Ann: A Love Story Ch. 72


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I pressed Carol's tits together, and started bucking back and forth. Carol gave Ann play by play coverage, trying to describe not only what she was feeling, but also what I was doing and what it looked like. Truth be told, she was doing a pretty good job of it...and that had me getting closer to my orgasm. It also helped Ann get closer to hers, in large part because Carol would stop describing every so often and tell Ann she should do something. Like finger her clit, or dip her fingers into her pussy. She was doing her part to help Ann and me cum together. There was no way Carol could have known that was what Ann wanted to do. She'd only heard my half of the conversation. But Carol was one smart woman, and she put two and two together rather easily.

"He's really fucking my tits hard, Ann. He's going to be cumming soon. I hope you're close too. Frig your clit harder...I can feel his cock ready to explode!" Carol said with her mouth inches from the mouthpiece.

It was also inches away from my cock, which was indeed ready to explode. Carol looked up into my eyes as I gave her tits four or five more strong strokes, and she said, "Neil's going to cum for us now, Ann. He's going to cum all over my face. I hope you're close, because he's cumming...right...NOW!"

"Ooooohhhhhhh FUCK!" I yelled out as I slammed forward one more time and held myself still. With Carol's face still below her tits, and my cock point up slightly, I started spurting. Shot after shot of white, steamy jizz blasted out of the tip of my cock, splattering all over Carol's face and hair. The intensity of the cream made me cum more than I would have otherwise, since I'd already had two orgasms earlier in the day. I felt my balls churning inside their sack, forcing more and more sperm to fly up my shaft and ejaculate high in the air.

Carol was telling Ann where there shots were landing, and how good my cum felt on her skin, and tasted on her tongue. When my cock finally stopped pulsing, I could finally hear...and I heard Ann cumming through the phone. It wasn't loud, obviously...but I knew that sound...intimately. I'd heard Ann cum so many times that there was no mistaking it, even when she was doing everything she could to keep from screaming out. I'd heard Ann scream at the top of her lungs when she came, and I'd heard her do it when she had to be quiet...and while each was unique, they also had similarities to them. And I KNEW that Ann was cumming.

I picked up the phone and said, "That's it lover. Cum for me. Cum hard, baby!"

"Oh...GOD!" Ann said, through what I was sure was tightly clenched teeth.

Ann came, and I knew it was an intense orgasm. I smiled as I listened to her thrashing around, knowing she'd been thinking about Carol and me all day, and what we might have been doing. But I'm sure she didn't count on getting a live show...even if it was just over the phone. Ann had just said she would call me at the end of the day, and that we'd cum together. That Carol had been a part of that only added to the experience.

When Ann finally calmed down, and her heavy breathing becoming a little more normal, I said, " was your orgasm, baby."

"Which one...I had two," she said with a little laugh.


"One when you came...and that sounded SO HOT! I just know you covered Carol's face all over, baby. I can close my eyes and see how hot that looks with her all tied up and helpless. And then I came again when you got on the phone and told me to. In my mind, I was pretending I was tied up...and you MADE me cum."

"YOU were thinking about being tied up?"

"Hmm...I still am, baby. The week I come out to visit, I want you to keep Thursday night open."

"Thursday...why Thursday? I thought Sunday's were the days we were going to do that...if we do it."

"Sunday is the day we're going to do it the first time we're in our new place after we get married and move out there...because Sunday is OUR day."

"I'm confused Ann. Now you want to do it before that?"

"I'm sorry if I'm confusing you, Neil. It's just that I've been thinking about it for a while, and just knowing you tied up Carol tonight has me ready to do it again...the Thursday after I get there."

"Okay...but why Thursday?"

"That's the night we were together in Colorado. I'm thinking that's as good a night as any to try it again...and it will give me a date. I like knowing what day it's going to happen so I can prepare myself."

" what...and enema?"

" do that now pretty much every day we're together anyway, just in case. I meant prepare mentally...just like when we'll do it after we're married. I love committing to it, and then knowing its coming up. The anticipation of it for me is a huge part of the excitement. I have to do it, because I gave you my word. It makes me feel like you love slave ahead of time, and that makes it hotter."

"Okay...but you know I have to work on Thursday, right?"

"Yeah...but that will give YOU something to think about that day, won't it?" she laughed.

