Apprehended Ch. 29

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Annie and Ethan receive an unexpected guest.
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Part 29 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/31/2019
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Apprehended: Twenty-Nine

I sat in the game room, watching Jared, Gav and Ethan playing pool with drinks in hand. Early evening had descended and it had been a few days since Ethan and I spoke of the reckless act he performed in the name of protecting the clan. We didn't revisit the subject. Sadly, I still felt unresolved. Trapped between Ethan's responsibility as an Alpha and his selflessness. It was the equivalent of being wedged between a rock and a hard place. Though the act served as a diversion to save the lives of those he cared about, he had no care for himself. Which was a serious issue considering he was the beating heart of the clan.

Lily sat beside me on the game room couch, mindlessly blabbering about a show on television whilst nursing yet another alcoholic beverage. Though-like the television-she had become background noise. As did Gavin mouthing off to his cousin, who had just drained whiskey like it was water.

I didn't know if I should've been impressed or disturbed by the idea that Ethan could drink that much liquor and still be rendered level-headed.

A booming ring indicated the doorbell going off, immediately halting all movement in the large room and causing all heads to swivel towards the direction of the foyer.

We never had visitors. Everyone we knew was already on the estate. Ethan had granted the night off for all clan members. He placed his pool stick to the side along with his empty glass. With efficiency, he prowled to the door like a boss, his bare feet patting across the wooden floor with purpose. He didn't say a word; merely taking control to answer the door without fear.

I straightened on the couch, tilting my head to the side to get a better look.

"Who could that be?" murmured Lily, rising to her feet.

Gavin shot her a look. "Where do you think you're going, female? Sit down."

She scowled. "I didn't even do anything!"

I would've laughed if the incessant doorbell didn't stop it's nagging. I was too focused on who it could be...and how they got onto the property without Ethan's knowledge.

Ethan didn't hesitate.

He opened the heavy panel, resting casually against the wood and folding his arms across his large chest as he stared, blinking a few times in silence before stepping to the side with a glower.

A large man walked into the foyer...

And spoke with a heavy Texas drawl. "Hey there, darlin'! Havin' a party without me?"

I gasped.

And rushed to my feet to run and hug a very cold Tony.

He chuckled and hugged me in return before Ethan slipped an arm around my waist. "Alright, alright. That's enough."

Tony winked, ignoring the whispered words spoken by other clan members at his unexpected arrival. He zeroed in on my stomach. "Lookin' pretty, cupcake. How you feelin'?"

Ethan was unamused. "She's fine, Anthony." He spit out the name like it singed his tongue-vehement and filled with obvious malice. "You want to tell me what the fuck you're doing here?"

It seemed separation did little to hinder the strain between the two. Everyone picked up on it as well. The room fell into a thick silence. One that was filled with so much tension, you could cut it with a knife.

Tony peeled off his cap, running a hand through his hair before stripping off his coat. "Here on business. Heard you came back home and decided to visit."

Ethan walked lazily to his pool stick and snatched it, deliberately powdering the tip and glaring before giving the balls a violent hit. They scattered like bullets, a few colliding into the side of the pool table with such force, they fell to the floor in a resounding boom. "Is that so?" he asked, rising to his full height. "Who told you that?"

Tony avoided a direct answer. "I have my ways."

"Too right," Ethan went on. "I'd also like to know how the fuck you got onto my property without my knowledge."

Tony smiled. "Garrett let me in."

Ethan spat out a juicy curse before hollering for the poor butler. Garrett arrived a few seconds later, bowing slightly at the assembled. "Master Dune."

Ethan's voice was clipped and to the point. "The next time you decide to answer doors when I'm here, I would appreciate you telling me who the fuck is knocking."

The poor man blubbered, stumbling over words before apologizing.

Ethan cut him off. "He is no stranger to us, true. Nonetheless, I will not allow anyone to come into my home with my very pregnant female on the grounds. I expect the same goes for all clan members and their mates. Is that understood?"

The butler bowed once more and apologized, turning a bright shade of red before leaving.

Tony took a seat on a nearby bar stool, grabbing a random glass half-filled with liquor and polishing it off before speaking again. "Nice to see how you treat your childhood butler," he commented dryly.


