Angies Preserves Pt. 01


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He was looking down shuffling one foot and then looked at me, "I didn't go home when you did yesterday. I worked until it was dark. I had about half the new pipe laid by the time I quit and I started at five this morning. My helper is out of commission from hernia surgery so it's only me and I was worried I wouldn't finish on time."

I answered, "Like I said, I'm duly impressed. And you're getting ready to backfill. Wow."

A broad smile came over his face, "John Lerner is the plumbing inspector, we went to school together. I called on Friday about a Sunday inspection and he agreed. The fee will be higher but at least everything passed and I can finish today. Would you like to be the first to flush a toilet?"

I laughed as his face got red, "Oh damn. That didn't sound right. You don't need to actually use the toilet, just flush a couple of commodes. Sometimes my mouth gets me in trouble."

I wanted to laugh and at the same time I didn't want to embarrass him any further. I nodded and went inside to flush a bunch of toilets, gosh, the things a girl does for excitement. It was a few hours later after flushing every toilet at least once and going over Monday's schedule before I exited the building. Gus was working on the last of the backfill. Watching the muscles flex as his arms meticulously worked the controls gave me goosebumps. I caught myself wondering why no other guy had ever given me goosebumps. For that matter, the guys I had dated were great, but none of them had ever made my heart flutter the way watching Gus did.

I had never had my breath taken away by the moment and wondered what that might be like. To be lost in the presence of a man who so loved and cared for me that the world around ended momentarily. Could it be that my perception of what white guys might be like based on an experience almost fifteen years ago was stopping me from seeing what was right before my eyes? Before I made a fool of myself I wisely got in the car, honked the horn to get his attention and waved goodbye. I'm not much of a drinker per se, but a glass of wine seemed the right thing to do after getting home. After having eaten Chinese delivery I sat on the couch sipping the last of a second glass, my limit. As I walked into the bedroom the phone rang. Looking at the screen and seeing Chantells name I accepted the call.

"Hi Chantell. What's up?"

"Good evening boss. What you doing?"

I chuckled, "If you must know I'm sitting on the bed in my undies getting ready to slip into sweats for the evening. And you? What are you up to?"

She giggled, "Oh goodness, you don't wanna know. We're getting started on having a baby and Rex has plans to plant one inside me tonight. Don't be surprised if I look tired in the morning, that man can go for hours."

Before she became any more explicit I spoke up.

"Okay, enough already with the amazing sex stuff. You didn't call to tell me about that."

"Do we have toilets boss? We do? Great. Now, about this undies thing. Men don't want to hear about undies. They want to hear about lacy panties and sexy bras, especially the ones you can see through. If Rex is out early before I dress for work, he never calls to ask what kind of dress I'm wearing. When he asks what I'm wearing he wants to know what he gets to take off when I get home. What color my panties are, what kind of bra I'm wearing, do I have on stay ups or a belt and stockings. I make sure that man is ready for me when I walk through the kitchen door."

I couldn't help but wonder, "Geez, you make it sound like he makes love to you every day when you get home."

The line was silent longer than normal before she spoke, "Damned near, and it isn't unusual for him to want more when we go to bed. I never dreamed sex could be so good. I'm one lucky girl."

I needed to change the subject, "Is that all Chantell? Did you need anything else?"

"I do have one question. How'd it go with surfer boy this weekend. Is he as much a hunk as he looks like?"

I huffed, "What makes you think he's a surfer?"

"I don't know. He just looks like one, and you're dodging the question."

It was time to end the inquisition, "Good night. Don't stay up too late and if you're walking funny in the morning I'll know why."

Before she could answer I ended the call. A text with a smiley face from her followed instantly. Though she was an employee and we made sure our relationship maintained the proper balance at work she was probably my closest friend. I certainly wouldn't allow anyone else to talk to me like she had. There was a Hallmark story on the TV as I half watched and half checked my eyelids for holes. By nine I decided it was time to crash.

Doesn't it frustrate the hell out of you when you can barely keep your eyes open in front of the TV or reading, but the minute your head hits the pillow you're suddenly awake. I laid there thinking about what she said. Did I even own a pair of what she described as lacy panties, or a sexy bra? I surely had nothing transparent, and who wears a garter belt with stockings anymore. Isn't that what pantyhose were supposed to replace? And concerning a sexy bra, did they make those for small B size tits like mine? Weren't those for the girls with big hooters?