Ann had gotten me so focused on what we would be doing in the future, I'd forgotten the present. That is, until Carol made a sweet little moan. I grinned at her as I spoke to Ann. "Right now, I want you to think about getting out a vibrator."

"Really? Why?"

"Because, I'm going to use Carol's on her. She needs to cum again," I said as I winked at my cum covered sex slave lying on the bed.

"REALLY?" Carol said, almost gleefully.

"Yeah...get a vibrator Ann. I'm going to put the phone down for a second, and then Carol's going to be on the other end." I untied Carol's right hand, and handed her the phone. "I want you to tell Ann what I'm doing so she can do the same thing. And if you try to use your hand for anything other than holding the phone, I'm going to stop and you'll have to make yourself cum when you get home!"


As I drove down the interstate, thinking about how I'd made Carol cum with her vibrator, while she struggled to tell Ann what to do so that Ann could feel the same exact things Carol was feeling, I had a little chuckle to myself. Carol and Ann came almost simultaneously. I was fucking Carol with her vibrator, jamming it in and out of her pussy as fast as my arm would move. Carol was relaying that to Ann, who was doing the same thing to herself 500 miles away. And I actually heard Ann cum first as Carol held the phone away from her face when SHE started to cum.

I couldn't have asked for a better ending to my day. I made the woman I'd spent the day with cum; the woman that had given me so much of herself during the day, most importantly her friendship. And in doing that, I made the love of my life cum too...from long distance. To me, it was perfect.


Ann was exhausted, and when I took the phone from Carol, she said I needed to get to bed so I'd be rested for the next day...reminding me it was important. I told Ann I'd call her when I got off of work and let her know how it went...and we told each other how much we loved what we'd done, and how much we loved each other.

After I hung up the phone, I went about untying Carol, helping her get herself together so she could head home. I gathered her things, while she went into the bathroom, saying she needed to freshen up. I couldn't blame her, since I had no intention of making her go home with my load of cum on her face. But Carol surprised me when she walked out of the bathroom almost exactly as she had when she walked in.

"I thought you were going to clean up?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"I did," she said with a grin. "Can't you see...I re-did my lipstick and eyeliner."

I let out a laugh, and carried her stuff to the front door. "Here's your purse, and your coat. I put your handcuffs and the key in the center pocket with the vibrator."

Carol slipped on her heels and said, "Did you keep the tube of stimulation cream?"

"Didn't you want us to?" I said, thinking of the conversation I'd overheard her having with Ann.

"Yeah...I actually have another one at the house. But Martina can get me more anytime. I bet she'll do the same for you and Ann."

"Well, we won't be needing it for a while."

"I guess not," Carol said as she looked down at my rock hard shaft, still throbbing from the effects of the dose I'd massaged all over it. "Do you want another blowjob before I go?"

I looked at my watch and said, "Sorry...I can't. It's after midnight."

"'re right," she said bashfully. The she looked up into my eyes and said, "Can I kiss you goodnight, though. I don't like the idea of..."

I took Carol by the back of her hair and pulled her to me, leaning in. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Sunshine," I said as I pressed my lips against hers, parting them with my tongue. We shared a long, heavy kiss, and she moaned a little.

When I pulled back, Carol smacked her lips and said, "Ann is one lucky woman."

"And there's a lucky man out there somewhere for you, Carol. I can promise you that."

"I know, Neil," she said, her green eyes ablaze. "And now I'm finally ready now to start looking for him. I've missed this. Thank you so much for an incredible day."

"You're welcome, Sunshine," I said as I opened the door to the hallway. "Thank you for all you did for me today."

And with that, I gently pushed Carol on the small of her back, nudging her towards the door. "Wait...I'm not dressed," she said as she half heartedly fought against my hand.

"Your jeans should be dry by now...if they're still on the railing by the stairs."

Carol's eyes got wide, and she said, "What it they're not!"

"Oh came into my room naked...that's how you're leaving. See you in the morning, Sunshine." And then I pushed her a little more firmly and shut the door. I couldn't help but peek through the peephole. Carol just stood there for a few seconds, smiling as she stood in the hallway in just her heels. Then she gave a little wave, knowing I was staring, and she turned and walked through the door next to my room that led to the stairway.