"I treat anyone any goddamn way I wish in my motherfucking house, Sheriff. Especially when it puts the life of my mate, my young and my clan at risk," Ethan shot back. He slammed the pool stick on top of the pool table, the wood splintering in two as it cracked under the pressure. "Let's get to the point, Anthony. What the fuck are you doing on my property in the middle of the fucking night and what do you want?"

Tony whistled low in his throat. "So touchy, Dom. I mean no harm. To you, your female, your young or your clan."

"Then tell me what you want."

Tony didn't answer. Instead, he redirected the conversation. "You left again, Dune. It seems you're making a habit of it when the going gets rough."

Ethan's growl was low with the promise of violence. "Are you accusing me of something, Anthony?"

Tony shook his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. I swallowed hard, knowing damn well that he knew what he was doing. He was testing Ethan's patience. And the bastard enjoyed it.             

It seemed he also had a death wish.

"Are you confessing?" Tony countered.

"Guilty people confess," said Ethan. "I have nothing to hide."

The Sheriff placed the empty glass on the bar top and rose to his full height, tucking his shirt casually into the waistband of his low-lying jeans. "Mind if we talk in your office?"

Ethan cocked a suspicious brow. "Hiding something are we?"

Tony chuckled confidently and moved to head up the stairs as if he owned the house and everything in it. Ethan made a move to follow, muttering under his breath about disrespectful human males and murder.

It was like witnessing a novella.

"She comes too."

Everyone froze-including Ethan-as all eyes went on me. I gaped. ""

Tony tipped his head. "Yes, ma'am."

Ethan shifted his body and planted himself in front of me. "She stays here. If you have anything to say, you talk to me."

Tony clucked his tongue. "Laws don't apply only to males, Dune. She comes. That's final." He stopped at the lip of the stairs and leaned to the right to stare at me behind Ethan. "Let's get to gettin' there, sweetheart." He tapped the watch on his thick wrist with a blunt finger. "Time's a wastin'." He redirected himself and began the ascent to Ethan's office without a guide.

Ethan's fury was nearly uncontained. He reached out and grabbed my hand to lead me upstairs, stopping before Gavin with a glare. "You're coming with me."

Gavin ran a hand over his blond head. "I don't think that's such a great idea, Alpha. He wouldn't want me there. I have no information to offer-whatever it entails."

Ethan began walking with me in tow. "It wasn't for information. It's a precaution in the event I'm driven to kill the bastard."


This was going to be a long night.


The air in Ethan's office was stuffy despite the central air vents. The heater blowing through the metal lips above my head made me feel constricted and claustrophobic. Hot and a little bothered.

Then again, that could have been caused by the current showdown between Tony and Ethan, who were tight-lipped and scowling at each other like someone stole their candy.

I glanced at Gavin, who took a seat on one of Ethan's Victorian-era couches that were to the left and right of the office. The space was just as rich and decked out, with cream crown moldings, plush rugs, Aubusson curtains and a desk fit for a ruler. It was strange witnessing Ethan in such a powerful position. Sure, he was a dominant male. But the place was fit for a king.

Or a tyrant-depending on the viewpoint.

Ethan cleared his throat, burrowed deeper into his chair and looked at me before patting his thick thigh. "Sit with me, cherie."

Like déjà vu, it felt odd performing such a normal act in front of Tony. Though he knew of our status, he was still a stranger. He wasn't fully integrated in Ethan's world. Seeing him after we left the cabins in a hurry was enough to stir uneasiness.

Ethan noticed my hesitation and offered me his large, open palm. "Annie," he urged softly. "Come sit with me, baby."

I forced my feet to move across the soft carpet, burying my toes into the plushness to ground and center me. I felt edgy...uncomfortable.

Ethan's hand was warm as it engulfed mine and he pulled me into him, spinning me around so I could sit on his lap. He wrapped an arm around my middle and lifted his leg to cross it at the knee, raising me higher and causing me to collapse into his wide chest. He kissed the back of my head and rested against the chair, splaying his fingers across my stomach where he rubbed in slow, gentle circles.

Tony observed the exchange, finally taking a seat in front of Ethan's large desk where he mimicked his exact pose. "I received a call last week."

"Good for you," Ethan retorted. "So glad your phone is fully functional."

Tony ignored the jab. "From the next town over. You know the one?"

Ethan shrugged casually. I felt his muscles move lithely underneath me. "Been there a few times. Nothing worth mentioning. The place doesn't offer much."

