Angels and Guardians Pt. 06


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"What do you mean, so?"

"So...what? You're the one needing to talk, Ashley. Spill what's on your mind."

"Well, it's hard, cause I'm embarrassed."

"I don't care if you're calling me to ask what 2+2 is, or if you're calling me to brag about some nasty sex fetish you discovered and enjoyed. You know I won't judge you. I know you know, and that's why you're calling, right?"

"I guess."

"So, what is it?"

"I told him I knew he needed to let go, but he still held back. So, I encouraged him to go for it by squeezing him inside me."

"Okay, sounds fine, still."

"Yeah, so he starts to get into it, and then his need for stress relief took over. He started slamming into me. Hard. Hard enough that my head kept tapping the wall."

"Ashley, that's fine. In fact it's kind of hot. You keep talking like that and I'll start having phone sex with you."

"Like I said, I wouldn't mind if you did, but you might want to hear me out before you get too excited."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, it stopped being about love, or even sex. I knew that might happen when someone needs relief bad enough. Lord knows he had a pile of stress loaded on him yesterday. But, man! He was a different person, completely."

"Did he hurt you?"

"Well, not like you're thinking. He never struck me, or punched me like Bill did those times. But, oh my God! Joe went wild. He tore at my breasts, grabbing and mashing them, pounding his dick into me over and over."

"Did you try to stop him? Maybe tell him to ease up just a little?"

"No, and that's why I guess I'm calling you to talk. I knew the act wasn't about sex or love, and it was borderline brutal, but I didn't want to stop him. I wanted him to let everything out, and if taking it out on me in that way helped him get through this, I was glad to take it. But, more than that, even knowing he was trying so hard to shed the pain, and the force he was going at it with me, I...I still, ugh. Kim, I came, even though he was hurting me."

"Like towards the end when he finished?"

"No!" Ashley started choking up. "I had like four orgasms while he drove into me. They weren't huge or anything, tits are actually sore and bruised from him grabbing and sucking them so hard. He went at it for like an hour, I think even my cervix is bruised, and yet I kept out of nowhere. Am I sick like that? I mean, do I enjoy being used so much that I have uninvited climaxes?"

"Aw, sweetheart. It's okay." She heard Ashley sniff. "Baby, don't cry. Once you start, I won't stop. I think your body was just responding to the sex."

"I thought about that, too, but aren't female orgasms generated mostly by emotions?"

"Maybe mostly, and most of the time, but think about it, Ash. You are one highly sexually charged girl. I mean, you even were able to seduce me, and I normally don't like girls that way."

"Neither did I, until Jasmine diddled me that first time. Now, it seems natural to be with her if I see that look in her eye. Then there was you coming down the other week, and I wanted you to I wanted to feel good with you. Oh God, am I a lesbian, too?"

"Well, ask yourself this, if you were, would it be so bad?"

"Kinda. How hard would that life be?"

"I know what you mean. I've asked myself that question several times since you and I slept together. But then I gave myself this test. Do you find yourself looking at random girls and wishing you could bed them?"

"No, sometimes I crave it with you or Jasmine. But, no, I don't go looking. Although I've wondered if Cindy might be interested, but I dismissed that."

"Cindy is hot, now that I think about it... Anyway, how do you feel when you're with Jasmine, or...well, when you were with me?"

"I don't know what you're looking for."

"Then, I don't know how else to ask the question. I'd like to know how you felt."

"You and Jasmine are my closest friends, now. Aside from Joe, that is. It felt right when we enjoyed each other. However, no offense to you, but I don't want to spend my life with either of you. At least not in the frame of marriage. I guess I feel like sex with y'all is like candy. A pleasant treat to enjoy once in a while."

"Really? That's exactly what I came up with! But, do you like being with Joe? Or, do you put up with having sex with him, just because you think that's what normal should be?"

Ashley thought about that for a second. "No, I really like being with him that way. He can make me blow my mind, it feels that good."

"Yeah, me, too."

"Are you saying you want him? To yourself?"

"No...well, yeah, I want him. But he's with you, now, and I'm happy for you both. I was just saying I remember what he was like." Kim asked, "Are you scared to be alone with him? If you think he'd lose it and hurt you, I'm sure Cindy wouldn't mind if you stayed with her."

"No! I love him. I'm pretty sure he loves me, and he wouldn't knowingly hurt me. I'm just scared that if I came so much from him being rough, would it start to get harder for me to enjoy him being his normal, gentle self?"

