Anitta Ch. 05: Angel v. Demon

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Succubus comes clean to the Fam.
5.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/25/2023
Created 01/22/2022
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The last thing she wanted to do while still hopped up on James Juice is to see the Prince, his aura permeated every fiber of her being.

"We heard your report, but, I'd like the rest of the story," Lucifer is standing behind a bar making himself and Lily a drink, he pulls up a third glass, pours, and pushes it her way, he's never offered her a drink before.

Megera told him every detail, the licking, her plan to figure out how much she can use that to her advantage, everything. His smile never wavered and she felt relieved to tell him, when he stepped around the bar and said to keep staring into his eyes she became concerned and when he pushed his will upon her she was even more concerned, she couldn't think of anything she left out, even her plans to exploit were detailed and exact, but he kept pushing and she finally asked what he wanted so she could tell him, he backed away and laughed.

"That is incredible, I want you to keep going, your plan is good and your goals are, lofty, this is why I asked for you to begin with, you can go now." He takes her hand, walking her to the door.

Turning back into the room he stopped and just stared off into space.

"I'm not sure I followed much of that Sire?" Lily asks.

"Megera lasted almost a full minute against my compulsion, it's the only weapon fathers' children know how to wield, without it, she could cut through hundreds before they could flee, they'd be no more a threat than, humans."

"Is there nobody better served to use it?" Lily asked, she'd never liked how Megera had the looks and battle prowess, where she was far superior in the looks, but had no fierce fightability within her.

"There is nobody better, that's why I sent her originally, in case a new prophet needed to be cut down, she was a hammer-shaped nuke for a nail of a problem, just in case, and now she's a nuke with no shutdown codes. We have two new pawns on the board that never existed previously."

The two angels stood in the middle of the street, why was Megera watching this human, at first it was just a report she breached, the alarms went off immediately when they detected her presence, angels were in chaos as she kept coming back, and her stunt at the school had to be cleaned up, the entire administration had to be wiped after Megera left, the Principal and Secretary found naked with the second period teacher, all pointing to the boy that lives here. All of those interviewed had James Letreau as her target.

When she suddenly appeared again, in the home behind them, they jumped and both sides were shocked that the other was there. The angels with two-to-one odds, felt they 'might' be equal, but losing one for the other to have a chance would never be a strategy for fact-finding missions, and she did just validate she was interested in this boy, watching her in the second story window, nodded, and returned home.

"Why are they watching James and being all jumpy?" Megera sat and waited for them to get home in a few minutes. Two inquisitors AND an ArchAngel watching over him is insane. Do they know the effect he has on us, she thought of all the places he could survive, but not be found and could see a few working if needed, she'd have to talk to him about that. Why he would believe her over angels would be the hard part, he was calm and collected with her, but she'd never witnessed how he treated them. It won't take long to find out what they are doing, Megera returns to the headquarters and digs into what those two are up to.

I'd gone to pick up Nick and Cass, brought them home, and started dinner, a favorite of Anitta's was shredded chicken and noodles, we pressure cook the chicken, carrots, and tiny duo potatoes with onion and celery added to some nice pasta side for the ladies that do pasta. Cassidy helped me do the prep work while Nicky and Emma got a big salad going, Vicky was on her way over and Mom should get off work soon and was asking for the details in text or what's happening even before we got home.

We chatted and everything seemed fine until I see Vicky crying in the living room, all of them are consoling at different times or in groups. I watch out of the corner of my eye and am shocked Anitta doesn't have me sitting with her, she lives at home more than with her boyfriend, the story never changes, works from 9-7, he gets home around 8:30pm, eats, games, goes to bed, rinse/repeat.

"I need some air," I hear her say after Mom walks in and immediately asks her what's wrong.

'Walk with her, show her the new home,' Anitta says, so I scoot through the door as she opens it and slide out with her before she realizes it's me.

"What are you doing, they are all here for you?" She says looking at me with puffy eyes.

"We'll be quick, let's walk over to the new house, I've never seen it in person," I ask and she nods.

"He's not an asshole, it's as much traffic as it is anything else," She starts and I don't say anything. I take her hand and as we round the corner she squeezes it hard, "I hate his gaming, and I know it's his stress reliever, but there's only so much time at night to use."