I swallowed hard, remembering all too well the town in which Jerry had beaten me. The community was tight-spaced and tight-lipped. Everyone knew everyone's business. Yet no one offered to help when shit got critical. Only then was it every man for themselves. Further, the town was a dead-end. Once you settled there, it was nearly impossible to leave.

"Yeah, well, the Sheriff called me and told me some very interesting news."

"Whatever it is has nothing to do with me," said Ethan. "I don't own property there."

"And you haven't been there recently?" Tony inquired.

Ethan was calm and reserved, giving nothing away even though I knew where this was headed. "As I said, I don't own anything there. The place is as inviting as a fucking cemetery. Only go there when I have to."

"Have you had to?" countered Tony.

"Are you deaf, Matheson? Because I made it clear that I haven't been there in a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Exactly what information did the good ol' Sheriff provide for you, Anthony?" Ethan countered, sounding bored.

"I'm asking the questions around here, Dune."

"Not on my turf," said Ethan. "You see, here's the thing: this is my estate. My grounds. My world. Unless you have evidence accusing me of a crime, you have no right to assume, interrogate, threaten or insinuate. Not without probable cause. And certainly not without a lick of goddamn substantiation."

Tony cocked a suspicious brow, ignoring the obvious warning in Ethan's tone. "Touchy there, Dom. That wouldn't be related to guilt now would it?"

"Guilty of what?"

Tony leaned into the desk, the chair creaking beneath him loudly. "A man was brutally beaten in his own home. Left for dead. Luckily, the Sherriff decided to stop by for a welfare check. You see, he didn't show up for work. Co-workers grew concerned because he never missed."

There was a beat of silence.

Then, "what was his name?" asked Ethan.


I felt the blood drain from my face and I grew a little dizzy.

Son of a bitch.

"Don't know any male by that name."

"Is that so?" prodded Tony.

"Yes. That's so."

Tony's eyes shifted over to me, making me feel even more nervous. "What about you, cupcake? Know anyone by that name?"

I knew that if I spoke, I would give Ethan away. I was that terrified. I decided to simply shake my head instead.

"Funny thing," Tony went on, resettling in the chair. "When the guy got taken to the local medical center, he was able to speak. Albeit, it didn't last long, seeing as he was severely injured and all."

Ethan balled up a thick fist and slammed it on his desk, causing the wood to moan and objects to scatter under the force of impact. "That's enough," spat Ethan, his voice filled with menace.

Tony was unperturbed. "I don't think so, Dune. Because the guy specifically pointed out key details that match your description perfectly as the suspect who nearly took his life."

"You got proof?" Ethan growled.

"His word-"

"The word of a delirious man who was injured. Shit gets muddled, asshole."

"Now hold on a se-"

"We're done here," Ethan interjected, his dominance on full display. "Unless you got something linking me to the male in question, I suggest you take your interrogation and shove up your ass. I wasn't there-plain and simple. I have no business with humans."

"I can't simply leave wi-"

"That's exactly what you're going to do. Leave."

"I don't think so, Dune," Tony shot back in frustration. "I'm obligated to see this through."

"With substantial validation. Not word of mouth."

I cleared my throat to gain their attention. There was no point in lying any further. Tony was suspicious and he would be back for more, without a doubt.

All eyes focused on me. "He's my ex," I admitted in the now quiet space.

"Annie," Ethan warned.

"No, Ethan. No lying, alright? Tony isn't stupid."

Tony's chest puffed up as he gloated arrogantly. "No," he said. "I'm not. Now tell me what happened." He looked right at Ethan. "No more fucking playing around, Dune. Get to it."

Just as Ethan was about to respond, I did it for him. "He's abusive. Ethan was protecting me."

That gave him pause.

He blinked a few times, attempting to internally process the new information. "Is that where you came from?"

I licked my lips, shifting uncomfortably as my life was now on fucking display. Only Ethan knew the explicit details of my past. It seemed I was now forced to air out my dirty laundry. And it made me edgy as fuck. "Umm...yeah."

Ethan ran a hand over his face. "I'm not having my female discuss that with you, Matheson. It's none of your business."

"It is when I have a beaten man on a hospital bed."

"A drunk," Ethan amended, his tone sharp. "The male is a drunk. Who beat my female for no other reason than he wanted to. You want answers? I'll give you the basics. Out of sheer fucking coincidence, the bastard stumbled upon my Annie in a restaurant full of people...where he put his goddamned filthy hands on her in my fucking presence. Now you know my nature, Sherriff. That is unacceptable. The fucker should be glad that all he received was a beating. He deserves worse."

