a great psychologist," I answered, "but the way I see it is for her entire sexual life, she has been a prisoner of Dad's strict code of sexual behavior. She told me for twenty-one years she has only done sex in the same exact way. After we broke her free, she has decades of repressed sexual urges. I believe she is trying to catch up on years of desires. She might have the mistaken idea this is not going to last and she has to get all she can as quickly as she can."

"We need to assure her we are at her beck and call from now on. That might let her ease up."

We returned to kissing. My sister's lips are so soft and tasty it is difficult to stay away from them for long. I wiggled around on her lap, using my butt cheeks to rub her cunt.

She pulled away from me and said, "You will not believe what Mistress wants to do to Dad. She told me while we were on the way to the sex store."

"She told me too, and I was as surprised as you. She wants to give Dad a blowjob. She suggested you and I dope him up and tie him down. He wakes up to find us sucking away on him."

"What? No, that's not what she told me. She said she wants him to stick his dick up her ass. She did mention the drug him part, but when he wakes up, the three of us take turns sitting on him, lowering our ass over his prick."

"Why that bitch. She has no boundaries."

"No, she does not. But that's a good thing, right?"

I considered everything before agreeing. "Yes, that is a great thing. That means there will be no restraints on what we want to do. There are all sorts of games we can play with each other."

Angelica wrapped her arms around me and took hold of my boobs, squeezing and rubbing them. While playing with me she said, "Angelina, pleased do not take offense, but Mistress might be playing mind games with us as well. I want you to know you will always be my favorite. If someday I get married, that future husband will come in second place to you. I love Mistress and Dad beyond measure, but not as much as I do you. You are my world. Now, I may be wrong on this, but I do not think so. Mistress told me I was her favorite. She listed a series of things I did that put me on top."

"She is a bitch. She did the same thing with me. She said I give better head."

"She stated my pussy tastes better."

"My tits are firmer."

"My nipples are harder."

"She trusts me more."

"She depends on me the most."

We were both silent as we tried to figure what Mistress was up to.

"I guess we need to ask her," Angelica said.

"Why is she gagged?"

"It was her idea. She wanted us to be able to enjoy her the same way she enjoyed us. We get to do things to her body. If she was not gagged, she could command us to stop or to do certain things to her. With her mouth stopped up, we can play with her however we want and she cannot stop us. She gave only one command. We are ordered to have fun."

"I have an idea. It is sort of mean, but it will be a good prank to play on her. We can get even for her telling each of us we were her favorite."

"What do you have in mind?"

I explained my scheme to Angelica. She thought it was marvelously wicked and agreed at once.

We held each other tight as we moved to our heavily restrained sex partner. We stopped next to the bed and gazed at Mistress. She was beautiful. Just looking at her made my cunt get wetter. I wondered how it was possible for Dad to be around such a fantastic body and not take the opportunity to stick his tongue and his dick in every orifice she had. I would not waste a single time I had to enjoy her.

First things first though. I took the bong and filled the holder with weed. I was starting to come down and was not yet ready. I wanted to be high at least another three or four hours. I inhaled the smoke and kept it inside of me until I could hold it no longer. I did not take a second hit. The one toke would do what was needed.

While I placed the weed and equipment back on the desk, Angelica began the game we would play with Mistress.

"Angelina," she said, "Mistress's pussy is so fantastic. I do not think it is right we keep it all to ourselves. That would be like having all the reefer in the world and not sharing."

"So, what do we do about it?"

Angelica was silent for a time, appearing to be in deep thought. Then her face lit up as an idea came to her.

"Do you know Kirk Davidson?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's the dude that graduated a year ahead of us. What about him?"

"What do you want to bet he's a virgin?"

"I will not take that bet. He's a nice enough guy and semi good looking, but his geek factor will keep women away from him like he took a bath in pussy repellant."

"This is how we can help him out. Look him up in the church directory and invite him over. We will meet him at the door, dressed in our best Sunday go to Meeting clothes. Between the two of us, within ten minutes we will get him to take a smoke or two from the bong. Then once he is wasted and malleable, we bring him up here. We show him this absolutely magnificent fuckable piece of woman just laying around, ready and eager to have a dick stuck up her twat. We get him undressed, place him on top of Mistress, insert his dick into her, then we leave. We will wait for him in the kitchen. When he comes down, we will inform him her pussy is available to him whenever he wants it. He only has two conditions he has to meet to keep fucking her. First, he always has to call one of us to make sure the coast is clear, and second, he can never tell anyone. We tell him if he does, no one will believe him over the three of us. That should be obvious to him. After that, we run him out of town."

"That sounds like fun." I took my cellphone and looked him up.

On the bed, Mistress was twisting and pulling at the cuffs with all her might. Good thing they were mink lined, that prevented any bruises. She bounced around and twisted as much as possible. The gag prevented the shouts coming from her to be understandable, but even muffled she was loud. She was shaking her head, 'no', but we ignored it.