In the early morning hours I lay on my side looking at the clock, 4:47, 4:58, 4:59, waiting for the alarm to go off at five like it did every other workday. After a quick shower I lotioned my body, then did my hair and makeup naked. I had convinced myself it gave the lotion time to be absorbed, right or wrong it didn't matter, it's what I did after every shower. I'd done this routine hundreds of times without paying any attention to my body, until this morning. With my hair and makeup done I stood in front of the mirror.

Putting my hands under my breasts I wiggled my fingers upward to see if my boobs bounced or jiggled. I smiled as they did, moving my thumbs and forefingers forward I lightly rolled the nipples, which immediately became hard. Not stiff, they were hard. The areola were tight and scrunched up as well, that wasn't something I was used to. The new feeling made me think my body was going to burst with pleasure, my nips and areola had never done this before.

Looking down I gently ran my fingers through the small garden of hair I refused to shave or alter. If my body was designed to have hair above my vagina, then so be it. As my fingers slid down I allowed the right index finger to slowly open the hood hiding my clit. I stroked it a few times and then stopped. There was no time for bedtime antics this morning. The day awaited. Staring into my underwear drawer I realized I had absolutely nothing that could be classified as inviting or sexy. I had always worn bikini panties, but they were cotton just like my little titty bras. I eventually slipped on a blouse and pencil skirt making it to work about 15 minutes later than normal.

I knew we had a production meeting at nine and got busy preparing. Chantell breezed in at her customary time with a smile that would have gone around her head if she didn't have ears. She wasn't walking funny, in fact she had an extra bounce in her step. Setting a cup of coffee on my desk she couldn't stop grinning. I'm not sure if I was being brave or stupid but I asked how the night went.

"Oh my gosh. That man, he made love to me three times. I've never had so many climaxes in a row. If I would have known having a baby would bring out the beast in him like last night we'd have started sooner. I won't ovulate for another three days, but he says practice makes perfect. Who am I to argue?"

For the first time in a very long time I could feel a tingling in my breasts and a funny feeling between my legs. My god, my panties were damp. Why? I'd listened to her rattle on about her love life before and had never felt these sensations. What was different this time? It suddenly dawned on me, it was Gus. I now had someone to imagine myself with. Too bad he was white. The production meeting was winding down just after ten when I asked Linda, my production manager, to contact me when Gus dropped off the invoice. She looked startled.

"He's been and gone. I gave the invoice to Chantell just after eight."

I looked out my window, "But his truck is still in the lot."

"Oh, he came for the backhoe, he's going to get the van this evening. I signed the invoice, did you want to see him for something else?"

I neither wanted to look nor sound eager, "No, nothing in particular. I guess I thought he would bring the bill to me for payment. Thanks Linda. Will you let Chantell know I need to see her?"

When she came to the office I asked if she had the invoice. She handed me a photocopy explaining the original was already in the finance office. Her question caught me off guard.

"Why? Did you want to see him? The surfer boy?"

"Why do you continue to call him a surfer boy Chantell? We're nowhere near a large body of water."

She grinned, "I don't know. He just looks like one of those ripped guys in the surfer calendars. I know he's only average height, but boy does he pack a lot into that frame. If I wasn't married to Rex."

I couldn't argue with her analysis, "You're right, he's handsome and those muscles. I watched him on the backhoe the other day, his shirt was off, sweat was dripping through his chest hair, he was gorgeous. But."

She cut me off, "Yeah, yeah. He's white. Get over yourself Skye. Grow up."

Watching her walk out in a huff I was slack jawed at her comment. She had never spoken to me like that. I wanted to be miffed and set her straight as to what her working arrangement was, at the same time I knew she was right. Gus had been nothing but polite, courteous, and professional with me. Why was I allowing a past experience to ruin what might be a bright future based on something so basic as skin color? After all, like Chantell had told me before, it isn't what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts.

Though I had fleeting thoughts about Gus on and off all that week it seemed to take little time or effort to be neck deep in work again. I was back to my normal routine, in the office early and going home late. It took more than a week to realize I was working such late hours because I no longer wanted to be alone every night. Our company Christmas party had been mid-month so with the holiday approaching I was battling with feelings of depression. I didn't have parents, I didn't have Angie or Dorcas, it was just me and I was miserable.

