Apocalypse Slaves


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She surely hoped that this would work as Carla allowed herself to be led down the stairs to the main floor where the ad hoc banquet of all of the Lincoln Elite was in full swing. "Ah," she heard Henry saying as they descended the stairs. "Here's my wife now with two of our girls as you can see."

"Why are they hooded like that?" another man's voice asked. An alarm ran through Carla as she recognized Master... Judge's voice.

Henry let out a huff of exasperation and Carla could picture him rolling his eyes. "In case you haven't noticed; all of our girls here in the mansion are hooded for these events. It adds to the illusion of the evening. You'd know this if you boys over in Corning would ever accept my invitations to attend."

"How long have you had these two?" Judge demanded.

"A few weeks now," Henry deadpanned. "Why? Do you want to fuck one of them?"

Carla started to sweat as she was led right past the conversation. "Nah, I don't want no docile little slave. I want my slave back so that I can break her and train her properly." Judge said dismissively. "Now where is she, old man?"

"Not here," Henry retorted as Sandra sat down somewhere and made the tugs to get Carla to kneel alongside of her. "I told you that already. No one by that description came by here."

"None of the slaves are here, boss," another man said as it sounded like it ran in through the door. Leader... Carla thought as she mentally placed her name for his voice. "We found tracks on the west end of town that match the truck they stole."

"Alright," Judge growled. For some odd reason to Carla, the pause that followed meant that he was sweeping the room with his gaze. She kept perfectly still. "I know that my girl wouldn't stoop to being a lowly slave so soon after being auctioned to me, so you're lucky that I'm not going to mess up your little mask party here."

"If you were to do that you'd be dead before you unmasked the first guest or first servant." Henry said with a conviction that told Carla that he definitely was not one to be crossed.

"Hmph," Judge snorted. "Enjoy your party, old man."


It wasn't until after the Raiders had come and gone a third time that Carla breathed a sigh of relief. She watched from her corner window of the Governor's Mansion as they trucked on out of town, heading east for their home. This time she overheard them saying that they were giving up the search and that 'the girls were probably long gone by now.' It wasn't until they'd disappeared from sight that Henry came to her room. "They're gone," he said with a smile on his face. She could see Dawn smiling just as brightly in the hallway behind him.

"I still can't believe it," Carla told him with wonderment. "You did it."

"Hiding someone in plain sight is one of the oldest tricks in the book. And a deal is a deal," Henry nodded, "you girls are free to go."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," Henry confirmed. "My people are preparing a truck for you on the outskirts of town. It's being loaded with supplies that should be able to get you and Dawn wherever you need to go to."

Carla shouldered her pack and paused next to him on the way out. "Thank you," she said with all sincerity, kissing him on the cheek.

Henry actually smiled and blushed before jerking his head to one side. "Go on; get out of here."

"I mean it; thank you." She repeated. Henry and Sandra had every opportunity to force them into who knew what kind of depraved sexual acts they could've come up with and with the exception of the party that was thrown to throw off the raiders, they hadn't done anything to her or Dawn. It was a refreshing change of pace.

Maybe their luck was changing for the better.


CHAPTER 7: The Farm

It was slow going across the plains and so it took Carla and Dawn nearly a week to get to the foothills of the Rockies. Part of it was the sad shape of what was considered a road that was strewn with debris, rusting vehicles, and, in a lot of places, generally unkept.

As they crested a small hill that led into a valley that marked the beginning of the massive mountain range that separated the central and east part of the continent from the west coast, Carla frowned. She stopped the truck to consult the map with her flashlight. "What is it?" Dawn asked.

"According to the map there should be a southern road that should take us around the edge of the mountains. I think that we missed the turn or something." Carla frowned as she tried to match the roads to the map. "Shit... Yeah, I think we're too far north at this intersection here that's named Walsen instead of down here at Raton."

"So?" Dawn leaned over and looked at the map. "Can't we take this road south here that's called... uh... Eye Twenty Five? What a weird name for a road."

"I'd say yes, but look at these notes here from the Baileys; the roads have been rerouted to all go through this one point called 'the Farm'."