Once the phone started ringing, I stood close to the bed so Mistress could hear us.

"Hello," came Kirk's voice. The squeak in his voice removed any doubt it was not him. I placed the phone on speaker.

"Hi, Kirk, this is Angelina," I said.

"Angelina?" he said. The excitement that came over the phone was almost tangible.

"I need you to do me a favor."


It was my opinion if I asked him to stand naked on the corner he would do it. "Do you know where I live?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I was there a few months ago, talking to your Dad about a church project he wanted my help on. I saw you or your sister, sorry, I cannot tell you apart. You waved and said 'Hi' to me."

"It was me. Is there any chance I can get you to come over?" As I asked this, I turned to walk away so Mistress could not hear the end of the conversation.

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

I took the phone off speaker. I was too far away for Mistress to catch any more of our discussion.

Once out of the room I said, "Great. Here is what I need you to do. I am playing a trick on Angelica. When you get here, ring the doorbell. Wait one minute then ring it again. Then I need you to go back home. Now if you do this for me, this Sunday at church during Sunday School, you can sit between Angelica and me. We will flirt with you and I will explain the trick I pulled on sis. We will whisper things in your ear and hold your hands. Can you imagine what all the other guys in your circle will think about you if that happens? You will be the envy of your group. Do we have a deal?"

"I ring the bell, wait one minute, ring again, leave. Got it."

"In that case, Angelica and I are looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Bye."

I hung the phone up and hurried back to where my two companions waited. Mistress was pulling at her restraints and jerking around even more violently than earlier. The gag was indeed effective. There was not an understandable sound coming from her at all. I said to Angelica, "We have to get dressed fast, he's on his way."

We raced to our rooms and put on a simple summer dress. Neither of us put on bras or undies, but they would not be needed. This was all for Mistress's benefit. No sooner were we back in our parent's bedroom when the doorbell rang.

"That will be Kirk," I said.

Angelica asked, "Mistress, would you like him to lick your pussy before he fucks you are do you want him to go straight to humping?"

"Just get the two of them together," I said. "We will tell Kirk she is his to do with as he pleases. I'm sure he can be creative."

The doorbell rang a second time. "Kirk is going to be so grateful to us for this. Maybe we can charge him money. Get enough guys and we have a steady source of income to buy our pot."

Then we ran out of the room.

We hurried to the window and peeked out. We saw Kirk's car as he vanished around the corner.

Once positive he was well away from the house, we opened the front door and I said much more loudly than needed, "Hi, Kirk. Come on in. Do we ever have a great surprise for you."

We shut the door and we both had to work at not laughing so hard Mistress could hear us. Angelica pretended to carry on a conversation with our imaginary guest while I hurried back up the steps. I ran into the bedroom and grabbed the bong and the bag of reefer. "Time to work this into the party," I said holding the items so Mistress got a good look. I raced back out and down the steps.

We moved to the kitchen and used the bong. Leaving the reefer on the counter, we moved to the living room. We undressed again. I was starting to like the idea of always being naked. Angelica took a seat on the sofa and I joined her, placing my head in her lap. She ran her fingers thru my hair.

"Do you think I am a bitch?" I asked.

"Why would I think that?"

"This thing, using Kirk to play this prank on Mistress. It was so easy to get him to do my bidding. I believe I could get most any guy I know to do favors for me if I gave even the slightest indication doing what I asked could get them into my pants."

Angelica was quiet for close to a minute as she considered my question. Then she replied, "Yeah, you're a bitch."

"That's good. I want to be the queen bitch."

"You are off to a great start."

I turned over so I was face down, my lips only inches from Angelica's cunt. She cooperated by turning and putting one foot on the floor and hanging the other over the back of the sofa. I took my time. I licked her, softly but steadily. My tongue dug into her, but gently. I loved her so much. I did all I could to demonstrate that love to her, using my tongue and lips to worship her. I kissed her pussy like I was kissing her mouth, running my tongue into her and exploring as deeply as I could reach. I felt her tensing up. I could tell she was about to have a giant orgasm. Then I stopped and set up. I got up and started to walk away.

"Angelina, what is wrong? Why are you leaving?"

"I'm being a bitch," I replied.

"You're a fucking whore," she shouted at me.

"A small part of being a bitch."

Angelica used her hand to finish the task. I had brought her so close to the edge it only took a few strokes. I heard her shout out in pleasure. I stopped at the top of the stairs and waited. It only took her a few seconds to recover and she bound up the steps and stopped next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss.

"Why the kiss?" I asked.

"It was either a kiss or I push you down the steps. I decided on the kiss because Rita would be pissed if she had to get all of your blood out of the carpet."

