Ann: A Love Story Ch. 72


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After that, I really thought she'd stop. Maybe she thought that I'd already covered all the areas that would matter to her sexually, or that I'd finally cave and give her what she so desperately needed. Whatever the reason, she obviously felt it was okay to beg me one more time. When she did, and I got up with the tube in my hand, Carol had a puzzled look on her face when I got between her legs. Smiling at her, I leaned down, getting my face close to her pussy, and I pulled at one of her open pussy lips, making her squeal a little.

I coated the outside of Carol's labia, making sure I avoided the inside. I wanted her to feel the heat around her pussy and on her clit, hoping that would have some kind of impact. And ten minutes later, she was wiggling on the bed, her body shaking. And that's when the whimpering started up big time. But Carol wouldn't talk...she held her mouth closed tightly, fighting the urge to scream out her desires, or tell me how she was feeling at the moment.

But now, I had kind of set her up, asking how she felt, and then baiting her as she told me she wasn't going to say anything. Yet I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wanted to complain. She wanted to beg me to help her cum, even though she knew that would make me put the cream on her body again. I'm not sure where she thought I'd put it; where I'd chose to inflict those incredible sensations next, but I WAS sure she didn't anticipate me putting it on her asshole...and certainly not inside it. In fact, the way she reacted made me feel certain that she wasn't used to anal play...and as I sat down after washing my hands, I decided to see if I was right.

Pickup up my manual and opening it to where I'd left off, I said, "So, Sunshine. Tell me...have you ever had anything up you ass before, sexually speaking?"

"I...I'm scared to answer, Neil. I can't take any more of that...SHIT!"

"Don't worry...I'm done with the cream. I just need let you simmer for a little while before I take pity on you. So...have you?"

"You're sure this isn't another trick so you can put that shit in my ear or something?"

", Sunshine. I promise."

"Okay...well, the answer's no...not until five minutes ago when you were fingering me."

"Did you like that?"

"I'm not sure. It was interesting...but now...oh my GOD, Neil. My ass if fucking burning...and it tingles."

"Yeah, but it feels incredible too, doesn't it."

"How the hell would YOU know?" she asked.

"Because I've had that stuff up my ass too...that's how."


"When I fucked you. Martina put it on her finger when she checked my prostate as part of my physical. And it felt amazing. So, be do you feel?"

"Like I wish Ann would let you fuck me right now...I need your cock so bad!"

"Do you want me to fuck you in the ass?" I laughed.

"Whoa...I never said that."

"Well, if I were you, I'd start learning how to give myself an enema pretty soon."

"Why do you say that?" Carol said as she turned her head to look at me.

"Because, if you intend for Ann and I to be with you on those dates you negotiated, at some point I'm going to fuck that pretty little ass of yours."

"Oh really," she said with a grin on her face. "And what if I say no?"

"What if we tie you up like you are now one of those nights?" I smiled back.

Carol's body shook, and she looked at me with an intense stare. "FUCK...Neil! I need to cum...NOW!"

"Patience, Sunshine. Let me get ready first," I said as I grabbed the tube and headed to the bathroom, leaving her there thinking about what I'd just...well, threatened in a sweet way.

I took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror, wondering if I really wanted to do what I was thinking. Part of me didn't want to, knowing how the feeling lingered...and knowing I wasn't going to be able to fuck Carol. But at the same time, I remembered how my cock felt with that cream on it...and how it looked. And I wanted to show that to Carol again. Plus, I remembered just how much more intense my orgasm had been. Sure, I'd already cum twice...but I was hoping that since the last time was about six hours before, I'd have a good load built up. And maybe, just maybe, the cream would add to that.

Any reason I could think of not to, was far outweighed by the reasons that I should. Truth be told, I knew I was going to coat my cock in the stuff when I picked up the tube. It was just one of those sexual moments where I had to talk myself into actually going through with something regarding sex. I'd done that a lot in my life, although most of the time it involved buying a g-string in a sex shop, or a Penthouse or Playboy when I was barely old enough to purchase one. It was a mental game I played, sometimes going as far as to flip a coin just before I did whatever it was my dirty mind wanted to do. And if the coin came up wrong, I'd immediately go to two out of three flips, then three out of myself every chance to do what that tiny devil on my shoulder wanted me to do all along. The little angel perched on the other shoulder never won those battles.