"Jesus, does that take up the entire block?" Vicky asks as we finally get to the house, I don't have a key yet, so we can only walk around it.

'I'm not telling you to DO, anything, but I'm moving Mom in here, haven't told her yet.

"Wow, she's going to fight it at first, but she'll love it in there."

"Haven't told you yet either," I say and Anita chuckles.

"Nah, that'd be crazy," she says squeezing again.

"What's the difference between this and Mom's house?" I ask and she doesn't say anything, "And we could use someone to make it look lived in while we're in the dorms."

"In the dorms a whole 20 minutes away," she laughs, "IF you need someone to watch it, I do have the time. Whew, he is going to hate that though, he says I'm way too close to my family, like I never left."

"Ditching fam shall never be talked about as a 'good' thing," I answer and hip-check her.

"I tease you about being; you know, and it's only because I love you, and everything you've done for Mom, me, and Em."

"Yah, and I tease you because it's fun, good talk, kid." I say in dads voice and she laughs. I get a hug at the door, she straightens herself up and walks through the door. We get to eating and they use the Roku to pull up their favorite series.

They get to me and I laugh, "It's a tough call but none of you would watch them, I mention Longmire, Firefly, and the Badlands.

"What? Longmire is great, that deputy is badass," Vicky says as she's sat with me watching it a few times, "Totally worth watching that one, Badlands should remove the lands." She says and everyone laughs.

"Better?" Mom asks Vicky in the kitchen as it was getting late.

"Yeah, staying here tonight." Vicky answers, "James asked if I could watch the house for him, have you seen it?"

"No, watch the house?" Mom asks.

"While they are in the dorms," Vicky pauses, "Hey, can I decorate?" She yells to the living room.

"Have you seen my room? Yes, that's a chat question." I answer.

"Can you help?" Vicky asks her Mom who nods vigorously at that request.

"Of course," Mom replies, "What's the address?" She looks down as her phone starts pinging and she sees she was added to the chat group from the girls. "Oh, okay, wow, this is big."

"That's what I said," Cassidy says in the living room, Nicky bursts out laughing and Em shakes her head.

Sitting in the chair with Nicky in my lap, I watch Mom, she is texting away, she shows Vicky who laughs, saying she's in there also.

"What was earlier," Mom asks Vicky.

"Same ole, same ole, James, uh, had a better outlook on it," Vicky replies.

"Of course he did, I think Grandpa is a better title with his sage advice," Mom replies and they both laugh.

"I heard that!" I say from the living room and everyone started cracking up, the rest of the evening Mom interrogated everyone, whose family knew, who didn't and what they wanted to do beyond the university.

I'll hang with Em for a bit, you two have fun." Cassidy says as Nicky starts motioning we should go upstairs.

'She's coming!' Anitta says before I see Megera appear in my room.

"You're doing her all wrong." Megera says standing next to the bed, I have Nicky naked and haven't even started. I can't talk to her without looking insane.

"One second babe, don't go anywhere." I say to Nicky and walk into the bathroom giving Megera a look to follow.

"You said you.."

"She submissive, you need to take it, be a little rougher." Megera says looking around the room.

"It's, I know, I'm working on it, why are you here?" I answer.

"Two angels were watching your home, they looked, suspicious, do you deal with them often?" Megera says.

'I didn't sense them, ask who?' Anitta whispers.

"Never, do you know who they were?" I ask.

"Just their title, they are investigators, not the cute fuzzy angels that watch over humans." Megera answers watching my face, Anitta seems worried, but didn't say anything.

"Nope, other than the one intervention in the club, though things seems to be escalating since then. Are you concerned?"

"Me!? No, just wanted to find out if you've dealt with them before as they, make changes if they think you are off the path assigned. If you can resist me, you should be able to resist them also.

"Thanks, Uh, I gotta get back in there?" I say thinking Nicky is waiting.

"Anyway, google submissives, it's not that difficult," Megera says and vanishes.

Back in the room, I feel off, trying to focus on Nicky, again. Standing next to the bed, "Flip around on your stomach and get lil James going.

"Psssfut, lil James, that's awesome." Nicky slides around on her back tilting her head back. "Feed me." I'm glad she can do this as it looks, uncomfortable.