I stepped away from the edge of the steps. It appeared I was not the only one capable of being a bitch. I looked forward to the contest.

We walked into Mistress's bedroom. She twisted around, desperate to see if Kirk was with us. I said to her, "Sorry, Mistress. Maybe next time we will get Kirk to screw you. We all got high and Kirk and Angelica got so into each other she ended up giving him a blowjob. She exhausted the poor lad. He stumbled out the door and staggered home. Bet you the ladies in the choir will have a lot to sing about when that tale gets to them." I winked at Angelica, wondering how she would explain her supposed cock sucking to Mistress.

Mistress lay motionless on the bed, trying to decide if it would have been better to have let Kirk hump her and being able to keep him silent as opposed to the girls in the choir telling about her oldest daughter sucking off one of the church members.

Angelica jumped into the conversation to say, "Yeah, I sucked his dick, but I told him I was Angelina. He has no way of knowing."

Damn, she's good.

"Well, I have had enough dick sucking for the time. I want to return to pussy licking." Angelica moved to Mistress and positioned herself between her legs. While she chowed down on Mistress, I moved to where my sister's legs dropped off the bed and went to the floor. I got under her and again I licked her slow, giving her a long drawn out tongue lashing. This time though, I finished her off, giving her a couple of orgasms. I felt as if I was in Heaven.

When we finished, my sister and I stood together. "Is there anything you want to do to Mistress while she is helpless?" Angelica asked.

"Go ahead and free her. I'm willing to wager soon enough she will let us bind her and be in control again."

Angelica walked to the dresser and picked up the keys to the cuffs. The instant one of her hands were free, Mistress yanked the gag out of her mouth.

"This was a joke, right? Did you really give that boy a blowjob?"

"Cum tastes salty if you ask me," Angelica said.

"Oh my lord. Your Dad's ministry is ruined. He will never survive this."

Neither my sister nor I could hold out any longer. "Mistress, it was all fake," I said. "Kirk never entered the house. We did not even talk to him."

We explained to her about the prank.

"I should be furious with you two, but I am so relieved I don't think I can be."

"So, Mistress, what's this crap about you telling me I'm your favorite and telling Angelina the same thing?"

"It's the truth. Angelica, when I am alone with you, you are my favorite. Same with you, Angelina."

"What if we are together, like now?" I asked.

"Then it's a tie."

"What a cop out," Angelica stated.

"Yes, but a true cop out," Mistress answered. "You both know this, you are exactly alike. The only way I can tell you apart is that I have been with you every day of your life. I think it must be the way you move, or the way you stand, maybe the way you walk, but I can tell you apart. Even your father gets you mixed up sometimes. Earlier I told each of you a bunch of stuff saying why you were superior to the other. That was all a bunch of crap. You two are exact in every way. Each of your pussies taste the same, fantastic. Each of you give the same type of head, magnificent. I realized you would compare notes, so I gave each of you a made up list as to why you were the best. There is no noticeable difference between you, no basis for me to prefer one over the other, hence, I love the one I'm with."

Mistress held up the gag and the cuffs. "We need a place where these can be hidden, a spot your dad and our maid will not come across them."

"I got it," I said. I took the cuffs, along with the vibrator and gag and headed to my room, my two sex partners trailing me. I moved to my desk and pulled out the largest drawer. I removed some notebooks and paper. Once it was empty I pulled out the false bottom and put the items in. The bottom was replaced and the items seemed to disappear.

Mistress was surprised I had such a hiding place. "Do you have one of these in your desk?" she asked Angelica.

"No. I have a section of flooring that can be lifted up. I keep all my secrets buried there."

"You two are full of surprises," Mistress said.

"Since we are here, let's check out the site showing off our cunts to the world. See what kind of comments we have." I moved to the computer and clicked on the site. Mistress and sister took seats beside me.

Each of us had a couple of dozen comments, and it had not even been half a day. Several comments suggested the pictures of my puss and my sisters were the same, just posted twice. Others stated they were from different women. There was a heated debate going on over the two possibilities.

Mistress had many people stating they were in love with her. One commenter said he had $1,897.00. He would give all of it to the owner of that cunt if she would allow him to stick his dick in it.

"Way to go, Mistress," Angelica said. "You have a steady source of income between your thighs if you ever need it."

Mistress responded with, "Okay, enough of this for the moment. Let's go out to dinner. When we get back there will be more fun and games."

Now the sex party was over for the time, but mom was still Mistress. We would call her Mom while in the public, but she was still Mistress to us. Mistress made both Angelica and me wear sunglasses when we left. Our eyes were slightly red from the pot and she did not want that to be noticed. It did not affect her as much. She made reservations at a restaurant on the far side of town we had not been to before. The chances of going out to eat anywhere in the city and not be recognized was next to zero, but most of the time if Dad was not with us, they let us eat in peace.