I didn't expect such an explanation would work and I assumed Tony wouldn't be satisfied so easily. It seemed I was wrong. It also seemed that Tony deserved more credit than I was willing to give him.

"Why didn't you just say so, Dom?"

It was my turn to blink like a blithering fool. "Uhh...what?"

He looked at me, his shoulders a little less tense, his body a little less rigid. "I'm not okay with violence against women, Annie. As far as I'm concerned, Ethan should have finished the fucking job."

I glanced between the two males, just as quiet as Gavin was.

"Soooo...that means you believe us?" I inquired.

He leaned into the chair, once more mimicking Ethan's pose. "Of course I do." A small smile played on his lips. "As much as Dune's an asshole, he wouldn't lie about something like that."

"And as much as Matheson is an accusatory bastard," countered Ethan, "he doesn't promote violence against females."

I stared between the two, truly trying to understand their odd relationship...and vague past. "Does this mean you're friends now?"

"No," they both said in unison.

Well...alrighty then.

Tony got up and moved to the door, stopping with a hand on the knob. "Hey Dom?"


"You mind adding what happened with Dina? Lotta folks in town asked me about that odd group of yours passing through for a while. They left just as abruptly as you did."

Ethan's brows tightened. "She's dead."

Tony froze, obviously in shock. It took him a moment to gather himself. "Sorry to hear that. My condolences."

Ethan inclined his head. "Thanks."

It was a bizarre exchange. One I would remember on nights that I lay in bed wide awake, thinking of what truly drove Tony and Ethan to their current predicament against one another. It was mystifying in its own right, just as the connectivity they shared. It almost appeared as if there were a union of some sort-an underlying respect and understanding for one another that they didn't dwell on, question or exploit.

"I gather you'll take care of it," Ethan murmured.

"Consider it a dead end," said Tony, opening the door wide. He made a move to leave but a deep, thundering voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Watch where you're going, human."

Tony's eyes went wide as he faced off with a golden beauty...Kindra. Despite being a female wolf and no doubt stronger than Tony, she stood one foot shorter than him, with dark skin and a glow that made my pregnancy look like a flickering watt bulb on the cusp of a burnout. Her eyes were similar to Ethan's and her brother's, but different. The gold was darker. The sparkle not as vivid. Her hair fell in thick dark waves, cascading to the small of her back and off her muscled shoulders.

She wore a simple white, form-fitting tank top, with cargo pants and black boots that thundered like lightening with every step. She was a fierce female-strong and independent. Ethan took her nearly everywhere when shit got critical and I understood why. She had keen eyes. Eyes that measured every nuance, and a mind that was just as sharp. She was logical, efficient and deadly as a wolf.

Tony's sudden reaction rendered him incapable of speech or movement and Kindra rolled her eyes on a scowl. "Move it," she barked. "You're in the way."

Tony moved, but not of his own volition. It was like his body was merely responding to her command without his knowledge.

That is, until he offered her his large palm. "Hello. I'm Tony. I don't think I've met you before. I would've definitely remembered."

She stared at his open hand...and walked into the room ignoring the introduction. "Alpha, may I speak with you?"

Tony dropped his palm and continued to stare at her, his eyes roaming the entire length of her body.

"Stay the night, Matheson," Ethan called out to the mesmerized man. He bit back a laugh. "It's a long drive and you look like you need to be here."

Tony blinked a few times and shook himself to get it together. "Ahh...yeah...sure. Thanks, Dune."

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence. During which, Kindra turned, glared at Tony and shooed him away. "Be on your way. You're interrupting."

Tony's eyes grew hooded and he smiled. "Sure thing, darlin'."

"Don't call me-"

"Dune," he interrupted. "I'll be seeing you later." He left just as quickly as he arrived.

Which left us in the room with a very pissed off Kindra. She walked further into the office and pointed a thumb behind her. "Never liked that guy. He's an idiot."

I laughed quietly and she focused on me. "What's up, Luna? How you feeling today?"

"Good." I pointed to the door behind her. "I think Tony has a thing for you." Ethan and Gav barked out similar laughs.

"Ha, ha," she said sarcastically. "Very funny."

Gavin took full advantage. "Should I tell your brother of the impending engagement?"