"Hey! I've heard of that place. They supply a good portion, if not all, of the milk for everyone." Dawn said happily. "Maybe we can see some real cows! That'd be cool!"

"At the very least, we might be able to get some directions to get through the mountains." Carla agreed. "Let's go."

They drove up to the only visible gate that the main road led up to. There they were met by a bunch of smiling men who quickly ushered them into the compound and directed them to a place to park. Once there, they climbed out of the truck where they were met by an older man who was wearing grand robes and the most insincere smile that Carla had ever seen in her life... and that was saying something. She started to have a sinking feeling about stopping here.

"Hello," the man said in a voice that matched his smile. "Welcome to the Farm. I am Shepard."

"Thanks," Carla said before making quick introductions. "We're trying to go west but all the roads seem to go through here. Can you give us directions so we can be on our way?"

"Of course," Shepard replied gently, "and I can do you one better as we control all of the roads around here. We can give you the most direct route through to your destination. But first; refreshment. You must be exhausted from the long journey and the late hour. Please, come," he beckoned inside the main entrance.

"Okay!" Dawn bubbled while Carla cast a dubious glance inside. Her feelings of doubt were compounded when a couple of guards fell into step behind them. She followed nonetheless. As Shepard gave them the brief tour of the main building while pointing out the highlights. "Will we get to see the cows?" Dawn asked. "I've always wanted to see one!"

Shepard chuckled. "You'll see them soon enough," he said, stopping at a door and gesturing inside. "You may freshen up in here and I shall see you in the morning."

"Morning?" Carla was alarmed.

"Of course. You must rest for the journey ahead. Now, if you will excuse me, it is late and I wish to get some sleep myself." Shepard said with a slight bow as he retreated down the hall. The two guards then motioned them inside, closing the door behind them.

Carla heard the distinct sound of a bar being dropped in front of the door. She tested it to find it locked tight. She swore under her breath as she turned to take stock of the room. It was a well decorated room with a lot of plush furnishings. "Well," she sighed, "I guess we can make the most of it."

"Hey! The shower has actual working water!" Dawn exclaimed from the bathroom. "And it's warm!" She started stripping down at once before hopping in. "Oh my! This is wonderful!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," Carla conceded as she too started to strip. She tossed her and Dawn's clothes out onto the bed before slipping under the warm water with Dawn.

"I don't know why you're so uptight about this place," Dawn commented, stepping close to Carla until the tips of their breasts were barely touching. "This is a better reception than we got in Lincoln!"

"Yeah, and that's what bothers me."

Dawn gave her a pout. "Can we at least enjoy the shower?"

Carla smiled, at the very least for her benefit. Then she drew Dawn into an embrace and kissed her full on the mouth. They made out for some time until they were interrupted by men's voices coming from the hallway. "Oi! You two in there! Shower time is over!"

"Damn... just as I was relaxing too..." Carla muttered, grabbing a towel to dry off. She paused when she noticed that their garments were missing and the door was now open. "Hey! Where the hell are our clothes and gear at?" Carla demanded, sticking her head out into the corridor. Much to her surprise, the two guards were still standing there. She wasn't prepared for someone to actually be there that she was taken off guard for a moment. The foremen barged their way into the room, backing Carla up before calmly closing and locking the door behind them. "Where's our stuff at?" She repeated.

"Safe." The first one said. "Being cleaned downstairs." His gaze looked up and down her nude body. "And if you want them back to have to give payment for services rendered." He added with a lustful look in his eyes.

"Gee," Carla commented sarcastically, "and I wonder what that could be?" She let out a huff of air and beckoned them forward after casting the towel aside. "Come on then, let's get this over with so that we can leave."

"Just like that?" The second one said, shocked.

"Yeah, why, do you have girls that resist this sort of thing?" She then thought about it as everything started making sense. All she had to do was think like a raider or slaver. "Yeah, you probably do and then you charge them extra so that you have reason to keep them longer and fuck them even more. Well I'm done here so you," she pointed at the first foreman that she mentally named Burly due to his arms and build, "go get our damn clothes and you can fuck me when you get back." She then pointed at the second one, the one she was thinking of as Jet due to his jet-black hair. "You can take Dawn now."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Dawn asked in a meek voice from the doorway of the bathroom but then piped down when Carla gave her a withering look to shut up. Dawn hung her head, pouting, but trod over towards Jet who was now standing by the bed expectantly.