'You think it's hot though as I'm holding you back already.' Anitta says, let me, she reaches down and pinches Nicky's nipples, getting some groans and pulls me out, 'pump your hips faster,' Anitta takes her arms and uses them as leverage.

"Fuck!" Cassidy says walking in and shutting the door quickly, "we were wondering why it was so quiet in here." Shucking her clothes, walking around and going down on Nicky causing more moans. It was them trading back and forth, going down on the other while I was behind them until Cassidy walks around from behind me with a strapon, "I think you mentioned this earlier?"

"Mmmhmmm" Nicky hums as Cassidy straddles the back of her legs and starts going at it, she's a bit rougher than I am with the slaps and she has no balls to protect.

Nicky flips around when Cassidy tells her to and we switch, when done I ask about her and she winks at me, pulling it off, there's a part that was in her also. "Ahh."

A few hours of sleep to wake up to the girls moving around, Cass on my face, Nicky riding me we get a knock on the wall, "Wrap it up! We have to leave in less than an hour." Em says loud enough for everyone to hear it and both of the ladies scramble off cursing and head for the shower.

They had clothes in Em's room, so we left to pick up Virginia and spent another day doing nothing at school, they didn't care about cell phones after the state tests were taken, nothing but videos and told to do the homework from the other classes that didn't give out homework.

After school I walk my two athletes to the softball fields while Em gets the car, "You can't be serious!?" A few of the baseball guys stop us as we drop Virginia and Maya for their last season. We were caught red-handed kissing goodbye. "I'd heard the rumors, but shit."

"Hey Jody," I answer looking over as the fields are side by side facing opposite directions. I think he plays shortstop? The girls don't even acknowledge him, coming back in with a kiss on either cheek, laughing and jogging with the backpacks of gear wobbling all over the place. "Heard you got into a big Texas school?" I heard the rumors, but not all of the details.

"What, yeah," he says and then frowns, "No way man, don't change the subject, you seeing both of them, in front of each other and Melanie?"

"It's more them bullying me." I smile.

"Why never baseball man, you're fit." Jody asks as I glance towards my ride. I normally would talk for a while, but people are waiting.

"Couldn't see me doing 14hour school days swimming before school and balling after." I answer, "Sorry man, can't stay today." I point to the car.

"Shit, I'd like to be bullied like that," another guy says as I'm beating feet to get back to the car.

Megera walked through her floor, pushing her demons to find out what the hell was going on, she'd taken a side trip to see Desmond, it wasn't even fun to erase him from existence as he was so enamored with her it lost its, flavor? Destroying something that was happy to oblige is less than satisfying, but it needed to be done to garner more favor with the human's women, she only had to tweak the tiniest bit of information coming in. Clapping her hands together she laughed when everyone around her cringed, just need a few more pieces of information and she can flip the script.

She got the call to Barbas' office yesterday, but didn't have the information she needed to take the next step, today he walked in, shouted for her and the room of hundreds went completely silent.

"Shit! Everyone, back to work!" She turns and points to her office and her boss raises and eyebrow at that, something is going on.

"I'm so close to finding a way in," she takes a deep breath, "please, do not interfere with my demons." She walks behind her enormous desk, it's a dark lacquered top that only has restraints and various tools as it's only really used for recreation.

"You've grown," Barbas says standing in the doorway, "have I lost you as my best tool to use?" He was smiling but was unsettled as this shouldn't be possible.

"Afraid so, the Prince has me working directly for him on this one, not sure I can even say what's been happening." She shrugs and stands there awkwardly as she doesn't want to sit.

"Fuck, well, it was bound to happen sometime, you are Megera, best of the Furies and my best goddamn tool available." He stands there for a moment as they just look at each other. "Without details, it's good for us?"

"Spectacular," she replies and he smiles.

"Oh, really, good, should we be prepared for anything?" He probes without trying to push, Megera shakes her head.

"I'm sure the Prince will pull you two in when if it needs the legions, right now, it is still at the personal level."

"Ah, the 40days thing, got it." Barbas nods and walks away without another word, big things are happening.

Megera was stunned at that statement, was this the 40days repeat? Didn't work out so well the last time, but this James is not the child of God, so.., no, now is not the time to get distracted, but, it's hard to get that thought out of her mind. The Prince delved deep into her, he hadn't been this excited since Yeshua was put to the test. If she screws this up, it will be thousands of years before she would be forgiven if not erased like Desmond.