Kim pondered this and asked, "Have you talked about it with him?"

"What the fuck do you think? Am I supposed to be like, hey honey, I know you just picked out your parents' coffins, but I'm having concerns about me creaming while you roughed me up sexually. Can we talk?"

"Easy, Ashley! I'm on your side. I had to ask."

"I know, sorry. I'm just so confused about my reaction to the rough stuff."

"You don't have to apologize. I'm fine with you yelling at me once in a while. Besides, you had a valid point. I'm just saying don't get yourself worked up over me asking you a sensitive question."


Kim asked, "Did you want to test your theory about gentle versus rough play tonight?"

Ashley was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you could start something with Joe and see if gentle rocks your world, still."

Ashley sighed. "He seemed much calmer today, so I know he got his frustration and hurt out. There'd be no problem with him being gentle. But, I don't want to bother him with my curiosity...or my wish to be with him. Not for a while, at least. He's got enough on his mind."

"So, you admit that you're horny?"

Ashley pouted into the phone. "Why do you ask that? I'm sitting here with tears still on my cheeks. Why on earth would I be horny?"

"Because, I've come to know you, and you said you wanted to be with him. What are you wearing?"

"A new t-shirt and panties...What's it to you? What are you wearing?"

"Panties, no shirt...check to see if you're horny."

"How do you propose I do that?"

Kim sighed, "put your hand inside your cute-ass undies and tell me you're not wet."

"Well, I don't see the point of thi...damn, how did you know? I've never thought of myself as sexually charged, but now I'm starting to wonder."

"Told you I know you. I've missed you and missed talking to you so openly, I've gotten a bit worked up myself," Kim breathed into the phone. "I was hoping it did the same for you."

"Kim, are you starting to play with yourself?"

"Mmm, yeah. If you don't want to disturb Joe, then maybe you want to join me?"

"I already am," Ashley sighed.

The next morning they got up and ate breakfast downstairs. Ashley started getting used to the guards watching them, and she didn't notice them anymore. Later on, their car pulled into the Invesco at Mile High parking lot. Ashley was wondering last night that if Joe and Cindy weren't worried about her keeping warm, maybe the stadium was a dome. But, her heart sank when she saw there was no roof. Timidly, she stepped out and walked through the slush with Joe and Cindy to the will call window. She tugged on Cindy's sleeve and said, "I really don't want to be a baby, and I'm ok right now, but I don't think I can take the cold for the whole game. I'll just go back to the car and have him take me to the mall. You two enjoy the game."

Cindy stopped her from going back. "Nonsense. Come with us. I promise you'll feel better inside."

"That's just it. There is no inside."

A guy waiting in line behind them said, "good thing she isn't a Packer's fan!"

Ashley spun on her heel and hissed, "oh you hush! I've lived in either California or Florida my whole life. I'm just visiting."

He put his arms up, "excuse me, princess! If you sit with me, I'll keep you both warm."

Joe stepped between the guy who appeared to have been tailgating a bit too long, and Ashley. "That's not up to you, but thank you for your concern."

The guy braced for an argument, and maybe a fight, but the look in Joe's eyes made him back down immediately. "Sorry. Didn't know they were with you."

"Quite alright."

Joe turned to Ashley and said, "just go in with us. If you are still unhappy when we sit, I swear we'll leave right then and find something else to do. Okay?"

Ashley nodded, still not convinced. He seemed to really want to go, and wanted her to be with him. She decided that even if it meant pneumonia later, she'd tough it out. They got to the window and Cindy said to the clerk, "Carter Electronics?" The clerk typed on her terminal, and three tickets printed out. "Enter the doors just to your right, elevator to the top floor. Enjoy the game!" the clerk beamed.

Ashley said, "she seemed taken with you."

Cindy smiled, "no...she has to be extra friendly when tickets like these print out."

Ashley was puzzled, but didn't say anything. They couldn't be that good if they have to ride an elevator to the top floor, she thought. They stepped out of the elevator, and to Ashley it seemed as though they just warped to a different place. Instead of the cold, breezy concrete floor and steel girders she was expecting, the floor was carpeted, and the air warm. They headed down the somewhat narrow hallway, and she noted that the walls were finished with drywall board, complete with paintings and well-framed prints of the Broncos' best moments in history. Cindy stopped at the second to last door. "This is us," she said as she opened it. Ashley was presented with a view that took her breath away. Large windows overlooked the field. Two rows of five stadium seats filled the smallish room, each covered in soft blue leather. Behind the seats was a breakfast bar type table, complete with four barstools. TV's hung in every corner, and a large flatscreen hung top-center of the windows.