Without any warning or fanfare, Jet grabbed Dawn and bent her over the side of the bed with her legs dangling off. Dawn squealed and kicked in protest and Jet silenced her with a quick swat across her ass. Sniffling and blubbering, Dawn kept still but fixed Carla with a 'help me' look from across the room. Carla felt for her but the only way she could see to get out of here was to give these creeps what they wanted so that they could at least get their stuff back. Carla mouthed to her that it would be okay and over soon as she watched Jet whip his cock out and plunge it right into her best friend.

Carla kept her eyes locked with Dawn's tear filled blue ones as Jet started to fuck her. Carla felt it was her duty to Dawn to do so at least until Burly got back. Dawn let out soft little squeaks every time Jet thrust into her but otherwise took it like the little trooper she was. Jet paid her no mind as he fucked her hard and fast, soon driving his hips all the way forward as he released his cum into Dawn with a long, languorous sigh of contentment. "Damn that was nice," he commented. "Get yer pretty face around here and suck me off so we can go again," he said, smacking her ass again when he pulled out before grabbing her by the hair and guiding her around. A second later his cock was in her mouth and Carla could hear her sucking.

Burly was back shortly after that as he came through the door and threw their clothes off in disgust. "Up by the wall over by that bar, bitch." He commanded, pointing at a bar that was set into one wall at about waist level. "Face it and grab the bar."

Rolling her eyes, Carla did as she was told. Wrapping her hands around the wooden bar she stood there, waiting, as Burly walked up behind her and unzipped his fly. "Engugh..." Carla grit her teeth as his cock was driving up inside of her pussy immediately after.

Burly gathered up her hair to bare the right side of her neck. Then he was pushing her head forward until it was resting up against the wall. "Damn, you're a tight bitch, aren't you?" he asked before taking a nip on the nape of her neck. Carla grimaced as it was too much teeth and not enough lips for her taste and he wasn't even doing it right. Not that Burly seemed to care as he gathered her tits up in his hands as he plowed into her over and over again.

"Just for once I'd like to get paid for this..." Carla muttered.

"You are gettin' paid, woman," Burley hissed at her, smacking her on the ass before bringing his hand back up to cup her breast. "We gave you food, board, and water to clean off with. And how do you show your gratitude? By trying to bounce on us. Shoulda just thrown your ungrateful little heifer asses into the milkers to begin with and have been done with it."

That confirmed Carla's suspicions that the farmers had been intending to keep them all along. Anger boiled to the surface and if Burly had had Carla up against a mirror, he probably would've seen the rage on her face. But instead he went on humping her from behind until finally he blew his wad up into her. Carla waited for his cock to stop pulsating and then she made her move.

If it was one thing that the months of having men force themselves upon her had taught her was when men were their most vulnerable. It was usually right after they climaxed and their bodies were coming down from the euphoric high they got from it. Sure enough, Burley was relaxing and letting his cock just slide out of her while it went flaccid. She spun in place, grabbing his head, and slamming it up against the wall she'd been up against a moment before. An impressive spray of blood splattered in all directions as his nose broke. Before he could even cry out in pain, Carla kicked at the back of his leg that sent him down to his knees. Burly's chin caught on the bar and while his body went down, his head stayed hooked. His windpipe was crushed and he flopped backwards onto the floor, gasping for air that would not come.

About that time Jet finally realized that something was wrong. In the five seconds it took Carla to effectively kill Burly, Jet was starting to turn to face her. Unfortunately, he momentarily forgot that Dawn's mouth was still wrapped around his now hard cock. As Carla crossed the distance she ordered Dawn to bite down, which she did. Jet howled with an unearthly cry of pain as his manhood was now being mauled. Carla rabbit punched him in the throat to shut him up... permanently.

"Now what?" Dawn spat out Jet's blood onto his body and continued spitting until the coppery taste was out of her mouth.