In an attempt to jolt myself from the mully-grubs I dug the three-foot fake tree from the closet and set it on the table along with lights and a few strands of garland. It cheered me up, for about two days. The custom at Angies Preserves had always been to dismiss everyone at noon on Christmas Eve day, this year would be no different. I watched the cars and trucks slowly make their way from the parking lot wishing I had somewhere to go. At twelve thirty Chantell walked into my office.

"You got plans boss? I mean for tonight and tomorrow?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "You know I don't girl. It will be whatever frozen dinner or take out I choose to order. I know the VFW puts on a big meal Christmas day for folks that are alone or have nowhere else to go. I went there last year, I'll probably do that again. How about you and Rex?"

"We're going to his folks tomorrow but nothing tonight. Which is why I asked. Why don't you spend the evening with us? Rex is grilling rib eyes, he's a dang good cook. If I know him he's already baked fresh bread, the goof ball does it the old fashioned way, with yeast and the whole rising thing. There'll be plenty. Please come."

Boy that sounded good, "Okay. But what can I bring? I can pick up a dessert."

Chantell stiffened, "Don't even think about it. If you truly want to piss my husband off, and he likes you by the way, bring something to eat. He made pies last night. Got one he calls snowpie and damn girl, it's addictive."

I had to ask. "So why does he do all the cooking? Is that an agreement you guys made?"

"Oh hell no. It's like his hobby, what makes him relax at the end of a day. Sometimes I have to kick his ass outa "MY" kitchen so I can cook. He doesn't need to do any of that stuff, I make sure of that. He works hard all day, the least I can do is be a good wife and home keeper. He cooks cuz he likes to, and I don't argue. Besides, he says it's his way of making sure I keep a little meat on my bones."

I shushed her out of my office, over her shoulder she called, "Seven o'clock and don't be late. The steaks will be done at seven on the dot."

Shortly after she left I was driving home in a leisurely manner, I was in no rush to reach my empty home. I thought about calling my very aged aunt in California and then dismissed the idea. She had dementia so bad she wouldn't know who I was, and I was sure the nursing staff at the facility she was housed would already be busy enough with special requests from family members trying to reach their loved ones. I knew Rainbow Foods was open until four so I stopped. Rex favorite beer was Miller High Life, I grabbed a twelve pack to take with me. Surely he wouldn't be upset if I brought beer. It was Rex who answered the door later that evening, upon seeing me and the beer he smiled.

"Evening miss Skye, and thank you for the beer."

It was an awkward moment, I tentatively began to extend my hand and then thought better of it. I wasn't sure what the customary greeting in their home was. His soft smile and kind words settled my concern.

With a grin he spoke softly, "I do hugs."

And that's what we did, a simple, platonic, glad you're here kind of hug. Right behind him was Chantell who squeezed me like I was some sort of squeaky toy. She looked good in her tight jeans and soft sweater. I noticed as they led the way into the dining area that he patted her on the bottom, causing her to look up and make a kissing motion to him. I'm sure she didn't think I could hear her whisper but I did.

"Be a good boy Rex, mama will give you treats later."

I smiled to myself as I thought. That's what I want, to be as in love as those two were. To feel a man's strong hand caress my bottom and then pat it affectionately. Telling me without words that he liked every part of me, head to toe. She was correct when she said Rex could cook, the meal was over the top. We sat at the table laughing, talking, filling the air with idle chit chat until we were ready for dessert. Chantell and I cleared the kitchen while he went out to make sure the buildings were closed for the night and the few livestock they had were settled.

As we finished dishes she took my hand and led me to the loveseat. I must have had a look of bewilderment on my face. She squeezed my hand and smiled. With the palm of my left hand down resting on the palm of her left hand pointed upward she patted the back of my hand with her right.

"Did you have enough to eat Skye?" I nodded affirmatively. "How do you like our home? Are you comfy?"

"I love your home, I love the warmness you two bring to this space. It's obvious you two are in love. If I'm honest, I have to say I miss that in my life. I've never really known it but seeing you guys together makes me want it all the more."

I had opened the proverbial door, it was she who walked in, "You can have it Skye. You can have what we have and more."

I opened my mouth long enough to stick my foot in ankle deep, "Yes, but I have to meet the right guy first."

Her answer left me with my mouth agape, "You already have Skye, he's right in front of you, and before I hear any more of this "but he's white" bullshit. Tell me one thing he's done to earn your disdain, other than his skin color is different than ours? Huh? Just one thing."