The Imp hovered in her doorway, waiting to be seen.

"Bring it," she waves the little thing in and, oh, it's the best possible news on what the investigators are planning, "Great job!" she stands and vanishes as the Imp falls to the floor so shocked at the compliment, hoping Megera didn't come back and find her like this. The first compliment she'd received ever, slamming her every sense with euphoria.

Maya's Aunt Bea came over to have James sign the papers, everyone was invited over, they'd figured out the food dishes to be brought in the chat, Roku set to Youtube playing songs while everyone was scurrying about.

"How often is it like this?" Bea asks Mom.

Mom laughs, "often," and she looks around, "I thought I was going to lose them all and now there's more than ever."

"Can you imagine how many Grand-babies you're going to have?"

"Often," Mom smiles repeating her answer again, "I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this now, but yeah, I can't help but wonder if a dozen are coming my way to spoil."

Mom shows Bea her phone, "They are so organized."

"I know, Maya was showing us the schedule Nicky created for her, they have classes together, it should really help on their studies, they have their own sorority."

"That's one way to put it, and they'll be just down the road." Mom answers watching Bea sort the papers and call James over, they spent the next 20 minutes signing, flipping pages and initialing. She knew James would be fine based on what he's done here, but to see him buying his first house had her crying, even if it was a happy cry.

"Awww, Vicky hugged Mom around her neck from behind, "you raised one of us right."

"Hey, stop that, I love all of you." Mom wipes her face.

Cassidy tapped out three times and they said in unison "We love you too," from everyone in the living room and the waterworks started all over again, laughing and crying and telling everyone to shut up.

We talked for a while and Bea said she had to get home and tell Maya's mom they were missing out on this and needed to invite everyone over, just like this.

Anitta barely got a word out before Megera arrived in the living room. Looking around I felt like my world was falling apart, everyone could see her in her teacher disguise, I heard a few screams but was more concerned at my family being under her control as they stood up and walked towards her.

Megera holds up a hand, "It's important, and they need to lick you to have, their," she points at the girlfriends that are obviously immune from me, it's good to know they won't be under her control.

'Be stern, but play along,' Anitta whispers.

'Stop whispering, she can't hear you.' I answer and try and focus.

I lean down to give them better access and after they lick my cheek, they are given a seat on the couch as Nicky and Maya jump up and head to the bar stools.

"This better be good, or we are going to have problems." The heads go back and forth like a tennis match watching us.

"What is happening?" Mom says, looking much better now, "What happened to me," she looks at her kids, "to us."

"I apologize Mrs. Letreau, your son, is one of a kind, this is going to take time to explain. Megera sat down in my chair and started from the beginning, she got gasps when she said she was a Succubus from hell, how she met me, more gasps with Arch Angel Michael, her hand going up a dozen times to stop the questions until she finished.

"Is any of that true?" Mom asks me and I nod, her face turned fierce, "You are using my boy?" She says to Megera who smiles and nods.

"In a way, he has power to keep me from being compelled by those stronger than me in ways all women can understand, she points at Melanie who squeaked.

"It was a demon, Desmond, who orchestrated the attempted rape and murder of that young lady," there were gasps and Melanie put her hand to her chest. "I erased him from existence yesterday, there will be no more interference in your lives from MY side."

'Ask about Phillipe,' Anitta says, this time without the whisper.

"And the fallen guardian angel Phillipe?" I ask and she waves her hand.

"He is fine, I leave that to the other side to deal with him. He was the one Desmond contracted and the one your boy lifted up into the air with Michael's help." Anitta gasped at that.

'I knew it, that was a bad idea, it's grown out of control.' Anitta says sadly.

'It's worked perfectly so far,' I reply.

"Wait, so you do have power over them?" Vicky asks and Megera laughs causing everyone to look her way.

"The opposite is true, he is the cure, not the curse, I have the power to compel all humans and almost every demon as you saw his family when I arrived. I also have to lick his cheek, unless he allows me to do more?" She looks at me and I minutely shake my head. "Too bad, anyway, back to the topic at hand?" Megera looks at Vicky who nods.