"What the hell," Ashley finally breathed. "Who are we sharing this with?"

Cindy answered, "nobody." She pointed to the Carter Electronics name plate on the door before she closed it. "We own the license to use this for the season." She stepped down to where Ashley was taking in the view from the windows. "So, I lied. I'm not THAT good. Since Denver is where we do a lot of research and client meetings, Joe's parents bought the license a few years back to entertain clients, recruit researchers, and give perks to reward good employee performance. I called last night to see if any of the local management had reserved it. Two had, but they understood when I kicked them out."

Ashley walked back up a couple of steps and sat in one of the plush seats in the second row. Joe sat down beside her, grinning. "What?" she asked.

"You still want to leave?" he asked, holding out his credit card.

She pushed his hand away from her face. "No, stop teasing me. You could have told me about this. Then I wouldn't have acted like a fool outside," she pouted.

Joe pulled her to him and kissed her forehead. "Aw, and miss the priceless look on your face when Cindy opened the door?"

She gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Shut up...I'm happy to entertain, as usual."

Cindy chuckled, half standing, half sitting on the ledge in front of the windows. A peppy waiter knocked on the door and stepped in. "Hello folks! I'm Jerome and I'll be taking care of this end of the suites. Can I get any of you a drink?"

Cindy caught his eye with a nod up of her head. "Yeah, I'll have a Miller Lite still in the bottle, please."

"Sure thing, but you have a full bar, here. You don't want anything else? A Cosmo, perhaps?"

"Nope. It's a football game. Beer's perfect for today."

"Very well, frosty Miller Lite, retail style for the lady," he said as he reached down into the fridge under the bar. He popped off the cap, wrapped the bottle in a napkin and brought it to Cindy. "Anything for the two lovebirds in the middle?"

"I could go for hot chocolate," said Ashley.

"Dr. Pepper," said Joe.

"Sure thing. I'll round those up and be right back." He ducked out the door.

Cindy took a swig, then walked over and put the bottle down on the table behind the pair. "Man, that's good," she said. She noticed Ashley removing her coat and retrieved it from her, putting it in the closet. "See? I told you there was nothing to worry about," she chided her.

Ashley smiled. "Not in here. This is awesome!" she answered, watching the crowd outside making their way to their seats.

Ashley made a show of thoroughly enjoying the game, entertaining Joe and Cindy with her heckling, cheering, singing, and dancing to the stadium music. During a TV time out, the stadium played a popular rock tune, and Ashley used the relative privacy of the suite to treat Joe to a fully clothed version of a lap dance. Even Cindy thought it was sexy as hell. Ashley didn't really care who would win the game, but she rooted for the Broncos, since it was their home game. Besides, she was wearing their sweatshirt. She feigned disappointment when the Cowboys pulled away at the end, but bent herself way back in a neat, tight reverse cartwheel in front of the windows when the Broncos recovered a fumble late in the game. The spontaneous stunt seemed to be as comfortable to her as walking. Cindy and Joe were amused with Ashley's playfulness almost more than they were entertained by the game. For about four hours, the group forgot about the weight of recent events.

They stayed a bit after the game, watching highlights from it and other games on the big screen in their suite. "What was that?" Cindy asked Ashley.

"What was what?"

"Your...performance during the game. Where did that come from?"

"Oh," Ashley giggled. "I didn't get to cheer Friday night, and I guess it came out for this game. I'm sorry, did it annoy you? You should have said something, if it did."

Joe laughed. "Oh no! And miss that show? I had more fun watching and hearing you than I did watching the game. You were a perfect distraction for me." He kissed her, then said, "thank you so much." He stepped back and looked at her. "How come you don't cheer like that when I'm playing?"

She cocked her head. "I do. You mean you didn't hear me in the rain in Tallahassee?" Her eyes got glassy, as if she were visualizing a memory of a critical moment in that game. Then in a voice that seemed to collide and ricochet off the walls, "That's right, asshole! Oh, BALL BALL! Run, boy, RUN! Move your ass! YES! TOUCHDOWN!"

Cindy jumped at the sudden outburst, and Joe laughed. "That was you?" he asked. "I remember hearing that when I hit the ball from the quarterback in that game. I thought it was some drunk college student yelling that."