"We get the fuck out of here, that's what." Carla said, grabbing for her clothes. She looked in her pocket for her RadRoot and found it missing. "Fuck... they took the root."

"We'll find more," Dawn said, getting dressed in a hurry.

Carla nodded as she too got dressed in record time. "We find our stuff and then we head west and never look back. We keep going and don't stop for anything. Got it?" Dawn nodded her understanding. Much to their surprise, they found their gear just down the hallway in a small closet at the end. This probably would've been the other thing they would've held back from us until we 'paid' them back with our bodies, Carla thought. Probably would've had us spend time in the 'milker' and by that time we'd probably be theirs.

Pushing what would've or could've been from her mind, Carla looked in her backpack from some RadRood and found it. Nearly squealing with delight that they hadn't totally looted their packs yet, Carla swallowed it down and gave Dawn a piece for her to eat. With their gear, minus the guns, they headed down the stairs and out to the front gates walking with a hurried purpose before anyone noticed they were out of the main house.

The guards stopped them. "Where'd ya think yer goin'?" one asked a moment before Carla pushed him up against the wall. He looked at her with a mixture of confusion and surprise.

"I want to kiss a real man for once," Carla said with exaggerated huskiness in her voice while pressing his body against his. She pulled him close and mashed her lips hard against his. His confusion while his buddy looked shocked. While their tongues mingled, Carla's hand dropped down to his to take possession of his gun. He surrendered it easily enough as lust overtook him. Without even looking, Carla pointed it at the second guard and fired off two shots. The first went low, hitting him in the thigh, but the other one hit him right in the gut to double him over and send him to the ground.

"What the fuck!" the guard that was kissing Carla cried out, pushing her away. Carla's mouth twitched in a smile as she pointed the pistol towards him and fired, hitting him dead center. She then put two more in his head to make sure and then two more into the one she'd shot first.

"Where the hell did you learn all of this?" Dawn asked in amazement as she picked up the fallen pistol while Carla opened the gate up just enough to let them out.

Carla shrugged. "I've always been a decent shot thanks to mom. She thought it important that I know how to do so in this day and age. The rest," another shrug as they shimmied out of the gate, "I've just been picking up as I go. I call it 'my give-a-fuck' is busted' combined with a 'I don't want to fuck you' fetish along with a 'I'm going to do what I have to in order to get out of here'. They ran straight out from the farm, heading off into the darkness before turning and angling their way westward.

"Shouldn't we get the truck?" Dawn asked, looking back in exasperation.

"No time! Run!"

After what had to have been a couple of miles by Carla's estimation, they heard the sounds of the guards from the farm in hot pursuit. They picked the pace back up as they'd been walking once they got out of sight from the perimeter fence of the farm. Now they ran all out once again. "Don't stop! Keep running!" Carla said breathlessly.

"I'm running! I'm running!" Dawn said also with labored breathing. Her muscles started to burn from the exertion.

Behind them there was a poomph sound as something was fired. A second later there was a swish-swish-swish sound followed by Dawn crying out as she fell to the ground. Carla skidded to a stop, turning with wide eyed fright as she saw three balls with cords wrapped around Dawn's legs.

Likewise, Dawn looked down at her legs and her heart sank. Carla's words of doing whatever it took came back to Dawn and a sense of calm settled over her. "Go!" she shouted to Carla, summoning up the courage and grit that Carla had shown all this time. "Run! Don't stop for anything, remember! Run! Live! You'd do the same for me!"

Carla was dumbfounded to hear that but Dawn's repeating of the words followed by the proximity of the guards got Carla running again. "I'll come back for you!" she promised.

"No! You'll keep going and not stop!" Dawn shouted right back. "Live for me!"

As Carla disappeared into the darkness, Dawn didn't even bother trying to untangle her legs. Instead she got her newly found pistol out and fired it at the oncoming guards. She was a lousy shot but at least it was enough to slow the guards down and make them take cover. Dawn fired at whatever moved, giving the guards pause. Two more poomph sounds from either side of her and then the balls with cords hit her, wrapping around her arms. She fell back to the ground, now wiggling around like a worm as the guards descended upon her with flashlights shining down upon her.