This time, there was no coin flip. There was just a mental question, asked and then quickly answered. I had a naked babe waiting for me in the next room...which made it an easy choice to unscrew that cap one more time so I could squeeze out a line of cream onto my erect cock. I massaged the stuff all over the skin of my shaft and balls, covered ever centimeter of my crotch. Satisfied that I'd gotten the cream over my entire cock and balls the way I wanted, I spent a few minutes washing my hands again, making sure I got it all off. As I lathered up my palms, scrubbing away, I already started to feel the effects.

Ten minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom, letting my cock lead the way. It was huge, just like I remembered. The thick veins were bulging out, protruding more than normal as they pulsed life into the shaft. And it had turned a darker shade of purple as the heat from the lube started making my skin tingle. It had the same angry, almost menacing appearance it had when I'd fucked Carol.

When she saw me coming toward her, she was both relieved and nervous. She was happy that I was back, because she knew it was that much closer to the time I'd let her cum. But when she saw what I'd done to my prick, her eyes got wide again.

"'s like you have the Hulk's cock, Neil. I'm surprised the damn things not green instead of purple."

"Do you like it?" I asked as I knelt next to her, letting her see it close up again.

"God...yes," she whispered, more to herself than to me. She licked her lips, because they were dry...but I had a feeling it was also because she couldn't stop staring as my cock throbbed intensely in front of her face.

"Imagine what it would feel like buried in your pussy right now, Sunshine," I teased.

"Ooooooohhhhhh," she moaned as she squirmed a little against her ropes.

I moved over her body, straddling her face as I hovered over it. I slowly lowered myself, letting my balls dangle over her open mouth. "Imagine what it would feel like buried in that tight little ass of yours," I said as I took the shaft and held it down, closer to her eyes.

"Fuck," Carol whined.

"You like the thought of that, don't you."

"I...I don't's so big."

"But you know I'm going to...don't you."

Carol hesitated for a moment, thinking about what I'd asked. Then, she moved her head up, sticking out her tongue...licking my ball sack for a moment. "Yes...I know that now," she said with a little lilt in her voice.

"And that excites you?" I said, more of a question than a statement. I was leading her, but I wanted to know the truth.

"Yes...and it also scares me. But I trust you, Neil," she said as she licked me again playfully.

"Mmm...and I trust you too," I said as I lowered my body further, letting my balls rest on Carol's mouth. She giggled and started sucking on them one at a time as the hung down below my cock like low hanging fruit. I let her bathe my balls with her tongue, sucking and nibbling around as best she could.

But I had other ideas in mind, so I pulled up and moved back, looking into Carol's eyes. "So...tell me the truth, Sunshine. Who should cum or me?"

I knew how Carol wanted to answer...she'd been desperate to cum since I'd tied her up and put the cream on her ripe little clit. But she smiled and said, "You should...I'm the sex slave, remember."

I smiled as I moved down between her legs, grabbing my cock. She groaned when I rubbed the head back and forth against her pussy, splitting her labia a little with it...and that made her freeze.

"Oh God...Neil...NO. We're not supposed to fuck!" she said in a panic.

"I know," I said with a laugh. I moved down lower, and placed the thick purple knob against her anus. Pushing forward my cock wedged further against it, making it start to open just a bit. "She only meant I couldn't fuck your pussy."

Carol groaned, but she didn't protest. She just took a couple of deep breathes so she could relax. Then, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'm ready...just...go slowly."

I leaned down over Carol, and kissed her as I pulled her nipples roughly, making her squeal into my mouth. When I pulled back, I said, "I know the rules, Carol. I'm sure Ann doesn't want me fucking your ass either. And you're really not ready. But you will be when we get together with Ann, won't you."

Carol nodded and said, "Yes, I will. I promise." Then she bit her lip and waited to see what I'd do next.