Ashley pouted. "Gee, thanks a lot."

"No, I meant I didn't think it was you. I guess I expected 'rah rah, go team go' from the cheerleaders."

"Well, we do that between plays. But when you're out there making plays, I cheer, yell, and scream my heart out for you."

"I'll keep that in mind if I'm playing at Florida State."

Cindy interjected, "Why not listen for her Friday night during the state playoffs?"

Joe answered, "I won't be able to play."

"Why not?"

"State rules say an athlete must complete at least one full day of school during the week to play, if they've been out. I'm planning on returning on Friday, but Jill told me the teams will have to leave early to play in Jacksonville. So, I wouldn't be eligible to play."

Ashley said, "that's right. I wouldn't be able to cheer, either. That's okay, Joe. I'll keep you company." She hugged him, and was briefly reminded of the tenderness still lingering on her chest.

Cindy asked, "Then, why don't you take the jet, or helicopter, even?"

"Yeah, right," said Joe. "I don't want to abuse company stuff for personal reasons."

"Why not? You're dad would use them to go golfing or whatever. He bought them for himself, and used them occasionally for business. Not the other way around."

"I don't want to be seen as getting special treatment."

Cindy said, "at the beginning of the year, your mom signed a waiver for the school to allow you to go to games in your personal vehicle, rather than by bus. The helicopter is one of your vehicles, now. You get out of school just before three, so meet the chopper inside the track at school, and they'll have you at the regional airport in Jacksonville by 4:30, well, 5:30 their time. A car can drive you to the game, and you'd be there well ahead of an hour before kickoff."

Joe pondered her scenario. "I guess that could work. I just don't like to show off, I guess."

"The media has already done that for you. Everyone in town knows you now. So what does it matter if you use what you have this time around? You need it, so use it."

"Alright. We'll see how I feel after Thursday's funeral."

By the time traffic allowed their driver to get clear of the stadium area, it was after 8. Joe asked him to take them to the hotel. Cindy went straight to her room, wanting to make an early night, so she could be fresh for the memorial in the morning. Once inside their suite, Joe grabbed Ashley's shoulders lightly and turned her to face him. "You dancing in those jeans all afternoon drove me crazy," he said. He knelt before her and lifted her sweatshirt to just below her breasts, leaned into her and licked her tight stomach around her belly button. "Would you mind dancing for me without them?"

She would have been nervous from his actions, were it not for the gentle touch he used. She reached under the hem of the thick shirt and brought it over her head, shaking her hair loose. Ashley reached before her and tangled her fingers in his hair, rolling her eyes back in pleasure as he tenderly kissed and licked her belly. Her eyes snapped open when he attempted to undo the button on her jeans. "I'm sorry, sir. Customers are not allowed to touch performers," she said, slipping into the role she guessed he wanted her to play. She guided him up to sit on the couch. "If you insist on continuing to touch me, I'll have to have you thrown out of the establishment." Ashley slid her hand out of his, and stepped two paces back, beginning to sway her hips. She moved her body to the rhythm in her head, periodically bringing her hands up to run her fingers through her red hair. The move was designed to show off her breasts' curves, still encased in her lacy bra. As she continued to dance slowly, her fingers found the button and zipper of her jeans and she gracefully slid the pants down her legs, taking what seemed an eternity to Joe. Still swaying, her bra was next, being removed in a manner so smooth that Joe only noticed it was suddenly gone. Ashley knelt in between Joe's legs, and started moving her head so that her hair wisped across his hands and lap.

Her next move brought her forward, the top of her head resting gently against his chest, as she moved her breasts against the back of his hands resting on his thighs. He started to turn his hands over to feel the warm soft flesh better, but she said, "ah ah touching, remember?" He groaned his disappointed response. Ashley looked up at him and smiled. "That's a good boy," she cooed, then kissed his chest. She glided up, gracefully placing one knee on either side of him, reaching up into her hair again as she twisted and moved to taunt his face with her breasts. He leaned forward a tad when a nipple got particularly close, causing the breast to collide with his nose. "Mmm, you're being naughty," Ashley purred. "That's not allowed here. Should I get the bouncer now? Or, are you going to behave?" He sat back in reply. "Good, I'd hate for you to miss the ending." She cupped the twins and presented them to his eyes, gently rolling her nipples between her fingers. Then she placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward, brushing his face with her hair. He could smell her fading perfume as she brushed her cheek against his ear. The sight and smell of her intoxicated him, making his pulse race.