Slack jawed and confused I had no answer. Just then Rex walked in through the kitchen. Bending over the back of the loveseat he leaned in to kiss Chantell. A long lingering kiss, not a tongue twirler or eat your face off kind of kiss, a sweet tender loving kiss. As their lips parted he whispered. "Love you."

Turning back into the kitchen to hang his coat I looked at her face, she was flustered from head to toe. If her skin had been lighter she's have been red as a stop sign. Moving a hand in front of her face like a fan she exhaled and then looked at me.

"Damn that man knows how to make my panties wet. And he knows it, that's why he did that. It's also one of the reasons I love him so, nobody knows me like Rex. I was gonna ask if you'd like to stay the night, but it's obvious he has other plans. It'll be one of those tits on the mattress, ass in the air begging for more kind of nights, and I'm going love every climax shattering moment."

It was time for me to leave. I'd heard enough of their love life for the evening. I was about fifteen minutes from their home when my phone pinged with a text. I wondered who it could be. Glancing at the phone on my dash I noticed it was from Chantell. The message was short, "Now it begins", along with a smiley face. I laughed, I mean belly laughed, it was obvious he was waiting for me to leave so they could take one another to that special place only they knew of.

The moment that was theirs alone, bodies shaking, a massive explosion of semen splashing against her cervix with enough force for her to feel it. His cock twitching and pulsing as he lightened the load, her vaginal walls tightening in an effort to extract every ounce of sperm he could provide into her fertile pussy. Their breathing would be ragged and heavy, sweat would be running through the hair on his chest. Little beads of perspiration would dot her ample breasts running into the valley of cleavage.

Yes, that moment shared by no one other than them. Secretly that's what I wanted more than anything at the moment. I was successful in business and financially. I'd proven my worth again and again, what I needed now was to fill my life with love. Not only someone to love me, but someone for me to love as well. A warm body by my side at night, arms wrapped around my body holding me tight, making me know I was protected and adored at the same time. Someone to share my body with, in every way we both felt comfortable with.

Knowing my mind was too active to sleep I chose to take a long hot bath with lots of bubbles. Unhooking the bra and tossing it into the laundry basket I reached for my panties. With thumbs in the waistband I stopped and wondered. What would it be like to have a man I loved standing behind me with his hands about to slide my panties down before he reached around to cup my sex. To gently push my legs open enough to slide the flat of his hand across the vulva. Then as he withdrew his hand to let the middle finger drag through the creaminess of my swollen labia and onto my hardened clit.

I had been in the fog of my mind to the point that when I focused on the mirror I saw a hand inside my panties cupping my pussy. My hand, slowly teasing the labia and tickling my clit. I quickly withdrew it and did something I had never done before. Placing the finger just beneath my nostrils I sniffed. Hmm, it was nothing like I expected, it was a sweet musky aroma. The kind of aroma that makes a man's dick stiff with desire. Or so I thought anyway considering I had no experience in that realm.

The hot bubble bath felt wonderful, it was the answer to my jumbled mind. I would go the VFW the next day and have Christmas dinner with others like me, then come home to my empty house. Sure, I could find somewhere that served fancier food, but it wouldn't be with people like me. Common everyday hard-working folks. Sleep came instantly.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Doesn't it frustrate the hell out of you when you can barely keep your eyes open in front of the TV or reading, but the minute your head hits the pillow you're suddenly awake."

Damn straight!

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66almost 2 years ago

Very good story,, but did you have to tease us with your "ending "? Please post Chapter 2 soon! 5 stars.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

Good story, very different. With her racist attitude in this chapter she deserves to be alone. I'll hold off putting a spear in this until after the next chapter though.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Awesome story look forward to more... It is amazing the way you tell the story and make the characters seem real..

4Klo_Black204Klo_Black20almost 2 years ago

Why did you leave me stuck like that 🫠🫥. I looked forward to the next chapter 😍 hopefully it drops soooooon!!!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 2 years ago

Not very nice, build us up and then just leave us hanging, lol. Loved the story and looking forward to the next chapter(s).

linnearlinnearalmost 2 years ago

Everything I've come to expect from you. You set the stories up so well that you can't wait for more.

ilikeskin69ilikeskin69almost 2 years ago

Very good story so far. Looking forward to the second part...AL

HargaHargaalmost 2 years ago

Can't wait to read more.

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