And the answer to that unspoken question was...I let her cum first. I crawled back down her body, and settled between those magnificent thighs, lying on my stomach as I brought my face close to her pussy. I was breathing on it, letting my hot breath exhale directly on her dripping slit. She shuddered a little and let out an erotic groan as she tried in vain to lift her hips up higher.

Carol didn't have to. I'd tortured her enough for the last hour or so, using the cream to set the stage, and then ignoring her pleas. I had been testing her patience over and over, punishing her whenever she showed a lack of it by covering one area after another with the contents of that special medicinal tube. I didn't have the heart to continue drawing out the beginning of her latest orgasm, in large part because I now had an over stimulated sex organ of my own. Yes...mine was self inflicted, but I knew if I held out just a little longer it would totally be worth it.

Carol started cumming almost the second I licked inside her pussy. I snaked my tongue deep inside that hot, wet hole, twisting and twirling it, using every move I'd ever learned. Carol held her reaction inside her heaving chest, trying not to scream out and wake the other people on our floor of the hotel. But that didn't stop her body from shaking violently, pulling at the ropes tightly as she twisted and twirled on her own. My hand went to her pussy, and I started fucking her hard and fast with three fingers while my mouth clamped down on her clit. And that's when she really exploded.

This time, she was more verbal...not holding back her words, or her cum. Carol unleashed a guttural moan, announcing her orgasm in a flourish of expletives that would have been more at home on a shipping dock. She was cursing over and over...but under her breath, still refusing to actually scream how she was feeling. And that made her body tense up, because she really wasn't totally letting go. When I finally pulled up, I looked at her from between her powerful thighs, which were straining, showing their muscular definition. Carol's eyes were kind of rolling, and her mouth was open as she sucked in oxygen to fill her lungs.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," she said as she panted. I could tell her heart was racing, and I was a little concerned she might hyperventilate. Crawling up her body, I stopped and sucked on her nipples for a little bit, and just that new stimulation sort of brought her around.

"Thank you Neil...thank you so much!"

"For what?" I asked.

"For doing that...for doing all of this. I can't tell you how incredible this has been for me."

"I'm really glad you liked this", Sunshine. you want me to untie you now?"

"That's not up to me...that's up to you," she winked.

"I'm more concerned if you're okay. You've really been pulling at those ropes, and I tied them tight."

"I haven't said the word yet, have I?" she grinned.

"Good...because I need you to make me cum."

"And just how do you expect ME to do that?"

Straddling her body again, I flopped my fat, angry cock between her tits. Carol let out a giggle, until I pulled on her nipples to force her breasts together at first, and that made her let out a yelp. Taking those amazing melons in my big hands, I forced them around my shaft, and started bucking wildly back and forth, fucking her chest with a vengeance.

With Carol's ass still propped up by the big pillow I'd stuffed underneath it, her head was against the mattress, well below her chest. I was basically fucking downhill, the tip of my cock poking out just above her chin whenever I thrust forward. She watched my cockhead intently, hypnotized by the movement as I rocked my pelvis back and forth as fast as I could.

Carol had been sweating almost from the moment I'd tied her to the bed. The stimulation cream I'd applied made the parts of her body I'd put it on become heated, and flushed. And that, in turn, made her entire body start to react to the changes...which meant she was hot just lying there. Of course, she had exerted a lot of energy struggling against her binds too, so all of those things made the big valley between her breasts shiny and slippery with beads of her perspiration. And that made for smooth fucking.

Pawing at Carol's tits, I continued to plow away, forcing them together to create the tightest hole I could. She started urging me along, telling me how great it felt, and how powerful my cock looked to her. Then she told me how much she wanted me to cum on her face again.

And I was about to...when the phone rang.

~*~*~*~*~*~ "Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. I was standing next to the bed, my cock bobbing up and down...pulsing so hard I thought it might actually pop a vein.

"Hi baby! How did you day with Carol go?"

Suddenly I had a flash of panic, although I really didn't know why. Ann had blessed us being together, but that didn't mean I didn't have a little pang of uncertainty. Pressed to answer her question, all I could manage to get out was, "Uuuuuuuh..."

"Uh what? Didn't you have a good time?"

"Ann...we're kind of...still together," I said sheepishly.

"'s almost eleven o'clock, Neil."