Thinking about how I'd left Carol the night before, I wondered what she'd look like when I saw her at work. Obviously, she'd be far more dressed than the last time I'd seen her. But would she be daring, or conservative. Would there be any telltale marks on her from the rope I'd tied her with? Would she have a kind of glow about her from cumming so many times? Would she even acknowledge that anything happened between us? I doubted that she would; and if she did, I was sure it would be understated...maybe a sly wink, or a knowing smile, wicked and sexy. I couldn't wait to find out.

But the fact was, I didn't even know what I'd be doing, or where I'd really be working. I wondered if I'd even see Carol. Maybe they'd hired a receptionist by now, and I wouldn't even have the opportunity. And that made me wonder what I'd say to her, whenever I got the chance to see her. I didn't want to dwell on what we'd shared, but I felt in my heart that it would be rude of me not to at least say high, and tell her once again what a good time I'd had. I wasn't thinking so much about the was more that I was grateful for the time we'd spent together.

I got off the interstate, slowing down the off ramp as I banked towards the east, pulling onto one of the main arteries into the town. I was on the northern edge, on the outskirts of the city limits, and I had to stop when the light in front of me turned red. I glanced into the rear view mirror, checking my look one more time as I shifted up in my seat a little, looking into the back of the car.

Smiling, I had a Bond moment, and I was suddenly back in that frame of mind. I knew now that I not only had to say something to Carol, I had a question for that I had to ask, even if I had to seek her out.

I pulled into the parking lot, seeing Carol's Nissan parked near the front door of the office. I parked a little farther away, and reached into the back of the car to grab my sport coat. Slipping it on, I checked my look in the window, adjusting my tie one more time, and then I took a deep breath.

"Time to find out what's really going on inside this company, Bond," I said, mentally psyching myself up by playing the role Ann created for me, including the mission she'd come up with for me.

In my warped little mind, I felt like if playing James Bond helped get me the job, then acting like him would only help me in making the right first impressions on my first day of work. Marching confidently toward the doorway to the temporary offices, I smiled when I caught a glimpse of Carol sitting behind the front desk.

Opening the door with a suave confidence, I strolled over to the where Carol was sitting, and I sat down on the corner just like I had over three months before. Carol was wearing a low cut red dress that hugged her sexy curves, her long brown hair pulled up high on her head. I stared at her massive cleavage and offered her a sexy smile.

"Good morning, Holly," I said as I winked at her, calling her by the character she'd chosen to play on the adventure Tina and I had shared. "How are you this morning?"

Carol didn't miss a beat, picking up right where we'd left off months before. She grinned and said, "Good morning, James. I'm fine. How about you?"

I picked up Carol's right hand with my left, bringing it to my mouth. Kissing the back of it, I looked at the reddened skin around Carol's wrist, the marking from the ropes still very evident. "I'm concerned about looks like you got worked over pretty good. Pussy warned you about getting too close to an agent," I said, referring to Tina's character. "You might end up...well..."

"I was interrogated pretty intensely last night...but I didn't talk. I was able to use my womanly charms to escape," she smiled.

"That's good. Do you have the information I need?"

"What information is that?"

"I'm supposed to be Neil Thomas, remember? And, I'm supposed to open up an account today to set up my identity here in West Virginia. So I need to know how many?"

"How many...what?"

"Orgasms. I need to know how many times you came yesterday," I said with a naughty grin.

I actually needed to know, so I could tell Heather later that night for the 'sex account' that Ann and I were going to share.

Realizing what I was talking about, Carol flashed a naughty smile of her own, and said, "Nine."

"Great work, Dr. Goodhead. But next time, you need to be more careful. You can't be leaving evidence could jeopardize the entire mission."

"Evidence...what are you talking about?"

I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out the silky red top that Carol had left in the back of my car. Placing it on the desk blotter in front of her, I stood up. "Like I said, you've got to be more careful, Holly. Do try not to lose your clothing today."

Carol knew the rules of the game Ann had set up for us to play. And we were still going to play it, even though I was back to thinking like Bond, at least for the moment. Knowing that, Carol moved her top and looked at the blotter, which had a huge calendar printed on it. I'd noticed that the dates of all the Wednesday's and Saturday's were circled with a bright red marker...the days she was supposed to be 'open' for me as a branch in the game.

Pointing at the calendar to the fourth of the month, which was two days away, she giggled and said, "I'll try to wait until Wednesday."

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244Jake244Jakealmost 6 years ago
Wonderful read

I truly love a good read..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

With the way the chapter started I thought we would see Neil’s first day at work and I am more looking forward to that then the sex.

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