"I know...but you said I was supposed to make her cum as many times as I could today...and it's still Sunday for another hour or so. You're not mad, are you?"

Ann started laughing, although it was quiet, which I was sure was because of being on the phone at her parent's house. "Why would I be mad, baby? I told you that you could be with her today. I'm just a little surprised...because you have a big day tomorrow."

"I know...but I'm more prepared now than ever. Besides, this has kind of kept my mind off of it."

"What do you mean you're more prepared?"

I told Ann what Carol had done, setting up the training session with Ivan, and how Ivan had given me the set of operator's manuals for the production lines. I started talking fast, giving her details of some of the things I learned, excited to share my newfound knowledge. I was giving Ann a couple of examples of what I knew that no one else would know, and I kind of lost track of the moment.

Ann reined me back in when she cleared her throat and said, ", I love that you're excited...but you do know that I don't understand a thing you're saying, right?"


"I've never seen what you're talking about, and I really don't understand all the terminology you're using. It's like you're talking some foreign language. I mean, I'm happy for you...but aren't you forgetting something right now?"

"What would that be?" I asked.

"Your guest. Where is Carol anyway?"

I looked over at Carol, who was back to being desperate. The orgasm I'd given her had taken the edge off for a while, but the cream was still working, especially on her clit. Carol was back to panting, her eyes begging me to give her relief once again. She was being quiet because I was on the phone, but I knew she wanted to say what her eyes were telling me.

"Uuuuuuuh..." I said, unsure of how to explain to Ann how Carol and I had gone from her setting up a training session, to her being in the position she was in right now.

"Is she in the bathroom?" Ann asked, thinking it was one of those moments where you really can't tell someone on the phone where the person they're asking for is, because it's not a polite phone conversation topic.

"Actually, she's...tied to the bed," I said, even more sheepishly than when I'd told Ann I was still with Carol.

"Oh my God...REALLY?" Ann said excitedly.

It shouldn't have surprised me that Ann was okay with that little revelation. And not only was she okay with it, I knew instantly that it turned her on. She asked a couple of questions, and I gave her a quick rundown of how we'd gotten from point A, to, well...all the way to point Z really. And as I gave Ann the details, I realized that she was playing with herself.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I said as I finished telling Ann what I was doing to Carol just as she called.

"I told you, Neil...I was going to call you tonight so you could help make me cum. I'm getting close, but you're running out of time. It's late...and midnight is your curfew."

I figured at first that with Ann on the phone, she'd understand if we went into Monday. But that statement let me know, in a loving, but honest way, that there would be no bending the rules in our little game...other than her letting me be with Carol this one Sunday. And Sunday almost over.

"Well, I guess I'll have to call you back when I'm done with her," I said as I looked back at Carol.

"No...I want to listen."


"Move the phone as close as you can to the bed, but don't hang up. Just lay it next to Carol so I can hear the two of you."

"I won't be able to describe anything, babe."

"I know...but you're going to be fucking her tits, and I have an imagination, baby. it for me. I'll know when you're cumming, and I want to cum with you."

"Okay...but I think I'm going to need to make her cum one more time. She's really suffering right now."

I could feel Ann smiling on the other end of the phone. "That's fine...I can cum with her too!"

I was a little surprised that the phone had such a long cord coming out of the wall. I had to move the nightstand out a little, but I was able to put the phone base on the bed, and then stretch the coiled cord out on the receiver, placing it next to Carol's head. At first I thought I'd be lucky to be able to get it within six feet of Carol, instead of the six inches or so it turned out to be.

As I climbed back onto the bed and got into position over Carol again, she turned her head a little and said hello to Ann. And I could hear Ann faintly say hello back, along with her infectious giggle. That was followed by Carol telling Ann that she was going to try and let her know what was going on by being Ann's eyes in the room.

"He just put that big fat cock between my tits, Ann. You should see it...I bet you've never seen it this big...that cream really makes it look huge. The damn thing is menacing."

I heard Ann say something, and Carol smiled and winked at me. "Sure...I'll let him keep it. I can get some more from Martina. Oh...and make him put it in your ass, Ann...oh my GOD it feels so incredible," Carol said with another wink.